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Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
The llamserver is finally back up. llamabeast has also set the host to go off in 36 hours. Its like getting a bunch of presents wrapped in boxes and then being told that I can't open them until tomorrow. Anybody else feel the itch for some real warfare?
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Don't tell me you had resorted to SP as well? :P |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well, sounds like someone is planning on starting this game in earnest once things begin rolling again, I can hardly wait.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I don't think I ever stopped being earnest. I think I submitted five to six variation of my turn all under the assumption that the llamaserver was going to receive them. Its what happens when someone gives me too long of a time frame to ponder such intricacies. The few changes to diplomatic statuses weren't helpful in curbing this addictive behavior either.
Edit: Luckly I'm in a network game as well so I didn't have to SP in order to get my Dominions fix. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Ape nation of Bandar Log is looking to buy a thristle mace. We pay well. Interested party please inquiry by PM. :)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Think we have another staling nation in the form of Abysia.
'anticipatient' is playing them, and I know he had a computer problem a few weeks back, but was getting it sorted and seemed to be coping with turns just about in the meantime. But since Ike appeared on the US scene he hasn't been seen on the forums, or submitted turns for any of the games he's in. So not sure if it's his computer probs that are keeping him away, or if some power outage problems have added to his Dominions playing woes, or something else entirely. Whatever though, four stales in a row suggests something needs to be done. AoE, you did a top job find a sub for Arco, fancy having another bash at sub finding for Abysia? They should be any easier sell as well since they seem to be in an ok position even with the stales, and they also don't have Ashdodians beating down their front door :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Funny, I was about to come to this thread to suggest that we find a sub for anticipatent. I hesitated longer with him because he at least informed us of his problem. I see what I can find.
P.S.: Bandar Log doing good for itself. I don't suppose they've researched any new strategies? |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Hoo will be our sub unless otherwise noted. His only request is that the hosting interval be set to 48 hours. He's sure he'll get his turns in before this, but wants the extra leeway. I personally have no problem with this.
Welcome to the game hoo. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
With malice towards none and charity towards all*, I say hello. Since I have no idea what my predecssor may have done, I have a blank slate with all in the game. I am willing to honor any NAPS currently in Effect, so please contact me with any specifics as to your diplomacy with Abyssia. I have no idea what type of shape Abyssia is in so there's a chance, I may post in the next 24 hours full of woe, anguish and pleading for mercy. Look forward to joining the game.
hoo *Please recognize the possibility that if Abyssia is a currently an unknown powerhouse, I reserve the right to use you as candles for my next evening soiree. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Area Of Effect you are a sub finding GOD :angel :angel :angel
On topic, I'm about to leave work after having a really rotten day, and knowing full well I will have an even more rotten day tomorrow to look forward too :( Now instead of that guaranteed painful day of work, I'd much rather stay at home and play Dominions :) So AoE, any chance you can find me a sub for work for a day or two? :D |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Sure, I'm bored with my own job. Where do I report for duty? :)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Abyssia Update: Wanted: Charlton Heston
Apparently, naughty little monkeys thought they could help themselves to Abyssian territory while the house was dark. Now, daddy is home and is displeased to find monkey poo in the front yard. I'm willing to discuss peace provided you're willing to pay for it. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
To my own disadvantage, I have postponed the hosting of this next turn by 6 hours. It would be sad if only one of my many enemies got to submit commands this turn. My apologies if you were expecting a new turn to arrive just minutes from now.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well, this turn either your siege of my capital will be broken or I'll lose a lot of troops, As far as I know Mictlan doesnt have the greatest armor in the world so we shall see how you stand up under a massive barrage of Blade Wind and acid rain.. Should be interesting.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I didn't see any Acid Rain. :o The Blade Wind did alright, but there were just too many Eagle Warriors for you to have much of a chance. It would have been better if your real troops had been outside the Maenads as well, as them fighting and dying would have been better than just standing there and autorouting. ;)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well I guess the Jade Maidens were pretty much immune to blade wind
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm going to be honest. On the first examination of the turn I didn't even notice your attack. This is in no way my attempt to be rude, but I had bigger concerns at the time.
