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-   -   Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42853)

Trumanator April 27th, 2009 12:32 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I have moved exactly 1 province from my previous start :)

Lingchih April 27th, 2009 12:41 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Lamasus looked over her new lands, and she said that it was a good land. And there was much rejoicing.

llamabeast April 27th, 2009 02:14 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Do you now have a 50 VP start condition? I altered the start command for the game but I believe I forgot to write anything here because I was (a) at a friend's house, and (b) a bit tired and confused.

Baalz April 27th, 2009 09:04 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
No worries llama, I didn't realize that the game tracked VPs even if a victory condition wasn't set or I wouldn't have even bothered you. Thanks though! :)

Zeldor April 27th, 2009 12:45 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Huh, game is on 24h hosting, so how can next turn be tomorrow? We should have new turn already...

Burnsaber April 27th, 2009 01:14 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 688133)
Huh, game is on 24h hosting, so how can next turn be tomorrow? We should have new turn already...

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Llamaserver automatically gives the first turn hosting period of 48h.

Which is good, IMHO. Some players can easily stale first turn because they missed the game start. Especially good for a game that has already started two times..

llamabeast April 27th, 2009 03:02 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
So yeah, the required vp setting for dominions was bugged. Before it was set to 50, but dominions interpreted it as 25 for some reason! However, the default is half of the total, so I removed the specification and then I guess it worked.

TheDemon April 27th, 2009 03:11 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Dragar (Post 687984)
Tir Na n'Og would happy to swap Zeldor! Of the 6 surrounding provinces 2 are water and 3 are VP sites..

At the very minnimum, all provs surrounded by 3 VP sites have at least two non-VP land neighbors. Check the connections again :D

Trumanator April 27th, 2009 04:12 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by TheDemon (Post 688161)

Originally Posted by Dragar (Post 687984)
Tir Na n'Og would happy to swap Zeldor! Of the 6 surrounding provinces 2 are water and 3 are VP sites..

At the very minnimum, all provs surrounded by 3 VP sites have at least two non-VP land neighbors. Check the connections again :D

Definitely! Hitting 8 is a must on this map.

Dragar April 27th, 2009 07:16 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
seriously, no

WingedDog April 28th, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Should we start searching for a sub for Hinnom before it's too late?

duncanshriek April 28th, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 688298)
Should we start searching for a sub for Hinnom before it's too late?

I'm in sympathy with aggressive measures against stalers. Can't propose a specific substitute though.

Aezeal April 28th, 2009 02:09 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
hmm I might be able to play, certainly for a few turns, probably the whole game, but only if Hinnom isn't to screwed up already, no use in putting months in this otherwise (I play to win!!!)

Since I don't do MP atm I'm not here regularly if a sub is needed send me a message or call on me in the dom 3 K thread I'm there daily usually

WingedDog April 28th, 2009 06:12 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 688309)
hmm I might be able to play, certainly for a few turns, probably the whole game, but only if Hinnom isn't to screwed up already, no use in putting months in this otherwise (I play to win!!!)

Since I don't do MP atm I'm not here regularly if a sub is needed send me a message or call on me in the dom 3 K thread I'm there daily usually

Hinnom had missed his very first turn, so I thought he had just forgotten about the game, since 48 hours were granted to submit it. But he had already sent the second turn without any complains, so sub is no longer needed, still thanks for the offer. :)

BigandScary April 28th, 2009 10:35 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sorry about that first turn, I got confused by the repeated emails and forgot to submit my turn.

Aezeal April 29th, 2009 04:23 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
hmm ok I'll just start a dom 3 K game then :D

Calahan April 29th, 2009 06:13 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ok, I volunteer myself to be the first head on the chopping block with some random roleplaying nonsense. Be kind :)

'Roleplay mode on'

Calahan April 29th, 2009 06:14 AM

Legends of Faerun - Agartha
The Story of Agartha

Prologue - "The Prophecy of One"

In the before time, during the wake of the great Nether Earth decent, the last truth prophecy of the last true seer Oracle, Telosn'rahht, was told to a devote order of sacred Readers. The passages hence scribed portray events in a foreseen time when the Ones will rejoin with the variant non-Ones that roam the surface of Outer Earth.

