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DonCorazon February 24th, 2010 01:49 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I think smaller maps with fewer and more qualified (either by reputation, track record or whatever) players and no NAPS is a movement in the right direction.

Large games invariably lead to a number of problems.
You get the fly-by-night players with 3 posts that sign up after having a few drinks and wake up like they were next to Sade the Harpy and abandon the game. Then there is the overenthusiastic noob signed up in 10 games that will flare out half way through and collapse meteorically.

In large games also there is the sense that with 12+ nations, you can dogpile on a few and not worry about the consequences until much later. A lot of these games are just a series of regional dogpiles. I am guessing with 6 or 8 nations, while there still will be dogpiling, the paranoia of survival kicks in much earlier and just the fact there are less nations to team up with will reduce the tag-teaming, especially if the map is set up right.

Finally, smaller games/maps will lessen the late-game micro hell.

Meglobob February 24th, 2010 03:09 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Won't smaller maps just weight the game even more in favour of the strong bless nations and giant races? Well weakening the more magic/research driven nations?

I suppose you could have easy research and high gem site % thou to help counteract that somewhat.

Zeldor February 24th, 2010 03:12 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

The idea is that for smaller number of nations it's possible to pick only nations on similar level. You can pick only powerful nations for example. And with bigger map you use almost all nations, so some people get really bad nations while others get awesome.

DonCorazon February 24th, 2010 03:34 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Oh yeah, that was the other point I meant to make - thanks Zeldor.

Burnsaber February 24th, 2010 05:11 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I really don't play RND games at all, but this discussion caught my eye.


Ditto very much on all of your points. I basically just skip all games with over 12 players.


Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 733193)
Getting stuck with crappy, significantly weaker, nation in a RAND game is not fun. You know from the starters the game holds 0 promise for you. It's not fun the first time it happens, less fun the 2nd and gets worse for me - having had a bad luck streak with RAND nation assignment. When skill level is homogeneous there's no way to compensate for a weak nation. The nation selection element needs to be addressed.

Abot random nation selection, Gregstrom made a fine game sometime ago with quite good random nation selection. It went like this;

Each player, upon sign up, selects a nation. Once all players have selected a nation, the players are assigned RND nations from all of the nations selected by players.

Basically you likely end up with all weak nations or all strong nations depending on the first pick, but with healthy variation.

namad February 28th, 2010 10:08 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I had an idea once where wars could not be joined...
this is how it would work...

no one may attack anyone period.

If you would like to attack someone else all you have to do is post publicly a declaration of war. you may then attack them as much as you want.

Anyone who wishes to ally with you against that nation may do so. A full turn later though that war get's locked in on your side. That means no one else can attack the other player until either the other player wins the war, gets you to agree to a truce, or gains his own ally. (once a truce is joined the status goes back to how it was before... or some such)

If you have been attacked by another player you may call upon allies to assist you... however you again may only declare allies on one specific turn. (just like starting a war) these allies may then attack the enemy allied group and vica versa until the war is won or is over or is halted publicly...

so under these rules no one can ever sneak attack anyone and no one can ever dogpile onto someone.... (you can still make a sneak attack in that the person will only ever have one turn of warning... which is still a lot less than 3turns everyone is getting nowadays)

This will also prevent people from just randomly joining a war as it continues... however you can still create a large (or small) alliances designed to dogpile others but you have to do it well in advance... (things could be changed so that all wars are duels that may only be 1on1 but that would be stupid and boring and totally remove diplomacy all together)

under these rules there would be no point at all in a nap3 because all nations everywhere always have a nap1... so the main diplomatic agreements to secure would be ally-ship in publicly posted wars which were nearly locked into position for quite some time...

It sounds like it might work but I am sure anyone with half a brain could pick a thousand holes into it

WraithLord February 28th, 2010 12:59 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

The solution needs to be simple to understand and follow or else it won't work.

After giving this more thought I now hold that RAND concept is sound at it's core. The main issues are:
a- subs, specifically newb subs in a vets RAND. The situation is all too familiar. The vet player is replaced by a newb. His nation, whether a strong empire or a humble kingdom is either quickly devoured or is extremely passive. Both ends unfairly impact the game result.
b- nation selection should be semi random.

namad March 1st, 2010 10:55 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
i don't think my idea is inherently complex... as far as i can tell it could be implemented in such a fashion that it would be SIMPLER than the current system...

if anything the only flaw I see in the system i proposed is that it is far too simple in every way by disallowing nearly everything and turning diplomacy into a boolean operation

i'm just inarticulate and long winded ... you know what might work well? RAND games with HALF the total player count.... smaller games end faster

PashaDawg March 2nd, 2010 08:45 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 733723)

The solution needs to be simple to understand and follow or else it won't work.

