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Re: Great Forum, game running
Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Dear Pans!
I offer u a brand new, better NAP3. I think we both would gain more from growing in peace than massacring each other in war. what do u say? Ozzy of abysia |
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
I accept your NAP 3 proposal
Re: Great Forum, game running
Announcement: since there's nothing left of my forces whatsoever, I'm going AI this turn. Thanks for your attention.
Re: Great Forum, game running
Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm willin to trade for earth gems, i can offer any combination of fire, air, astral and death.
The hot-headed hottie: Ozzy |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Dear Yonz, Thanks for playing man! GG funny side-note: I would have never gone to war with you but for that group of vestals that you moved to our border one turn. Having not heard from you about my NAP3 offer, I decided to move my main army to the border as a precaution. After your forces didn't attack, I thought "well, my army's already there, so...." :smirk: |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Arnob, Great Enchantress of Ulm, I am very sad to announce you that we are are going to fight each other. May the most noble and valiant win. It was obvious to go to war sooner or later. @Grijalva, lord of Bandar Log, you can say you have a northeast border secured with me, I accept to upgrade the NAP to 5 turns delay. In addition, I sent you all the gems I could (in exchange of death ones). Maybe you will want some more soon ? @Finalgenesis, lord of Jotuns, I will not save you in time. I help you only because of the fate of my position with Ulm, but it will probably be too late for you... @Yonz, lord of Ermor, sorry to have helped to bury your nation. Thanks for playing with us :). |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Bummer. My moving there was purely preemptive (as was yours, apparently), and it ended in utter disaster. Ambiguous manouvres ftw. <_< Thanks for the thumbs up, though. No hard feelings from my side, despite the brutal blitz. I really underestimated the power of your forces - I thought vestals would make short work of your monkeys and would be able to stand toe to toe with Tiger Riders so I eagerly deployed them. What a blunder! They seem to work fine against indies, but vs. other sacreds they just don't cut it. Ehh, looking back I don't think I could've pulled off anything that could save my arse anyway after the war had begun. I'll try to keep good neighbourly relations next time. :) @Num No hard feelings mate. I would've seized such an opportunity too. ;) |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Our army size make a deceptive indicator of our remaining strength, we will yet hold on. And yes we made the offer knowing exactly the geographic considerations for you, hence heaping on a *little* more incentive on top. Given the changes to Abysia, we confirm that on the utter destruction of Ulm you'll receive the promised half armory/gem hoard + capital and it's everything north from it. Should we actually fall before that happen's we'll send you the promised half the month before our immediate demise. @All I still have the other half of my armory and gem reserves plus another nice fort directly south of capital earmarked for the destruction of Pangaeans. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Unfortunately there is no Internet in my vacation Place. I was Promissed thered Be. I Need a Substitute or posponement until sunday. Sent from someones iPhone whom i gave fifty bucks. Whoever PlayStation me: please make Sire to Not Horribly Loose the war with rhyl'e that Starts at 29. Or was it 39? Sorry for this horrible Missmatch BVG shinujama or similar. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Get ready to feel the power of green woods. Ps:I am back from the vacation,and i can play in time as usual. Thanks for the delaying! Pangaea mscfish |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Re: Great Forum, game running
Re: Great Forum, game running
@earcaraxe and mscfish : I think we could run a long term alliance in ordre to stand about the mighty nations of Shinuyama, Bandar log and Machaka. What do you think ? Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
To clarify, our offer of half our lifeblood or any sort of bounty for those who contract to destroy Pangaea does not apply to those who have previously reneged and broken their commitment to aiding us in our blood vengeance.
The Jotuns are a hardy, straigth forward folk and views fickleness and insincerity harshly. On another note, we apologize on any vandalism our folks have committed on your embassy here in Jotunheim. Quote:
Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Muse, still waiting your answer about the war with the Goblins?
Re: Great Forum, game running
@ Num, would you like to trade another 30 S gems for my D gems this turn? If so, let me know and I'll send em right over, 20 gems would also be acceptable.
Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm also willing to trade my death gems for water, earth and/or nature. Thanks |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I think I do not have enough astral gems available. But I am interested for the next turn or the one after. I will say you.
Re: MA game: Great Forum, game running
At this juncture, I must decline-- a secession of that territory is inadvisable at the moment, and I do not require any aid in particular. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I would like to know what is your futur plan about the north of your territory ? For my part, I am ready to continue our alliance on an indefinite duration ... Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
You owe me the death gems in exchange of the astral ones I sent you turns ago (Something like 20). I cannot finish Ermor remnants (not enough troops to besiege his fortress, I just lost 6 months without any success), you should finish him off yourself and take all the provinces in the forest. And, at last, it is possible that your northern border will be unsecure sooner or later, but it will not depend on me :o. Sorry for the bad news... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Pangaea also like continue our alliance on an indefinite duration. Pangaea mscfish |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I'm sorry, I thought I had sent you those gems, but I guess not. I just spent a significant portion of my dgems. So I will send you 5per turn starting now, if this puts a serious dent in your strategy then say so and maybe I can help out some other way in order to compensate for the delay. Actually, I was about to say something RE Ermor, since his god just broke free and scared off the handful of markatas that 1pd gets me at the old Ermorian capital ---but really his strong dominion has been bothering me. So thanks for being reasonable. Sorry to hear that the war is going poorly. Are you also at war with Machacka? I noticed you two have no NAP3... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
My strategy has ****ed up for other reasons :(. Those gems are no big deal. Thanks.
Sorry for the last Ermor fortress, thanks for the help. Machaka is looking at other lands (South, to Shinuyama territories ?). We only share a small borderline in the far north, nobody actually wants to get there, until now... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
There is nothing left between your lands and the capital of Ulm. The only Ulm effective army is in my territory and I take care of it (well, I hope I will do so). Feel free to take any land you want in the way to Raktimoh Forest. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Greetings to Vanheim,
Understood, we are currently camping outside Jaurtal (98), or rather I should say a lone giant from of our surviving band. We wish you luck in extermination of Ulm, after which our capital and lands north of it are yours. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Bandar Log is willing to trade air/nature gems for s-gems on a 1/1 basis, but in relatively small amounts (5-10 for each kind)
Re: Great Forum, game running
I am interested in your air gems (as well as death ones) in exchange of astral ones. May I send you some astrals (10 or 15) this turn ? In addition, do you still need water gems ? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Num I'll take your offer.. I'll you send this turn 20A gems if you send me this turn 20S gems. Agreed?
I'll play the turn today before 21.00 +2GMT. If you cannot answer before that we can do the change next turn. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Deal ! I do that right now this turn.
In addition, maybe you can make those spiders in Near Kheled go far away from me ? ;) |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Done! 20A gems sent. The spiders however won't move. Instead you could show good faith and give that territory to me since it doesn't link to your lands anyway ;)
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hmme, this small and poor province does not fit well with all your rich and wealthy lands. It is cold, unhealthy, unwelcome, you will be disappointed for sure. Anyway, I expect having a link to it soon, what is standing in between will be destroyed in a matter of time.
Re: Great Forum, game running
Trading up to 20D for 20N
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Muse You seem to be losing your provinces continuously to the Goblins. I'm willing to compensate with gems and cash for the provinces that are on my way. You could have the southern provinces of Goblins while I'll take control of northwest. What say you? Are we on this together?
@Num All my lands are rich and wealthy, that is true. That province holds me no real value unless you're planning to plant a fort on top of that. In that case I would see the province as a threat. It would be better to hand the province to me and let me to show my good will by handing some of those Air gems to you. What do you say? I offer you also a NAP3 if you're willing to take my offer. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I looking for an ally for my war against the people of Vanheim. His army is currently occupied in the north west of the map and I guess the other boundaries are pretty defenseless ! Moreover he can't recruit on his capital because the unrest is above 100 and he has only one other fortress ... Arnob ! |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Hop hop hop hurry !!