Through the ages this prophecy became first the told lore of all, then words of foretold lore for believers. Travelling further with time brought the prophecy into legend and on into myth. Until it again came to be the knowledge of all One, and recounted as "The Prophecy of One".

But "The Prophecy of One" did not mirror the truth prophecy spoken by Telosn'rahht. Journeys through times and minds had altered the true message, with many tellers purposely misguiding the words for their own flavour and favour. "The Prophecy of One" grew strong through a powerful sect of Oracles known as the "Order of the Inner Sun". It was through their ranks that "The Prophecy of One" first emerged, and spread rapidly with their sermons that promised "The Prophecy of One" would come to be if the Ones had "Faith in the Earth".

To have "Faith in the Earth" meant to believe unquestionably in "The Prophecy of One", and its premise that a time will come when those who command the Outer Earth will learn that the only reward a path of endless conflict can bring is to learn that the path itself must always end in constant futility. The dawning of this truth would enable the Outer Earthers to turn their labours inwards and begin advancing their minds and spirits. This enlightenment would result in the Ones of Nether Earth re-uniting with their distant Outer Earth kind through a shared level of communication and understanding, and with this unity, all Ones and non-Ones can ascend to the stars from where the immortal Gods first fell and touched the soil. All the "Order of the Inner Sun" required of its followers was to devotedly preach their words, and hold the belief that "The Prophecy of One" will be true for those who have both patience and faith.

Eons past, during which time having "Faith in the Earth" became a rule. To not believe meant to not belong, and to not belong meant not to exist. Agathan society thrived under the guidance of the "Order of the Inner Sun". For with a single belief came a unified purpose, with all Ones working as a whole in preparation for the great day of united ascension. But while time itself can bring truth, age and wisdom for all, the passing of time for the religiously faithful only leads to doubt, disillusionment and disorder. And this inevitable outcome has recently come to be in Agartha.

Due to the decreasing "Faith in the Earth" amongst the Ones, a new sect has now emerged to challenge the long accepted prophecy. Driven by the inpatient followers of "The Prophecy of One", this new order, the "Readers of Telos", claim to be direct decedents of the sacred Readers who were chosen to inscribed the very truth prophecy spoken by Telosn'rahht.

Fuelled by a restless society and armed with a simple message, the "Readers of Telos" have grown quickly in power, as followers readily convert to "The Truth of Telosn". For while "The Prophecy of One" demanded its followers have faith and patience in believing that the day of united ascension will truly arrive to the Ones, "The Truth of Telosn" promises a life amongst the immortal Gods to all Ones that follow its call, and along a path of destiny that they themselves would control as a consequence of their actions.

Soon whole legions of Ones were converting to "The Truth of Telosn", and bonding their lives with the words of the original Telosn'rahht prophecy.....................

Jarkko April 29th, 2009 11:13 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Have to say this is the crappiest start I've ever had in a MP. Two bad events on first two turns, and that with a positive luck scale :( Anything I recruit seems to get killed before I even get out of my province, while unrest is happily rising through the roof...

"What was that noise? Somebody did attack us *again*?!"
"Yes sir. But like last month, our patrollers did handle the situation, and have proceeded with their attack orders."
"Good good, the lossees were not that bad this time then?"
"Oh, losses? Right, losses. Seems only a fraction of our attack force actually survived the onslaught... Ermm... I suppose we shall soon recieve news from the attack force then... But we have again recruited a new army! Altough the population seems to be slightly annoyed, and we can't actually recruit any more for the time being..."
<insert sound of a weeping pretender>

WingedDog April 30th, 2009 11:25 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Abysia sells up to 8 water gems, would buy death or astral.

Cicadian May 1st, 2009 01:17 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yomi would like 5 nature gems, in exchange for either 125 gold or 5 death gems.

WingedDog May 2nd, 2009 02:10 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Looks like Mictlan is out.

Calahan May 4th, 2009 06:30 AM

Legends of Faerun - Agartha
The Story of Agartha

Chapter VI - "The Judgement Begins"

With the Outer Earth capital of Agartha now established at New Shamballa, attention can once more be brought to fully attuning all Ones with "The Truth of Telosn". The inevitable encounters with Outer Earth nations has been forever foretold, and is a central character in the Ones journey to united ascension. Telosn'rahht spoke of all these meetings, and has given guidance on how each nation should be judged.

