![]() |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Hey guys, sorry for being out of contact. My computer has received a nasty virus (system security is the DEVIL), and I am reduced to posting in safe mode. I would offer to find a sub, but my internet access is sporatic at best. I'm really sorry about this, and incredibly frustrated at present. When this is all over, I'm excited to play in future games.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Thanks to Stretch, who will be subbing for me whilst I'm away.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
It looks like Ermor needs a sub or to be set to AI.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Darn. I'd seen they were doing pretty badly on the graphs, but it's still annoying to have them stale out.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I thought I posted that Iwas leaving for two weeks here, but I don't see it now...
I apologize for the very short notice, I am leaving tomorrow for two weeks and do not have a sub. Would you like me to set Jomon to AI? |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I don't mind waiting one more week. Ermor's more of a concern if he stales systematically. Given its situation (eaten by TC + Jotun at least and the usual micromanagement of LA Ermor), I'm unsure a sub can be found.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm okay to wait, too. Rather that than another nation going AI right now.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Okay, thanks guys
But it is 2 (not 1) weeks I will be gone. I will submit this turn. feel free to sub/ai me if you wish (I am afraid I will not be around to turn myself AI anymore). |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Well, the AI doesn't do to bad with Ermor right?
So could you set them to AI it's kind of annoying, the sieges just go on and nothing ever happens. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
So, after the next host we will have a two week delay?
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Duh, I'll NEVER EVER take misfortune 3 again. All my army does is running around in circles to fend off barbarian and triton-invasions.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Ah, misfortune.
I played Mis-2, once in a game by my own devising, and once as a permanent sub. In the former I found it very frustrating. In the second it was crippling: in 30 turns, I had about 5 labs and 5 temples destroyed (in one particularly bad stretch, I lost one of either six turns consecutively). Revolts all over my empire: cost me two castle builds (over 2000 gold down the drain!), and two would have doomed me had an enemy been more aggressive, as they hit a vital crossroads province that would have left me unable to combine my armies against his. (My PD even at 25 wasn't able to stop knights). It's the unpredictability I can't bear, the chance that something really, really important goes. I'd take death scales any day. It might be damaging, but at least it's steady, controlled decline which you can plan around. Other people have other views, of course. If you have high Mis, you might generally want high PD (20 or so?). Good PD should mostly stop weaker revolts like barbarians and tritons. On grassland and plains where you can get nastier enemies like knights, PD might not work, and you probably just have to suck that punishment up. Alternatively, if it's a really important province and you don't want to put a fort on it, build a lab, and station several research mages there. When the revolt arrives, they'll assist the defence and their spellpower should be enough to help the PD see off the invaders. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Going on a short vacation and I'm not entirely sure when I'll be back. So while I've submitted this turn if it doesn't look like I'll get the next in before the date it's due in I'd ask that you delay the turn until wednesday.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
The big postponement for Fate is in place - hopefully the game will quickhost, at which point I'll put in another postponement.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Thanks for the help Agema. I think I just suck it up. R'lyeh PD isn't the best even with all the freespawnchaff hanging around in the provinces. I usually take luck 2-3 so I'm used to a gold and gem shower every two month, so I presume those permanent bad news bug me more.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Wow, thanks for the VERY long delay. I am back and will continue to submit turns as usual. I shouldn't miss any for a while now.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Looking for water gems. Message me with offers please.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
LA Ulm has been set to AI as I was brought in to do. Sorry about the stall, I had got used to the two weeks between turns :p
I played a few turns just to see what LA Ulm was like. And they had a stack of cash I wanted to spend :) I have to say I don't think much of LA Ulm. The position was hopeless of course in this game. But I can't see they have much potential anyway. It is micromanagement hell without much power at the end. Want to cast almost any battle spell? You'll need a communion. For just about everything, even to get Summon Earthpower :p With very low path mages overland spells (even site searching) is tough. And globals, summons and more fancy forging impossible without trades or empowerment in all paths. And research seems poor, even for LA. It is a blood nation but the low quality blood mages mean you can't do much with the blood without a lot of empowerment, hardly something limited to LA Ulm, but it does mean blood is more micromanagement than usual. The immortal Vampire Counts gather free chaff and can blood hunt. But thats it. They make poor thugs as they have few castable buffs and are too weak to be used without equipment (which is lost when it dies). I took a brief look at the guide and it mentioned a go to battle spell. Sadly it doesn't seem to be in my manual and it never came up as an option on my casting lists so I have no idea what it's requirements are or if it would indeed have saved them.... Anyway Ulm is gone to AI. The two main neighbours of Ulm are Vanheim and TC so these two are likely to benefit most. So the rest of you have been warned. Their lands lie in a strip along the Western edge of the map. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Many thanks for standing in as long as you did, Hoplo. And more thanks are due for setting Ulm to AI.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
So long Hoplo, even with all you've said you made be bleed for evary scrap of ground. :)
Although, seeing that Van is woefully behind in the two most vital areas (research & gems), I'm not sure how much of a threat we pose to anyone. :p |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Interesting, only four more players need to submit a turn and its been almost 24 hours I think.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Though it hasn't been that many turns since I last conducted diplomacy, it certainly has been a long while in actual time. I was also recently forced to clear out my inbox.
So for the sake of making things easy on me, please contact me if we have a standing NAP. Thanks. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Sorry to a bit throw toys out of pram, but I'm switching to AI if you can't find a sub.
