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-   -   MP: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45117)

ano June 8th, 2010 06:45 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Looks like a very weird bug\wtf and should be perhaps posted in the bug thread.

Zeldor June 8th, 2010 06:45 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I see it targeted x6 y15 and it hit x6y14, pretty weird. Oh right, I forgot I cut off retreat routs there, so Dakini died. But don't you have like tens of them? :) At least you killed my Arch Devil in another battle somehow... I hope that at leasat your blood economy is going down recently.

castspell: cnr504 spl271 (Magic Duel) vis3 x6 y15 spldmg999
vis 3 xvis 2

blastsqr: unr8294 x6 y14 aoe1 dmg999 eff27 spc1082130560 as10225 al9

Dimaz June 8th, 2010 07:04 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
He was killed perfectly legitimate by several imps since he had 200 fatigue after FS casting.
Also it doesn't actually matter how many Dakinis I have as losing one to bug is annoying in any case.

Zeldor June 8th, 2010 07:05 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah, I did not expect so many B guys there.

I think that missed MD may be similar to some reports about missed self-blessings. You should search the forums [and report the bug].

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 01:35 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Is there any chance of rehosting the turn? Because not only I lost Dakini and demons, but also the whole purpose of the trap (and it was a trap, obviously) was broken by the bug. Hunting Golems is a tricky task, and I'm sure Zeldor won't make the same mistake again, so in fact I lost about 100 blood and also all the efforts on preparation and executing the trap, and it really hurts. And, after rehost, poor Arch can suddenly get better fate :)

Zeldor June 9th, 2010 06:29 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Rehosts tend to do bad things though. Create lots of mess. But it's easy to talk when I'm not the one that suffered :) But I call it revenge - for all golems that died to turn50 limit :D

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 06:38 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Rehosts surely tend to produce mess. However, if you stick to simple rules: 1) host immediately after rollback so no-one can send corrected turns and 2) delete 2h after you receive rehosted turn, the mess is minimal or absent. Unfortunately, rule 2 requires cooperation from all players while rule 1 can be applied by admin alone.

Gregstrom June 9th, 2010 06:39 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I'm not inclined to run a rehost over this.

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Great, thanks.
AFAIK Zeldor actually got2-turn rollback once. Well, nevermind.

Sensori June 9th, 2010 06:46 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yeah, you lost a few blood slaves, big deal. Seriously. No one else's gonna want a rehost just because of that. Hardly game breaking. :mad:

And to Ermor, in Ganon's undying words: IT BURNS!!!!!

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 06:54 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I lost not only slaves, but important strategic point as well, as I said. It's easy to judge when you're not the one who suffered as mentioned earlier. Anyway, I just don't want to turn this into another drama thread, so I'm stopping here.

Burnsaber June 9th, 2010 07:15 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Just to clear some possibly bad air here, I'd like to state why people are generally against rollbacks due to "minor"* bugs like this. It's not due to your current position in the game, but rollbacking is widely known to cause more bugs and odd behaviour to appear. It can easily lead to a vicious circle.

And it should be noted that this game is buggy and there really is nothing for us to do except to accept it. If games were rolled back everytime someone unjustly lost something to a bug, it would really lenghten games.

* minor = not gamebreaking in these kinds of cases

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 07:34 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
There are known bugs and unknown bugs. For known bugs, usually there are some workarounds. For example, from now on I'll script 1 more prec-100 spell then needed to do the task, if possible. But when unknown bug destroys some good plan (and I consider laying a trap for fully equipped golem a good plan), it's annoying as hell. On the other hand, rollback bugs are ALWAYS connected to someone using 2h files from another version of the same turn, as it's the only possible reason for them (there is no other information that other version of the turn existed at all). So if the players cooperate, there are no problems with rollbacks at all. I know what I'm talking about as I hosted dom games manually before Llamaserver appeared.

Zeldor June 9th, 2010 07:46 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
99% of bugs are because of wrong .2h file, but then it's not a bug anymore, it's closer to cheating [well, people can get sloppy too]

How about I retire this Golem? Send him home and not use against you any more. He should have died after all [but I'm sure everyone has many "should have" moments in dom history]. I know I'd be unhappy in your position too.

Gregstrom June 9th, 2010 07:49 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It's probably no comfort, but the bug with prec-100 spells is a known issue I think. I remember seeing it mentioned previously in the forums, and saw it myself in an MP battle a couple of days back. The miss chance is vanishingly small, too.

I'm against rollbacks in all but the most extreme circumstances - there have been enough games in these forums where rollbacks have caused more grief than they've cured, and I've no wish to inadvertently add to that total.

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 08:03 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Zeldor, nevermind. You'll probably crush me soon, golem or not; most of my feelings are already expressed in private IM talk with Kuritza ;) so I'll become calmer soon. I still have couple of surprises for you, so don't worry too much - your golem won't be able to cheat "death" forever :)

Zeldor June 9th, 2010 08:11 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Oh well, yeah, I wish all that Setsumi never happened, so many wrong things from all sides there... not a best example of MP game :P

My Golems usually have bad luck, I remember losing 3 Golems one turn to turn50 limit. All against routing enemies. So I have some trauma here and I was hesitant to summon any here :D But after you got one, I decided to give it a try too :)

And you did not storm my fort, I am disappointed :(

Too bad we don't have proper border, so I can't bring my mages in. But maybe it's more interesting this way...

Dimaz June 9th, 2010 05:43 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Please add 24h for this turn.

Gregstrom June 10th, 2010 02:43 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Done :)

Dimaz June 12th, 2010 01:33 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I'll be away for 3 days and finding a sub makes little sense now, please add 48h for this turn.

