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Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Nothing like having a horde of barbarians descend on your 1200G 1/2 built castle to ruin your day. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I´m back from vacation. Would like to take over command of Agartha again. Thanks, Klaus |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Send me your email please.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Gath has been captured and will be soon pillaged by Ermor. Can nothing stop the undead beasts?
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Hi I will be away for the next two days and am hoping that I we can delay the game by a day or something so that i dont miss a turn...
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Since C'tis has their turn in, I'm going to postpone the following turn. Just thought everyone should know that I'm paying attention to these things.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Your doing a great JOB AoE!
In fact, every player has been consistant this game. Wish every Dominions Game would run so smoothly! |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Thanks guys.
Hosting postponed for 24 hours for C'tis/googly1. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
The pretender of Utgard, a great enchanteress and 130 giants are on our border. We have forces for fight against him, a lucky ninja kill one small Utgard commander, all enemis of Utgard can attack his kingdom.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
The great nation of Man, on this day, slew the great demon god of Marignon, a fallen nation. It came upon our brave pious soldiers as they were marching to liberate a small fortified village. The beastly fiend was vile and terrible and its corrupted blade struck down eight of our finest. It was at that moment the tide turned and it shield arm was torn asunder. The terrible beast raged on until it met its end at the tip of metal piercing crossbow bolts.
We tried to consecrate the ground where its blood had been spewed, but to no avail was the taint removed. Only several artifacts were able to be cleansed and salvaged. Its arm is currently being taken back to the capitol of Man. It rests now in a coffin of wood harvested from our ancient forests and bound by magics once used by the witches of our lands. Should the demon rise again, be rest assured its arm will not be there to wield its evil plots. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
My ninja say with laugh, the story of Summerlands. "Giants of Utgard" fight for empty land, very poor land, and lose Summerlands, a good farmland. Are you happy Enchanteress? You can go home, it's time, i think.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Sky of Jomon is ready, thank for god of god, we can give you poor land, the same, remember your first attacks. Now, our troops are not alone, it's time for Jomon born.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Extended the hosting time to 40 hours. A little more time for those growing empires out there.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This Is The Voice of Pythium
General Secretary Comrade Vsevolod today announced the succesful completion of the Abysian War. In a short address he said, "While the peoples of Pythium should rejoice in the success of our brave armies, it should be noted that we regret the obliteration of the nation of Abysia." Comrade General Clodius, commander of Pythium's 2nd Army Group, praised the steadfastness of the troops saying, "I am proud of the way they conducted themselves in such difficult circumstancs." It is known that the Great Enchantress Goku of Abysia was one of those killed at the final battle. Pythium's losses were said to be very light. It has been announced that Comrade Lugalabzu will take over as the Chairman of the Intelligence Directorate. He will replace Comrade Paghat who has been put in charge of Pythium's sewage system. Comrade Paghat was one of the critics of the leadership's handling of the Abysian War. The former Chairman of the Intelligence Directorate was unavailable for comment on his new appointment. The Peoples of Pythium await further news.... |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Tavern Gossip around Mictlan spreads that the Ulmish Wars are over. Yet, new threats arise. Three nations invade Mictlan in conjunction. While the priesthood seems unconcerned, peasants begin to pack their wagons in search of lands less chaotic.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Even though we don't have a non-aggression pact with your vile nation, we give you fair warning so you can evacuate your forces from our lands. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Oh Poop!
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
War "Jomon against Utgard" this month: Utgard lose 2/6 commanders, 67/126 regulars, 60/60 undeads. Jomon lose 0 commanders and 94 regulars (smalls troops). Next month, our great army walk in Utgard territory. We see the héroes of Utgard, we think lose hard, but we want break Utgard for ever. All enemies of Utgard can go with us for down this kingdom.
This month, many giants are dead, this is good thing. (and i bad play, bad placement, bad use magic, bad use my commanders, i must learn, i bad play, but Jomon army is realy bigger) |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Well there's a ray of sunshine upon an otherwise freezing cold topic!