Knowledge. Common knowledge. This shall be the Ones key to guidance. For without it any attempts at communication with other nations will be already fruitless. If we are to seek out our distant kin, as "The Truth of Telosn" dictates, then the first traces of our past kind in others will be seen through the discovery that they now share in our ways. For ignorance in the secrets of Death, or the elemental properties of our very Earth, brings with it no sign of promise. No ancient Ones would ever have betrayed their souls through a bonding with the ceilingless skies, nor come to hold the belief that life evolves not from the Earth, but from the power of the Unreachable Sun that bathe the surface world in living green. Little hope is held for these abnormal nations.

Early indications are good however that there will be many nations worthy of joining the Ones in united ascension. For already Agartha can claim several nations as friends, each displaying evidence of knowing that which is important to us. It is good for Agartha to meet such great nations, and to offer them access to enchanted items from the Neither Earth. The Ones are experiencing much joy at these encounters, for it is a sure sign that the predictions in the prophecy of Telosn'rahht will come to pass.

Unfortunately, an encounter has also taken place with the first nation judged as unworthy, for their ways are truly an abomination. They know nothing of importance, and instead have entwined themselves fully with a combination of all the most unnatural forces known. The "Readers of Telos" have decided that there is no hope for such 'creatures', and measures to correct their mistaken creation is already well underway................

Calahan May 4th, 2009 07:04 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
"Roleplay off"

Think the Mictlan stales are getting critical. Not sure how the sub-hunt is going (never got into the IRC thing), but wondering whether it is actually best to set them to AI or not? Since an early AI EA/LA Mictlan just means a self inflicted dom-kill. It looks like death either way though without a human on board.

But 'viccio' may be coming back soon (he's stated on the sub-hunt thread that he currently has internet problems) so does anyone know someone who can help out for a few turns until the position becomes clearer? Can't imagine an early Mictlan turn taking more than a minute or two.

Mictlan To-do list
-Send out a priest with a group of jags.
-Recruit another priest and more jags.
-End Turn.

Surely there must be some takers for this?! Maybe one of the mighty admins can volunteer for a few turns :bow: No obligation to stay for the long hual, since I think if you take away the dom-kill, the AI can handle Mictlan ok. Since even the auto-bot can't go far wrong with blessed jags.

Nehekhara also seem to be on the verge of a second consecutive stale :(

Please everyone, don't make nice Mr.Baalz dust off his disciplinarian hat :tough:

Jazzepi May 4th, 2009 07:20 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Couple of things.

1. The AI knows how to play blood nations. Sort of. I would set them to AI now, instead of later. They'll blood sacrifice on their own.

2. Nobody wants to take over a nation that's three-turn stales in the hole. It's hard enough to get someone to simply sub for a nation they haven't built, but subbing for a nation that's already screwed by early-game stales (which are much worse then late game ones).

With those two things in mind, just set Mictlan to AI and get it over with.


Jarkko May 4th, 2009 07:29 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Next turn is a do or die for C'tis. I've had a crapton of bad luck with events so far, and I blooped up the set-up for the latest battle (did the turn in candle light under the influence a dozen beers while an overly eager stone-drunk distant relative was poking over my shoulder wanting to learn the game in 20 seconds ("Hey, a game can't be that difficult, eh? *WHY* do you not want to teach me this game???"...).

WingedDog May 4th, 2009 09:01 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 689173)

But 'viccio' may be coming back soon (he's stated on the sub-hunt thread that he currently has internet problems) so does anyone know someone who can help out for a few turns until the position becomes clearer?

Posting a message on forum board takes the same ammount of time as submitting a turn, at least for early game. Viccio isn't coming back whatever his reasons are. My vote is to put Mictlan AI.

Calahan May 4th, 2009 09:13 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by WingedDog (Post 689184)
Posting a message on forum board takes the same amount of time as submitting a turn, at least for early game. Viccio isn't coming back whatever his reasons are. My vote is to put Mictlan AI.

In theory it takes the same amount of time, but the reality of logistics sometimes interferes. For example I'm currently posting on these forums while I'm at work, but there's no way I can open up Dominions from here to do a turn.

