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-   -   MP: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43454)

chrispedersen July 22nd, 2009 02:47 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I'm really not sure what you're saying. In the current game for example, if it weren't for squirrels comment, I'd have no idea which of the two Rlyeh's staled.

I'm not interested in names, especially as they change when a player subs..

[Cool idea: Link to current players shrapnel email from the game page. Since llamaserver updates the player info anyway it would be *very* cool if clicking on the players name allowed you to send a message to that player! Think I'll suggest it to llama.]

sansanjuan July 23rd, 2009 12:27 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Victory condition - conquer 6 capitals and hold them for 3 turns.

Certainly very premature but who typically measures the victory conditions? Does one declare "I have now held the Caps of a,b,c,d,e,f for six turns."? Maybe it is easier than I'm thinking but if the Caps are in "flux" it could get complicated. I'm guessing they need to be held simultaneously for (the same) three turns (losing one of the six for even one turn resets the clock).

;) Sorry... that's how I get working with attorneys.


ano July 23rd, 2009 12:31 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I think that winner should have his last turns available for check. And yes, losing any of the capitals should reset the timer even if another one was captured the same turn

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2009 12:56 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
What? No!

Not that I can see this happening, but the VC's just say 6 capitals for 3 turns. Nothing about them being the same capitals. And yeah, usually the player just makes the turns available. Now the question I have is does the turn of taking count as a turn of holding?

ano July 23rd, 2009 01:03 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Does it really matter if the capitals are the same?

As for the second question, I think that if player captures his capitals on turn 50 then on turn 53 he is declared a winner. Opposing nations have exactly 3 turns to counteract. Quite simple.

Hoplosternum July 23rd, 2009 04:11 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
So you have to announce when you have 6? Or can you simply declare yourself the winner after 3 turns....

ano July 23rd, 2009 04:14 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I think that if someone is going to have 6 capitals we'll know this. Diplomacy is available and scouting is as well. Scout well and you'll know everything. So no need in any announcing.

Btw, I paused the game by 24h because ianuki needs to get into the game and also I wouldn't mind a small pause and Ermor also didn't send his turn in (though he didn't ask for anything).

rdonj July 23rd, 2009 07:41 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 702583)

Originally Posted by Bwaha (Post 702575)
It seems to me the best solution would be to put the name of the player after the listing of the race. This would stop the confusion.

Well if llamabeast does add this feature to his server, I certainly hope it will be a selectable option and not come as standard. Since knowing which player is playing which nation would destroy all RAND games on the spot :(

I gave llamabeast some suggestions regarding making some sort of selectable option for RAND games that would hide certain things from the players that are normally visible. Perhaps a thread should be opened for people to make suggestions about what sorts of thinsg should be avaiable/hidden in a rand game.

ano July 24th, 2009 03:33 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Hosting postponed due to request by Natpy (Pythium). Also, LA R'lyeh subbing player, ianuki, won't able to send his turn in until Sunday evening anyway

ano July 25th, 2009 08:35 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I postponed this turn by 24h (no LA R'lyeh turn until Monday) and I suggest that we permanently switch to 48h. It seems this is right time for this.

Hoplosternum July 25th, 2009 03:32 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
If anyone has any Death gems and is interested in Astral gems in return please let me know.

DomDomDom July 26th, 2009 08:45 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Ermor needs nature gems. Payment in death, astral or gold.

Squirrelloid July 28th, 2009 11:55 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Ok, I'm back (briefly) - seems i got confused on just how close the trips were to each other. (Originally the last one was a month earlier, so it always felt like I had a lot of time between them, but it got pushed back and my brain didn't register exactly what that meant).

And I'll probably need to find a sub soon (Iainuki has expressed an interest in not inheriting all my games, getting right on this).

But for the meantime you can restore Nox to my e-mail (ano, if you don't have it I can PM it to you).

If we're moving to or on a sane hosting schedule of like 48h I'm going to miss like 5-6 turns. Not that bad in the grand scheme of things.

ano July 28th, 2009 12:56 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Can you try looking for another sub? Stales are no good, especially 5-6 stales.
No, I don't have your email. Please, PM

Squirrelloid July 28th, 2009 02:35 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 703391)
Can you try looking for another sub? Stales are no good, especially 5-6 stales.
No, I don't have your email. Please, PM

You may have noticed the thread.


ano July 28th, 2009 03:27 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I changed email and requested turn resend for you.

Squirrelloid July 28th, 2009 04:02 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Current turn is submitted and fine I'm sure, so don't delay the host time for me.

Oh, and I have a sub.

ano July 28th, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Bwaha July 29th, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I have air gems for sale. 12.5 gold each...

BandarLover July 29th, 2009 10:39 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Bandar Log has reached lvl 4 construction! Earth, Nature, Astral and Water boosters and items are for sale!! PM for prices!! Will accept gems or gold!! No credit please!

ano July 30th, 2009 04:48 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
I'm in need of something like 20h pause and I granted it to myself. Also, I decided to stop playing here in the nearest turns and so I'm looking for a good sub now. Sorry for that - real life presses hard.
I'll keep being an admin unless someone wants to take this role.

