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Szumo June 8th, 2012 02:42 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I think it hurs Tien Chi more :P

mattyburn7 June 8th, 2012 03:55 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
This is where the Sauro strategy worked perfectly. We have NO soldiers to pay!!

revenant2 June 9th, 2012 03:29 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Something weird happened this past turn that I'm at a loss to explain.

T'ien and I both attacked C'tis in the same province. T'ien went first and defeated C'tis, and then my forces moved in and engaged T'ien.

The battle summary shows that we lost the battle against T'ien, killing two out of his four Tartarians, but the battle replay shows that we won, enslaving one of them and killing the other three.

Does anyone know what might have happened?

Here's a screen-shot of the battle.


Calahan June 10th, 2012 02:45 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 806210)
The battle summary shows that we lost the battle against T'ien, killing two out of his four Tartarians, but the battle replay shows that we won, enslaving one of them and killing the other three.

Does anyone know what might have happened?

This is a well known bug where the battle replay doesn't match the battle report. The precise cause of this bug isn't known, but if you are using mods then sometimes having a slightly different version of a mod that the host computer is using can cause it. As such making sure you are using the exact same mods as the host computer can correct the replay. (keep in mind that the battle report is correct, and that it's the battle replay that's wrong. Or at least that's been the case in every example I've come across)

But this is not exclusively a mod bug, as it has also been seen in SP games without mods. Unfortunately it's just one of the bugs in the game that regular players have just learnt to accept. (as you either have to just accept it or stop playing)

revenant2 June 10th, 2012 05:43 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Thanks for the response Calahan.

curtadams June 11th, 2012 08:16 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I've read that the bug can be caused by having a scout watching the battle, and I did have a scout there. I would guess that the game re-runs the battle for the observing scout rather than showing the first run, and then saves the re-run for viewing. The bug might be more common that we realize as often a small change in the battle won't get noticed. How many of us count survivors by type at the end of the battle?

curtadams June 11th, 2012 08:21 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 806152)
I think it hurts Tien Chi more :P

I think so too, although I'm not absolutely sure since T'ien Chi's battlemages are mostly throwing 100 Pre spells while mine use mostly aimed spells. Definitely least harmful for you, Szumo, and I guess that's a good level for a global in a 3-way fight.

revenant2 June 11th, 2012 02:59 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 806269)
I've read that the bug can be caused by having a scout watching the battle, and I did have a scout there. I would guess that the game re-runs the battle for the observing scout rather than showing the first run, and then saves the re-run for viewing. The bug might be more common that we realize as often a small change in the battle won't get noticed. How many of us count survivors by type at the end of the battle?

The battle was very close: I tried rerunning it a few times and changing the RNG, and the results would vary quite a bit. This was because everything hinged on whether I was able to enslave one of his Tartarians.

curtadams June 12th, 2012 01:46 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I had to give myself a 12 hour delay. Next turn due: 01:40 GMT on Wednesday June 13th

curtadams June 21st, 2012 12:11 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
24 hour delay for myself and T'ien Chi.

curtadams June 22nd, 2012 10:54 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Well, I don't know what happened. I put in a 24 hour extension but the turn rolled anyway. Fortunately nobody launched a major attack on me last turn so it's not a major disaster.

revenant2 June 22nd, 2012 05:12 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 806871)
Well, I don't know what happened. I put in a 24 hour extension but the turn rolled anyway. Fortunately nobody launched a major attack on me last turn so it's not a major disaster.

This happened to us earlier in this game as well. We don't know what happened at the time, but what's left of our high-command now suspects foul-play by the dastardly Lizardmen -- the same monsters that inflicted Utterdark on our world.

Why is this abominable enchantment still up? We demand that Helheim and T'ien stop warring with each other and exterminate the lizard menace once and for all.

Our children go to sleep at night hungry because there's no food, and are afraid to sleep because they might be eaten by some foul monster. Can someone please think of the children?!

curtadams June 25th, 2012 06:31 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Actually this is a different problem. You sent a turn and the server got it - no stale - but you didn't have any moves executed. I didn't send my turn, because the server processed the turn before the time it said it would when I delayed the turn, and I staled.

I was really PO'd when it happened because I'd just spent an hour doing my turn and when I logged on to send it there was the new turn! Unfortunately my nephew was in the next room so I had to restrain my language. :o Plus, I later realized an Asynja had become Eater food so it wasn't quite as benign a stale as I'd thought. At least I was the only one affected so I didn't ruin somebody else's game.

But, this last turn went well for me so I guess I can't complain.

