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GrudgeBringer July 3rd, 2010 07:13 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Because of the Holiday in the states (errrrr, sorry British cousins:p) we will be extending game 36 hours:up:

GrudgeBringer July 12th, 2010 04:16 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I just saw a post in the other forum anout victory conditions...

Well, if Arco can last past turn 75, then HE wins is a good victory condition I would guess.

But in lieu of that I really never made one...I have always been in favor of last man standing or concession.

Since there is only a few of us left , if you want to suggest one...please do.

(personally, I like the Arco one):p

Aethyr July 20th, 2010 09:26 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Ermor's too big to be allowed to stale four turns in a row, especially when the need to find a sub's been acknowledged.

What's up?

PriestyMan July 20th, 2010 09:51 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
basically, our chances of finding a sub are tiny. unless we find someone really willing to put in the time like calahan or something, i highly doubt us finding one. in all honesty i don't know what to do. If squirrelloid wants to quit playing, we could just let him and agartha stale, and say whoever wins the war in the north wins, or we could put the game on hiatus till we miraculously find a sub. setting AI is another option, but isn't really fair to kailasa.

Aethyr July 20th, 2010 10:41 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Well, for what it's worth, I'd have to give the edge to you at this point, I made a few crutial miscalclations to be sure, but from what I can tell you've played a heck of a game.

PriestyMan July 20th, 2010 10:51 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
well from i really rough start, its sure been a long game for me, and i'm proud of being alive and well this late into the game. but obviously, i am maybe tied for second with ermor atm, although hopefully me and arco can bring you down. I have a lot of stored up power, but the game is clearly not finished, unless you are weaker than you look. I plan on writing my EA aby guide once we finish this.

but i really would like to know what your guy's opinion is on the situation........ i assume that's not a concession offer aethyr, unless that's what you meant.

ghoul31 July 20th, 2010 11:00 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Ermor is still in a good position. It shouldn't be hard to find a sub

PriestyMan July 20th, 2010 11:05 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Its not the quality. its the time commitment to a game that a person didn't start on and having to figure out wtf the previous player was doing, and everything else. I have subbed into a position very similar to the one ermor is in, and i know that it is not an easy thing to do. if we do find one, awesome though. in fact, ghoul you could take it if you want, and set marv AI.

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2010 11:09 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
OK, guess I have been asleep...

What is going on with ermor? I have not heard from FL in a while (abysia), and if it isn't abysia, ermor, or Kalisia...who else is left that is a threat?

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2010 11:15 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Who did PriestyMan sub for and when? I know I am just the admin but I feel like I have lost control of what the hell we are doing...:confused:

Squirrelloid July 20th, 2010 11:21 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Honestly, I've been ready to be done with this game for like 30 turns, but no one will oblige me! (Admittedly, I don't die without a fight...).

GrudgeBringer July 20th, 2010 11:33 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:

Go ahead and set your nation to AI...

You have done everything you can in this game and besides, just clicking your turn and taking up your time there is no reason to continue.

Thank you for playing and I don't think anyone here or anyone who knows you would say you 'quit' on this game.

Thanks agian for staying so long:up:

Aethyr July 20th, 2010 11:35 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:

Originally Posted by PriestyMan (Post 752416)
i assume that's not a concession offer aethyr, unless that's what you meant.

No, no concession offer, just giving credit where's it due. :)

I think the outcome is definately in doubt, but I get the feeling that, depending on how alliances form and shift, we could be playing for a while without a clear victor.

When I first took over it took me a *long* time to just figure out what my predecessors were doing, and try to evolve a strategy of my own out of it. I think Ermor is still in a strong position, but anyone taking over woulde have to go through a simular transition.

I'm still game if folks want to coninue playing, but we really would need to find a sub for Ermor.

Aethyr July 20th, 2010 11:38 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 752421)
Honestly, I've been ready to be done with this game for like 30 turns, but no one will oblige me! (Admittedly, I don't die without a fight...).

Squirrelloid, you are a stubborn one. I would have loved to oblige you, but it was just not conducive to any long term strategy that I could think of. :)

GrudgeBringer July 26th, 2010 11:33 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
1. Are we trying to get a sub for Ermor?

2. I am leaving town to play in Nashville Thursday Morning and returning Monday. I will try and get a turn in but if I stale it really is no big deal for one turn. I have given PriestyMan the password if someone needs an extension or has a problem.

Better decide what you want to do with Ermor if he is staling.:confused:

PriestyMan July 27th, 2010 12:12 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Well i haven't found anyone who wants to sub into the position. and nobody responded to the offer of ignoring them. ghoul or squirrelloid could take over even if they wanted, but i honestly don't know what to do.

Ragnars Wolves July 27th, 2010 07:38 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Squirrel, how about it...

Want another shot at the title as Ermor?

Ghoul, your also invited to take it over.

Someone make a decision or I will make one when I get back.:(

Ragnars Wolves July 27th, 2010 06:05 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Sorry for the confusion guys, I am GrudgeBringers Stepson and he was over here showing me a couple of things and saw a post he said he needed to answer. I guess he forgot he would show up as me, so if you have a response to him please send it to him as I rarely see him or read ongoing game posts as I usually play SP.

