![]() |
Bah! How many Mind Lords does it take to kill a Cyclops? What a CF that battle was.
It's only thanks to the insane Nethgul blinking my Mind Lord around and convincing him that it was a good idea to go try to leech the Golem's soul, so that the Mind Lord's bodyguards could beat him up and make him stop paralyzing everyone. Magic Duel would have been a smart idea. I was wondering why my Mind Lords died and then I saw I parked them right next to my Rime-Haurberk wearing Troll. Thank goodness they did finally decide to shuffle off their mortal coils, since that let their troll bodyguards run up and finally kill the TC god. I think all of these seismic disturbances have created underwater pressure waves that have turned the mind of R'lyehs finest strategists into puddles of goo. Oh yeah, and go ghost wolves! A lightning bolt or two instead might have been nice. And I do have a duskdagger, but the wielder was stuck in the middle of nowhere muttering, so I just had to hold the castle storming party without him. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I don't understand why that Golem had the ruby eye?
Re: World in Crisis - Started
He's been in a bunch of battles in that castle.
You can pick up eyes from friendly casualties. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
And artifacts get mostly picked up anyway, I had a f5 or f6 capable mage with the eye originally, and pretty much only the cyclops and golem survived that battle and cyclops was already filled up with misc slots so naturally the golem took it...
Re: World in Crisis - Started
This is turning into a mad game.
Sigh, Illwinter??? Don't be surprised when I cast utherdark or something. :) |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Let's see how many game altering spells (utterdark and astral corruption) we can cast before this game ends :).
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hmm, now what terrible terrible blood ritual can I work up? |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh Phil.
Sounds like my mages are going to need some bodyguards. :( |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
This is madness, madness I tellz ya!
Send me the blood slaves and I'll cast astral corruption. Actually this could be a very good idea |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Eh, might take me a couple turns to get the slaves together, I've been throwing all my slaves into raising an army to attack Hinnom. Oh, Hunt11, I'm going to attack you in three turns, heads up!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh witnessed a great battle in Witch Hills, where a mere smattering of Tien Chi mages held out against Hinnom. A great Grigori was seen staggering confused around the battlefield. Lay off the bottle, Ezekiel! There's work to be done.
And much strangeness: The Master with the Iron Crutch was in the battle, marked as having cast a global. He was wielding many astral boosters, but is feebleminded, so it is impossible to tell what paths he may once have had. The Master was slain by the drunken Ezekiel, but the Arcane Nexus still remains. Though the Master is immortal and was slain in his own dominion, R'lyeh still holds the Tien Chi capitol, so he should be dead permanently. But the Arcane Nexus is still up. Very mysterious! |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
What! No more Armageddon!?
Blah, I started to enjoy this game being totaly screwed up. On another matter, The Immortal Empire Of Sauromatia had been attacked by Neifel Giants last month. The temperature is falling considerably all over our Empire and there for we must act. How are we supposed to use the blood of innocents if it is frozen? This act of hostility clearly makes our former agreements null and void! Sauromatia is on the move. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
We anticipated this. Though the coming of the Illwinter was most directed at unseating Agartha to help our myriad friends, we knew that it was only a matter of time before Sauromatia saw fit to remove themselves from that group.
We welcome the coming war, and we pity the poor misguided amazons who will die in the coming months. The Illwinter has come, weep for your children. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Woo, complete chaos ensues!
In other news, is everyone still good with the 48 hours hosting? Personally I'm still good with it for now, but if the upcoming war with Hinnom gets really involved I might need extra time. I'm just wondering what everyone else thought on the matter. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Since R'lyeh can't afford to hire anything any more, I'm still fine with 48hrs. :)
But I've got no objections to increasing the timer if someone else wants to. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I let you know after the initial attack on Neifel.:)
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Heh, I'm just hanging along. That battle in witch hills showed the awesome power of simple w1/a1 mages again (thanks to CBM to making a worthless spell very much worthwhile). Even the awesome Grigori are not immune to confusion ;)
On another note, that Master with iron crutch (whatever) was my wisher/AN caster, and, well, he died. AN Caster dead -> check Capitol under enemy control -> check AN Caster immortal, no place to raise -> check Arcane Nexus down -> wait, what, I still have it? Well, it's free pearls. Too bad I don't have much to use them to :( |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
You could mail them to Niefelheim, whom your Armageddons have grievously wounded, but who never did a thing to you. <3
And I think this is a known bug, where Immortal units who cannot come back due to occupied capital don't trigger the Global Effect check on their removal from the game, since they didn't actually die at their time of death, or at their point of removal from the game. You may want to post it anyways, as if it's not the same bug, it's related. Llama can furnish the files for both turns to Illwinter as well, so they can see what actually happened. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh declares war on the cannibal manflayers! |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Does R'lyeh have no honor? Choose a weakened nation for war, and even than try to outnumber them 2 to 1.