After giving this more thought I now hold that RAND concept is sound at it's core. The main issues are:
a- subs, specifically newb subs in a vets RAND. The situation is all too familiar. The vet player is replaced by a newb. His nation, whether a strong empire or a humble kingdom is either quickly devoured or is extremely passive. Both ends unfairly impact the game result.
b- nation selection should be semi random.

Good points, me thinks.

PashaDawg March 2nd, 2010 10:07 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 54 is out.

Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



PashaDawg March 3rd, 2010 11:05 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
A rehost of turn 54 is out. Deadline is Friday.

Please be sure to use the correct .2h file.

PashaDawg March 6th, 2010 04:11 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 55 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



PashaDawg March 9th, 2010 11:06 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 56 is out. This is with the 3.24 patch.

Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



PashaDawg March 18th, 2010 07:06 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

The game is crashing when I host the turn.

Any potential solutions?


Lingchih March 18th, 2010 08:21 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Probably just have everyone re-do and re-submit their turns.

PashaDawg March 20th, 2010 09:50 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I suppose that might be the best. I'd like to get the game to run in debug mode, but I cannot get that to happen. Can someone give me exactly what to type in a unix command line? I am using a Mac.

If I am in the /Applications/Dominions3/Contents/MacOS directory, I can type "open -a Dominions3" and the game will start. If I type "open -d Dominions3" it does nothing (the game won't start). Same with "open -a Dominions 3 -d". What am I missing?

PashaDawg March 20th, 2010 10:48 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

I have figured out using the process of elimination that it is Atul's turn that is making the game crash.

*Points finger

I ask that Atul replay his turn and resubmit.



Zeldor March 21st, 2010 11:53 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Well, in Windows it's "/path/dominions3/dom3.exe" -ddd as a shortcut path [-ddd after ""]. On Linux it's simply ./dom3_amd64 -ddd

PashaDawg March 21st, 2010 09:10 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 59 is out. Thank you to djo for hosting the turn. For some reason Atul's turn crashed the game on my machine but not djo's.

Deadline is Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



PashaDawg March 24th, 2010 07:21 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 60 is out.

Deadline is Friday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.

Arco has gone AI. It was played by Lingchih.

Ashdod was played by Ygorl.

Thanks to both for playing!


WraithLord March 25th, 2010 06:53 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Wow, two very skilled vets in control of good nations are down. That's scary.
Pasha, you managed to get some impressive homogeneous skill level for this game. No one gets a break, no error is forgiven :eek:

Zeldor March 25th, 2010 07:56 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Ygorl is a vet? Ashdod's performance was one of the weakest in this game [not trying to insult Ygorl here] and very disappointing.

WraithLord March 25th, 2010 09:06 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
ok. I may be mistaken but IIRC Ygorl played as far back as dom II and possibly even dom PPP.

I didn't mean for my comment to trigger that response. Perhaps there are factors you're not aware of that are behind Ashdod's demise. Anyway, I'm feeling uncomfortable with the direction this is taking so I opt to say no more.

Lingchih March 25th, 2010 07:00 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Ygorl and I basically killed each other off, then others came in to mop up the carnage.

PashaDawg March 25th, 2010 10:06 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Indeed, Ygorl had returned from a hiatus. It was nice to have him play again.

WraithLord March 26th, 2010 03:16 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 737222)
Ygorl and I basically killed each other off, then others came in to mop up the carnage.

Yes. I've noticed that this is pretty common in no diplo games. Once a war is started there's no way to end it so if one side doesn't win quickly both parties are doomed.

WraithLord March 26th, 2010 07:11 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
* should have done this before opening game thread... :doh: *

Guys with Pasha's permission I'm inviting you to join YARG2 game. There are 2 last spots available so please ping me ASAP if you're interested.

Micah March 29th, 2010 03:13 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
sorry about the holdup everyone. been traveling and have had no free time at all. will be back home tonight and back to a sane schedule.

PashaDawg March 30th, 2010 08:23 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 61 is out.

Deadline is Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



Meglobob March 31st, 2010 03:58 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Most turns are delayed now, so how about we move to 2 turns a week, say Thurs/Sun? We are (slowly) getting to the endgame, so it seems reasonable.

PashaDawg April 1st, 2010 06:23 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I am certainly happy with that if players are. How about a Wednesday / Sunday schedule?

Meglobob April 2nd, 2010 05:50 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Sounds good to me.

I actually think I know who will win this game anyway, don't worry I won't say who. So playing the remaining turns is probably a waste of everyones time anyway. I am not being in the least bit defeatist here by the way and will happily fight to the bitter, bitter end. Its just by this turn or earlier I have been able to predict with 100% (no joking) accuracy the eventual winner.

