![]() |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Yeah, Ulm! Take it to them!
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Come, come, you imperialist Westerner alliance, to the land of Mictlan, and see our great factories and industry. Look upon our enthusiastic manufacture of Coyolxauhqui Stones, for production is up an amazing 600% from last month! And just this week the agricultural workers of Mictlan from across the nation planted trees in the arboretum of the Kunal Ermorian Citadel and the Winter Peaks Revolutionary Site on Monday. Come see our nice trees! -- Mictlan |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Hunter of Mictlan.... just shut up. You know you are dead. We know you are dead. It is just a matter of time.
Wow, got a little emphatic there, didn't I |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
OOC, I just want to say that, even with drain tolerance, it is never worth it to take drain 3... ever. The magic fading event has struck me twice this game and it has not been kind. Just a little advice from a person who has had the experience.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
@Ulm: I see you declared war in this forum but we had a three turn NAP which you never cancelled, a warning would have been nice!
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
True, however that also would have given you time to prepare. Methinks, given how large you are, that would be an error. I usually do honor non-aggression pacts, however all is fair in love and war, and it doesn't look like the other members of the Western Coalition had three turns.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
For what it's worth:
Atlantis had no knowledge at all that Mictlan was casting Burden of Time. So Mictlan pretty much violated out NAP with them too, except we figured that Man (and Bogarus and Marignon) would be worse affected. Ulm ... well, we'd offer belated apologies, if you hadn't reneged much earlier on your promise to invade Bogarus from the south. For all Mictlan knew, Atlantis could have had a province full of Lore Masters or something. And Mictlan never had a NAP with Ulm, or Bogarus, Marignon, or Man. So I'm not sure who you want three turns for? |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I have no problem with the breaking of NAPs in this game. For the record, Mari never had one with anybody (except Bogarus, I think), though we do have allies.
It's a small game, and we've known who was on who's side for a long time. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Yes, looking at it from a non-insane point of view, I think Ulm was completely justified in attacking the ally of the caster of Burden of Time, even though a NAP existed. And even though the ally was completely unaware of my plans.
But looking at things from a non-insane point of view is no fun at all. :( Are you sure you don't want Hunter to come back and post? |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Hunter? Why not, he's a fun guy. I'll bring Kali back too. What the hell, the world is going down in flames, let's get back in character.
Kali, messenger of the flames, cares not that the burden of time is again afflicting the peoples of the world. She measures her lifespan in aeons, not decades. (oh, and, scribe, order another Dispel. Seems Mictlan likes to waste his death gems) |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Kali laments the passing of the Altantean Monolith pretender Bruno, by her own hand. About like she laments the passing of a large gallstone.
We will be using the rock fragments to pave the road to Atlantis. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Meanwhile, in the north, Mictlan's armies have made great strides forwards and sideways! We have repelled the attack of the sick imperialist aggressors, and they are now on their heels like dogs! Our indefatigable forces are ready for more action, but once again we will prove our peaceful nature by offering a ceasefire to Man if they withdraw all their forces to the west of the Mountains, where they belong in their western imperialist castles, and tear down all their temples to their false god, and surrender all territory east of the mountains immediately.
-- The Benevolent and Peaceful Spirit of Hunter of Mictlan |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Hmm. It seems a cease fire, this point, would just be a death sentence. While you sit in your castles, you die quickly of old age. Kali beseeches Man not to consider the insidious offer of Hunter. Death in the field in glory is much better than death in a dank sick room.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Indeed. If Man enacts a ceasefire while the burden of time is in effect it will surely mean a slow death for them. Ulm meanwhile remains fairly immune to the effects of the Burden of Time, and will only grow stronger as time goes on.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
C'mon All. The East buried now. Let's get to work
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I do indeed believe that the Atlantian tide has reached its highest point, and will only recede from here. The main Ulmish armies are just now entering the fray, and Atlantis is overextended. Good hunting Marignon, we'll see who reaches their capital first.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
It seems Kali wasn't very popular with his troops for forcing them to march into the icy cold of Atlantis. After the Atlantians left the battlefield to reform, the crossbowmen of Marignom aimed their weapons at their leader.
Sade of Ulm met a similar fate when her troops left her standing all alone on the the battlefield. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Fortunately Sade has many lives, as do most of her troops.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Sigh. Killed by my own men. What's next I wonder?
-ghost of Kali |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The Council of Marignon wishes to quell any rumors that the God Kali is dead. She was gravely wounded in the rout of Atlantis, but she is recuperating nicely in our best hospital. Our overzealous crossbowmen have been severely punished for their mistake.
When Kali is fully recovered, she will no longer be a combatant. She will sit the throne and do all kinds of queenly stuff. (and to those of you referring to her as a male? It may be hard to tell, especially in the thick of battle, but Kali is a female Moloch. Don't know why really... guess it's cause she looks like a Gorgon (same icon, different color), so at the beginning I just assumed it was female. Now I have to stick with it.) |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Well, I'm about ready to call this one for Mictlan, unless Atlantis wants to turn on them for casting Astral Corruption.
BoT is killing my mages faster than I can make them, AC is up now, and the only place I am even winning battles is with the AI Bogarus. I won't go AI on you guys if you want to keep playing (like some other did), but I'm really not capable of much at all anymore. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
You should talk to Man and Ulm about calling the game now, and probably Atlantis too. :)
I think you will find they have other ideas! If Ulm's got legions of Vampire Counts, he doesn't care about BoT or AC. Man is doing quite nicely, though the northlands between the mountains and river are not as pleasant a place to live as they used to be. They still look better than the homelands of post-apocalyptic Mictlan. Marignon has probably suffered the most collateral damage as the result of the insanity of the Ghost of Hunter (may he burn in hell). Oh, how different this world might have been if it had been Marignon on Ermor's border, and not Mictlan! In any case, we send our regrets to Marignon, who supported us long ago in Mictlan's battle against evil. -- The Popular People's Front of Mictlan |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I'm doing pretty well Vampire count and lord wise (as Atlantis is finding out), and my chaff is increasing by leaps and bounds... I don't think that this war is lost for the Western Coalition yet!
