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WingedDog October 10th, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Guys, I need a 12H delay. I've sent PM to Jazzepi, but not sure if he is admin, so if he isn't - I hope present admin would read my request. Thanks in advance, and sorry for the inconvenience.

llamabeast October 10th, 2008 01:02 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
I've just done the postponement (WingedDog PMed me and said he urgently needed it done - I hope I haven't trodden on the admin's toes).

Jazzepi October 10th, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Woops. Put in another 12 hour delay.

Oh well :D


Jazzepi October 10th, 2008 05:30 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Awesome. Ry'leh just overcast my BoT for a stupid gem producing global.

Way to go.


tgbob October 10th, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Thems fightin' words!

Dragar October 10th, 2008 11:43 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
??? there is only one global up..

WingedDog October 11th, 2008 01:12 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Ofcource it is. Not speaking there's no Ry'leh in this game and Jazzepi's nation (Ulm) is set to AI, so the conclusion is - Jazzepi has posted in the wrong topic.

By the way thanks to Jazzepi and llama for setting the delay.

konming October 11th, 2008 03:46 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Nation of Arco is buying blood slaves. PM me to quote your price. We can certainly work something out. :)

We are also buying gems. You can sell any gems to us. While gems are valuable, in war, you also need troops, mages and castles.

Last but not least, we trade for death and earth gems. We can pay astral or fire.

Janlm October 12th, 2008 08:03 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

Originally Posted by Jazzepi (Post 644665)
Awesome. Ry'leh just overcast my BoT for a stupid gem producing global.

Way to go.


heh wrong thread jazzepi, but i'm sorry that was definitly not my intention :)

Jazzepi October 17th, 2008 03:11 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Putting hosting on 48 hours. Post in the thread if you have any objection.


Jazzepi October 18th, 2008 11:09 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
I'm going to germany soon. I'd like someone else to take over the admining of this game.


konming October 19th, 2008 12:20 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
I can take over admin if no one objects.

WingedDog October 19th, 2008 01:43 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Yes, I think konming is the best choise for administrator position.

Jazzepi October 19th, 2008 01:44 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

Originally Posted by konming (Post 646681)
I can take over admin if no one objects.

Sounds fine. I'll pm you the password.


konming October 19th, 2008 02:24 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
OK, when Jazzepi pm me the password, I will be the new admin.

konming October 20th, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
OK I have taken over. My thank goes to Jazzepi who was a wonderful admin and salvaged the game.

Please PM me for any extension request and comments.


tgbob October 21st, 2008 03:24 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Request! Kill me already.

WingedDog November 11th, 2008 08:57 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Does anybody know why Unoptimised is missing? He contacted anyone?

konming November 17th, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Sorry guys, real life crunch came and I have to withdraw from all games I am in. If a replacement cannot be found, please set me to AI. Thanks and sorry for the trouble I caused.

On a side note, Baalz violated NAP and did a surprise attack. You should treat his words, well, as nothing more than words, I guess.

Also please someone take over the admin duty. I really appreciate it.

WingedDog November 17th, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
2 konming
I have an information you've canceled a NAP with him few turns ago, is it wrong?
Anyway, send the administrator's password to someone before leaving. I could have it, if nobody minds, and then try to find a sub for you.

konming November 17th, 2008 12:38 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 653614)
2 konming
I have an information you've canceled a NAP with him few turns ago, is it wrong?
Anyway, send the administrator's password to someone before leaving. I could have it, if nobody minds, and then try to find a sub for you.

I threatened to cancel NAP if he did not stop attack Marignon. And he replied he would comply. And he did retreat the next turn.

The exact wording is "I urge you to reconsider your aggression. Otherwise, this is the advance notice required by our NAP agreement." So I guess it is open to interpretion.

WingedDog November 17th, 2008 12:50 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Alright I have taken over administrator's duties, and start looking for konming's sub immediately. PM me all requests of delay or any problems considering the game. For now I hold hosting for some time to figure out if it is possible to find a sub.

Zeldor November 20th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Ok, time to do some cleaning here. Some aggressive neighbours trying to get their chance at the change of rulership in Arco will be really disappointed.

