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-   -   Legendary Ordeals - Isokron Wins! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=44851)

Dimaz May 4th, 2010 07:31 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
If you still have an unfilled slot, I'll gladly join LO2 too. I'm reading this thread from the beginning and really enjoy it.

Baalz May 4th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Fer ye tourists what can't see our realm let me give ye a bit of a highlight o' how things be standin. Jomon & Lanka be none too happy with the speed which which the boys o' Atlantis done rolled over them giants and they patched up their differences ta both fall like an avalanche on me before I could quite wrap up Ashdod. Once I storm the last Ashdod castle I'll be in control o' 4 out of 5 victory points, but the forces attackin be fairly overwhelming with each o' the two bein' roughly a match fer me alone. Since it seems unlikely I'l be able ta fend them off we be seein if I've got any tricks up me sleeve ta get one more vp lickity split before I bleed out. So, in other words cheer fer the boys o' Atlantis and mayhap some more trials be startin' sooner then ye think. If not, I'll be joinin ye in the peanut gallery.

Sensori May 4th, 2010 12:44 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
So the filthy frogmen are finally getting what is due. While it comes this close to the end of Ashdod, I am content with this outcome. I have done all I could to slow down our defeat, and there is nothing more that could be done.

Unless, of course, someone feels inclined to send in forces with magic to Golem Range (2), whilst our home of Koromoo (58) is now lost to us. Golem Range (2) is the last bastion of Ashdod, and also the ancient capital of Hinnom. There is a large frogman army besieging it, and they can proceed to storm it at their leisure.

Lingchih May 5th, 2010 12:59 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Heh. Good riddance to the pirate queen. I had hoped she would get her come-uppance.

chrispedersen May 5th, 2010 01:29 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
wow what a great concept and thread. Kudos, Burn!
I'd love to play if you do a part 2

Lingchih May 5th, 2010 01:32 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Part 2? I doubt if I even get invited :)

Gregstrom May 5th, 2010 08:00 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I'd like to reserve a place if possible - the first game's been great fun so far.

Burnsaber May 6th, 2010 02:23 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Dimaz (Post 743934)
If you still have an unfilled slot, I'll gladly join LO2 too. I'm reading this thread from the beginning and really enjoy it.


Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 744202)
wow what a great concept and thread. Kudos, Burn!
I'd love to play if you do a part 2


Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 744296)
I'd like to reserve a place if possible - the first game's been great fun so far.

Whoa guys! I'm getting filled with pre-sing ups. And I was actually kind of worried if I can fill the map I'm making as it is for 14 players. But you guys shouldn't worry. Once this game is finished (and I've received feedback on the game) I'm going to make some improvements over the "GM mod" and make a big post about how to make GM games (and some hints of how to GM so that we can avoid power-trippers and the like). This way you get your "ordeals" fix in a game that is run by someone else since I likely won't have the juice to GM two games at a time. At least pyg has expressed intrest in making a GM'd game himself.

This "Ordeal" thing I'm doing here is just a example of a GM'd game. It would possible for example to have a newbie game with experienced GM who is just a spectator watching the battles and giving tips to the players as the game goes along. Or a game where defeating the Pantokrator would be a extra victory condition and a way to "Pantheon" victory through an alliance against him. Anyways, it would be probably best not to clutter this thread with this kind of discussion and leave it for the "GM game" thread I'll make.

ano May 6th, 2010 09:16 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Whoa guys! I'm getting filled with pre-sing ups.
There's no surprise here. People enjoy even reading this because the concept and the way you implemented it are simply splendid. I just don't know enough English words to express how splendid they are :) It's a brand new approach to playing Dominions, IMO.
And I promise that, as I started lurking at the forums again, I will continue following this thread with pleasure :)

Baalz May 6th, 2010 05:51 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Well, me tricks did prove ta be less effective than I'd hoped. Looks like tha games ta be decided now 'tween Lanka and Jomon, and my money be on Jomon. Not, mind ye, that there won't be a pile o' bodies collected ta claim the rest o' me stuff.

Burnsaber May 6th, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The Cleansing was in vain! The Slumbering Ones have awakened and a new era of terror will surely be brough upon this realm. These news were brought by a horrible messenger and his arrival has saddened me so..

