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-   -   MP: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47401)

Stagger Lee December 25th, 2011 10:42 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I'm not going to get this turn in. Sorry guys, work and holidays have been eating all of my time. If you see this, can you extend for a few days? Either way, Merry Christmas!

WraithLord December 25th, 2011 11:39 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Done. Mary Xmas all :)

WraithLord January 12th, 2012 09:51 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Upon player request hosting postponed for DeadhouseGatesI by 48 hours. The game will now host at 14:41 GMT on Saturday January 14th.

Squirrelloid January 18th, 2012 07:55 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I must confess, I'm fairly bored of this game because nothing is happening. (Ok, i haven't checked out the new turn yet, and I staled, but since there's been a whole lot of nothing for turns, i doubt anything substantial has changed).

Seriously, I'm looking at what must be 80% of the Nehekharan army in a state of detente where neither of us can reasonably act. Why is no one else doing anything?

Catquiet January 18th, 2012 09:44 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Make peace with the Tomb Kings and we can attack Bretonnia together!

WraithLord January 19th, 2012 02:13 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I broke my nap w/ tomb kings & will attack them this turn.

Catquiet January 19th, 2012 02:23 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Squirrelloid, if you remain at war with the Tomb Kings, our armies will be stuck guarding each other while Bretonnia gobbles up my under-defended lands.

Ally yourself with me and we can have some real fun squishing the puny humans of Bretonnia.

WraithLord January 19th, 2012 04:52 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Tomb Kings, your arrogance has earned you many enemies. Bretonnia is but leading the way and in no way expects to gobble up many of your lands or take enough VPs from you to win.
The knights only expectation is to put a stop to your genocide rampage, even at a price jumping first out of neutrality.

Squirrelloid January 19th, 2012 03:25 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Decisions decisions... whatever shall I do...

WraithLord January 19th, 2012 03:44 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I confess I was getting bored w/ this game as well.
At least now we'll have some action :)

Catquiet January 26th, 2012 08:02 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid (Post 792930)
Decisions decisions... whatever shall I do...

Bretonnia just took 8 of my provinces, if you don't free up my main army right now, we might as well hand the victory to WraithLord.


LoloMo January 26th, 2012 09:21 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I see a huge 600 unit Nehek army squatting on Sylvannia's capital for a few turns now, but just sieging and not storming...

WraithLord January 27th, 2012 07:08 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Man, I'm just raiding you some. The real battle haven't even begun yet. You could raid as well you know.

Actually the main reason I'm wasting so much resources on raiding is to take the heat off sylvania and hopefully save it.
The ogres or anyone else for the matter are free to join in and take as many of your lands as they wish.

Catquiet January 27th, 2012 06:02 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Bretonnia currently controls 72 provinces. How much stronger are you going to let him grow?

WraithLord February 15th, 2012 06:59 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
It looks like Sylvania & Ogres have staled this turn.
Ogres seem to have staled three times out of last four turns.

Guys, if you need extensions plz tell me and I'll grant them. Otherwise can you please tell whether you plan to cont. playing?

WraithLord February 16th, 2012 04:50 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Stagger Lee & Squirrelloid, can u plz confirm whether or not you plan to cont. playing?

Otherwise, I'll have to assume that you're either unable to or not interested in playing. If that's the case I'd like to try and find subs as quickly as possible so please reply ASAP.

WraithLord February 17th, 2012 04:18 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
LoloMo and Catquiet, what do you think we should do?- Shall I start looking for subs?

LoloMo February 17th, 2012 06:39 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I heard on irc that squirreloid is busy for this week, and he's still submitting his turn for aftermath2. Stagger I haven't seen on irc in a while, but he's still submitting his turn for aftermath2 too. Maybe give them a few more days to reply.

WraithLord February 17th, 2012 08:12 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Sounds gr8. I'll do that and add 3 days to this turn to make sure they have plenty of time to submit their turns.