P.S. I didn't follow the thread, but it looks like Jomon breached the NAP without canceling it. Does that game have some other rules? I always though that NAPs work, until the very late game. I cannot get any reply from Jomon player...

WingedDog November 21st, 2008 04:32 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
No NAP rules here. Besides, in my correspondance with Baaz he mentioned about 4 turns ago Arco has cancelled their NAP.

Baalz November 21st, 2008 09:42 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
FWIW, I never violate NAPs. Here's the full message you sent me:

"Mighty Lord of Jomon:

I regret to announce that our NAP now comes to an end. Your attack on my ally, the honorable Marignon, forces me to end our NAP. I urge you to reconsider your aggression. Otherwise, this is the advance notice required by our NAP agreement. And current turn number is 45."

You declared war on me and we never renegotiated a new NAP (note: I wouldn't have agreed to one after you bullying me like that). The fact that I pulled out of Marignon has no bearing on the fact that you quite clearly were done observing the spirit of the A in NAP.

Ps. I'm subbing for Jomon, so it's me you want to talk to Zeldor.

Zeldor November 21st, 2008 12:11 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Oh, crap :P Arco is doomed :) I just wanted to get things clear, as from konming's post [and lack of prepartions for the attack] suggested that Jomon breached the NAP.

Unoptimized November 22nd, 2008 09:58 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Hey guys, sorry about the short notice, but I wound up doing early thanksgiving, so I have been on the road all day. If I could get a 24h extension, it would be much appreciated

WingedDog November 23rd, 2008 06:04 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
2 Unoptimized
You've posted too late for me to read this message. So the turn is already hosted, sorry.

2 All
If you ever need postponing turn, I would gladly help you, but please, post your message in advance, and consider the time difference.
I have changed the hosting interval to 72 hours for this week, if you need a further delay - PM me.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2008 01:16 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Huh, I start to understand why konming wanted out.

I'd like to inform that Man has breached the NAP - attacked 1 turn after sending NAP3 cancellation notice.

I will make sure he is banned from all games I host. I will also be so evil to announce his treacherous behaviour in every game he joins. It is closed MP community, if he thinks that just breaching a NAP like that will be tolerated, he is mistaken. And I really have no idea what he wanted to acchieve, like that 2 turns would save him?

WingedDog November 23rd, 2008 02:15 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Diplomacy rules, breaking NAPs, treitorous persons list were discussed a lot of times.
Read this: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...0&postcount=90
And this: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showp...&postcount=145

Then read the sticky about cerating games:


Now, this first post needs to include all the details of the game:
- Age
- Map (if you know yet)
- How often you want the turns to go**
- Number of players (if you have a firm idea)
- Mods (if any)***
- Non-standard settings (graphs off? research on difficult? there are lots and lots of interesting possibilities for different games)
- Victory conditions (if any)
- Diplomacy policy (are treaties considered unbreakable, or is this a Machiavellian world?)
- Which race you want to play (you get first choice)!
Then read first post with rules on this game.

So Man has discredited himself, but he broke no inhouse rules, since no NAP policy is mentioned.

Zeldor November 23rd, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Exactly. And that's what sticks in online community, especially small one. I still cannot understand why he'd sent a 3-turn notice and attack after 1 turn. Changes almost nothing in that game, but spoil his diplomacy in all future games.

WingedDog November 23rd, 2008 02:25 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
There are many people who do not care much for player's reputation.

Zeldor November 24th, 2008 08:39 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
I could use 24h more for that turn. And maybe we should switch to 72h?

WingedDog November 24th, 2008 09:02 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
More 24 hours? You mean until Thursday?

Zeldor November 24th, 2008 01:45 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Oh, I was sure it is hosting tomorrow morning. So no need for delay :)

Juffos November 26th, 2008 05:27 AM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Hey Zeldor


I gave a fair declarement of cancelling the non-aggression pact to your predecessor, but you chose to mind hunt my people down. My Pretender has decided that to be a breach of the NAP and thus you the original betrayer.

You are leading in research and you have two gem-producing globals up and at least you led in provinces. You thought all other players would just stand idle while you are racing towards victory? You had this coming.

