![]() |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
My apologies to Sauromatia but Arcocephalae gave me a better deal.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Hm, apologies for *what* exactly? Could you please be more specific?
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
For switching sides.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Well, *who* is switching sides then? I think we're already at war and I have some conversation about switching sided with Arco and I don't think he's going to attack me now. So, *what* exactly is happening?
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I told Arco you paid me 15 of each gem to stop fighting you, Arco gave me a better deal to switch sides, and wanted me to make it public as collateral.
Hopefully, whatever pummeling I'll get will be in the game and not the forums. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Hm, really? It was soo long ago and I had that conversation with Arco and we came to good agreement for the current stage of the game, and after that I wrote you that my offer was too premature and is cancelled. So I don't see how all this can be applied now except if you messed with dates and made Arco believe I discussed this *after* our agreement with him, in which case you should apologise to him and not to me.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
So, the way I see it, you two can postpone hostilities with each other until you both crush me, or bid for my assistance. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I think we have no hostilities between us now. Everything was settled on 7th of January. I understood (after talking with Ironhawk) that my decision to switch sides was against our existing agreement with Arco (and not a good idea in general) so I cancelled my offer to you as well as established more direct agreement with Arco. (Perhaps my *initial* move of helping Arco deal with Ctis was wrong but that is another story). After that we had long pauses in hosting and rollbacks so it's actually possible to lose track a bit here. I hope now the problem is solved and we can continue.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Yeah the root cause of any hostility was proof of a double-cross deal. But since that deal has been revealed to never actually have happened, then no violation of treaties has occurred.
And now... back to our regularly scheduled war! |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Karnoza is willing to sub Marverni. He is ready to play from the next turn (71). I'll switch email after hosting tonight.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I'm taking over Marverni from turn 72 and all existing treaties get cancelled, please write me to ... to establish new ones.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I need a delay until tomorrow
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I also need a delay, really, sorry: as Fantomen has also asked for one, I'm only putting in a partial turn now.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
No problem, 24h added.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Hey guys - I need to ask for a long delay. I have a deadline for work on thursday and I am probably going to be working straight from now until then. Is there any way I could get a delay until Friday at midnight?
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Yep, no problem. I added 36h. Don't think this is "long delay" btw :) If you need more please let me know.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Just got my turn in - with only an hour or so to spare :)
Thanks for the delay, guys! |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I just saw that Fomoria has several stales in a row. Does anyone know what happened? Should I look for a sub already?
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I'm adding 24h as I still has no information about Fomoria status.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I have had some serious computer problems. I'll see what shape I'm in, thanks for the added time Dimaz.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Hmmm. Pretty badly messed up, but i'll do my best.
MARVERNI!! PREPARE TO...eh...suffer considerable attrition! |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
OK, so we continue as is, right?
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I need some more time for this turn so I add 24h.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I need a day extra
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Fomoria staled again.
Fantomen, are you with us or not? Perhaps we should again look for a sub? Marv player says Fomoria still have lots of troops, so someone seeking experience in lategame battles might be interested. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Yeah it is fairly ironic that we rolled back this game so that Marverni would not be carved up by its neighbors. But now, Formoria is effectively just carved up by its neighbors. And its not even AI :doh:
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Added 24h in hope to solve Fomoria issue.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I found a person who may be interested in subbing Fomoria but he will look more closely only tomorrow. So if Fantomen doesn't appear I'll add another 24h.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Fine with me - my home computer got infected with a virus last night. Pretty sure I managed to clean it out, but I will probably need to reinstall my OS. So my internet access will be weak for the next day or two.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I'm sorry. There were more problems and I can't do my turns.
If there is a sub willing to take over I'll gladly step out of the game. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
It seems I found a sub. He'll do the turn tomorrow.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I see that someone took the Formoria turn. Can that player post in this thread so we have contact info, please?
Also - I was unable to repair my home computer and it is now dead. I'll try and do turns on my work computer for the next turn or two but if I cant get my home machine fixed soon I might need a more extended delay. I'll let you know... |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
That player in question is reluctant to post on these forums anymore, he only joined to make a brief but glorious last stand with a doomed nation. He also reports that Fomoria is even more doomed than anyone could have expected due to its terrible development - terrible magic diversity for a 71th turn, nothing but national mages, and even these in low numbers.
So there's no point in further dealings with Fomoria - its dead. He promises to struggle a bit, kick somebody in the groin once or twice, but that it. Please let me know if you need delay in advance, 10 hours should be enough. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
No delay needed, this turn. I'm at work doing my turn right now.