LoloMo February 17th, 2012 10:26 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Oops, I rechecked and it seems that Stagger staled twice in Aftermath2 too. We might need to find a sub for him.

WraithLord February 18th, 2012 07:47 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
*sigh* that's not a good sign :(

ok. How about we wait until tomorrow if there's no response then I'll start looking for subs. I'd very much like for them to keep playing but alas it doesn't seem likely.

LoloMo February 18th, 2012 01:16 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Sylvannia's turn is in, ahead of everybody haha

WraithLord February 18th, 2012 01:24 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
:lol awesome!

I just hope we hear from squirreloid. It would be great if he can cont. playing and we can get on w/ the game.

LoloMo February 18th, 2012 11:05 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Squirreloid has posted in the other forum looking for a temporary/permanent sub. He has an eye infection so has to cut down on his games.

WraithLord February 19th, 2012 04:50 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.

WraithLord February 21st, 2012 09:14 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
No turn from Ogres yet :(

LoloMo & Catquiet: Any suggestion how to proceed?- Shall we wait more?- How much shall we wait?

I don't want this game to get stuck so something has to be done soon.

LoloMo February 21st, 2012 08:44 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I think we should get a sub for the Ogres before proceeding

WraithLord February 22nd, 2012 02:24 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Ok. I'll post for a sub here. However, If a sub is not found in a reasonable time I will have no choice but to turn it AI.

WraithLord February 23rd, 2012 03:26 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
No sub yet. I suggest to wait until Saturday. It's already a long time that the game is stuck but I guess two more days won't hurt.

Stagger Lee February 25th, 2012 11:50 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Sorry guys. My new PC is now up and running, but I just can't get my old brain around windows7. XP was so easy. I expect I'll get used to this soon enough (maybe not soon enough to save Sylvania, but I was having little luck with the turns I did send in. :))

Squirrelloid February 27th, 2012 07:31 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Sorry for not posting here earlier, posting on dom3mods was painful enough at the time (and I was hoping for enough cross-pollination that someone would have seen it there who could point it out here). So, I'm really not up to playing yet, but doing forum stuff is becoming easier - at least for now =P.

Please find a sub if you can. Many apologies.

WraithLord March 8th, 2012 01:49 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
hehe looks like Catquiet the terrible is hell bent on destroying the entire world :p

Also, at the rate we're going, looks like the winner would rule over a smouldering dying planet atop a five km. high mountain of corpses :shock:

BTW, guys, I have a 2 week vacation planned for next month. Seeing as we're so late into the game and so few left would it be ok w/ you if we postpone the game until I return?- Esp. considering that subbing in this phase for me would be brutally painful and that subs are *very* hard to come by these days.

WraithLord March 16th, 2012 04:52 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Thank you Squirrelloid.

Guys I take your silence as consent. Thank you for your consideration. We shall thus pause the game for the last two weeks of April.

LoloMo March 16th, 2012 05:35 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Enjoy your vacation! I'm sure the world will continue ending when you come back!

WraithLord March 18th, 2012 10:35 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain

Thanks! Fighting an endgame war under constant Armageddon can get stressing at times ;)

WraithLord March 28th, 2012 12:17 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
What craziness is this?- to invoke the burden of time on what little population left.
One thing is sure - when the nations of warhmmer clash the earth itself shakes.

WraithLord May 1st, 2012 03:56 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I'm back from vacation. I also got a request for an extension.

Please note that the game will now host at 03:34 GMT on Sunday May 6th.

Stagger Lee May 11th, 2012 10:20 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
OK, it's been some time since I had any chance of affecting the outcome of this game. Is there any hope of derailing Brettonia at this point?

WraithLord May 12th, 2012 04:29 PM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I personally think that the game result, Bretton win, is inevitable.

However, Nehk is so well defended that it may take a *very* long time to take his VP. While erecting a stellar defense I don't Nehk can hope to mount a meaningful, game changing, counter offensive.
Of course Bretoon can try to take another VP, and for that matter any other VP is less defended than what Nehk has (as I learned this very turn :D ). But such a maneuver will also take quite a long time.

