![]() |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I sent the sub a full host of details concerning the game, the politics and his assets and he hasn't responded with a definitive "yes" or "no". If he's not interested, I'm probably going to divvy up my assets and go AI. This game has been great and challenging but my involvement in it is already past the time I have to dedicate to it. Unless a sub shows up real soon, my vote is for Pythium to get dumb and overrun (of course, you could argue this has been going on for a while, what with my steady losing streak to Ulm ;)).
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I can set Ctis AI and switch to Pythium if no one has a problem with it. I believe once I've gone AI as one nation I can switch to another without the server freaking out.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Suites me fine. I can play this turn while tratorix makes C'tis go AI, then tratorix can take over Pythium from there. Once this is the confirmed course of action, I will message all the tips and diplomacy info I have to tratorix.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I fully agree with this.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
All right :up:
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Thanks tratorix!
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Just a headsup,
the game should be progressing over the weekend. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I realize that we had a player change nations and that can take a little time to get up to speed, but we're barely running a turn per week now. That is the sort of pace where people lose interest and drift away (especially with no posted explanation for the repeated delays in the hosting schedule). Can we get back on a regular schedule before that happens? If someone regularly needs more time, I would rather have a 72-hour interval that we keep to than what we have now.
(now watch me be the next person who gets extra busy and asks for a delay.... But if I do, I will at least be sure the players know what is going on) |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
It is partly due to the player change, setup diplomacy and Ossas temporary absence.
The game will turn soonish. Only waiting for Pythium/Tratorix at the moment. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I think we can safely turn Pythium AI.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I need to get in touch with Tratorix, there wont be another stale, but things may take a bit longer.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
We are most pleased to see C'tss's dominion finally go away. Now we get to watch as half our forces waste away over the next year while they die from their diseases.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Still trying to get in touch with Tratorix for AI setting if neccessary.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
There isn't anything magic about Tratorix setting Pythium AI. Maybe a pm to shatner and he would be willing to do it, or just any random Joe off the street. If no one is around, though, I would rather have Pythium stale until someone comes along than put the game on hold waiting on a 3-province nation. An AI Pythium would have some affect on the course of the game, but not very much - so I don't think there is a very big difference between stale/AI, except for stale keeping the game moving.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
There is an issue with trades I would like to see fullfilled.
We have Shatner back in for AI setting, did anyone else have trades with Pythium that have to be carried out? |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
As a side note, I will be abroad this weekend. Could you please delay hosting for next turn (48) until Monday evening if that is not already the case? Thanks! |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Delay of 48 hours granted for Gurthang.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Just wanted to pop in and apologize for my disappearance. Spent the last week or so in and out of the hospital with a pretty serious illness. Wish I hadn't even offered to take over the position, rather than have this happen. :( Best of luck with the rest of the game.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Glad you're feeling better. Don't worry about the sub business - we all knew it was not a very strong attractive spot anyway.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Just as a heads up, the incredible Cold Wave in Germany got me as well (I bet Caelum or Shinuyama or both were channeling their ice mojos!!!) my staling was entirely my fault, and hopefully wont happen again.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
3 Peoples are missing their turns, I did a delay.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Mine will be in before the original deadline.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Excellent, I just want to avoid Stales at the moment. My turn is also prepared, just not send in.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I will be away this weekend. I need to postpone hosting until Monday evening. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Arghhh, Most stupid Peon ever, send the wrong files for the wrong games, dual stale!!!
You get the delay ofcourse. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
From what I can see of the world, it didn't cost you much. Things seem pretty quiet. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Some mishaps with that Pythium fort I guess, but at least I got the other one.
It remains to be seen what will happen now, 3 fairly equal powers, with Ulm being a bit strong conventionally, and much weaker magically (0 globals crap). gotta read up romance of the three kingdoms for strategies! |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
What is also interesting is that I am propably the strongest in a defensive sence, Raiding me is fairly difficult due to tailored recruitable antithugs that dont cost much (if any) gems, and I propably have superiority in major army vs army engagements due to my onbattlespells. However, I have very limited SC choices and rather limited raiding/remote attack potential myself.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I applaud Shinuyamas diplomatic skills in making Caelum commit protracted suicide. Unless Shinuyama actually offered the winged ones a shared victory, aiding Shinuyama, who has Dai Tengus and can counter absolutly anything Caelum could possible throw at it, in destroying Ulm may give them some short term gains but will end up with having a Kobyashi Maru on its hands once the game finishes.