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Vocie of Pythium
Former jailbird and used-donkey salesman, Lucinus IV (or Big L as like to called), surprised everyone today by turning up outside the Palace of Heroes and demanding entry. It is unclear what effect this will have on the administration. Meanwhile, in other news, a Central Committee spokesman confirm that military operations are ongoing in the Empire of Gath. Coming so soon after the completion of the Abysian Wars, this news military adventure has raised some eyebrows in certain sections of the administration. Finally, the coverted Miss Pythium title has been one by Flora of Scythia. Congratulations to a very worthy winner. The People of Pythium await further news. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I've added some icons to the original post. If people would be so kind as to tell me who finished off Ulm and Abyssia, I will award them with a :dagger: for posterity sake.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Area of Effect,
I did Abysia, at least, I killed their pretender and the next turn they croaked. I believe Arcocephale may have been at war with Abysia as well so might not be able to take all the credit. Currently doing Gath. But again T'ien Chi took some Gathian provinces and I believe Ermor may have done Zu the Magnificent. That's Ermor the fluffy bunnies by the way. B I G army of undead and currently doing Patala. Surprised that Patala has not asked for any help. Ulm was probably Mictlan or Utgard. You are doing a great job by the way. Really enjoying this game. Best wishes, Steve PS. And I have just seen the icons. Cool! |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Gath here:
Practically Ermor killed me, but Tien Chi took the provinces after I had fallen. Technically I still have a province or two left though. :) |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Gath here:
Practically Ermor killed me, but Tien Chi took the provinces after I had fallen. Technically I still have a province or two left though. :) |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
There seems to be quite a bit of collaboration, a.k.a. dog piling, going on in this game. I'm going to have to contact the defeated players and ask them who they think deserves the dagger the most.
From now on, if your defeated, please choose a single nation to be your greatest foil. I will assume Gath is voting for Ermor, who will get the credit if and when Gath is no more. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
For the record, that was an incredible back-and-forth battle. The outcome was a near thing, I dare say, and it was a pleasure to go to war with you.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Yeah, Ermor deserves the vote from me.
At one point I thought I would survive, after I annihilated that huge army, but then another battle happened where a small force of knights flanked my priests, which spelled doom, as without priests, I had little chance. But it surely was fun while it lasted. :) |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Atlantis gets my vote, over Man, for the imminent destruction of Marignon.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Awe...this game is ending fast!
Looks like the Frozen Alliance of Giants and Birds have taken 1/3 of the map and all the artifacts...Even Ermor doesn't return my diplomatic messages....:confused: Times is Hard! |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
In south we have big problem with thug of Atlantis, and in north Utgard is strong, he lose many but starve is problem for us, Utgard is a dead land.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
You know, its actually been a really long time since starvation was a problem for me in any of my games. There must be something I do differently because I generally don't choose nations with a great deal of nature magic very often.
Let me summarize my thoughts. Tips: -Use fewer yet higher quality units. -Build castles near to the edges of your borders. -Higher undead elephants, they don't even ask for peanuts. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Well, bum. I have just given a rod of the leper king to a mound king and, despite the description of it not affecting undead, my mound king is now diseased.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Voice of Pythium
Comrade Vsevolod, General Secretary of the Central Committee, formally announced the conclusion of the Gathian Expedition. Although a formal declaration of war was never announced, Pythium’s 1st Army Group has been in constant action these last few months protecting the population of Gath’s most southern provinces and bringing enlightened government to the toiling masses. In a subdued speech regretting the necessity of military action, Comrade Vsevolod explained how, “... the misguided individuals, who even now protest against the legitimate annexation of these provinces, must be treated with respect and understanding.” Several re-education centres have been set up in the new provinces to help explain the benefits of Pythium Governance with this in mind. The successful conclusion of the Gathian Expedition has further cemented support for the Pythium leadership. In further news, an unnamed scholar working for the Archaeological Directorate unearthed an ancient tomb and recovered a valuable artefact in the province of Ene Umrul. As so often on Archaeological expeditions, the investigation of the tomb had unforeseen results. An army of previously alive, commanded by Comrade Capitalist Hyena Rotbrother, the Spectral Mage whose tomb it was, protected the tomb. Fortunately, due to the quick thinking of Comrade General Dolgad, the Provincial Governor, the local defence force was immediately activated and dealt with the problem with surprising ease. Speaking after the battle, Comrade General Dolgad said, “The legend of Comrade Rotbrother is well known in these parts. He liked his meat cold - if you know what I mean.“ Finally, the new re-education centres are proving surprisingly effective. Comrade Teacher Ooo Shashi, has recently been re-educating several malcontents in the Scraw Pointe caves. Together with his dedicated band of Comrade Outreach Workers, the handsome 23 year old is ready to bring enlightenment to all those who are unfortunate enough not to fully appreciate the benefits of Pythium’s democratic structure. The Peoples of Pythium await further news. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
It's Creative summaries of Dominions events that make the game so awesome! Thanks Shunwick!
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Alright, 4 players down and 14 left standing. I've awarded daggers to Ermor, Atlantis, and Utgard. I should hopefully be hearing back from Abysia on their pick.