At a guess, maybe 'viccio' didn't have internet access over the weekend (while at home with a problematic ADSL) but now the weekend has past, he/she does now have access at work/school/uni etc.

But do agree that Mictlan should be set to AI. I've also checked out their current dominion from the llamascores, and it seems healthy enough that the AI won't be dom-killed anytime soon.

Dragar May 4th, 2009 09:44 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Tir's castle is about to be stormed and we have set ourselves AI. Start position (103) is fairly untenable and a quick troglodyte rush from agartha has blitzed the capital.

Edi has said he's adjusting the map for that start position for future games, so hopefully won't happen again to anyone

Enjoy the game everyone!

WingedDog May 4th, 2009 01:12 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Dragar (Post 689187)
Tir's castle is about to be stormed and we have set ourselves AI. Start position (103) is fairly untenable and a quick troglodyte rush from agartha has blitzed the capital.

Edi has said he's adjusting the map for that start position for future games, so hopefully won't happen again to anyone

Enjoy the game everyone!

Don't be upset, this game was positioned as a fungame from the very begining, so starting locations just like in reality - someone gets lucky, someone doesn't. We all gathered here not for victory, but for forging the history of this world (at least that's what was told in the first post). So the Land of Ever Young was consumed by the creatures fom the underearth.

Zeldor May 4th, 2009 02:53 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
That map is cool, but it should really get some serious work on starting locations and population of many provinces. Chances to win can be not perfectly equal, but right now gaps are a bit too big.

Lingchih May 4th, 2009 09:02 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I would vote to set Mictlan to AI.

My start position wasn't bad. Wasn't great, but not bad. I can understand those who got shafted though.

Jarkko May 5th, 2009 05:35 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 689215)
That map is cool, but it should really get some serious work on starting locations and population of many provinces. Chances to win can be not perfectly equal, but right now gaps are a bit too big.

I definitively agree with this. Take C'tis position, looks marvelous at first, but it is blody impossible to advance anywhere without a massacre. It'd be damn easier to stomp into a neighbouring players capital than try to take on the independents bordering my capital :(

I know the purpose of this game is to provide good stories, a player-community written history of Faerun. But it is hard to come up with a good story when your leg is chewed off while you bang your forehead against a granite-wall. I guess van Gogh could have made a painting under those circumstances, but I seriously doubt even he would have been able to write a coherent story :P

Zeldor May 5th, 2009 05:56 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
1 prov between capitals is not something you see every day :)

But it looks like pretty much every water prov is available for start. I cannot complain that time much, it's the best of 3 starts, 2 earlier ones were really really bad. I had bad luck with other things, that is attacking the only easy indies in same time as someone else :P

llamabeast May 5th, 2009 09:24 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I believe we may have the wrong version of the map. Edi PMed me to say he'd seen people had issues on this thread, and he believe the new version does not have such issues. Sorry about that.

Fakeymcfake May 5th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well I'm out. Cap's all but taken and I've got no more troops. Enjoy the rest of the game.

Starshine_Monarch May 5th, 2009 09:29 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Early as it is, I think I've been missing too many turns now. Sorry, but I guess I'll go AI.

Frozen Lama May 5th, 2009 10:08 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I'll play if you guys need a sub as long as their not too crippled already. looks like you guys have quite a few casualties already.

Jarkko May 6th, 2009 02:20 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I've agreed with Frozen Lama that he will take over C'tis. I'll send in this turn still, but after that I would like to ask Baalz to change C'tis to Frozen Lama. Frozen Lama, I think Baalz will need your e-mail address, so please PM it to him.

C'tis is not in ultra bad shape, but not in super good shape either. I have now found out I simply do not like the map, and I especially do not like where C'tis has started :( Still, with an enthuastic player and good diplomacy C'tis can be strong, especially after it at turn 40 or so ( ;) ) is finally able to clear the provinces in the vicinity of the capital.

Calahan May 6th, 2009 05:36 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sorry to see you go Jarkko :( As besides your fine company :) I think you would have been one of the few to contribute to the story telling side of this game.

The map is certainly unbalanced to say the least. And to back up Drager, his starting position really was the pits. Since besides some seriously tough capital neighbours, the other provinces are either waste or swamp. Hurray, huge gold income available there!