You see, when the Sign of the Slumbering Ones got invoked, I sent my most trusted Celestial, Arimiel, throug the dimensions to spy upon the Horrors on unreality. But not even his glorious mind could resist the gaze of the ancient spawns. He is now utterly and completely mad beyond any reason as his soul constantly burns with unbeing and bears items of strange might. He will instill terror and madness upon his rampage through this realm. His divine chariot is also missing and I fear deeply of what might have come of it..

It hurts me to see my noblest courier in this state. He is truly mighty and benefits from the heretical blessings of the slumbering ones. But his madness makes him erratic and one aspiring to be a god should surely be able to take him down and bring peace to his burning soul. I will reward his saviour with a shower of boons and he will be worth a great deal more in my eyes.


Let's cut to the chase. Here he is:



Aramiel has now descended from beyond dimensions and into Lanka. He moves randomly with a 1d10 dice (with each province connection counting as one option on the dice). If the result is greater than the number of connections in the province, he will build a lab and then teleport to another random province in the map in the next turn.

Aramiel is mad, but not stupid. He will not attack head-on into armies or forts (issuing a re-roll if such situation is rolled). This also makes his presence just annoying (because he is basically just a very tough raider). His madness causes him to change tactics constantly and he will fight differently in each combat and might even start the battle in some other form than his first astral form.

Aramiel is the prophet of madness and sorrow, the burning angel, the false shephard and he will desctruction and madness upon provinces he visits (usually a remote event that kills pop or causes unrest or misfortune). He also might not be always alone as his presence will bring the attention of the cults that formed when the Sing of the Slumbering Elders appeared..

The reward for killing him (note that he has to be actually killed, banishing him to hell/kokytos/disco dimension does not count) is a free boon of each possible type (a'k'a items, gold, gems, information, free ritual castings and the opportunity to hold the arena fight) and +2 boons to total.

(Aramiel was originally a lot tougher but rewarded a conquest point, although I really don't like changin stuff mid game, awarding conquest points for ordeals from him was a stupid idea. It would be a really unclimatic finish to win the game due to conquest point from this kind of event so I decided against it sometime about 10-20 turns ago. Anyways, the point of this tale:

So now there are no conquest point ordeals unlike advertised at the start of the game. This was the only one I designed)

And yes, he has a theme song like the previous "monster" event. Heavy metal is my muse.

Burnsaber May 7th, 2010 06:31 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The arena fight was won by the beastly Mandeha, Achyuta fighting for Lanka. His opponent was tough, but just was not tough enough for the Mandehas ancient might.

Only a skillful pretender could enlist the services of such beast and Lanka has gained worth in my eyes.


Lanka won the Arena match.

Baalz May 12th, 2010 07:59 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
I be tellin them and tellin them ta play more gently, but they broke all the demons. Can ye send more next time?

Ye herd a jackals may end up succeedin in pulling down the lion, but I'll be taking a face or two with me. As the famous quote goes "never get involved in a land war in Atlantis."

Baalz May 14th, 2010 04:30 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Har! Now ye fools be tumblin' with the horny toad indeed! Thar be one more face torn off and another mess o' artifacts ta be mountin' on me wall. Looks like MA T'ien Ch'i be eggin' me fer a hat trick...but this be such a target rich environment I can't be promisin' ye anything right away. When ye foul cabal climb inta yer bed together after finally whittlin yer better down with the mob, ye can now feel like ye earned it with the will ta pile yer peoples bodies deep enough ta finally bury the boys o' Atlantis.

Meglobob May 15th, 2010 04:55 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 745618)
Looks like MA T'ien Ch'i be eggin' me fer a hat trick...but this be such a target rich environment I can't be promisin' ye anything right away.

That's ok, take your time, tie up other loose ends, the horselords are only having abit of fun and amusing ourselves anyway, waiting for one of those northern demon powers to triumph.:D

My army is just glad it didn't bump into Aramiel.

