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Re: Viscious Circle 3
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Re: Viscious Circle 3
Tarnation. I staled.
My whole household was sick all weekend and I just forgot what day it was. However, the fact is that I don't have the attention to spare. After all, it's only a game. I will post for a sub. Alternatively, if the current players are OK with it and if anyone is interested, we could see if any of the eliminated players from this game would like to jump back in. - Alex, Helheim |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Sauromatia has also staled two turns in a row, and has seemingly disappeared in another game. We may need to look for a Sauro sub regardless.
(I noticed the likely stale this last turn, and made a point of not changing my actions after I noticed as I don't want to totally abuse a staling nation. At the same time, I'm not about to assume he's going to stale only to get screwed when he actually takes a turn, so... If another stale looks likely from him I'll probably complete any current offensives and hold off on initiating new ones). |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Shard had told me that he thought about setting it to AI (as I seem to be the Switzerland of this game.
I asked him if thats what he really wanted and he said he maight see if someone would not attack him and see from there. I am not saying he has bailed on all his games (Squirrel, I asked Chris if he had heard from him and he said no). I also have been sniping around the edges of his empire with his permission. With that said Iwill do what I had planned and we will see what we want to do. Alex, if we upped the turn time would that help you? Trying to find 2 subs is going to be hard.:( |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
On a totally different note:
Looking for 125 blood slaves. Offering 50d gems, other gems possibly negotiable. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I think I now understand better why there are so many subs requests for late games. The amount of micromanagement necessary to run a late-game empire is just plain not fun. I hate to say it, because Dom3 is otherwise such a very cool game. So I sympathize with Shard.
I will post in the main forum. The last time I did this I got a response and someone was able to take over C'tis in the Aquamarine game, and it looks like they did an OK job. I will continue to play my nation until I can find a sub, or until something else happens. Yes, it would be a big help to me if I could get an extension this weekend until Monday. I should have time Sunday night if all else fails. thanks, - Alex |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Alex...did you get my PM?
I didn't want you to think I was sniping you, but you where my friend and ally....and if your leaving I am going to grab soem stuff if you don't mind. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
just putting us on page 1 agian
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Shard/Sauromatia has staled again. Ok, we should really think about getting someone to set Sauro AI if Shard isn't going to play his turns.
I've finished virtually all my pre-planned attacks at this point, and I really don't want to start making attacks that I'm planning with full knowledge that Shard is probably going to stale. Help alleve my guilty conscience! (If this goes on too many more turns no one will *want* to sub for Shard). |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
You know more about Shards capabilities than most I would think, If you would write up a short blurb I will add some stuff and post for a sub... Alex (Helheim) said he will fight it out to the bitter end. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
This past turn I did not stale but Shard did, I launched a major attack which I won (barely!) killing 19 commanders, so Sauro is perhaps a bit more hosed now. Also I think at some point during the last few turns of Sauro staling Hinnom toasted the big army in Port Lolomo. So we had better set Sauro AI; I very much doubt a sub would be interested, except as a public service.
We should at least not roll forward on turns until Sauro has either been subbed or set AI. - Alex, Helheim |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Do we want me to find someone to set Sauro to AI or try and find a sub? I tend to agree with Helheim I will extend the turn until we agree. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
OHHHHHHH, by the way....
Those that have looked at their turn have discovered that I cast Arcane Nexus. I was approched (as I seem to be the Switzerland in this game) by 2 Nations who suggested that I cast it so no one else would cast it. I don't have any axe to grind with anyone and am NOT going to give the gems to anyone. It was agreed that I would give back the gems given to me to cast it and not 1 more. it was the only way I would do it...you have my word. You can pool your gems and try and dispel it but between the 3 of us I used a TON to cast it....I say this in all humility as I don't want you warring nations to waste your gems on something that is not going to hurt you. Thanks Grudge |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
You know, there were 5 globals up - its a pretty good way to dissuade someone from casting AN.