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Indeed, I've mitigated most of my opponents damage and their failed attempts to halt my research has proven to be mostly a waste of gems. I'm almost satisfied with the research I have.
As for the new nasty world enchantment, that's why I have my own imortal units. Edit: Though I would never be opposed to some help from Atlantis. Opening that front would do the whole world a favor. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I would be agreeable to a ceasefire on the Atlantian front in order to press the war against Mictlan... I would need that province I took in the north however, in order so that I could push armies through what used to be Bogarus.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
OK. I'll hang in there. Seems others are doing better than I thought they were. I would like to hear from Atlantis though. I'll just beat up on Bogarus for now I guess.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
No, you must all bow before the might that is Mictlan, and give up hope now! Surrender all your territories and drown your armies in the lakes, that is your only chance. I, the Spirit of Hunter (praise me), will then grant you eternal longevity. Do not listen to those who seek to pervert the course of preordained history!
So speaks the Spirit of Hunter. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Spirit of Kali spits on Spirit of Hunter.
We assume they are in the same place. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Just want to let you know that I'll be leaving on a 4-Week vacation
tomorrow. My brother will be taking over for me, so he will decide what direction Atlantis will take from now on, although I have advised him how to proceed. Thanks for the game, guys! |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Is your brother on the boards? If so, what is his name? In case some diplomacy is needed.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Mictlan achieves great victory in the battle for The Great Feral! If you watch the replay, that is. The Ghost of Hunter says, "Bah." :(
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
BFG Mictlan. We are coming for you.
--Marignon |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
The Ghost of Hunter is not aware of all acronym traditions! He is quite old and you will need to more verbose if you wish to have a meaningful dialog.
But it doesn't matter. We have heard this story before. Our invulnerable army is waiting for Marverni in our invulnerable fortress in Ancyrna (#110). If you are not afraid of the might that is Mictlan, then we look forward to your arrival in #110 this month. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Our god is a truely superior being and far greater then Mictlan's pretender. Clearly you have witnessed his ability to rewrite the past and bring about fortune to those that fear and respect him.
The Great Feral is ours. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Oh, and Kali is back from her vacation in Hell. She's looking a bit jet-lagged, and worse for wear, but still in fine fighting shape. She will be visiting a prov near you in the near future.
And all crossbowmen have been trained not to shoot Kali in the back in the future. They will be immediately executed if they do so, even if they claim it was an accident. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Hey guys, I'm going to be going to the field from Tuesday morning till late evening Thursday... just letting you know, no internet for me.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
How can you survive in the field? We wish you luck. Maybe you can take some Bear Grylls tapes with you.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Well, well. Kali got killed by the Eater of Gods before she could even get geared up. Wonder who could have sent that little beastie?
I'll probably go AI in a few turns. I can't fight under these conditions. I'll try to take out Bogarus first so you guys don't have to worry about two rogue AI nations. Oh, and Atlantis attacked me under a flag of truce, with no warning, so nobody should trust Atlantis in the least. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Clarification. We realize the Eater of Gods incident was a random event, greatly hastened by the Astral Corruption affecting the world.
Guard your Gods. The Eater is on the loose. He may soon come for yours. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Atlantis is under new guidance.
Bruno is pleased.:D |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Our regrets to Marignon.
The new head of state was not aware of any truce. Those crossbowmen needed some action before dying of old age. Can we offer a few fire gems as compensation? |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Man's diplomatic policy is to never publicly demonstrate weakness. I'm sure most of the other nations have been under the impression that Man has everything well in hand. For the most part this is true. We can at least defend ourselves and we have yet to suffer a loss that we could not recover from.
However, we project that in the near future this may not be the case. The resources of Mictlan far exceed ours and have exceeded ours for some time now. We estimate that the nation of Man will be overrun by demon bats before the year is through. So, in breaking with diplomatic policy... Help! |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Bam! And down goes the Bogarus cap. Just a few more Bogarus castles to take down, then I can bow out of this game.
I even took it down without the use of my famous flaming crossbows. Of course, it is just the AI. So I shouldn't pat myself on the back too much. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Actually, I think I will stay in until I am knocked out. This is kind of fun playing without a Pretender or any useful mages. A challenge, I would say.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Good to hear! I think this game has been pretty challenging for everyone.
AoE, did you see lwarmonger's request for an extension above? The game page still says: Next turn due: 15:15 GMT on Thursday December 11th |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
I saw it and then forgot about it because he had submitted a turn at the time. Thanks for the heads up.
Also, I tweeked the original post. Added ghurk to the player list, made it easy to PM any of the players, and spruced up the nation/player layout. |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Back and turn submitted.
You know, even though I will probably be on the losing end of this game, it really is an interesting one. The coalition of the East is quite powerful, however I have to think that their poisonous dominion (especially Atlantis) has to be hurting them. On the other hand, so is the Astral corruption and Burden of Time eminating from Mictlan hurting us! |
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Press Release: The Popular Peoples Front for the Liberation of Mictlan rejoices! For the evil Ghost of Mictlan has been slain by the noble warriors of Chelms, who have our blessings. We will soon be forming a new government based on life, liberty, and the pursuit of scantily-clad escaped blood slaves. This truly is a happy ARGHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Lol... yet another confusing event in the life of the poor savages of Mictlan.
Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Hmm. Wonder why it isn't hosting. All turns are in.
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