Baalz May 17th, 2010 05:36 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
What in the heck just happened?!?!? For some reason my quickened golem was stricken blind after his first attack against Aramiel before his second attack that round (Aramiel had no chance to attack or cast anything). No eye loss as from a attacking a seraph, and no MR check for anything in the debug log. That's pretty damn disheartening, especially after watching that Mendeha wail away at him until the turn timer expired. :(

Graeme Dice May 17th, 2010 05:51 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Repel? That's the only other way I can think of damage being applied.

Baalz May 17th, 2010 05:59 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yeah, I had that thought to, but there was no HP loss at that time. There was also a fire shield up but my golem had 100% FR.

fungalreason May 17th, 2010 06:32 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

There's a "blind attacker" effect for Chayots

Burnsaber May 18th, 2010 06:10 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Aramiel has been put to rest. His soul has reached the afterlife and is now free of the tortereous grasp of the ancients. The Burning Angel has been given redemption and I am pleased of that fact. His soul will fly free once more. My sincerest thanks go to Bifron, the god of Lanka for his selfless deed.

He did not fall easily and fought to the end in his pure madness. Three attemps were made for his life in succession on three different days.

Behold the tale of the last stand of the one who was Mad and Holy!

The First Day

In the first day, Achyuta the Mandeha, the devourer of the sun, the arena champion, the hero of legends came upon Aramiel riding the clouds. He brought with him legions of imps and two raksharaja, demons of ancient might. The sun retreated, fearful of the Mandeha but Aramiel just cackled with glee as darkness came upon the realm.

"DaRkNeSs? ThAt Is YoUr GrEaTeSt WeApOn? yOuR tRuE fOeS aRe OlDeR tHaN tHaT MeAnInGleSs BaLl Of FiRe. gAzE uPoN mE aNd SeE tHe FuTiLiTy Of It AlL!"

In his burning madness and pain called upon the powers of sun inside him and reawakened with a pyre of glory each time he got struck down. The Beastly and Ancient Mandeha flew after him relentlessly, reinvogorated by the divinity of his awakening god. But the ancient might behind Aramiel was just stronger and he soon took the minds of the Rakshasha minions with his eldrict staff, gifted to him by one of the ancient ones themselves.

Achuyta, although unable to finally strike down Aramiel, managed to escape the influence of the crooked oath staff. He struck and struck, taking damage from the aura of glory surrounding the Fallen Shepherd. But fire is the ancient foe of Mandeha and the flames smote him deeply. A Phoenix Pyre scorched his feet to stumps, but still he kept stricking his mad foe. Another burst burned his chest and wicked heart, but he still refused to give up. Seeing his ancient might falter, the Mandeha stroke a great blow in desperation hit his hand right through the Mad Angel. For one silent moment it seemed like the angel was done for, but he just laughed as his mortal form exploded in a cloud of fire.

His act of desperation had cost the once-mighty Mandeha his swordarm, which now was just a flaming stump. His foe just kept on coming and coming, never taking any lasting harm and his demonic body was now mutilated beyond regocnition. No one could respect him now and his former servants would look upon him with pity if he ever was to return to his master. It just was not fair! What kind of might was behind that immortal foe? Choosing not to bear the news of shame to his master, the legendary Mandeha fled and chose to never return.

The Second Day

In the second day, a rift opened in space itself. Aramiel tought that his masters had arrived to claim this realm, but was dissapointed. From the rift came a great construct made of death and steel, called Inberke. It was a mindless, but mighty, servant of the Icy Queen and he had came to defeat the Mad One. Adorned with many artifacts of might, the golem did not waste any time on words and came forward to strike the Burning Angel.

"Ah, I sEe ThAt YoU aRe NoT bUrDeNeT wItH tOuGhT oR sOuL. WhAt A BlIsS MuSt ThAt Be.."

Once more, Aramiel called upon the powers of sun to become immortal and flew to strike the strange creation. The staff of eldricth oaths wielded by the angel could not slay the sanity of the mindless machine and his first strike proved ineffective against the hulk of metal. But as the machine tried to strike the Mad One, his divine radiance blasted away the the dark crystals the magical construct used to see. A truly miraculous event, likely ordained by the powers beyond reality, the same who were behind the madness of Aramiel.