Tho my home machine is still broken, which makes me sad :} |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Hosting delayed by Fomoria request.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I know I've resisted it in the past but with a huge 2:1 war against the other major powers looming, I think would like to request moving the timer to 72hr cycle.
What do you guys think? |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I agree :)
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I'd like to request a 24hr extension to the timer.
Haven't had time to play the turn yet and my weekend is very busy because I'm going to be looking at houses to purchase (which is pretty crazy!!). Wish me luck! |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
24h added - good luck! :)
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
So, the two other biggest players, Marv and Sauro, have indicated to me that while they can fight on for many more turns, they feel that I will take the win in the long run. If I've understood them correctly and all the other remaining players agree, I would accept the concession. So, let me know what you all think...
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Well I'd certainly agree.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Works for me. Not much I could do out from the sea anyway. :p
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Yes, you put it right. We're loosing both military and economy-wise, as current armageddon sequence, altough predictable, still hurts a lot, especially blood economy and fetish handlers. I was trying to cast AN as it was the only way to secure some income and gain economy advantage but my 250 astral unfortunately weren't enough so we decided to end this to free our time.
Very good play Ironhawk, now I see that even if I allied with CTis we probably had no chances against you. I think one of the biggest problem for me in this game was Pan capital - it slowed my growth for 15 or so turns, as I had to keep serious forces there while preaching Pan dominion all around it. Ok, so, finally, it was a very nice and interesting game, thanks everyone :) |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
1 Attachment(s)
Rejoice, a true god has ascended! Long live Dark-Omen of Arcosephale! :)
Oh wow - thats terrible luck you had there Dimaz. You had to have randomly hit my Gift of Health, which was backed with almost 300 gems I'd been hoarding for almost the entire game. Only a 20% chance of that happening and for such a critical spell of yours. Ouch! This ended up being a very strategic (rather than tactical) game for me. I inherited the nation early and was given the directive to get the artifacts first, which i did and secured several key ones - notably, the Sickle, the Soulstone, the Ankh, and the Dim Rod + Forbidden Light. But more important than that, given the focus on construction research, I began clam and blood stone hoarding early and devoted considerable resources to it over the course of the game. That choice of strategy made me extremely weak early on and I protected myself with a very thin veil of diplomacy. My plans were almost ruined by an early war with Aby but I bluffed him and he backed down to fight Tir, instead. This was great luck for me cause while I might have been able to muster a defense vs. Aby, I would very likely have lost any chance of winning. After this is was only a matter of time while I reached critical mass with clam -> Wish -> gem production, so I then went on the offensive and wiped out Aby. After that was the controversial war with CTis alongside Sauro. Dimaz, I know you think I was more powerful than you and CTis combined at this point but I'm not so sure. Remember that CTis threw the majority of his forces at me and with all my resources I had a tough time defeating him. It was a tough and bloody war, but I learned a great deal about using tartarians and Rains of Stone that I employed in later wars. Once CTis was defeated and his lock of the Well and the Gift broken, I seized the opportunity to take Tartarian dominance. Put my liches to work summoning tarts every round and out-wished Marv for control of the Chalice. I then proceeded to eat Neifelheim who was weakened by war with Helheim. It was at this time - when my tart-factory was running at full steam with basically no external threats - that my power really exploded out of control. Sensing that I would very soon be ganged by the remaining nations, I preemptively declared war on Marv to try and defeat him before my peace treaty with Sauro expired. After reconsidering my chances I realized I could not win a conventional war in time and instead decided to cast Armageddon under the assumption that if I was prepared for it, it would hurt Marv and Sauro (with their reliance on blood) far more than me. To achieve that, I stole the Gift of Health from Marv to both expose his mages to Armageddon damage and similarly protect my own. Then I spent many turns forging armor full-tilt across my entire empire. Even at full production, many of my own mages were still unarmored and died when I cast the first armageddon, but I could not wait any more. So, now you can see the history of decisions I made with this nation. Thanks to all of you for a really fun game!! I can't believe I've been playing this for half a year and I will admit to being very happy to conclude it with a win! Special thanks also to Dimaz for doing a great job admining and being a great sometimes ally sometimes enemy for the full course of the game :) Thanks again to all! I'll include my last turn file along with this post if any of you are curious. |
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
Thanks for posting that AAR. I'm happy to hear that my Ctis Lizars survived until near the end and were a big enough threat that they got ganged up on. Thanks again to AlgaeNymph for taking over from me.
Re: Aquamarine EA CBM Game Running
I'm just glad I didn't totally screw things up.
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