And in theory Agartha have made a good start with claiming a second capital so early, but in reality it actually stinks due to the high number of powerful neighbours, combined with there being bloody barbarian provinces everywhere. Since Agarthan troops + Barbarian encounter = dead Agarthan's.

It's a tough world out there, so keep your heads down!

Edi May 6th, 2009 06:03 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 689215)
That map is cool, but it should really get some serious work on starting locations and population of many provinces. Chances to win can be not perfectly equal, but right now gaps are a bit too big.

If you know of problematic ones, please post in the Faerun thread on the map & mod forum, that way I can take a look at things. I checked province 103 and it really is untenable, because I had not checked thoroughly enough. I have no idea where C'tis started in this game, but it may or may not be something that has been fixed.

The map will not fix itself and I need to know about problems in order to correct them.

Jarkko May 6th, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Edi (Post 689497)
The map will not fix itself and I need to know about problems in order to correct them.

This is very understandable. However, as you may guess, I have had little incentive to reveal exactly *where* C'tisis on the map, because after all it is a MP game and revealing such info at this point might not be healthy.

However, once I get home, I'll PM you what I found problematic. When this game launched, I was happy as a puppy with the position that did appear so strong (yeah, it is strong, but sadly so were the surrounding indies too). Notice that not all in my case has to do with map as such only, I got a really lousy start with three nasty events. The map however is much more unforgiving than some other maps when those things happen early on; if this was a SP I would have restarted ages ago (yeah, I am such weakling :( no stamina to see through the bad days :sick:).

I still think the map is nice for a SP (I am in fact RPing a SP campaign on the map). In a MP enviroment too much toughness simply may be a bit too much. I am also such a weirdo, I play games for fun. When the fun factor has for whatever reason been lost, it is very hard for me to get excited again.

The map is in general great, and it is not fair I posted above that I do not like the map. I *do* like the map, but in this particular case the map (with the random independents + the scripted ones) was enough to break my weak mind. I am certain Frozen Lama will be able to take C'tis to greatness as he will be able to start from a clean slate. I think it is way better for the game to have along somebody who is really keen instead of one whiner who is crying about all those lost possibilities gone during the first four turns.

BigandScary May 6th, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I need a delay on the next turn until Sunday. I will turn in turn 10 in a few minutes, but I will be away from my computer until Sunday after that and will not be able to do turn 11.

Baalz May 6th, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by BigandScary (Post 689534)
I need a delay on the next turn until Sunday. I will turn in turn 10 in a few minutes, but I will be away from my computer until Sunday after that and will not be able to do turn 11.

Well, the problem is, with so many people playing there's pretty much always going to be somebody who needs an extension...a couple days for each person who asks I fear is going to result in us being paused more often than we're playing. I'm betting that if you ask around you shouldn't have too hard a time lining up somebody to take a turn or two for you, this is a pretty helpful community and the early turns can be done in just a couple minutes (assuming you have a net connection!).

Lingchih May 6th, 2009 09:36 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
The foresters of Pangaea welcome their new neighbors, Ulm and Sauromatia. We sincerely hope that our relations can be straightforward and diplomatic.

DonCorazon May 6th, 2009 11:53 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I don't want to sub but since I downloaded the map and mods to turn Mictlan AI if someone needs a turn or two done, I can help out - just PM me.

coobe May 7th, 2009 12:21 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
im sorry for the stale...

i reinstalled my OS and now i notice that my laptop cant read my dom3 CD :( :( :(

i have no clue what to do ....

could we get a sub for me ?

Lingchih May 7th, 2009 12:35 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Sound like Coobe could use your help, DonC.

DonCorazon May 7th, 2009 12:41 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
coobe's cursed - he's never finished any MP game i've been in with him - you guys were crazy to let him in :).

anyway, my post was in response to bigandscary - happy to take a turn or two since he was out for a few days but i don't want to take over for someone permanently. sounds like coobe wants a sub...

Calahan May 7th, 2009 09:59 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I have jumped the gun here and started to search for a substitute for 'coobe' / R'yleh. Hope that's ok with everyone :)

ps. @ Baalz - Hinnom staled last turn, so if DC is willing to take a few turns for 'BigandScary' / Hinnom until his/her return on Sunday, then can you please change the email address over. Thanks in advance.

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