![]() |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Blame the mod and idiots who give others free gems. :)
I am able to grasp what YOU think. But I see more and more no-diplo games; perhaps I'm not the only one who thinks that such random crap is killing the game? Gotta join more no-diplo games. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Diplomacy is by definition 'fair', insofar as everyone has an initial equal position from which to attempt to influence their peers. No one is privileged by anything outside of (1) their ability to conduct diplomacy and (2) the game state. Ie, this is the very definition of a fair advantage. You're just crying because someone is a better diplomat than you and punishing you mercilessly for it. Meanwhile, you've been exploiting an obvious bug without saying anything and are for some reason offended that this makes people unhappy? Wake up. Bugs aren't cool. Mercilessly abusing the stupidity or gullibility of your opponents is. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
What you call diplomacy, I call abusing the metagame. When TC convinced me to send him astral, it was a good diplomacy. When Executor convinced me to attack TC, it was a good dimplomacy.
Getting hundreds of gems for free is game breaking, as is convincing others to help you win just for lulz. I know where I stand and you wont convince me otherwise. But... you know what? I'm in a good mood today. I'll add more drama. This 'abuse' talk after I already promised to compensate, after this 'dimplomacy' thing, sickens me; find yourselves another Aby. I'm looking for a sub. :)))))))))))))) |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Maybe it was a bad desision, with you and Bandar attacking TC around the time, would probably buy me a break anyways, but it still wasn't for lulz... |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
So you've also pooled Executor?
If you cant find some use for gems yourself, thats not the reason to play a kingmaker. Why punising other players, like me, TC or Bandar? But thats not my problem anymore. Cya. :) |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
TC should be able to dispel it, if he just puts some effort into it instead of whacking me. You could dispel it too. I can't use gems when the AN is up, you don't have to either. Might really help you saving up some pearls for dispel... |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Someone ragequitting due diplomacy working against him.. ... Is Kuritza back? |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Diplomacy is working against TC now. My nation is fine at the moment.
But playing like that is not enjoyable, and being accused of getting free assassinations worth ~150 bloodslaves after somebody has received 700+ gems is stupid. Ragequit? No, just no desire to play anymore. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
fwiw ermor has definitely not gotten 700+ gems from other people. oceania has only given 80S in the entire game, and caelum is not that much more than that
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
He has. :) At least if he's to be believed.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
his number is 140 confirmed
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
140 gems from Caelum?
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
caelum gave gems equal to 140S to ermor.
and besides, why do you even call it kingmaking? do you think ermor is now a clear leader or something? it was more like keeping afloat |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
...Then Ermor has received at least 900 gems. And you guys still ***** around some minor abuse I promised to pay for? :) Kekeke. Not funny.
Let's say, he has a very solid chance now in my opinion. Giving somebody gems, in general, is OK. Even though you've called me, I believe, a 'bloody idiot' for that. :) But getting 900 gems for free in one game? Wow. I'm envious. :) And I refuse to be frowned upon after that. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
so who send the other...... 700ish gems to him? you? i doubt it was bandar since they have so much use for S.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Finally some drama :)
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
troll senses tingling...
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
First of all, shut the **** up if you don't know why or how I got any gems ( the harsh language is for the drama :) ).
I got gems from Pangaea, yes. I never had ANY contact with Pangaea other than a in game "NAP 3?" massage. Seeing as how I was the first to attack TC after he lost I assume he sent me gems he couldn't use, as he was already dead, to help inflict pain on TC. I never asked or manipulated or had any sort of contact with Pang. I hate diplo. What did you expect me to do, suicide commanders with gems??? And all the gems I received didn't do **** to help me fight off TC as he was incredibly more powerful than me atm, but, seeing as how you all were content on letting him win I attacked him, so you all need to thank me there. Second, Caelum and Ocean helped me a bit with my last AN, yes. However they didn't give me free gems just for the heck of it. I'm not sure how lending someone gems and returning them in greater numbers in the following turns can be considered Kingmaking. That's the same as saying Abysia and Bandar giving gems to dispel my AN is kingmaking TC??? In fact, if TC didn't have to waste hundreds of gems on dispeling my ANs all the time this game would already had been over, so you all need to thank me here again. And if you want to talk kingmaking, letting someone roll over nations one by one with no change of stopping them can be considered kingmaking itself, BL, Aby, Ulm, Agartha... |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I think everybody (except perhaps Abysia) agrees that he should have reported that the disease demon ritual was costless as soon as he found out and figured out a way to compensate for it.