So either we call this game over now or prolong it for who knows how long just to get to the same immutable result. Now, as much as I love dominions, I can't say I'm enjoying these last turns. I find them boring and tedious and it's sheer discipline that keeps me doing them pedantically.

So, I would appreciate not prolonging the game but of course can cont. dutifully playing these extremely tedious turns for the weeks or months to come if any of you think there's a chance to turn this game around.

LoloMo May 14th, 2012 06:44 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
I'm also willing to concede. The dwarves are quite a difficult race to play, and my chances were quite low from the start. By the end, I was just hoping to be a nuisance to whoever was the current leader. The continuous armageddons quite decimated me and the last few turns, I couldn't even be much of a nuisance to anyone. I'm actually quite surprised that the armageddons did the least damage to the brets.

Congrats to WL for the win. I can imagine the micro needed the last few turns!

WraithLord May 14th, 2012 08:16 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Non NewB. 5/9 players remain
Thank you guys for graciously agreeing not to needlessly prolong the game.
Playing a ~110 size empire w/ blood economy (quite thriving actually even after the Armageddon chain) and 250+ gem income is a serious time consumer. I invite you to take a look at my turns to get a sense of it.

A short AAR is in place.

I tried many builds for this game but ended up choosing (yet again) a S9 scales Oracle.
My starting location was both great & terrible. It was secluded but located in some sort of desolated area w/ most of the provinces low on population and gold.

It was only towards mid game that I pushed into the mainland that my gold income started to catch up.
My first real war was vs. Itza. And what a war that was. don_pablo plays well and we had many entertaining battles.
At the end Bretonnia took the upper hand and captured 2 VPs from Itza (what w/ former Empire VP).

I was then content to let my then ally Nehekara to do his thing and expand & grow. Only later, almost too late I noticed that I'm faced w/ two choices. Either go to war w/ Nehekara or accept his victory.
Thus our alliance was severed and a war to dwarf all wars has begun. Truly this was an epic war, taking into consideration the size of our two respective kingdoms.
The war raged and surged and knights blood has wet dry tomb kings bones in the aftermath of numerous clashes.
Legendary monsters were summoned to wreak havoc only to be slain later by teleporting armies.
Mages feared for their lives since even the very earth could spew forward deadly elementals.
And then, ever so slowly, the tomb kings armies were pushed back towards the desert grave yards from whence they came.
It was then that Althea, vampire queen and terrible wielder of arcane magiks has created the arcane nexus, only to use the rivers of astrals it produced to wish that the very earth tremble and shake and meteors strike down.
The poor human population thus decimated Bretonnia's mages had to turn into the dark arts learnt from a lone refuge of a dying faraway empire. And so rituals of blood and death took place and terrible monsters were summoned.
Fair Bretonnia has become a land of nightmares. It's victory made hollow by Althea's curse. May she rot in hell!

This game was really enjoyable. I want to thank all the players, esp. Stagger Lee, Catquiet & LoloMo who made it to the very end.

I plan to start a new game Memories of Ice soon. I was thinking EA, no mod nations (yes CBM), and small game (8-12) players.
You are all welcome to join and/or make suggestions re. the settings

Catquiet May 14th, 2012 11:42 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins.
Reserve Lanka for me.

Stagger Lee May 15th, 2012 12:09 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins.
Congratulations WL.

Catquiet May 15th, 2012 07:33 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins.
If you are taking suggestions for Memories of Ice, how about a ban on Grendlekin? They seem overpowered to me. I feel obligated to have my nation be able to summon them, like I used to feel obligated to be able to forge clams.

WraithLord May 15th, 2012 08:06 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins.
Next CBM will likely increase their cost. But that will probably be too late for us.

I could make a modified CBM w/ their cost increased...

Catquiet May 16th, 2012 01:25 AM

Re: DHG - Deadhouse Gates. Game over. Brettonia (WL) wins.
Or maybe reduce their HP to 150.

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