If enough players feel the same way, ie that they already know the winner and that future hours invested in doing there turns could be better spent doing something else more productive, we could have a vote where the remaining players PM/Email Pasha with who they think will win (in a secret honest ballot) and then perhaps call the game?

I know alot of experienced players are stubborn and refuse to admit defeat no matter what, so will understand completely if everyone wants to continue and do those fuitless, waste of time turns...:)

WraithLord April 2nd, 2010 06:43 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I agree with MB, though I've no problem to cont. to the bitter end.

Zeldor April 2nd, 2010 07:01 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I totally agree with Meglobob, but with current VPs I think that game will never end in reasonable time frame. I have said long time ago that it should probably be declared as draw and new RAND started, fixing problems from previous ones.

Lingchih April 2nd, 2010 11:22 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
There was already a draw in the last Rand game. You guys should fight it out, or Rand will become a joke.

Meglobob April 3rd, 2010 05:00 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 738666)
There was already a draw in the last Rand game. You guys should fight it out, or Rand will become a joke.

We are not talking about a draw here.

There will definately be a winner, indeed I think I am 100% certain which nation it will be and its only a question of time. But because of the way Dominions late game works, it will take till turn 80 - 100+ for that nation to get the VPs to make it official. Thats 40 - 80 hrs of doing his turns for that nation to play it out and 100's+ hrs for all the other nations to play there turns. All that time for the same result if it was called now.

Lets have a secret, honest vote by pm'ing Pasha. Obviously, if a nation who is in 2nd, 3rd or 4th place has perhaps a, 'masterplan' like been saving all there astral gems to cast arcane nexus and then kick everyones butts, then continue. On the other hand if the vote went pretty much the way of one nation call it. We have a neutral host with Pasha, seems a bit stupid not to take advantage of it to save ourselves considerable amounts of time.

Zeldor April 3rd, 2010 05:30 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Sure, you are right, but I really don't think he can get enough VPs before turn 100-120. It requires attacking other tough players with their VPs being almost unconquerable. I'm against declaring winner now just like that, I don't think it's deserved.

PashaDawg April 3rd, 2010 01:45 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
I am happy with whatever, of course.

Zeldor April 3rd, 2010 04:57 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Of course if someone wants to surrender to me, I won't object.

PashaDawg April 4th, 2010 09:26 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Turn 63 is out.

Deadline is Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.



PashaDawg April 4th, 2010 09:27 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Machaka was played by Wraithlord. Thanks for playing!

Trumanator April 4th, 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Is it safe to ask defeated players about their strategies in the thread?

Zeldor April 5th, 2010 04:25 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Who was Machaka?

Squirrelloid April 5th, 2010 06:37 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Zeldor failed reading comprehension

Meglobob April 5th, 2010 08:30 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Lasting till turn 63 playing Machaka is quite a achievement, one of the worst nations in Dom3, especially with no fever fetishes.

WraithLord April 5th, 2010 11:28 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Thanks MB. That's exactly how I feel. Pride in being able to take this nation so far. Machaka is ok for early-mid game and I could even have optimized my build for a better early game by sacrificing any chance for end-game. Didn't do that and somehow managed to do ok with a weak nation until this turn.
Hehe, I'm more proud of this than in some of the game I won :D

Kudos to my enemy/ies esp. to the one/s that have managed to vanquish Machaka.

Looking forward to next Pasha's RAND, hopefully, after getting all the weak nations in previous RANDs I'd get a nation worth a damn ;)

GL all.

WraithLord April 5th, 2010 11:35 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 738921)
Is it safe to ask defeated players about their strategies in the thread?

I'm ok with this though it would be difficult w/o disclosing information that should be kept discrete given the nature of this game. I guess it's probably better to wait for the end and not take chances.

I would like to make one comment though as I think it's harmless. I took misfortune 2 in a few games in a row under CBM. In all I got such crappy luck with lot's of bad events, so much so as to seriously hurt my nations. This game was no exception.
When the game's over I'd be happy to share my turns. The frequency of bad events should be interesting to observe :)
So, lesson learned -I ain't taking more than misfortune 1 with CBM anymore!

Trumanator April 5th, 2010 11:41 AM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Well mainly I was wondering why you built so many sorceresses.

WraithLord April 5th, 2010 12:35 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
why not? ;)

What's not to like?- cheap, cost effective in research and combat support & survivable to top that. One of the few bright spots in the sad tail of Machaka. If only they were recruit anywhere or, given a +1 E/D pick (+ appropriate increase in cost)...

Trumanator April 5th, 2010 01:08 PM

Re: Land Rand (pbem)
Well I guess I don't see why you would recruit them instead of Black Sorcs.

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