Ermor, Instead of spending those gems on the Nexus couldn't you have just spent those gems defending yourself? That might also have prevented TC from winning and would not have left you with a Nexus. Well, TC doesn't look particularly close to winning now, so it seems rather ironic to accuse those of us who weren't fighting him before of king making. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Only now, disease demon discount! Get yours today! From practically free to free!
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Why, I absolutely agree that I should've reported the bug immediately. But, see, I did not. )) Because it was too much fun and I expected that somebody will raise this topic within 2 turns. Seriously, why did nobody?
Oh, and I think that using hundreds of free gems is immoral, too. :) Now seriously. I'd have used the disease demons in the same quantities, free or not. Even at 7 slaves each, with blood income at 100+ per turn its very spammable (practically free), so the impact is minimal. I wouldnt have summoned that useless Geliophagus who died shortly afterwards, and maybe I'd have one less vampire lord who sits in my lab doing nothing. I can submit one or two more turns to suicide enough slaves before handing my nation to the next player if you wish. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
First thing first, I dont fault Pjoo and Lama for helping Ermor and sending him gems. After all, the enemy of my enemy is a temporary ally. And as long as its temporary and you do it to improve your personal chances to win/survive further down the line, there is nothing wrong with it.
There is of course an exception to this. A player should always put his own winning first. Helping another to hurt a third is one thing. Playing just to hand the victory to another, (maybe a friend) would completely distort the game and remove any prospect of fairness and sportsmanship. I dont think thats what happened in this case though. As for poor little T'ien Ch'i; our star has long reached its zenith. I doubt that I have a real chance of winning any more. Not that I did not have one. My main mistake was to not finish of ermor in a timely fashion. TC's strength lie in the mid game. Were i could have leveraged my research and resource advantage to overwhelm my enemies. Instead of the quick and decisive lightning war that i had hope for, (like against Pangaea), my expansion was bogged down and reduced to raids and counter raids. I did never have enough troops to hold the vast expanses that I captured and the only thing i could do was bottle ermor up in his cities while fending of Oceania and Caelum. Attacking oceania under water would be hellish and Caelum was a highly mobile enemy located on the other side of the map. Neither were an enemy I could finish quickly. And while I could have beaten both in time, much of my strength was being sapped by having to dispel ermors Arcane nexus. The nexus is a spell that gets stronger the larger the map you are playing on is. I suspect that this is as large as a map gets before it is unconquerable. Still I suspect he made a profit on every casting and that only the fact that he could not cast less that the highest overcast among the other globals, and that his wish caster died, prevented him from running away with it. That Aby and bandar would also come for me eventually meant that I had a tight deadline. And when they came I was far from ready. I had not yet time to transfer in to the late game magic. TC is good at the elements but lack D/B/S, witch they have to complement through other means. All my astral and more was eaten up by dispels and my blood access was good enough for some forging only. I did have good death access, but with the decreasing usefulness of tarts and my lack of undead healing ability meant that it was not enough. That said I am definitely burning out on this game. The scripting dozens of communion to fight against five different enemies is mentally exhausting and i cant find it in me to care much for this game any more. I can tell that at this pace its going to drag on for a loong time. In the end I can only see two possible victors though. Either ermor or who ever takes over Abyssia. I cant dispel the Nexus any longer, even if I had the gems i could not afford to waste them on such a long term concern as an enemies future income stream. And if i cant afford to dispel it then that means than no one else are likely to be able to do it either. in combination with the alt site and you have a power-snowball waiting to happen. The only one able to counter that would be Aby with their massive blood income. Abyssia has a whole host of immortals and could really just dom-kill the world with some preparation. Its not really a counter as much as it is sidestepping gem income and land holding completely. That said I want out. I am completely toast on this game and have not really submitted well thought out turns in a long while. Most of my movements the last five-ten turns or have either been routine or things that seemed interesting at the time. I cant seem to concentrate on all my fronts as that would take forever. And from what I have seen i am not alone in in this. As I am typing this the deadline is 10 hours away. Only one nation has submitted a turn yet. And this is the rule rather than the exception. The timer gets prolonged more often than not in this game and almost everyone send in their turn as late as possible. I cant imagine anyone wanting to sub my position. Thats why I propose an end to this game. I vote Executor as the winner. He does logically have the biggest chance of winning Unless everyone unites to share the burden of taking down the nexus of course. But I dont see that happening. Also, I nominate him because he caused the most damage to me by far of all my enemies. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I wouldnt declare Executor the winner by any means, but i agree with your assesment about the likely winners.