You also seem to consider having scouts in another player's lands as breaching a NAP. Aren't you a bit too strict here, mm?

Don't you think you're a bit overreacting to the situation, you are the leading player in the game, shouldn't you be able to remove treacherous pretenders without forum flames?

All this we both are going through is completely pointless.

Zeldor November 26th, 2008 01:46 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

You sent a NAP3 warning. You attacked after 1 turn. And the only possible situation when someone of yours could be mind hunted would be if he was in my lands [as I was aiming mind hunts at Jomon raiders]. So you are simply unhonourable person that breaks treaties. So yes, I will keep my word. I just hate people that break treaties for no reason. And yes, I will get so low to remind about your behaviour in every game you join.

You did a mistake, breached a NAP without any reason. You may say sorry, pay reparations, get few turns of peace and we fight fairly after that. Otherwise you know what awaits you. Your choice.

fungalreason November 26th, 2008 02:32 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Wow, get a grip....

Arco is clearly dominating. They have most of the artifacts, elemental royalty, gem income, and resarch DOUBLE that of the next player. If you think a NAP at that point has any meaning, you're probably playing the wrong game. I don't know about you, but I expect anyone that builds up such a lead will have to defend it at some point, not NAP their way to a victory. It's not like Man had any other options since Arco completely boxed them in the corner, so I don't see why you're acting as if this attack is unexpected.

Regardless, threats about posting in other game threads is ridiculous. In fact I'd be less likely to deal with YOU rather than Juffo should you choose to pursue that route.

Zeldor November 26th, 2008 03:09 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

I have nothing against him attacking me [after all, he has not many other choices and Arco is leading]. The only problem is that he said the he cancels NAP3 and attacked turn after. If he attacked straight, without saying anything, I'd be OK with that. If he waited 3 turns it would be fine too.

For me it looks like he had an intention to attack after 1 turn while sending 3-turn notice. Things like that are not really liked in that MP community.

P.S. I don't give Arco many chances to survive that war. Previous player did a great job at getting to that power, but then neglected diplomatic relations and made almost no preparations for coming wars.

WingedDog November 28th, 2008 12:31 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
I have postponed hosting for 8 hours.

Zeldor November 29th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Huh, I have really bad luck to nasty bugs recently. Lost one SC in other game in strange circumstances and now a bug with not moving armies hit me and costed me a fort.

fungalreason November 29th, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
It looks like there's a replay bug at "Tenen" as well. My scout sees Jomon win it and kill the golem. However he's still alive and you maintain control of the province.

Zeldor November 29th, 2008 01:19 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Are you sure? On my replay he easily wins quite fast and lost only 1 or 2 HP total.

fungalreason November 29th, 2008 01:46 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Yeah the second wave of cavalry comes in and several big lance hits take him out. Very strange.

WingedDog November 29th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
My replay shows the same as fungalreason's. It's the common combat viewer bug.

fungalreason November 29th, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
It looks like for whatever reason, my version of the combat isn't factoring in the protection of the golem. Example from the debug: samurai hits with lance, does 24 damage, and the golem takes the entire 24. Perhaps this is the cause of the replay bug?

26313 striking with weapon Lance. att21 def19
hitloc Samurai Cavalry strikes Golem wl4 diff-1 -> 3
hitunit 26313 492 dmg24 spec-2011168768 ba3
damage 24 on Golem, spec0x88200000 ba3
hitunit 492 26313 dmg4 spec135296 ba1
spec_mr pen 11 mr 10 (unr 492 vic 26313 dmg 66 eff 4)

Zeldor December 6th, 2008 05:31 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Crap, bad habits from Kingmaker. I got used to quickhost turned off and I submitted only partial turn.

But at least Man is paying the price for breaching the NAP and attacking like a coward. I really liked that battle :)

WingedDog December 9th, 2008 02:13 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
Damn! ArcoTV is never boring! :D

Zeldor December 9th, 2008 02:36 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)
What did you watch this time? :)

WingedDog December 9th, 2008 03:21 PM

Re: Artifacts Forgery (starting soon)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 658537)
What did you watch this time? :)

Storm of the fortress of Ambersand ofcourse! :D

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