Actually casting it, on the other hand, can be interpreted as a declaration of war by all the other players. I hope you thought through the ramifications of your actions. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
First the global that went up last ..took mine out (I had Dark skies)
So...you want someone else to cast it that your at war with... Actually I DID think of the ramifications. I have no chance to win this and don't expect to. I exist at the grace of those around me. I don't think there is a nation left that couldn't cough and knock me out. I am enjoying watching a number of good players with large nations and how they interact and react to each other. I have learned more in this and NvV in 2 months than I have learned in the last year. If you want to declare war and knock me out and someone else cast it that DOES have a chance to win, then go ahead as I am more or less watching and forging...and learning. Its like giving Switzerland all the nukes if a world war broke out. No one has a huge advantage and you fight with what you got. Its the reason I announced it and I also sent a in game message to everyone, just in case they don't read this forum. That sound like I am trying to hide it or ominous to you. Those that know me know that I NEVER break my word once given. So there is no use to ask me for gems or threaten me for gems. I am just going to accumulate gems. And ya know what...I have never cast a major Global and...it was kinda neat. This wasn't my idea originally but I will live with it and hopefully see the end of the game.:) |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Even if the rephaims are looking more closely toward your nation now that you have arcane nexus, we prefer that it was you rather than a major power casting it.
I hope we will find a sub for sauro as well and agreed that we shouldn't proceed further before finding a sub or setting him to ai. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Thank you Mighty Hinnom for seeing the wisdom of my actions...
I have already delayed it 24 hours...are we in agreement that we want it set AI, because if we do I can have Statttis or Frozen Lama do it for us. Let me know your feelings. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
If you don't let me know what you want to do about Sauro I will have him set to AI asap.
Some feedback please. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I believe turning leader of the game into AI changes too much of the balance. However that seems to our only option. Anyhow the turn updates take too long tome at the moment and I'm starting lose focus/interest for the game. Especially when one of my allies is seeking for a sub.
My advice - speed up! And turn players into AI. Lets get this over with! |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Squirrel has put a good message on the forum but I have not gotton a response....the only option I think is AI.
I will work on getting someone to set it to AI today, will announce it and will force host once it has been taken care of and eveyone has their turn in. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I had severely hesitated and decided not to make an offer because I am very inexperienced and probably wouldn't do much better than the AI, and I assumed someone else would take over.
Since that doesn't seem to be the case, I am interested in giving this a shot. I have CBM 1.6. Is it necessary that I have CBM 1.5? Also, there are gemgens in this game, right? Lastly, I might not get the chance to submit a turn until Sunday, although I could take a look at the position earlier. Also, if I take over, would one of the players in this game be interested in taking over Atlantis in Bay12Games2? |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
You would need CBM 1.5. And there are gemgens in this game. If you did come in as Sauromatia, a delay would certainly be in order, as you'd probably need a good couple days to consider the turn anyway, not to mention conduct diplomacy. Endgame takes longer than early game, and you'll have to interpret whatever it was Shard was doing before he mysteriously disappeared. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
CBM 1.5 link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=43120
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Alrighty, send me the turn file. I will PM grudgebringer with my email address.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Turn resent to Belac taking over sauro...Hosting postponed until Sunday to give him an oppourtunity to look it over.
Everybody let him know your status with him...don't backstab him, if your at war tell him...if your an ally, stay with it (for now). |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Hello everyone. This will be quite an experience--Sauromatia is pretty powerful. I have some idea who I'm fighting here--if anyone is an ally, I would be grateful. Otherwise I'll just try to go down fighting, and figure out how to field my SCs.
Anyone fighting me, please let me know what you did to Sauromatia the last few turns. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Thanks for taking over the position. I sent you a PM with as much info as I could remember, though I didnt have the map in front of me.
I don't know if Sauro has scouts out everywhere. If not, it would be good if someone could summarize broadly who is where and like that. You could ask Grudgebringer, aka good old Switzerland. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I am sorry for not having gotten my turn in. I had PMed Grudgebringer asking for a further extension, and have just finished my turn. There was no way I could have done it before now. Is there anything that can be done? Can we roll back? I have turn 62 all ready and have not looked at turn 63.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Guys...Belac Pm'd me this afternoon and I just got it. he said because of diplomacy issues he didn't get his turn done and it hosted.
He wants a roll back...I would like to help him out here, but at this stage of the game do we want to have people able to look at the turns and them roll it back? On the other hand, he is taking Sauro over and deserves every courtesy.. I need some opinions here... NO ONE SEND IN A TURN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I have not looked at my turn and would not oppose a rollback. It would be nice for our sub to not have to take yet another stale.
Just letting Belac submit a turn after the rollback and force hosting would prevent anyone from benefitting if they have looked at their turn. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Thanks if you let me. It took me a long time to give all the movement and forging orders, script battles, learn how high-level spells interacted, figure out what my predecessor was planning, see which provinces connected where...