In all honesty, the chances of an aby sub are pretty low, and it is for sure going to be a looong game. i'm fine with quitting, but i will certainly play on too. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Aby cannot domkill anyone on such a big map. Its a myth. I am sacrificing slaves in three castles that belonged to Mictlan for like 10 turns now, and I didnt even spread my dominion to the neighbouring provinces.
Put some temples up, set some priests on preaching - and dominion push will fail. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Considering that the players of 3 of the top 5 nations are seeking subs or have left and Executors Alt site is a ticking time bomb (Why the game breaking sites mod that was added to CBM didn't take this out I don't know.),I'm ready to call it a game.
Fighting a disinterested TC doesn't seem all that appealing. Abysia with his dominion and globals and remotes is a defensive monster, and I don't have any border with Ermor and his infinite fort repairing animals. I think we should have gone with 4 capitals inclusive of your own to win the game that would have forced the action and maybe prevented the game from getting bogged down (even if the winner was slightly arbitrary and it forced people to take more upfront power builds). In the games I have played recently scales builds with heavy growth scales seem to be the trend. I think this might contribute to longer games as the global income slowly goes up over time. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Well, Squirreloid is gone from this thread it seems, so if we keep Teh Drama to acceptable level, I can keep sending turns.
But does anyone want to play on? If TC and Bandar Log have despaired, I can agree with the Ermor-pooling coalition and vote for Executor. Democracy ftw. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
This is rather sudden, I agree I maybe do have a good chance of winning now that TC is crumbling but in all likelihood this game is far from over and it can go in several directions.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
In case anyone tries to dispel this AN in the future: a +30 dispel has failed.
Pooling somebody to cast, of all things, an Arcane Nexus!.. Ha ha. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Maybe i should have told you that my previous attempt to dispel it at +60, the turn before also failed. I suspect that you need somewhere around +250 to get this ****er down. Witch requires alchemy, witch is expensive. You remember how I said that i could not afford to dispel it? Well yea.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
So, unless everyone unites against Executor starting this turn, we can safely call it a game. I remember him saying that he will suicide the Nexus caster after TC threat is over, but I dont think this is going to happen.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Well the TC threat is still there, and that's seriously overestimating me, I still have much fewer provinces than before the war started, terrible gem income and a non-existing gold income, half of my forts either conquered or under siege still, haven't recruited a mage for like god knows how long now, there are no SC's, thugs, worthwhile troops...
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
... And a Nexus probably ticking for ~100 pearls per turn. For 3 turns now.
And the scary TC is nearly torn apart, surrounded by enemies, hardly a threat anymore - as shown by the graphs. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Considering I'm the only one that staled last turn I guess the game is still on.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I don't mind either way, I'm not in a winning position and my turns are not taking a long time to do. I can't do anything against disease demon spam (and now the added manifestation spam).
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Well if the game is ongoing then i should probably post for a sub.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
An extention would be nice...
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Indeed, staling nations can't spend gems to fuel my nexus.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Oh come on. Dominating by casting over 9000 Nexuses after being pooled by everyone is annoying by itself, no need for witty comments. :)
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
first of all, sorry about the stale. long weekend.
I feel bad mainly for executor, but if tc and aby are both subbing out, this game is dead. I've played in games where most of the major players were subbed out, and it drastically unbalances games, and makes them much less fun. i've also played in games where major players had to leave, and we just let the games die and that went fine. so this is my call to let it die. I will assume that Aby and TC vote yes since they are subbing out. |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Are we going to pause the game until we find a sub for TC or set him AI? And Aby is no longer seeking a sub I assume?
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
If both Aby and TC are leaving I'm all for letting it die, as I said it my earlier post.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
The flames died, so I'm still here. TC is leaving, but he's dead anyway, so actually it's up to Oceania if he's really willing to crown Executor or to keep playing.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
You would all deprive me of my glorious finale!? How could you be so heartless? "In the night, I hear them talk the coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road, he lost his soul..." |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
Once again, I think we should stop hosting it until a sub for TC (at least, kek) is found.
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
i've already delayed it for a day. adding another two days now
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
We should come up with a contingency plan if a sub for TC can't be found.
A) Set TC AI B) Let TC stale it out C) Call it a game |
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I say set him to AI and plunder him. And gang on Ermor. All the while fighting our current wars. All at the same time. ^)
Re: Kings of Drama - Keeping up the proud tradition
I actually like this option the best. I vote for this. |
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