Zeldor June 12th, 2010 01:41 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
My weekend is really busy, so I'm happy with more time too :)

Gregstrom June 12th, 2010 01:24 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
48 hours added to the timer.

GameExtremist June 15th, 2010 06:16 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well I'm almost done (Ermor) I went for a pure scales strategy rather then a decent pretender, very early on I encountered Kailasa who tried to rush me with his WNSA blessed Sacreds, he was damn near successful till I had enough fire mages simply to hurl fire at his lines and try to kill enough before they shredded me...in essence we had a stalemate and so destroyed either of our nations chances at making it to the late game.

Kudos to Vanheim for taking advantage of the situation...who now has most of mine and Kailasa old territories.

Good Game!

Zeldor June 15th, 2010 01:14 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Someone should turn KAilasa AI, really...

Gregstrom June 15th, 2010 01:44 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Sensori June 15th, 2010 04:43 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Originally Posted by GameExtremist (Post 748902)
Kudos to Vanheim for taking advantage of the situation...who now has most of mine and Kailasa old territories.

My intention was only to aid Kailasa, with whom I had sort of good relations, until I realized just how badly the war had been going for him after quite a few turns of reassuring me that he's going to win it any day now... And then he started staling. Not much point to let him go on at that point.

Of course, from your point of view, the reasoning behind what has transpired doesn't matter, it's the outcome. :p You did well in your war with Kailasa, too bad it had to end this way.

Dimaz June 17th, 2010 02:17 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Most probably I'll need another 24h to finish this turn. If possible, please delay the hosting :)

Gregstrom June 17th, 2010 02:58 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 03:19 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Pangaea has 2 stales in a row. I think we should do something.

Zeldor June 21st, 2010 05:04 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yes, I PMed Gregstrom before last hosting, but he did not postpone, he must have missed it.

Alpine Joe must have some technical difficulties, I think we should put a game on hold till he gets back. Or find a temp sub.

Gregstrom June 21st, 2010 06:28 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It was my birthday yesterday, so online time was pretty limited. I'll put in delays at some point.

Also, TC staled. While they're pretty much out of it, it'd be nice to know if this was unintentional or if they're wanting to go AI.

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 06:36 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It seems Pangea already sent this turn.

Zeldor June 21st, 2010 06:40 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.

How is our war going? Any thoughts? I see you have Mandehas now :) And your cap seems to be a bit depopulated...

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 06:40 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Gregstrom, happy birthday, BTW :)

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 06:41 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
True and true. So what? Do you want to finish the game? I'm not ready yet..

Zeldor June 21st, 2010 06:45 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Finish? Nah, not at all. I am just curious how it looks from your side. I expected heavy raiding of my water provs earlier, it's hard to keep them really. And storm demons proved to be really effective. And spamming horrors less effective than expected.

llamabeast June 21st, 2010 06:59 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Any Endgame Diversity stuff happened in this game? I'm itching to hear any reports.

Zeldor June 21st, 2010 07:00 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
My Zmeys got totally owned by Lanka. Asynjas did not fair well. I am using Ember Lords now, Dimaz will be able to tell smth about them soon :D

P.S. Fix Prepo!

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 07:03 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
It's hard to raid water due to 1) horrors keep turning them to indy 2) demonic raiders are too vulnerable and so not cost-effective. I hoped for better performance of servants, seems I underestimated your horror&MH-spamming capability. I don't think I'll be able to keep the water without raiding capability of your level and without SB mages it seems hard to achieve.
Storm demons are good but it's not possible to use them alone as any L immune thing kills them, so they can't be used as raider or even anti-raiders, too. They are great as army support, however. The best archers in the game, probably.
Spamming horrors and manifestations may seem not so effective because I already had this scenario in other games and know how to counter it. However, this increses MM to hell levels, as I have to review every order for every commander several times a turn and invent strange order sequences to be able to deal with manifestations and army buffs/thugging at the same time. Most annoying.
Overall, unless Pan has some really good ideas, I think the game is decided already. Still, it's fun for me so I continue.

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 07:05 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Ember Lords look scary. BTW, do you intentionally ignore Tarts or am I missing something?

Zeldor June 21st, 2010 07:15 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Yes, I intentionally ignore tarts. I could easily get to them, but I am bored. I had over 100 of them in Utopia. I want to see EDM in action.

I wanted to hurt your blood eco with horror raiding as much as possible. But it looks like you adapted to it and my results are not so great. Any army with at least some storm demons owns horrors fast. So I can't use horrors to your your armies with fear.

Manifestations - yeah, I even killed some of my own scouts with them :D But I think I managed to kill 2 or 3 dakinis this way.

I am probably losing more resources than you, but I can afford it, with much bigger gem income. I think that it was a strategical mistake for you to attack Sauro, instead of waiting and accumulating power to deal massive blow at once. I would have been at war with Pan then probably.

Dimaz June 21st, 2010 07:27 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I still think that was the only reasonable action for me. You were already stronger and I had to fight so I can reach your power level. Without gemgens, turtling is a bad option generally.

Dimaz June 22nd, 2010 03:25 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
If possible, please add 24h to this turn.

Dimaz June 22nd, 2010 05:03 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well, nevermind )

Gregstrom June 22nd, 2010 05:14 PM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Done :D

Dimaz June 24th, 2010 04:32 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Well, this time I definitely need another 24h.
Those manifestations are not fun, btw.

Zeldor June 24th, 2010 04:36 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
I find them very fun :P Especially when they kill Dakinis :D

Apsophos June 24th, 2010 06:07 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Just to make you know I turned AI.

Gregstrom June 24th, 2010 06:25 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
Thanks for a good game, Apsophos.

Dimaz June 24th, 2010 07:24 AM

Re: Lunar Sea - a second bout of modness. Closed - map selection underway.
And what about delay? Please..

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