Re: Viscious Circle 3
OK Squirrel, I am going to gamble that everyone on here is smart enough to either figure it out of come to the forum.
I will chek llama server, make sure no one has done there turn and roll it back...Belac Get your turn in as soon as you get it so I can force host!!! |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
My turn is sending...there it goes. Forcehost as soon as it shows Sauromatia's turn as in.
And thanks. Endgame empires are a whole lot of work. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Ok..for those confused, we did a rollback so Belac (Sauro's replacement) could get his turn in. AnD then I did a force host since no one had sent there turn in.
IF you had looked at the new turn (I think) you will have to do turn 62 all over agian and submit (use the rollback turn to redo). IF you didn't look at the new turn (I think) all you have to do is resend the turn in like normal. Squirrel, you read it that way? |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Anyone who downloaded the old current turn needs to delete the file and use the new file. Any work done on the old turn (ie, the 2h file) needs to also be deleted, it is no longer relevant.
If you hadn't DLed as yet, just don't DL the old one and only use the new one. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
No problem with roll back.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Thanks everyone! I promise there will be no more rollback trouble from me, now that I have the full turn time to look at the position, and have familiarized myself with where everything is.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
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Re: Viscious Circle 3
I put a 6 hour extension on for Helheim. This will be the last non asked for extension in the game unless a special circumstance arises.
We need to get this game going agian. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Thank you kindly for that Grudge. I was actually about to submit my turn with half my dudes doing nothing useful when I saw that you had extended it. I will try to get it in in good time from now on.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
The battle replay in Ulaan Bataar shows very different results from what seem to have actually happened.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
That I have no idea about.
I have heard that happens sometimes, although it has never happened to me. Lets see what some of the other guys say, inthe meantime, go on the forum and Start a thread asking if anyone has had that happen and what can you do about it,if anything. If its just a random thing, we will not roll back the turn to replay 1 battle. Sorry, if this was a bad thing...it could have just as well been a good thing. It may correct itself next turn also. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I don't want anyone to do anything about it--I am just really curious how that one Helheim Tartarian killed/routed 4 of my SCs, since he seemed to die pretty quickly in the replay.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Well one thing that has worked for frozenlama before is deleting and then redownloading CBM. I have no idea if/why/how it works, but he did that in the first Cripple Fight and had no problems afterwards.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
I agree that was weird. The phenomenon has been discussed in a couple threads on the main forum.
My guess is, suppose the version of CBM I (and presumably you too) have installed is very slightly different from what is on llamaserver. Because the way battles work is that it re-runs the battle using the same seed for the random number generator, even a tiny change could make a battle take a completely different course: if something happened slightly differently early on, all of the dice rolls might get shifted so that a really bad defense roll turns into a really bad attack roll, etc. The other question is, how did that fight come out in my favor. Without being able to see the battle video it is impossible to even speculate. All I can say is that I have seen some really wacky battle videos. I think I might have posted in this thread about my assault on Tir Na Nog's capital fortress, where a zillion spells were flying back and forth, troops on both sides dying in droves everywhere, and after 20-30 turns one or two of TNNs mages who were not fatigued out won the day by casting frozen heart on my thugs, who happened to have no cold resistance (or perhaps only 50% cold resistance). |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Hmm, I happened to saw the battle - there was no question who won. Helheim's troops ran over Sauromantia's. The tart you saw dying kicked *** and didn't even get that close dying.
I wont go into details, but Sauromantia routed on turn 20, or so. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Interesting. That implies to me that Lihaa:ssa: had the same version of CBM 1.5 that the llamaserver has, while both Belac and I have a slightly different version. I'm going to try re-downloading cbm 1.5 and see if the battle movie changes.
Re: Viscious Circle 3
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Re: Viscious Circle 3
Although it is very interesting to play around with a late-game nation with all the research completed and lots of unique SCs, I'm finding lategame micro to be a bit overwhelming. I seem to have raised Sauro from its deathbed, but I would like to look for a real replacement, someone who can make it fully live and breathe.
I have Sauro's house in order and (with 1 exception) know the lay of the land, and I'm not going to vanish. So whoever took over for me would actually know what's going on, what's where, magic items, units, diplomacy, etc. Until someone is found, I will keep playing, of course. |
Re: Viscious Circle 3
Yeah, late game is tricky. You really need to know exactly what and where and why things are going on in order to make it dance right. And this is from someone who still doesn't know exactly what he's doing.
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