Especially since my troops will do by far more damage to Caelum than to Shinuyama, as I will go out in the way I cause the most damage, and I can do by far more damage to caelum. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Sorry dear players, in retrospect my post sounds a lot like whining which is because it is whining, and was written after I was a bit "flabbergasted" at the quite skillfully executed invasion of Ulm, and followed the quite human reaction of attributing this quite uncomfortable situation to anyone other than myself.
So instead of sour grapes, Time for glorious Ulmish propaganda!!! Ulm News, Fair and Heavy! Citizens, people, glorious Allies, the peoples Republic of Ulm faces its final trial in its quest of health insurance for everyone! Today, we stand united against mischevious Bakemono which want to replace our glorious Communist Propaganda with baseless and morally defunct imperialist Anime, and vile beourgois thatcherite Winged things that want to privatize our beloved public transportation system! Just because you have wings, it does not mean that other people dont like taking the bus! How are law abiding hard working Guardians, Unmakers and Black Knights supposed to reach their work places at the front without a reliable bus service? The Peoples Republic will triumph over all its agressors! Unleash the sekret weapons!!! P.S. "Global Transportation system, a spell that increases Map move of all friendly units in friendly dominion by 1, is a global enchantment I would totally cast". |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Communication does wonders, you know :) As far as my protracted suicide is concerned… it may well be. I am just too unexperienced to assess the comparative strenghts of different races. In all cases, it will have been an exciting and instructive game :cool: |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I have PMed our benevolent admin for a 48-hour extension due to work. Hopefully I won't need the whole time, will get my turn in as soon as I can.
In general, I am now ready for the game to move to a 72-hour timer. Anyone else have opinions on that? |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Ill second the move to 72 hours, very few turns are getting done without extension of some kind anyway.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No problem either way.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Ulm staled the past two turns, missing all of the critical initial clashes of the war. Not a very good sign. Is the game done?
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I have no idea why llamaserve is behaving like that....
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Are you saying that you sent in turns, but the server ignored them? Did you get the "turn received" emails? If so, that's a pretty serious problem. The game's status page never showed you as having submitted a turn.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No, I delayed the game but it did not delay.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
How would you like to handle it? Should we discuss a rollback?
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
That would be usefull, I did not look at the actual new turn yet.
The last turn I should have gotten in was the one in which everyone largely retreated from my territory. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I'm not quite sure if you are asking for a 1-turn or 2-turn rollback.
I could probably support a 1-turn rollback - but not 2 turns. Not only would that be playing with fire (I'm guessing there would be a pretty significant risk that the whole game would explode in some way), but I put an awful lot of time into preparing those turns, and I really do not want to have to recreate it all. If we just roll back to make it turn 55 again, I can just resubmit my existing .2h file. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
1 turn, 2 turn is playing with total and utter fire.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I am OK with a 1-turn rollback. I think every remaining major power ought to be able to veto the rollback, so you should pm Gurthang to make sure he sees this.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I just read the discussion. I dislike rollbacks but I won't object to one, even if there was an important battle (where I was duly trashed) in 77 this turn, and even if I just sent turn 56. Shortly, I will accept your decisions.
However, I will be abroad this weekend. Whatever your decision I will try to do my turn tomorrow afternoon, but in case I am unable to, next hosting should be set at Monday evening. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No replies?
Whichever your decision, I won't be able to do my turn before Monday evening. I must beg for a delay in hosting. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
A bit more communication would help here.
If you (Mightypeon) are particularly busy with real-life concerns for awhile, let us know and we'll be quite understanding. But if you are just growing disinterested because the game is not turning out how you had hoped - well, there is a certain level of responsibility that goes with organizing a game and being the admin. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I did Delay, and yes, I am very busy with real life. I fairly suddenly have to work for supporting 2 people (as opposed to just me) and it shows....
I will rollback then, but If anyone is interested in taking over admin duties I can most certainly send him the password. |
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Concerning "giving up", I would currently rate Shinus chances of winning at about 65-70% (better strategic positions and shown very good generalship) my chances at 10-15% and Caelums chances at similiar levels. As chances of winning were also at around 10-15% when the game started, the current situation is no reason to give up.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I can take over as admin, if you want. We will need to know what kind of hosting schedule you think you can maintain. And you will probably need to give me at least 12 hours notice when you need a timer extension.
Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
That sounds great, I can propably manage 72 hours.
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