As deadly as the artifacts wielded the machine were, they were useless if they could not hit the fallen angel. But the machine was strong and relentless and it took a whole hour for the mad angel to bring the metallic hulk down for good.

The Third Day

On the Third Day, a great army sailed and flew in some grand scheme to fell the angel. It was lead by a wicked Ice Devil called Cimejes and a cunning Raksharaja, Abnik. The army composed of several demonic titans, Davanas, and a horde of sacred demon warriors. The dead also walked with them and the Mad Angel just watched as this terrifying foe organized its ranks. Once the enemy forces were at their places, the angel screamed..

"iN tHe PaTh YoU aRe DoOmEd To FoLlOw, YoUr EyEs WiLl OnLy DeCeiVe You! AlLoW Me To ShOw ThE WaY! FoLlOw ThE BlInD oNe!"

The demonic force casted a great enchantment that allowed the whole army to fly in the winds and attack the Burning Angel head on. Aramiel just grinned as the demons rained upon him and, yet again, called for the power of immortality. And then he attacked the massive demonic horde with just his crooked shepherd's staff. Although the angel was once again shrouded in his divine radiance, the Devanas were mighty and one of them struck the angel right in the heart and caused a great affliction.

Although the angel hardly noticed the wound, it hindered him greatly and soon his form started to tire. Although his staff struck the Davanas with insanity and his radiance burned their eyes blind, the demons did not falther and wailed on the Mad Angel, giving him no rest. Many of the demons were killed by Aramiel, but in the end they proved victorious as they dispelled the immortality of the Burning One with pure strenght alone.

Many of the demons had fallen, and even greater amount of them would not ever see or have the gift of tought, but they were victorious and brought peace to the Tormented One. Abrik and Cimejes will be remembered in legends for eternity as this tale will be spread through the land.


Lanka killed Aramiel. He will be showered with boons.

Heh. You both attacked him when he was on probably his most terrifying script with the "Phoenix Pyre" trickery. The turn before he was on a script ending with "Cast Spells", which would have probably been his undoing in a serious fight.

Also, it seems that there might just be *some* use for the sandals of the crone. Because the sandals blinked the angel at the start of his turn, he was always able to get his buffing script off, even if he got jumped by the enemy forces so that he avoided that 50% chance of going off script. This was not a intended effect (I haven't used the sandals for anything until now), I just chose them for him to wear because they seemed thematic.


Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 745868)
What in the heck just happened?!?!? For some reason my quickened golem was stricken blind after his first attack against Aramiel before his second attack that round (Aramiel had no chance to attack or cast anything). No eye loss as from a attacking a seraph, and no MR check for anything in the debug log. That's pretty damn disheartening, especially after watching that Mendeha wail away at him until the turn timer expired. :(

Yeah, it was certainly odd. Ayachta did not get blinded even tought he struck the angel like bazillion times. So the Debug log showed that he got no mr roll to save? Sounds like a bug to me.

Baalz May 18th, 2010 07:42 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Well, its kinda confusing, but I didn't see it. MR 22 Mendeha wails away until the turn timer runs out, MR 24 golem fails his first roll when he probably only needed a couple to land a fight winning blow with magebane *sigh*

Lingchih May 18th, 2010 09:26 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
It would be fun to see those fights, Burnsaber. Perhaps when the game is over?

Meglobob May 19th, 2010 03:31 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 745973)
Well, its kinda confusing, but I didn't see it. MR 22 Mendeha wails away until the turn timer runs out, MR 24 golem fails his first roll when he probably only needed a couple to land a fight winning blow with magebane *sigh*

This is the way with MR, I have had MR 28 pretenders go down to a 1st round soul slay, more than once or twice too. I suppose given the amount of dom3 I have played this could be part of the course and just take note of the exceptional good or bad results. Then again...:confused:

Gutted, didn't get to watch any of those battles:(, so thanks for the description Burnsaber.:)

Burnsaber May 19th, 2010 06:26 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 745973)
Well, its kinda confusing, but I didn't see it. MR 22 Mendeha wails away until the turn timer runs out, MR 24 golem fails his first roll when he probably only needed a couple to land a fight winning blow with magebane *sigh*

Dom3 is such a cruel mistress, it seems.


Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 745993)
This is the way with MR, I have had MR 28 pretenders go down to a 1st round soul slay, more than once or twice too. I suppose given the amount of dom3 I have played this could be part of the course and just take note of the exceptional good or bad results. Then again...:confused:

Actually, the Dom3 RNG is a common topic on IrC. Some people are convinced that it is bugged and generates too many "extreme" results. But you can never know with random..


Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 745993)
Gutted, didn't get to watch any of those battles:(, so thanks for the description Burnsaber.:)

Yeah, all that epic just tickled my "epic bone" quite a bit. I really enjoyed writing that description, it probably is the longest "In Character" speak I have ever given in these forums. The introudction post of Aramiel also seemed to net me some "reputation" from two forum users, so I tought that some people out there could care to hear about his fate.

Baalz May 20th, 2010 01:59 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Coo...I be startin ta think the one ta sit on old Pantos throne's gonna be the one who decides ta stop throwin' body after body inta the meat grinder and takes advantage oh those that don't. Ten ta one? Twenty ta one? How much ye fools be willin ta pay fer this frozen patch o land now that the frozen lady no longer be in the runnin?

Burnsaber May 20th, 2010 02:43 PM

The Ordeal for turn 56: The Rupture
The Ordeal for Turn 56: The Rupture


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The ascension wars have been going on for over 4 years now. Great and mighty things are awakening as the pretenders release ever the more powerful spells in this realm. Now as the gaze of the Ancients is fixed upon us all, the air cackles with eldricht potential.

Chaos is upon as all as that excess magic seeks a purpose, a way to release itself. The skies will open and the earth will shake as the battleground itself will rise to do battle.

This is..


On the first month, the forests darkened as primal and slumbering forces were awakened. And they were furious to find tresspassers upon their sacred ground! Many great soldiers have been forever lost to the fickle forest after hearing the lullaby for eternal sleep from these primal guardians.


Forgot to do a in-game post of this. Sorry, likely was a still bit too worked over the death of Aramiel.

Basically hostile rituals are going to rain down on provinces depending on their terrain type and possibly other variables until the next ordeal. These variables vary, but it is still unlikely that one province would be hit by one of these events twice, unless it has a lot of terrains or other things of intrest.

On the first month of the rupture, half of the forests on the map got struck by the spell "Beckoning".

Burnsaber May 24th, 2010 05:32 PM

Re: The Ordeal for turn 56: The Rupture

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And so, more of the arcane energies that plague this realm have been discharged. This time the magic, the extreme potential became an anti-thesis for itself and became a force of reduced potential, striking against all signs of civilization. Affected provinces were shrouded in sloth as the vitality of life became drained of them. People lost all hope and just sat down to wait for their doom to fall upon them.

They all have seen the signs in the sky. World is going to end, so why bother?


All provinces with forts or temples got struck by "Melancholy".

Burnsaber May 28th, 2010 08:45 AM

Re: The Ordeal for turn 56: The Rupture

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And so, more of the arcane energies that plague this realm have been discharged. This time isolated areas, free from the ravages of man, were affected. The wild magic condensed and formed into great pillars of fire that stroke the ground.

And so, more soldiers and citizens have been lost. Troubling times are upon us..


All mountain and wasteland provinces got struck by "Fires from Afar".

Burnsaber May 30th, 2010 02:36 PM

Re: The Ordeal for turn 56: The Rupture

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And so, more of the arcane energies that plague this realm have been discharged. Now the disaster struck the lands of green, plains of much growth. A great blight fell upon these lands, killing the farmers with a horrid disease.

It seems that Pestilence, altough now dead, got the last laugh..


All farmland provinces got struck by "Blight".

Burnsaber June 1st, 2010 05:49 PM

Re: The Ordeal for turn 56: The Rupture

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

And so, more of the arcane energies that plague this realm have been discharged. This month, the magic dissipated to the fabric of creation, causting no harm to this realm. However, the underwater denizens have been witnessing the madness that has been taking place upon the shores and have been waiting in despair for the disaster to strike.