I don't want you to leave the game without taking something from this experience. My greatest pleasure was in seeing you choose the master lich as your pretender. It is such a wonderful pretender in my opinion and really deserves more praise then it gets. However, I feel you didn't use it to it's fullest potential. The master lich is the sort of god you send out naked with a bunch of chaff to cast some horrifying battlefield spell and then script to attack so that he dies from a short sword wound. Dying while in his own dominion is honestly the best thing that can happen to the master lich once he's done his thing. For him it's like a free teleport spell back to his capitol. Combine that with the ability to cloud trapeze or teleport and you can strike at armies on opposite sides of your dominion in consecutive rounds. In your case you could have sent out your god in repeated attempts to whittle my army down and assess my forces. These free attacks could have allowed you to see some sort of hole in my strategy. It might have made you avoid blade wind in preference to some other spell. I less-then-three the master lich to a degree that I'm sure you can't comprehend. Unlike every other person in this game who prefers that damned great enchantress. Three of them, how in the world can their be three of them! Let's also not forget Ry'leh with his stupid wyrm! In the same way I love the master lich, I detest the wyrm. Don't get me wrong, it is a good wyrm as far as wyrms go, but for god sake it has a head where it's $@# should be! Thank you for playing till the end. I very much like to see someone with tenacity. It reminds me that next time, when against the same opponent, things won't be so easy. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Yeah, things wont be so easy in our Revenge of Pimping game.. Of course I currently have a NAP with your teammate and I suppose by extension with you as well, at least until Ermor is taken care of..
The main thing I learned from that game was Dont go with Pangaea for that strategy on such a small damn map where you wont have time to get production into full swing. The battle might have gone a little differently had I made some more enourmous cauldrons and fed my troops before hand, I didnt realize that starvation hurt their moral that badly, most of them started running as soon as it started. But I wanted it to be over so I can spend my time elsewhere anyways. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well Arco is officially dead. Unfortunately I think I ended up doing absolutely nothing, but I tried ;)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Thanks for doing what you could. It was much better then letting the nation go AI.
To Vanheim: I hope your large army likes dying a slow and painful death in a disease infested swamp. I suppose I neglected to mention that feature of the landscape. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm really noticing that one turn at this point of the game needs actually lots of time and attention to be carried out succesfully without being infested with simple mistakes. I just dropped out of my second game so I could concentrate more on Standards, I hope it improves my gameplay a bit. I had my last turn actually carefully played out in good time, but then my son came and pressed the power off from the computer. I had to replay the turn in haste last night, so I blame him for any mistakes I made ;) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Could I please get a 72 hour extension? I'll be gone this weekend.
Jazzepi |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
No problem.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Let it be known that Ashdod has perpetrated an unprovoked attack against the Nation of Man in violation of our NAP. Let this be evidence to all other nations the cost of tolerating their continued existence as their wanton lust for conquest will not be sated until all lands are crushed beneath their gargantuan heels.
(Actually I'm somewhat happy you made a move, it was getting a bit boring and I'm interested to see if I'll be able to topple your giants. Also, how the the heck did this thread fall to the second page?) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
@ Fakeymcfake
There was never any Ashdod-Man NAP in existence to break. The only agreement we ever had was an early peace signing to allow each of our nations to expand without clashing with each other. And this is very different from a NAP. Also, if you did believe you had a NAP with Ashdod, then it is you who broke it first by sending stealthy preachers into Ashdod lands. That is always a sure fire way to violate an NAP. But politics aside :) I'm looking forward to some good battles ahead against the archery kings of Avalon :happy: Edit: Greeting Mictlan :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Greeting Ashdod. :)
I certianly couldn't let you have all the fun wothout any of the challenge. Lucky for you I've got my neighbors knocking on the door. Do you think I should let them in? P.S.: I cast a summon spell. I hope you like it. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I was fairly certain that we had a 3 turn NAP along with that boarder agreement, could be mistaken though as I'm bad about remembering details. Anyhow the priest was just poking about due to the massive amounts of troops you had sitting on our boarders. In any event, don't take what I say too literally (especially in-game) as I enjoy overly bombastic rhetoric and rarely have a chance to let loose.