PS Helheim does think of the children. It thinks they can be good blood sacrifices when they grow up!

revenant2 July 4th, 2012 02:09 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
We have nine hours left to host, and I'm the only one who's taken a turn. Hopefully, you guys are able to take your turns before we host.

Also, C'tis staled last turn. I'm not sure if it makes a difference at this point, but he strikes me as the type that would battle to the bitter end, so maybe we ought to tack on some time until we can confirm.

Szumo July 4th, 2012 03:52 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I have already sent my next turn.

curtadams July 4th, 2012 09:15 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I just sent mine in, and T'ien Chi asked for a 12 hour request last night (set this morning). Since I keep an eye on the timing, I can say that both T'ien Chi and I tend to come in just under the wire. In my case, the amount of work for a turn has long since reached the "I don't want to deal with all that micro right now" so I tend to procrastinate. It's a standard headache for Dom endgames, but it's still a headache.

My standard policy on staling is always to grant an extension if asked but only if asked. T'ien chi got caught out by that once IIRC so we shouldn't change it now.

Flop July 5th, 2012 05:26 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Damn, I missed my own extension. I should have asked for 24 hours, I suppose.

Sorry about that, guys.

curtadams July 5th, 2012 09:42 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
If your turns are anything like mine, there's a few things you really have to do and a lot that's just useful. Since we both tend to push the time limit anyway, we could turn off quick hosting so we could send in partial turns without risking a mess from early hosting.

Flop July 7th, 2012 10:17 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 807900)
If your turns are anything like mine, there's a few things you really have to do and a lot that's just useful. Since we both tend to push the time limit anyway, we could turn off quick hosting so we could send in partial turns without risking a mess from early hosting.

That's a good idea. I'd really prefer that, unless anyone objects.

To be honest, I feel we should have made some other win condition, rather than total conquest. The game is starting to drag on a bit, although it does make for excellent end game experience (something which I sorely need :)).

revenant2 July 7th, 2012 05:18 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 808049)

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 807900)
If your turns are anything like mine, there's a few things you really have to do and a lot that's just useful. Since we both tend to push the time limit anyway, we could turn off quick hosting so we could send in partial turns without risking a mess from early hosting.

That's a good idea. I'd really prefer that, unless anyone objects.

To be honest, I feel we should have made some other win condition, rather than total conquest. The game is starting to drag on a bit, although it does make for excellent end game experience (something which I sorely need :)).

My turns are nice and short :)

curtadams July 8th, 2012 09:31 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 808049)

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 807900)
If your turns are anything like mine, there's a few things you really have to do and a lot that's just useful. Since we both tend to push the time limit anyway, we could turn off quick hosting so we could send in partial turns without risking a mess from early hosting.

That's a good idea. I'd really prefer that, unless anyone objects.

Done. I'll switch back if anybody objects.


Originally Posted by Flop (Post 808049)
To be honest, I feel we should have made some other win condition, rather than total conquest. The game is starting to drag on a bit,



Originally Posted by Flop (Post 808049)
although it does make for excellent end game experience (something which I sorely need :)).

I am certainly learning a lot about the endgame. I was so proud of my kitting out of Magog to be the ultimate SC-disposer and then the Dimensional Rod didn't do squat plus he knocked himself out and basically snoozed the entire battle.

revenant2 July 10th, 2012 09:27 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Nice Szumo.

Citadel of the Lore Masters is right next to your capitol. No wonder you're research was so good in the beginning.

curtadams July 13th, 2012 08:27 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
game postponed 72 hours for international trip by T'ien Chi's player

Szumo July 14th, 2012 03:49 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 808206)
Nice Szumo.

Citadel of the Lore Masters is right next to your capitol. No wonder you're research was so good in the beginning.

Didn't use them much for research, shamans were more cost effective with my scales.

Flop July 16th, 2012 10:42 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Thanks for the extension. I had to attend a wedding in Sweden, which kind of snuck up on me. I'm back now, and have handed in my turn.

curtadams July 19th, 2012 10:06 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Had to give myself a 12 hour extension due to work crisis.

revenant2 July 22nd, 2012 08:32 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Should we turn quick hosting back on?

curtadams July 23rd, 2012 11:09 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I'd rather not have quick hosting on at the moment. I was using it this turn - I sent in a partial (albeit mostly complete) turn Saturday, then squeezed in the completion about an hour before the roll. I admit I'm probably the only one benefitting at this point.

revenant2 July 23rd, 2012 03:51 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by curtadams (Post 808694)
I'd rather not have quick hosting on at the moment. I was using it this turn - I sent in a partial (albeit mostly complete) turn Saturday, then squeezed in the completion about an hour before the roll. I admit I'm probably the only one benefitting at this point.