Executor August 1st, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Why does my turn say I won the game???
What the hell just happened?

ano August 1st, 2009 01:47 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Bwaha! The funny thins has happened and I probably have to say "sorry" for that. I tried to figure out what happened and I think that it's quite simple.
When creating the game here I selected "VPs in capitals: yes" and "VPs required to win: No VP victory" but I just didn't remember that it is impossible to create game with such settings via game interface and llamaserver says nothing about that.

ano August 1st, 2009 01:49 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
So obviously "victory by VP" was turned on silently and nobody knew...
I don't know if anything can be done now. Probably not. One thing that should definitely be done is reporting this to llamabeast to avoid such situations in future.
And sorry once again for not being a genius...

Alpine Joe August 1st, 2009 01:59 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Congrats on a nice clean win executor :)

I suppose one of us could probably restart the game with most of the same players in a Nox II

Executor August 1st, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Rejoice for a true God has ascended!!! Worship me mortals!!!!! Muhahahaahaha

This is definitely the fastest military victory in dominions.
So... should I sign in my win!?:D

But really, damn you Ano. I had such a great start here, killed Abysia and was just about to move on Ermor. I had everything planned to perfection!

ano August 1st, 2009 02:13 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

I suppose one of us could probably restart the game with most of the same players in a Nox II
I'm too tired of dominions now so I won't do that. Maybe a month or too later. If you want it you may of course make a restart though


But really, damn you Ano. I had such a great start here, killed Abysia and was just about to move on Ermor. I had everything planned to perfection!
Yes, you were a perfect position, I knew, and was greatly worried about that. You shouldn't have had an easy win but at the moment you were probably the most likely victor. Sorry for that, guys, but I really couldn't know that. It seems that this game was the first one to run into this but probably not the last unless something is done with game creation page.

Bwaha August 1st, 2009 02:13 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Humbug. Let's start a new game.

Let's a different map though.

I've been messing with the Middle Earth BB map, and It looks good so far.

What do you guys think?

sansanjuan August 1st, 2009 02:14 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 703956)
Rejoice for a true God has ascended!!! Worship me mortals!!!!! Muhahahaahaha

This is definitely the fastest military victory in dominions.
So... should I sign in my win!?:D

But really, damn you Ano. I had such a great start here, killed Abysia and was just about to move on Ermor. I had everything planned to perfection!

NOOoooooo! Tien Chi had 40 (!) provinces and a huge gem stash :doh: (even found an air 4 site)... I was ready to turn the switch in a couple more turns... So sad.

Ex: In any event.. Congrats!


Alpine Joe August 1st, 2009 03:25 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.
Yeah I'd be up for replacing this map with another one as well. Asia twist simply has too many provinces per player. Its pretty, but i feel like you should only be able to get about 15 provinces through normal expansion on the biggest maps.....

chrispedersen August 1st, 2009 11:48 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Started.

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 703956)
Rejoice for a true God has ascended!!! Worship me mortals!!!!! Muhahahaahaha

This is definitely the fastest military victory in dominions.
So... should I sign in my win!?:D


Sign in a win.. hell no... you had like 30 territories. TC had 40. I had 48. Three forts built and 8 under construction....

That *really* sucked! I'd vote undoing the turn, fixing it and continuining.

chrispedersen August 2nd, 2009 12:02 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended
Hey on other matters, we're looking for 2 in Tourney a Champions -where everyone plays one game as one of six nations (each player chooses one, all players play the same - check it out).

Is anyone interested in starting a new game? If theres interest, I'd like to start a game using the balance mod I've written.

Essentially pulls out gem generators, compensates certain nations, and has minor fixes for nations perceived as weak: Yomi, Abysia, Agartha, Oceania.

Hoplosternum August 2nd, 2009 03:32 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended
Congratulations Executor ;)

Shame though - I fancied my chances against LA R'lyeh, even if not for the game, despite my bad start and two stales.

ano August 2nd, 2009 07:21 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended

That *really* sucked! I'd vote undoing the turn, fixing it and continuining.
I don't think anything can be done here as we can't alter the game settings

Strabo August 2nd, 2009 08:33 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 704015)
Is anyone interested in starting a new game? If theres interest, I'd like to start a game using the balance mod I've written.

Essentially pulls out gem generators, compensates certain nations, and has minor fixes for nations perceived as weak: Yomi, Abysia, Agartha, Oceania.

I haven't played Nox, but this sounds interesting...

Alpine Joe August 2nd, 2009 10:36 AM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 704015)
Hey on other matters, we're looking for 2 in Tourney a Champions -where everyone plays one game as one of six nations (each player chooses one, all players play the same - check it out).

Is anyone interested in starting a new game? If theres interest, I'd like to start a game using the balance mod I've written.

Essentially pulls out gem generators, compensates certain nations, and has minor fixes for nations perceived as weak: Yomi, Abysia, Agartha, Oceania.

I'd join this game.

chrispedersen August 2nd, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Nox. MA+LA. Unexpectedly ended
Okay, I'll make a thread: Balance - signup.
I'm short on time today, so it will be rudimentary.

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