For four long months, they braced themselves and the wait was maddening. Living in fear does horrible things to a mortal minds and now some of them have snapped like a twig. Terrible and massive riots have taken place in some marinine provinces as the population cannot bear to wait for the end and have decided to bring it on themselves..


Third of underwater provinces got struck by "Raging Hearts".

Gregstrom June 1st, 2010 06:08 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
So I noticed.

Burnsaber June 2nd, 2010 05:05 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 747467)
So I noticed.

Well, I had to spread some love your way too. It'd be hardly fair if underwater realms were inaffected when the land above is in flames :D

Meglobob June 2nd, 2010 09:53 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
You got off easy, you had the word, 'third', well we got, 'all'.

Nice to see beckoning and melancholy, even when I am the target! You normally never see those spells as no half decent player would ever cast them. Cost far too much in gems for the effect.

Burnsaber June 2nd, 2010 03:03 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 747506)
You got off easy, you had the word, 'third', well we got, 'all'.

I went with every "third", because Raging hearts is a serious lockdown event and it is nastier to get a lot of stuff happen in single turn than having those events spread out on several turns.

(I origiginally had "Baneful Star" as the remote attack for UW provinces, but apparently that spell cannot be casted in UW provs! Apparently you can see "Light of the Northern Star" UW, but not a star that is baneful..)


Originally Posted by Meglobob (Post 747506)
Nice to see beckoning and melancholy, even when I am the target! You normally never see those spells as no half decent player would ever cast them. Cost far too much in gems for the effect.

Yeah, that is one of the advantages of being a GM. I can't win, so I don't need to minmax everything and can use those "forgotten" items and effects that are just not competetive. The whole ordeal of the "Sing of the Slumbering Elders" was just made so that I could show out the effect of a "Imprint Souls" with a octobless. When making Aramiel, it was cool that I didn't have to optimize him in any way. I just slapped stuff on him that made "thematic" sense.

I have devised a mechanic for LOII that rewards players for using forgotten/unoptimal stuff. You could for example get a boon by casting GoR on a Troll Moose Knight (for example) and thugging him out.

Burnsaber June 5th, 2010 04:50 AM

The Ordeal for Turn 61: WAR!
The Ordeal for Turn 61: WAR!


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

The Rupture may be over, but your ordeals are not. With the Gaze of the Elders still looming upon us, our time to hold this contest is running out. If you keep this pace, the winner will not have any realm to rule over.

So I have decided to shatter the excuses for the weak and allow the strong to rule. Walls of papers will be destroyed so that the Ascension Wars can take place at the fullest! And from this point onward, I will reward those who seek victory and punish those who exercise cowardice.


All NAPs are declared void by the will of Pantokrator
. (Note: there is nothing preventing you from just resigning it, take it as a opportunity)

The first player to attack 3 or more different players in the same turn gets a free boon.

Also, the Following Rules now take place:

1) For the rest of the game, a player will lose a boon if his province count is same for 3 consecutive turns.

2) For the rest of the game, conquering a capitol earns the player one boon to their total.

Also, the Boon Tables have been updated:

- More expensive magic items can now be rewarded

- More gems will be given

- Much more gold will given

- More information will be revealed

- Almost all remote rituals are now allowed to be requested

Burnsaber June 7th, 2010 06:22 AM

Re: The Ordeal for Turn 61: WAR!

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

It seems that the Pirate Queen and the Rolling Thunder have taken heed of my words and have begun relentless assaults on their enemies. They have gained worth in my eyes.


MA T'ien C'hi and LA Atlantis got a boon for being the first to attack three different nations in a single turn.

Baalz June 7th, 2010 08:59 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
The combined might of the world has failed to bring the pirate queen to her knees. The bodies of the fools who have tried lie rotting around the skirts of every castle. Flocks of crows cannot gorge fast enough to keep abreast of the souls she has sent to the afterlife. Jomon has sacrificed virtually every son of the dragon king on the altar of her ascendance. The abyss swells like a pregnant sow with the Lankan demons destroyed by her will. The imperial bureaucracy crumbles as entire lineages are utterly consumed, melting under her frozen gaze before they can even draw breath to scream. The world witnesses as her divinity manifests and the lesser creatures play like children playing with their toys at being monarchs. Bow down in awe pests, this is the sound of inevitability.

