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Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Damn... both players who jumped me have gone AI. Makes you think, don't it? :)
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Pride leads to fall my friend ;)
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hey, after being backstabbed by two people whom I thought were heading towards being allies of mine... your AI's are still giving me a bit of a fight though. Forunately for me they are splitting up that gargantuan army you had chasing after me. I wasn't sure how I was going to deal with that.
You know, I've been backstabbed in four games now, and only been the backstabber in one (well technically two, but the second guy really did deserve it after what he had done earlier). |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Don't say you didn't know that was gonna happen when you applied :D
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Lol... I guess I did kind of expand into positions that you two couldn't afford to let me have. I was kind of surprised/grateful that you didn't go underwater though. It is the source of a fair number of gems for me, and you adapt to it naturally... I have to rely on rings of waterbreathing and indy troops. Something to keep in mind for future reference. Even a small force could still be making my life miserable at sea.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Surprised? Wow, I think you did it on purpose to cut my way to the sea :D I actually thought it was one great early move for you in sight of a possible future war with me... :p
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Shuts up and listens to the wealth of infomation coming out of victory talk.
Bother I didn't mean to post that! Oh well. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hey, the peaceloving people of the Democratic Republic of Sauromation have no quarrel with the giants of Neifelheim... plus this war was won almost solely by force of arms. The next war (hopefully far away... I really did want a peaceful early to mid-game) will include a great deal of magic. Take what you wish from my description of how this war was won, however I assure you the next one will be quite different.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Word spreads to all realms carried by messengers traders and minstrels...
Peoples of the world, hear these the words of the great Mortanus of Ermor! The treacherous beasts of the Niefelheim have reneged upon all promises and assurances that we have held in good faith. They march upon the lands they agreed to cede to us despite our honouring of their realm. Beware these untrustworthy dogs. We call on all the nations of the world to attack our foe now while their armies are occupied with us. You will find their other borders lightly defended, now is the time to strike. There shall never be a better time to move upon them until their homes lie smouldering under the feet of the mighty Ermorian legions. Ermor shall hold those who answer this call in high regard, join with us so we may drive these unholy scoundrels from this land once and for all. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
In response to the neferious romours of Ermor, Niefelhelm has sent out a messanger to each major power.
The Jarls are strong, as are our allies. We made no promises to Ermor, we just returned their honeyed words, and attacked them before the men of their nation grew hungry for our lands while our men-folk were elsewhere. OOC: Heh nice try, unfortunately I actually trust the only other guy I share a border with :P |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Aaargh! Just figured I'd let you all in on my latest 'wall of shame' entry. I launched a large army into a battle where I knew I needed superior numbers to win. I think I had enough to win...but what did I do? I forgot that half of my troops were stealthy, and they snuck in, didn't participate in the big battle, then were found individually and slaughtered!
Aaargh! p.s. Sorry I haven't been as chatty lately as earlier in the game. I'm a grad student and my semester has been pretty busy this last month. I've had a lot of fun...even though I feel like I'm about to be slaughtered any minute... |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Good you're here, I have sent you a PM yesterday.
edit: And something as a nice side note: When you are besieging a castle barbarians will not attack when the barbarian event happens on the castle. It looks like they pool up and strike when a decision is reached. Very weird. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Something I forgot:
The other games are slowing down hosting because of thanksgiving. If you are away in the next time or can't play your turns just PM me or write a line here. As long as the turns are coming in I'll keep the hosting interval as it is. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
It looks like Sauromata's war against the Agarthans is (finally) beginning to draw to a close. The Abysians remain remarkably resiliant however, fighting Agartha, Ulm, Miclan and Sauromatia in turn (although now the noose is tightening, the Abysians being saved only by Sauromatia's "Agartha first" policy and the full scale war that has broken out between Mictlan and Ulm).
