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quantum_mechani August 9th, 2005 01:56 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
1 Attachment(s)

Edi said:
On reflection, I suppose that you're right in this instance. I'll make that change.

I'm going to put out a new version of the Item mod out later today, with the changes I outlined above. It's also going to be a Null Mod in the sense that I've added the #selectitem "<item name>" and #end lines for every single bleeding item that it is possible to build, categorized by type etc and all in the same construction levels and in the same order as they appear in the unmodded game.

Those should stay static, and changes in construction level should not cause them to move around, because otehrwise it is going to be a pain in the arse to try and find anything, especially if things change from version to version. The original author of the mod ought to be shot, it was impossible to find anything without scrolling through the whole file or using a search function.

There are also some item cost and level modifications that I personally violently disagree with, but we can talk about those later, I'm not going to meddle around with them now.

As for the spell mod, in that one the structure of speel edits in one section and unit edits in another is the only reasonable approach because the unit edits take up such a massive amount of space and the units are going to be edited very rarely compared to spell attributes. The readme should also help somewhat.

Another note on the spell mod: I didn't tinker with the contents, but Soul Gate Ermor had gotten quite the discount in its national spells, specifically the Wraith Consul and Senator. Never mind that they are immortal to begin with and also have unholy magic in spades, the consul now costs less to summon than a Wraith Centurion. That struck me as out of whack.


Before you start re-organizing the item mod, here is a new version. Hopefully it fixes some of the things you violently disagree with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I will be tinkering some more with the SG ermor part of the spell mod, I'm not totally happy with it myself.

Edi August 9th, 2005 05:17 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
Too late, but I'll take a look and just port those things into the reformatted item mod. Didn't quite manage to do that today, as the readme rewrite is going to take more time than I expected. I've got to say, the item mod so far has had hands down the ****tiest organization in general of all the CB mods (and the pretender one was a real pain in the arse in its first incarnation).

I'm thinking of bumping the version number to 1.45 or something when I'm done. Will be a ***** to go through all of that again, but I'll do that. Hold off on any more development of the item mod until I've got a good version and a readme out (one to three days, depending)

Oh, and you can toss these things to me by email, to the previously given address [edirr(at)welho.com] if you want to talk about just some minor tweaks.

And most of my violent objections are still in place, but they only concern a few items. Let's have an indepth discussion of that in a few days.


quantum_mechani August 10th, 2005 10:48 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
Oh, and BTW, one of your edits seems to have broken the nation mod, it now errors out whenever you have it enabled and try to do something.

Edi August 11th, 2005 02:24 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
1 Attachment(s)
Found it. Apparently the game still does not allow referencing armor by ID number, so I changed the lot of them back to referring by armor name and the problem vanished. The fixed Nations mod is attached.


Edi August 12th, 2005 10:51 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
1 Attachment(s)
All right, heads up!

The previous compilation of CB mods that I posted here had numerous problems:
The nations mod was broken due to errors on my part.
The item mod was full of typos, hence did not work as intended.
Spell mod had some issues with certain national spells.

This has all been fixed now. The itemmod has been gone over with a fine tooth comb, reorganized and all typos fixed. The nations mod has been improved upon, and there is a slightly newer version that also fixes some other (mainly Caelum) problems in v1.12.

So, I present, the Auigust 12, 2005 compilation of CB mods, including:
Scales 1.3 + readme
Pretenders 2.51 + readme
Spells 2.1 + readme
Items 1.45 + brand new readme
Nations 1.3 (sorry, no readme yet)
Complete 1.4



Aegis516 August 14th, 2005 12:22 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver
where at? ***sorry NOOOB- god...(me) I want to die

Truper August 14th, 2005 01:40 PM

In the header to the post. Where it says Attachment http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

quantum_mechani August 14th, 2005 04:25 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series - finally a new ver

Aegis516 said:
where at? ***sorry NOOOB- god...(me) I want to die

Sorry about the messy thread, you can now find the latest mods here

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