That's cool with me. In one of my other games, my turns have grown so incredibly complicated that I'll usually start off sending a turn within the first 36 hours, and then send 2-3 revised turns afterward, so I feel your pain.

As far as this game goes, I have no chance of winning. The only reason I haven't gone AI yet is so I don't spoil the game for everyone else and I want to make the AAR interesting when I finally complete it.

As long as the other guys want to keep fighting, I'll hang in there until the bitter end, but I was so crippled by my war with C'tis and Utterdark that all I can field right now is a single semi-decent army.

revenant2 July 29th, 2012 02:30 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
After a few setbacks this last turn, where we lost most of our territory to the dastardly Helheimians, what's left of our high-command convened an emergency session to discuss our precarious military situation and determined in an unanimous vote that we've still got this thing won.

Here's the master plan:
  • Reform our army and put a smack-down on Helheim's sieges.
  • Send an army to exterminate C'tis and his sinister lizard-men (he's still enemy #1).
  • Boot out T'ien from our capitol (or whoever is squatting on it now)
  • Kick Helheim's ***.
  • Liberate the world.

Flop August 1st, 2012 12:00 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Sorry for staling again guys. I thought I had another day, until I saw the 12 hours notice this morning, before leaving for work.

To be honest, I think Curtadams has pretty much won at this point, but I'm willing to fight on, if that's what people (mostly Curt) want.

revenant2 August 1st, 2012 03:22 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Flop (Post 809180)
Sorry for staling again guys. I thought I had another day, until I saw the 12 hours notice this morning, before leaving for work.

To be honest, I think Curtadams has pretty much won at this point, but I'm willing to fight on, if that's what people (mostly Curt) want.

I'm willing to halt my remorseless counter-offensive against Helheim and declare him the victor if Szumo concurs.

curtadams August 1st, 2012 04:52 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I am very eager to end the game. I will cheerfully accept a concession by consensus. Szumo?

Szumo August 2nd, 2012 04:23 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Yes, it's obvious that Hellheim is the winner. Well done, and thanks for the game everybody.
I'll be waiting for the AAR revenant :)

Flop August 2nd, 2012 09:11 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Congratulations! There was a time where I honestly thought this might be my first Dom3 win, but my lack of endgame experience hit me quite hard, I'm afraid. That and Utterdark. My plan was to end the horrible spell by taking C'tis, and killing whoever cast it, but sadly, my offensive ground to a halt, as my troops started deserting and dying from disease. When I finally decided to dispell it, Helheim had taken most of my territory.

Still, I had a number of kitted out tartarians and ember lords, but I just couldn't get them to work against Helheims SCs. I think I need some more endgame practice. :)

Anyway, thanks for the game everybody, it was fun, except for the end, which was kind of tedious. I think I'll demand that my next game has some other victory condition, besides total conquest. :)

Szumo August 2nd, 2012 09:12 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
How many gems did you dispel Utterdark with?

Flop August 2nd, 2012 10:56 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
I think it was 200.

curtadams August 2nd, 2012 12:15 PM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
The problem with dispelling Utterdark by the time you did it was that I had about 2/3 of the world. So even though you got more mileage out of your money due to better mages, I had so much more money it was a net benefit to me. With the money I got, I was gearing up for a domkill, which I hadn't been able to do earlier since I couldn't recruit the Vanjarls I needed. The dispel would probably have sped up the win as the domkill was only going to take a few turns (I think...) while grinding through all the forts and stomping the wandering Tartarians would have taken quite a while.

Flop, it wasn't that your SCs were bad, it's that I avoided fighting them except on my terms. The fights were pretty much either army fights where I had a much larger army (and generally more SCs as well) or where I airdropped SCs designed to kill the specific ones you had there. The one way they weren't the best was that a lot had equip and scripts to jump into the back and attack, which would be very effective against a mage army but less so against my armies, which were more thug-oriented.

Now Szumo's SCs, yeesh. I think at one point I lost 5 SC battles in a row. That was certainly a learning experience!

Great game, thanks everybody!

revenant2 August 3rd, 2012 01:08 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Great game everyone and congrats Curt!

revenant2 August 3rd, 2012 01:10 AM

Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled

Originally Posted by Szumo (Post 809219)
Yes, it's obvious that Hellheim is the winner. Well done, and thanks for the game everybody.
I'll be waiting for the AAR revenant :)

I'll start updating it again after my other game (BSoD) is done.

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