In any effect it's now a moot point as war from any cause is still war, and despite the odds I plan on winning or at least severely annoying you to the point of utter frustration. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
@ AoE - Can't promise you'll have any fun in Ashdodian lands, but you are welcome to have a look :) and if you feel the need to cast a spell or two to aid your enjoyment, then go right ahead :D And I'm pretty sure it's good manners to open your door whenever somebody knocks on it. I'm certainly expecting such a courtesy off you when I come-a-banging on Mictlan HQ :p
@ Fakeymcfake - The Dominions notepad, which I summoned up from my local supermarket, and which I highly recommend to all Dom MP-ers :up:, tells me that it was just a 'peace' agreement we had, and not any sort of NAP. But as you say, all besides the point now :) Looking forward to a good war ahead though. And win or lose, I hope we both have a blast :happy: |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
hoo has asked for a 4 hour delay. I have granted it in trade for someone's first born child.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
My apologies to my opponents. My battles with Vanheim and Ry'leh both executed in ways I had not planned. The problem with Vanheim was that units I had planned on staying left for the battle against Ry'leh. I beleive I would have won had I the critical mass I thought I had.
As for Ry'leh. My apologies. Every scenario I wanted to avoid happened anyhow due to several scripting mistakes and incorrect assumptions. Yet I managed to win, something that shouldn't have happened. I need to rein in that nature three mage who decided to cast Touch of Madness on slingers. I also need to know from now on that astral spells will likely target you mages over the shambler thralls. How embarrassing. All is well though. I'll take special care these next few rounds. Especially when swapping units from two different provinces. As for Ashodod, well done. I think I've got solution to those sacreds though. Let's round three begin. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'd love to know why none of my units cast shadow blast like I instructed them to. Or even followed their script at all. I find communions extremely frustrating most of the time. Jazzepi |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Because of a misunderstanding (I hope) Caelum advanced to our lands a month earlier than I expected, and to me it seems at this point that I will be knocked out unconcious on round three :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Only LA Ry'leh.
Jazzepi |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Actually make it three. But the first one died in the first round before he was able to cast any spells.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Meh, I may have jumped the gun on my play-date with Vanheim. 8 \
Somehow, I felt a little rushed, but I dismissed it, as I always feel rushed when starting a war (I think too much). I'm definitely specifying which month a NAP is canceled from now on, so that can be referenced later (for my own use especially!). 8 \ |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I don't remember sending out all these party invites?! :confused::confused::confused:
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
a) Are house trained. b) Bring their own drink. c) Promise not to bring any pets. d) Don't pinch anything when they leave. Would all guests to the great Ashdod party, both invited and uninvited, please remember that you are only temporary guests in my home, so kindly have some consideration for those who live here :) And try not to wreck the f&£$ing place! :p |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well the soldiers of Ulm are house-trained, but I can't speak for all of these "tribals" that I recruited. :)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I think the rules should be:
a) Are weapon or magic trained b) Bring their own weapon c) Promise not to bring any souvenir d) say goodbye when they see Mr. Hudoles leave :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
The monkey nation is selling hammers for 15E each. :)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Can I please request a 48hr extension of the current turn. I have to go to Greece for a week with work later today, and have no idea if I will have internet/WiFi access while I am there. I might not need the extension if all is good there, but thought I'd better ask now in case I can't access the forums again until the weekend.
@ AoE - Congrats on the win. Very puzzled how it happened though, since on paper that looked like a pretty safe victory to me :confused: Think I'll put it down to a self-abusing mage who likes casting Firecloud on himself! :p |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Attack Large Monsters. A weakness of Ashdod is that you can easily target their best units. He cast fire cloud to shoo away eagle warriors. I guess a unit with any form of fire resistance is willing to cast that spell on themselves, apparently. I've seen lifeless beings cast cloud of death on themselves before, so it didn't surprise me.
I would like to thank the forces of Man for their troop movement. The retreating commanders of Ashdod will likely not survive without a friendly province nearby. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
4 capital mage down, ??? to go.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I love airport internet terminals :)
@ AoE - Yeah, noticed during my fights against Arco that most spells had the annoying habit of always targetting my size 6 guys. My favourite part of our last fight was the antics of my Adon. He started in great fashion by finishing off your Eagle Warriors. Then followed that up well by casting some buffs. Then for the finish he starts charging down the battlefield, all ready to save the day for the good guys :p But then suddenly has second thoughts and is the first guy to high tail it out of there :shock: Personally think he should be stripped of his HoF status for that cowardly act! :D Quote:
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Monkey nation is looking for more monkey business. Monkeys would like to play with ruby (fire gem). Monkeys have superior quality diamond (air gem) and sapphire (water gem) to trade. Monkeys also found small quantity of other gems but could not identify them. Interested party should contact our import/export agent konming.
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