The reason? Pretty much my entire army has just been wiped out largely because the AI, in it's great and glorious wisdom, declined to cast the one, critical spell I'd scripted it to that was entirely necessary - and yes, I had all the gems and paths I needed. If the AI won't cast it, I can't possibly fight Ermor with any hope winning, and I'm just a little bit too pissed off to bother going through a long and protracted death. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Pangea is staling to death, too.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Relief. N1 mage, communioned with 8 slaves (+3), given 2 gems, one to get to n5, 1 to cast relief. And the AI cast swarm. I may still have lost the battle even it were cast, but at least my losses would have been something less than completely catastrophic.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Oh yes, that would've been the perfect counter to Rigor Mortis. Instead, the AI decided to be stupid and make it easy for me.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Huarg. I got a corrupt turn file. What shall I do?
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Request a turn resend from llamaserver. See if that helps.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I've put in a 24h extension to allow time for debate. Based on what I've read in other threads, this is pretty bad news.
I think rehosting has been tried, but the turn file in question was corrupt after the rehost too. That said, I'm okay with rehosting the turn if that's what people want. Can I have opinions, please. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
This is bad timing in my opinion. This could have been mentioned three days earlier. I hope your not suggesting a roll back cause at this point it sets us back 2 turns rather then 1. Also, these turns are getting very important for me and others and I generally consider roll backs to be bad.
Even if you just rolled back and immediately forced host, it would still require everyone to redo their turns because of rerolled random events and battles. I would be more sympathetic, I really would, but last I knew R'lyeh was not at war with anyone. Plus the fact he mentioned an error which could have been known half a week ago. If he is at war, then by all means I apologize, but I would still think this is bad timing. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Me too am against a rollback, strange things can happen there. If the next turn file isn't corrupt, I have no problem with stalling this turn (although I AM at war, but those wars are not at a crucial point right now. And I have to admit that I already stalled twice during this game. I apologize for this). But the timing-thing I cannot let sit on me. I chose this game with the long host-times because I'm busy at work and home right now, so don't blame me to not look at and play the turns immediatly after the hosting.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I wouldn't mind a delay to sort things out.
A rollback would probably be bad though. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Looks like noboday wants a rollback then. That's fine by me, and I'll wind back the extension since there doesn't seem to be much that can be done about the corrupt file.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm in favor of a rollback personally.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
cupido, I mean no offense. I suppose people choose to play a slow game for different reasons. For me, it was so I would be forced to stew and think about each turn carefully. I often resubmit my actions an average of 2 times per turn.
Then again, someone also asked me if I would play in this game. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm generally only in favour of a rollback if something absolutely crucial occurred you could make preparations to prevent which would cause severe problems for your strategic position. (e.g. a major fort was being stormed and you needed to prepare the orders for its defence.) It also has to be something so critical that it overwhelms the importance of everything else that went on - for instance, if two other nations had a huge battle, a rollback allows the loser to change tactics or avoid the fight.
I appreciate it's annoying to lose a turn by corruption - I've suffered it and probably anyone who has played plenty of games has - but unless it makes a vast, vast difference to your position, it shouldn't really be done. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Zhu Yi folds his hands and bows.
Really an awesome battle Algeanymph, and really close (at least in the battle bug view I get you killed my Golem at turn 70 or so) but never underestimate the might of the Celestial Empire. :D |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
A scout has reported back to Utgard HQ on that one. A mighty contest indeed, although even if the battle had occurred as per the bugged version it would have been a Pyrrhic victory for Ermor.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
... and Atlantis falls.
Going AI. Well played to the opposition. Good luck to anyone still in game. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm a bit uncomfortable about my victory against the mighty Jomon superfighter. He did so well but fell to the three things-with-many-eyes. If only he would have been faster on his feet...
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Atlantis fallen?
You still have your capital's fort with a decent mage force, at least one army, and plenty of provinces. There's life in you yet. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Well, with my skill levels being what they are, I'm not seeing any conclusion to the situation that results in anything short of complete loss.
I've got a tenuous hold on a few provinces, a good third of which spent the past 50 turns under Ermor dominion, I'm looking at R'lyeh joining Man in the invasion process with an army that I might be able to annoy in the same way a speed bump annoys a 10-ton truck. Once my capital falls, I'm very limited in my choices of mages and while I do have a decent number of Angakoks left, my scattered research means I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to use them. I've got taxes up to 200 on everywhere and yet I'm not even able to make upkeep, let alone recruit. Simple fact is I've played myself into a corner. Now, I recognize I could indeed mount a last-ditch defense here and be irritating and perhaps even hurt the incoming Mannish and squidface armies, but I'm afraid I've got no fight left in me. Make of that what you will. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I am confused as to what happened. In my version my valiant warrior served his purpose (except in the report of course). Do you see him getting paralyzed by the many-eyed beasties?
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I think combat turn limit was hit and he routed.
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'll be setting myself to AI this turn. Midgard was simply no match for the brutal effeciency and impressive might at Bogarus' command. Watch out folks, he is VERY strong. AOE, in spite of a half-hearted attempt at role play, the outcome was never in doubt. Well done. |
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Thanks for sticking it out, Aethyr. Question of the day: can anyone stop the awesome might of Bogarus?
Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Sad to see you go Aethyr. Thanks for putting up a fight and good luck to you in future games.
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