@Lihaassa I do not want (afford ?) to build anything here. I give you this province (don't remember the number nor name, the far western of all of mines). I let you offer the price you want in air gems (Be very generous ! Rich people cannot be stingy, and air gems are common in the wastes of Vanheim). I accept your NAP3. Would you like stop patrolling in the isthmus for a while ? My scholars would love to see (and admire) your beautiful lands... @Arnob You can surrender any time you want. A brief war will be less suffering and devastation. It would be better for sure. Je suis sincèrement désolé qu'on soit obligé de se battre ensemble jusqu'au bout. Mais vu nos positions, il n'y a vraiment aucune autre issue... |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I do not agree: about is the winner of our war, he will be swept by the other powers later. For the moment we are both losers. I can extend by the North if you leave me the accesses. I shall want to propose you the following clauses: - You leave me the access by the North of mountains : All territories on the north of your castle. - I restore you the territories of your side of the river - I stop to unrest your capital - We make a NAP10 (without the necessary exchange of territories of course) Think about this proposal, it's the only way for both of us to stay in this game at long-term Arnob |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I've played now turn 33 and sent it to the server. I'm not able to play the new turn (34) before sunday evening - could I get a 24h delay?
Thanks! @Num I glad you accepted the nap. I'll send you some A gems this turn. Are you willing to trade more S gems for some other gems? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
For the northern provinces that we currently hold, we would wish a sum of Earth Gems--however many you can spare, though twenty would be a great boon. Be advised: Shinuyama has an army headed to those provinces at this very moment, the far north. (Within reach of Last Retreat by next turn, likely.) His armies under the waves we project will fare less well. To clarify: We will still require the coastline that we posses currently. It is unlikely that Shinuyama will capture it. This arrangement should create a lovely funnel directly into his heart, while his coast is raided. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
All fear the mighty Slokad, champion of swords and magic! :D
Re: Great Forum, game running
Re: Great Forum, game running
I agree with you, we are weakening each other in this war, and there is probably other ways. But I cannot stop right now, and we all need to fight, to get losses and lose time and energy. Anyway, my goal is not to win the game, I only try to survive, there are other player in a better place to win. @Lihaassa 5 air gems for a province ? You get 70 every turn and you gave me 5 ?!? Please reconsider your gift. I do not have enough astral gems to trade on a regular basis. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Re: Great Forum, game running
@Muse - I'll send you E gems in nearby future - if you wish so we could settle this matter with one dwarfish hammer. Is this what you want?
@Num 5A gems is a gesture of my good will.. a province with 20gold income/month doesn't really meet the payment. The province holds no real value. I'm willing to send you 5 additional Air gems but in addition I wish for trade of S gems. Is this ok with you? |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Intel: Ulm has a 200ish unit army recovering lost territories currently at Thardun (106) in the immediate north of Jaurtal (98). The composition in order of abundance: 10 guardians, 31 black plate pike, more normal pikes and mostly crossbowman/sappers. There's also a dark lord commander with fire brand, vine shield and luck amulet. For caster there are 3 master smith with 2 earth boots and a bag of air. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
I bet that this province is full of magical and powerful sites, which will provide you incredible mages and lot of gems. it is easy worth the 10 gems (I hoped you gave something like 20 or 25, more as a diplomatic gift !:)). As I already said, I cannot trade astral gems on a regular basis. And Grijalva is asking too for it. I will let you know both as soon as I get something like 20... @Finalgenesis This army is the one which has travelled in my lands for several months. It turned back to evade, will be reinforced by some more Smiths next turn then will probably attack again... I am preparing myself against it. Thanks. Do not bother with it. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a side note, now that I view the turn-- I do not need assistance underwater, regardless of whether Shinuyama temporarily holds the province while I move to reclaim it. Any Machakan holdings under the waves will be forfeit once the ever-so-slow repatriation army arrives at its destination. |
Re: Great Forum, game running
Jotunheim has an abundance of D gems, we seek 10F and 20N respectively, alternatively we can offer 2 virgins per gem, including blood hunt rods priced at 5 virgins.
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