Just for histories sake, Sauromatia would like to make it known that we primarily relied on easily mass produced androphag archers with limited cavalry support to hold Abysia down to mere acceptable territorial conquests (the wastes Abysia pushed into hadn't been searched for magic sites yet and had negligable incomes) while the vast bulk of our army attacked Agartha. Given the fight that the AI has put up, I would say that things were probably about even between the Agarthan-Abysian Alliance on one hand and the Sauromatian Empire on the other when the human players bailed. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
*Excerpt from the journal of a druid*
This was a good month, maybe. At least it could have been worse. They say the last castle of the Eagle Kings has been stormed and the war is over at last. And finally they have given me some of the items I asked for done the ritual I designed. The stars shine brighter then ever now. There are countless stars that could not be seen that are now clearly visible, as I exected. This will help me to understand the patterns they follow. The patterns that everything follows. There is no magic of earth or life as they are thinking the source of all magic - of all movement - are the stars. They don't understand how important my studies are. So many resources were by their war efforts and I have to fight for every single coin to fund my research. Where could I have been now if I had just been given what I need. Even now as the wounded are moving home from the castles of Caelum they are discussing war plans again. "To keep the balance in the world". What is the point of this. War will not solve anything. I will againdiscuss it with them tonight and prove that there will come no good from a new war - but I fear they will not listen. Again I will have to study alone with what is left after the warlords have take what they want. My only comfort is that future generations will thank me - and the wine. Come on someone else write something up, this is fun. :) |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
In the spirit of following the leader.
The battle for Korrmark, From the historic records of the Council of Ice The legion attacked at dawn. Accompanied by a city full of pagan mages and a host of medium cavalry. Even though caught at unawares the militia marched out to meet them, desperate to protect their new found homes. The Niefel stayed back, praying to Theag led by the Godes. Fjun, commander of the east, slayer of the winged ones, stood a little way from the rest of the group. His jaw had been torn asunder in a previous skirmish and he muttered arcane incantations with great pain. The battle field was an old one countless men had died in the recent battles. The magi of Ermor, some who were living a second life brought about unnaturally rites and depraved rituals, used this to their advantage. Those who had been buried long ago were forced to rise against their will. The militia surged forward, meeting the Ermorian legion head on. But they were made helpless by bonds of living fire. Meanwhile the cavalry of Ermor had outflanked the main body, they were met by the Niefel giants, who suffered casualties in the first charge but slowly put the riders to flight. At this moment Fjun leapt into the air with a disfigured roar, setting down in the midst of the legion and sending men flying with an enchanted blade which was whirled so fast it was beyond mortal sight. A wight stood against the great giant’s onslaught and by some uncanny luck nicked him with a wicked blade. Not only was Fjun moving as fast as the wind but he was aging at a great rate. At first he just grew stronger, but slowly, as the hours past he became weakened. All the while the main body of giants was fighting their way towards him. Finally it was too much for Fjun who once again took to the air, living to fight another day. Though their leader was gone the Niefel though on bravely, eventually putting the Ermorians to flight. Now I’ve finished boasting about the epic battle time for the real story. The alliance between Druids and Jarls had been such that some druids had come to worship Theag, while so Jarls had come to worship the god of the tribes. There were few such druids, but they were all wise. They were permitted into the great temple of Theag, where the likeness of him in stone was honoured, only in the hour of greatest darkness each month. It was at such an hour that a solitary druid knelt in prayer to Theag. Suddenly the statue crumbled, leaving only its outline in dust. Curious the druid stepped onto the altar. A strange wind blew coating the druid with the dust of the venerated statue. The druid blinked, suddenly his mind was gone and in its place... Theag had awoken. The first order of business was to find the eldest of the Skratti and hanging them for not recognising that they worshipped a prison... |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Wow, you guys have numbers, great writing, thanks for the great stories and for keeping this alive :happy:
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
As IO said, it's great fun.
It's a pity Spitz had to go, he wrote something too. Oh and I was meaning to write the bottom thing for quite a while, but never got round to it. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Yay, the thing about your guys venerating in fact the prison of your god was a blast :D Wow, probably with the strenght of their prayer towards it they even reinforced the prison! :shock:
Great that the druids (well, not actually but still :p ) helped ya breaking free. Maybe will this reinforce your alliance? :) |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I designed my pretender as a druid for the minmaxing... then we made an allaince and I thought, yay I now have an excuse. :D
Yeah just a little bit of a thing about some of religions ironies... Dominions is full of them |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Marverni has occupied lands that are historically claimed by Sauromatia, and is now bragging about preparing to grab more. Such behavior is unacceptable. Sauromatia is offering a fair monetary sum for the return of such lands. The Druids would be wise to agree.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
The long-gone souls of the Oracles will pray for the warriors of the bare-chest to squish the filthy man-eaters and rule their lands.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Wow, Mithras, I didn't know you had a druid pretender. Strange how things worked out. :)
I've wanted to comment on the religious ironies, too, for some time. You see, Nemausius is the celtic god of springs. I've chosen the name because he is a spring. Now it turns out I'm cornered by Niefel and Caelum who have both a strong dominion and my dominion is pushed outwards into the water. The fishes really seem to know who is their patron. :D And officially: The tribes arrived in these lands before Sauromatia. The land has been worked and now the sauromatians come with their horses and historical claims and offer us a measly sum of 500 gold for the return of land that was never theirs. Outrageous as this may be we will have to rethink our actions. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Wow guys, you still having problems Spritz's plumed people?? :D
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Nah, they were extinguished last turn.