I've also extended the hosting time to a full 48 hours. Good luck everyone. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
For Abysia I think the main damage was done by Arcoscephale.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Voice of Pythium
In an announcement from the Halls of Workers, Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod confirmed the news that the realm of Marignon has fallen to the Empire of Atlantis. He paid tribute the brave defenders of Marignon and expressed great sadness at the passing of yet another great realm. Former jailbird and used-donkey salesman Comrade God Lucinus IV has been given a special role in the administration. Unfortunately, there is no news on what this special role will be. Speculation is rife that he has been sent to help Comrade Paghat with the redesign of the Pythium sewage system. It has emerged that scandalous behaviour has been going on in the province of Cimri. The once quiet province close to the border with the Empire of Arcoscephale has seen a number of high profile orgies that have shocked the local inhabitants. “Young wimmin in the nud cavortin and such,” said one outraged homeowner. It seems that the excavations in Ene Umrul are continuing to provide plenty of exercise for the brave defenders of that province. Last month we brought you news of a tomb guarded by the Spectral Mage Comrade Capitalist Hyena Rotbrother and now this month another tomb has been discovered in the same complex. The new discovery once again yielded what has been described as a great treasure but also triggered the tombs defences. This was the tomb of Comrade Xirrath, another Spectral Mage and another horde of previously alive. Comrade General Dolgad, Provincial Governor and the victor of last month’s exciting battle, had been recalled to the capital to receive a commendation for his quick thinking and steadfastness. Comrade Deputy Provincial Governor Grimoald took charge of the provincial defence and lent his priestly support to the brave defenders. Once again, the armies of previously alive crumbled before the professionalism and dedication of the democratic and peace-loving troops. “Just another Comrade Nut Job,” was Comrade Grimoalds’s only statement. The Peoples of Pythium await further news. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I'm moving to Pythium
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Postpone Hosting please. Somehow we got moved to 8 hour intervals! |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Alright, I made a mistake and it seems that the hosting was set to 8 hours. not 48 like I had intended. But, I caught it in time. Enjoy 40 more hours of planning everyone and ignore that email you got from the server.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Best regards, Vsevolod, General Secretary, Central Committee |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Jomon proclaims peace with Utgard.
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Voice of Pythium
The petty reign of Capitalist Warmonger Regic and his bloodthirsty cabal of Bloodhenge Druids is over. The unrepentant 54 year old, known for luring young virgins into slavery and then sacrificing them before the altar of his obscene god, has been a thorn in the side of the Pythium Leadership for far too long. The uneasy truce was almost certainly due to the Leadership’s belief that the strength of the cabal was beyond their means to overcome. But we can report that Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod this month sent military forces into the hated province so as to free the people of that outrageous tyranny. The liberation forces sent into Bright Woods were commanded by none other than former jailbird and previously-owned donkey salesperson Comrade God Lucinus IV. Aided by Comrade Paghat and the Special Forces of Comrade General Deathstink, the battle for control of the province was a hard fought affair. Special commendation was given to Comrade Teacher Ooo Daman and his hand-picked bunch of Comrade Outreach Workers who were only present at the battle as a work experience activity and were not expected to play an active part. Nevertheless, as hoards of imps threatened to overwhelm the Special Forces, Comrade Teacher Ooo Daman threw his units into battle with devastating effect. Before long, even the overgrown Vine Weevils of the Druid Cabal were reeling from the onslaught. The warrior spirit shown by the Comrade Outreach Workers will be the stuff of legends in years to come. The Special Forces Group will now return to the capital where a banquet is being prepared in their honour. There are rumours that they are being refitted to take on the hostile province of Old Man Mountains. the base of operations of renegade Golem Mage Antatus. It is known that Antatus commands an army of living statues and is also believed to have gargoyles under his command. I am sure the Democratic and Peace-Loving Peoples of Pythium wish every success to our outstanding forces. It has come as something of a surprise to the leadership that the cave province of Banded Hills has changed ownership from the Kingdom of Caelum to the Empire of Mictlan. The Realms of Caelum and Mictlan are currently at war and the capture of Banded Hills would seem to be a response to the war not going particularly well for Mictlan in this part of the world. Nevertheless, the Leadership has deemed the situation serious enough to put Comrade General Quinquatrus and his third army on notice. A Central Committee spokesman said, “It is unthinkable that Mictlan would add another enemy to it’s growing list. But even a small army such as this can be cause for concern.” The Comrade Tomb Raiders have apparently moved to the province of Runia. The Antiquities Directorate confirmed yesterday that another artefact of great power was recently discovered in an ancient tomb in the province. Fortunately, the tomb was unprotected and there was no repeat of the excitement that Ene Umrul suffered twice in succession. Finally, it has emerged that Comrade General Deathstink has taken steps to change his name by deed poll. “I have never liked the name Deathstink,” he told one of our reporters, “but, you know - parents – what can you do?” In future, the 196 year-old breathing-challenged Comrade General would like to be known as Eric. The Peoples of Pythium await further news. |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
"Comrade General Deathstink" had me laughing hard! This is a good game to begin with, but Shunwick... I am loving your write-ups. :)
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I am having fun. Glad you like them. :) Best wishes, Steve |
Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Well I can assure you Groundworm isn't the only one enjoying the stories.
Rev 2 also is a hoot to play with and wrote some of the funniest comments I've seen when we played BSoD, which indecently he won...lol. HD |
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