Isokron June 7th, 2010 11:59 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Yes it seems like the only ones with a good win/lose record against Atlantis in this games are the random event independents :)

But just you wait in a few turns the Lankan war machine will stand outside the walls of Urd again.

Meglobob June 7th, 2010 06:39 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Note to scribe...always send a scout in first before storming a Atlantian castle...:doh:

Gregstrom June 10th, 2010 02:50 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Could we have the pre-host reminder email sent out 12 hours in advance rather than 6, please?

Burnsaber June 10th, 2010 04:20 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 748432)
Could we have the pre-host reminder email sent out 12 hours in advance rather than 6, please?


On other vein, do you guys have gotten a message about arena death match taking place this turn? It seems that some weirdness may be taking place with it.

Meglobob June 10th, 2010 05:48 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 748439)

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 748432)
Could we have the pre-host reminder email sent out 12 hours in advance rather than 6, please?


On other vein, do you guys have gotten a message about arena death match taking place this turn? It seems that some weirdness may be taking place with it.

I got the message ok.

Baalz June 10th, 2010 05:26 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Oh wow, my bad. I did get the notification I just missed it in all my other stuff. The thing that threw me is that apparently units inside a sieged castle can't participate (no option to send them). I never knew that, and a very bad turn to learn it. :(

Baalz June 16th, 2010 10:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
You guys get tired of (attempting to) storm my castles? Don't have much going for me now other than the anticipation of racking up a bit more body count on my way out...

Gregstrom June 19th, 2010 03:15 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Dammit, pirates killed all my chaff! If the vaunted Pirate Queen can't win a battle against R'lyeh, she deserves to join the squids in oblivion.

Thanks for the Djinn, though. He's somewhat shop-soiled, but he might be useful anyway.

Burnsaber June 19th, 2010 05:04 AM

Re: The Ordeal for Turn 66: Armageddon
The Ordeal for Turn 66: Armageddon


Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

I can feel it calling. The pure potential that lies in the deep space, the potential of creation. I long for the new glorious realm that I will create. I have begun to wonder if any of you have what it takes to rule this realm.

It would be so easy for me to just destroy this old land and then focus my efforts elsewhere. But I'll give you pretenders a chance to convince me otherwise. Show me your faith in this contest!


On turn 70, I will wish for "armageddon", unless at least one the following criteria are met:

1) I have received sacrifices totalling over 3000 gold

2) I have received sacrifices totalling over 125 gems (2 blood slaves = 1 gem)

If the armageddon is prevented, the person who sent the most stuff (in the "winning" category) earns a boon to their total.

Also, instead of reguesting a boon for this ordeal, you can "plea" to Pantokrator to not to destroy this realm. Doing so cuts the total amounts of gold and gems required %-equal to the amount of boons you have left. This does not cost a boon, just one opportunity to use them. (so, if you have 4 boons left, "pleading" will cut the requirements in gems and gold by 4%)

Also note that giving gems has no effect on the gold requirement and vice versa. You all can (theoretically) send 2999 gold and 124 gems and fail.

Baalz June 19th, 2010 09:35 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
Haha, oh man I just can't catch a break this game...

Isokron June 25th, 2010 06:01 AM

Re: Legendary Ordeals
People, apes and demons of the world rejoice! The pirate queens reign of terror is finally over (at least for short periods of over)

Unfortunately some 700 fatigue clockwork horrors combined with a mage of mine that thought creeping doom was a fun spell forced my army to flee.

Meglobob June 27th, 2010 01:57 PM

Re: Legendary Ordeals

Originally Posted by Isokron (Post 750018)
People, apes and demons of the world rejoice! The pirate queens reign of terror is finally over


Burnsaber June 28th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: The Ordeal for Turn 66: Armageddon

Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

Your faith in this competition has been assured due to the efforts by The Rolling Thunder, glorious pretender god of the T'ien C'hi Empire. I'm now convinced and will not raise my fist in anger against this realm.

My mood is turned by this joyful event. I have something special prepared for all of you..


The threat of armageddon has been averted. MA T'ien C'hi received a boon for his great part in the sacrifice.

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