Thank you

GrudgeBringer July 27th, 2010 06:11 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Ahhh, I see he beat me to it. He plays SP although I have been trying to get him involved in MP (he says it is too slow).

Anyway, what I wrote on his comp still stands, I am leaving Thursday morning and will not be back till Monday afternoon.

In the meantime I believe I will take my comp in for some work while I am gone and if it works as it usually does....it won't be done when I get back for a couple of days. If I stale, don't worry about it or hold the game up unless your already doing it to find an ermor sub.

Remember priestyman has the admin code if you need something.

Aethyr July 28th, 2010 04:49 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Let's delay hosting until GB gets back on Monday. If we have not found a sub by then we can make a decesion about what should happen.

GrudgeBringer July 28th, 2010 05:49 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Ok, sounds good to me....I will set it forward now.

GrudgeBringer July 28th, 2010 10:44 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I have extended the turn 96 hours my turn is already in so priestyman you are the one that is the gatekeeper.

In 10 minutes I will be unhooking my Comp to take it to the doctor so I will be off line and for once i will NOT be checking in as I really do want a vacation.

I might call my Stepson and ask him to look in on the forum (if he will) and anything I had to say would come thru Ragnar.

But at the moment with Atheyr, Priesty, and Squirrel, I don't see why you would need me and I abstain from any vote.

Have a great weekend and root for us to bring back a National Championship in SPA.:up:

chrispedersen July 28th, 2010 11:29 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Good Luck Grudge.

Aethyr July 28th, 2010 09:23 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Have a great vacation Grudge.

GrudgeBringer August 2nd, 2010 09:39 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
I'm back....3rd place (Bah!!).

What are we going to do with this game gentlemen:confused:

Aethyr August 2nd, 2010 11:04 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
GB, I honestly don't know. It seems that seems that we have come to a halt with no real viable way to continue. A couple of ideas have been thrown on the table, but afaik there have been no takers.

GrudgeBringer August 2nd, 2010 11:19 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Well, there is nothing worse than trying to piecemeal a game together...

If we are going to keep posponing it and can't find a sub I suggest we declare exhaustion and let the game die an honorable death.

I must admit I have someowhat lost intrest in it as we are just waiting as now that Ermor has deserted us we are very unbalanced.

I need some input in the way of votes. If you don't have a Yes or No to letting the game die, please don't vote.

Personally, Rugby season has started and softball is ending. I will be in Vail for a week around the 14th of August at a Rugby Tourney and then agian the middle of September for a week in Aspen, followed by Phoenix etc. I would play but I vote to let it die simply because I will become a liability also I am afraid.:(

Squirrelloid August 3rd, 2010 01:12 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Die die die.

Ok, that's just a wish for my own nation, but I suppose by extension the game =)

Aethyr August 3rd, 2010 04:10 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Let it die.

GrudgeBringer August 3rd, 2010 08:20 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Thats 3 for exiting a fun game that unfortunately had 2major forces desert us.

I will extend the turn and see if Priestyman or any of the others that are left have any input.

If there are no other votes, I will kill the game on Thursday.

I don't anticipate any resistance so I will say my thanks now.

Aethyr, Thank you for taking over a sprawling nation and having the sense to let it shrink up some spo you could run it well. BTW, it was good to see you agian my friend, it has been to long.

Squirrelloid.... What do I say except than you for sticking around (you hard headed 'ol' warhorse) and for also taking Argatha which i am sure will become one of your favorite nations in the future!! Seriously, I didn't have much contact but you took that nation and almost turned the corner (If they hadn't all jumped you) Good job!!

Priestyman, Thank you for letting me in on some of the secrets to Abysia and watching you play. You always seem to come up with a good strategy for your nation.

And thanks to Ghoul and the rest of you that are left for sticking around till the very end. I am stuck up in the top cornor and had no contact with any of you but you did a great job.

Fun game and I look forward to seeing you all agian after the season ends!!:up:

PriestyMan August 3rd, 2010 08:42 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
ok, here's my comments. sorry for taking so long. i just hate to seet his die, yet i know its probably the only option.

First of all, this is as good or better than any Dom3 game i have ever played. i had an amazingly fun early war with ulm, back and forth till the end. later, i won some good battles agaisnt agartha and ermor, and was doing well vs kailasa. i managed to diversify well despite a restrictive E9N4D2 pretender.

but i'm afraid it has to die. i've subbed into postions similar to ermors, and i know how hard it is to do. Aethyr was very brave to take on the sub position he did.

anyways, thank you all for the game.

GrudgeBringer August 3rd, 2010 08:59 PM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
Well, we just heard from the forth big nation, and I also had a very good time. I don't know if there is more parity in these games or what but this is the 3rd game in the last 2 months that has died because we were approching 100 turns with no clear winner and someone bail.

To all that stayed....and subbed, I could have predicted (except maybe for me)that you would be around at the end. Thanks all my friends, it is always a pleasure to play with you guys.:up:

The game is about to die an honorable death in about 10 minutes.:(

Aethyr August 4th, 2010 02:40 AM

Re: EA Land nations Only... Game Name: Landlubber:
This was indeed an enjoyable game and I appreciated having an opportunity to join and mix it up against a group of very tough opponents. Kudos to all that stayed, and thanks to GB and PM for handling all of the admin stuff.

I hope we get a chance to play again real soon.

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