Maybe I should have build larger armies to get the castles down quicker, though. :D |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
The Sauromatians actually had conquered that province at one point, however in the war of Agarthan aggression it was cut off from the rest of the empire and overrun by hostile bandits. However our historical claim remains. Given how easy it would be for our cavalry to seize the said territory (and how your nation doesn't share a border with mine other than with that lone territory), I think that offering you any compensation at all is extraordinarily generous.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hmm, could you tell me what are doing when I don't accept? War or no war?
Besides cavalry or no cavalry I'm going to keep it. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
The Jarls would like to point out that they are ready and willing to give the Druids any support they need during any possible war with the man eaters... and we haven't forgotten that messenger we sent you all those years ago... :D
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hey, we marinated him with the very finest of wines (made out of his own blood mixed with the brains of our enemies) and he was priviledged enough to be served to our council of 7 witch kings... quite an honor.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Lol, just good that my renegade druid didn't hold a very interesting speech in sauromatia. :D
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
We have only one thing to say to you... We hope he gave them indigestion.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hey, we are all about freedom of speech... however we consider "freedom to eat" a protected form of speech as well. The one doesn't necessary preclude the other And he tasted kind of like bear.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
A wonderful day! Sauromatia would like to announce that a new non-aggression pact-3 has been signed between us and the wise and peaceloving Druids of Marverni. All the world should rejoice in honor of our newfound friendship!
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
The people of Marverni would like to confirm this. Furthermore we are paying for the right to settle in Nethermark, Vath and Zimmria.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
The people of Agartha would like instead to remind that those pacts have the value of the toilet-paper they're written on :) Have fun! :D
(I love to keep nervous tension up) |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Since the only place our two nations come together is at those three provinces I'm letting him hold, I must say that the stakes aren't incredibly high for either of us.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
You know what would be awesome is if everyone saved their most interesting turns to let other players see how the really big battles played out when the game is finished.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Yay, that would be very nice!
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Ephraim, are you here?
I saw that Ephraim had a little trouble getting his turns in during the last rounds. I've delayed hosting by 12 hours to give him the chance to play todays turn. Anyway I thought it might be time to add a little extra time. I can imagine that turns take their time now if you are at war. What are you others thinking? |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Nice job keeping an eye on the turns, you surpass my expectations as admin :happy:
Didn't even expect you guys were still going to 48hrs turns. The point in which you switch to 72hrs ones should be near I think :) Also, in short time you'll have to discuss the possibility and length of the Xmas/New Year holidays :cool: |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
He, I'm just keeping the tradition. :)
I hoped Ephraim would play in the evening but as it seems he does not and he hasn't been on the forum for a week. I've set the hosting interval to 72h now. If he does not show up tomorrow I wanted to extend this another 12 hours and if he stales look for a sub. If anyone has something against it just say it. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Lol, looks like our slayers_ai put some real fear on the once mighty Ulm :D
Good way to go IO ;) |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hmm, I don't know.
I more though slayers_ai would hate me if I wait too long for Ulm. :D |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I appreciate you giving me the extra time. I just finished up finals...whew! I thought I would have time to play my turns, but was up to my eyeballs in statistics this week.
Thanks again...now slayers_ai has a chance to beat me fair and square. ;) Now that finals are over, I'll be able to play turns more often. See you in game! |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Congrats, Ephraim!
Did you finish school or college? Ok, for now I'll keep hosting interval at 72h. Shouldn't matter as long everyone gets his turns in. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'm working on a Masters Degree in Statistics right now. The semester just finished, so I'm less busy for a few weeks.
It'll be interesting to see how all this turns out. I've learned a lot in this game...I feel very clumsy compared to some of the other players here, especially recently. I am clueless about the endgame here. I had a decent strategy, but find I haven't laid some of the groundwork I needed. Anyway...maybe too much information there. ENEMIES--FORGET ALL OF THAT...PLEASE? The point is: I understand dominions better after playing this game. At least I understand what is possible...still not sure how to make it all happen though. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I hope you will learn even more in the sequel :D |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Arcane Nexus huh? Gutsy spell to cast.
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well, Christmas and the New Year is coming so should we make a break?
I'm going to be away from the 25th to the 1st. |
Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Nah, you'll be fine. ;P
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