We welcome the war with R'lyeh. Now nothing stop us from casting Astral Corruption. I suggest you try to take me out in the next 6 turn. That's the deadline before I cast AC. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I understand where you're coming from, but really? :o |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Prepare yourselves mortals, the day of reconing has came!!!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Already? I thought you were going to wait six months. :shock:
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well... yes, but I need to dramatically intensify the situation, first the Amazons go to war led by the Witch Kings, than than legions of vampires ravage the land, than comes the tartarian invasion, and finally the sky turns dark by the AC. :)
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well, R'lyeh is glad to see you have a plan!
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to just tentacle it. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
My first major battle with Lanka and I have only one thing to say. Damn that undead monkey. My Grigori had routed or killed everything on the field except one undead monkey and then the defenders turn limit was reached and he ran.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh should be careful sending those Golems, they could run into some vampires.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
We have heard tales of the Vampirii roaming the lands, and thought it was related to the End of Days that Tien Chi has started with their Armageddons. R'lyeh send a crack researcher out into the field to investigate, cleverly disguised as a Golem. He found no sign of the bloodsuckers, but he has only just begun his detective work.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sauromatians shall continue the work of the once glorious Tien Chi. The End of Days is coming.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Re: World in Crisis - Started
The awesome Cyclops Kevätkukkanen in the lead of once-glorious nation on T'ien Ch'i is probably looking everyone from above, having a smile on his rocky face, enjoying the chaos he has set in motion. All that now awaits is the corruption of astral plane itself. I predict that in few years, only horrors will exist on this pale world, devoid of population, infused and ravaged by the magics unleashed by us.
It's the end of the world. And I was the herald of it. *Evil laughter* |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh Phil.
I was expecting Hinnom to take TC's last fort in #60 this month. Instead not only TC has escaped to raid the countryside, he's at it again with the Armageddons. This needs to stop! -- R'lyeh |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
The gods of this desolate world shall not stand up to my plans! The world must be purged from pesky population - it only interferes with the greater picture! The world shall burn!
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I guess people here really don't like a 1 on 1 war... Will Sauromatia fall before AC is up? I think not...
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, work is getting crazy for me now that we're into exams so I gotta ask if people are alright with extending hosting times. Personally I'd like to move to a three day hosting interval if no one has any issues.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'll second that proposal.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Excellent idea! Thirdeded.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sounds good to me.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Well that's a majority. Three day hosting intervals starting now.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Now it would be a damn shame for that sickle, boots of planes and armor of virtue to get lost, you might not get so lucky next time...
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yeah, I was worried you weren't going to hit me! :D
But I'm short on death gems, so unless you'd like to trade me some, I'll have to continue to raid. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh thanks Agartha for the unexpected hijacking of my GoH. The support payments on my aquatic units has been ruining me, and I've tried to starve the bastard spawn to death, but just when they are about to starve and die, they'd get better! Argh.
Anyway, I expect much better results with my aquatic forces population control plan now. |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
No problem. We are here for your convenience.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
By the way, I assume you know by now that rebel TC death cult terrorists are camping out in your neighborhood?
Be careful that they do not infect your peasants with their dreadful meme of total global population annihilation! Soon all your Agarthan babies will be casting Armageddon too, and then we'll all be in big trouble. -- R'lyeh |
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Local earth readers have already been sent to remove any threat of thought poisoning.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Thought poisoning? We are here on an important mission from our God. We must build a bastion of hope - hope of a better tommorrow, tomorrow with no population in the way of the perfect world.
Re: World in Crisis - Started
Everybody ready??? Deadline up...
Re: World in Crisis - Started
The world - with it's scarce population on the verge of extinction, it's veins of magic poisoned by the sacrifice of hundreds of virgins - IS LOOKING GOOD!
Kevätkukkanen's plan is working! The world is cast into disarray, the eyes of R'lyeh no longer watch us from above! No magic can be safely practiced, no population remains to fuel your futile wars! Admit your defeat to the greater power - No-one can win! On a sidenote, anyone got any plans now that the world is in ruins? Perhaps take a field trip to north? I heard it's quite warm now, with huge calderas having been opened by us there. And those rivers of magma sure make it easy to cook your food. |
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