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YellowCactus July 24th, 2005 12:34 PM

Re: Dian
*Clears his throat at the podium*
Um...reports of Mictlan strength have been overestmated by the decietful, lying Pythiums. I assure you that the blood site Dian speaks of is nothing more than an Inkpot's End at the top of an old, dormant mountain. Furthermore, Mictlan's financial crisis have deemed the sale of this sad province neccesary. Anyone with interest in purchasing this Inkpot's End province need only notify your local Blood distributer.
-Templerate of Mictlan

silhouette July 25th, 2005 02:56 PM

Re: Time extension?

Soapyfrog said:
Aku? Klatu? Boron?

Gort will never respond to you if you use that sort of sloppy pronunciation... it's Klaa-Too Baa-Raa-Daa Nick-Toe. Please report back to the galactic core for retraining.

- Peace Through Vaporization Directorate

Soapyfrog July 25th, 2005 07:41 PM

Re: Time extension?

silhouette said:
Gort will never respond to you if you use that sort of sloppy pronunciation... it's Klaa-Too Baa-Raa-Daa Nick-Toe. Please report back to the galactic core for retraining.

Nickel! Necktie! ... it was definitely an N-word....


And I have returned and thank you for the slow hosting on the weekend. Yet another glorious victory over Tien Chi! A marauding army of Red Guards and celestial soldiers met its demise in the icy north, having penetrated the Giantspire Pass all the way to the Icelace river. In thier desperation to stem the endless tide, Jotun necromancy helps win the day. Not a single soul of that ill-fated army would ever see it's home again, those that fled were lost to the endless jotun wildernesses. More than 40 celestial soldiers and a vast host of Red Guards and lesser troops perished, at acceptable cost to the victors.

To the Mandarins of the ill-starred Tien Chi Empire I say thee this: we will swallow your armies whole!

Soapyfrog July 26th, 2005 02:09 PM

Re: Time extension?
Yuck-Fou of Tien-Chi... how many more must die? What is the ultimate price of your seeming lust for the blood of your own people, spilt to fertilize the soil of Jotunheim?

We almost grow tired of trying to enumerate our victories... once more, a Tien Chi army is defeatedly soundly at Giantspire pass, masses of red guard and imperial horsemen slain, celestial soldiers lying in heaps upn the field... we can but weep as we slay, knowing that things could be different, if Yuck Fou simply willed it so.

Alas... his appetite is insatiable...

YellowCactus July 26th, 2005 07:41 PM

First, Tien-chi, Then Abyssia, Now Pangaea. Soapy, you are surely the scurge of the North. I'm not certain if you might not take the prize for 'Most ganged-up-on'. Pythium is the current holder of that belt.

Soapyfrog July 27th, 2005 02:15 AM

Re: Beatins!
Well really Pangaea is attacking Man, not me... but of course this has a negative effect on me since Man is less able to help me out against the evil Abysians (still I hear he is doing a great job... at least one of those stinky Golems has perished).

I receive word that Pythium is on his last legs? Perhaps that means Abysia or Tien Chi will receive a well deserved knife in the back soon... one can only dream... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

PashaDawg July 27th, 2005 07:56 AM

Is this game on 48h quickhost? If we could keep it that way through the weekend, I would appreciate it. I have to leave for a conference on Thursday - Saturday.

I will be getting a substitute, but it would be helpful if there were not too many turns while I am away.

YellowCactus July 27th, 2005 09:09 AM

Re: Weekend
Have fun Conferenceing, and remember, it's usually better than work.

Oh, Oversway. Tell me the two provinces and 75 yummie imps you brutally slaughtered this season was some sort of arcane, incidental act of crazy. I'd hate to think of the Southern Alliance falling apart. SO talk to me mister 'A', we can work it out!

Oversway July 27th, 2005 11:09 AM

Re: Weekend
I havn't seen the results yet, but I did have orders to attack some of pythium's provinces. Sounds like we ran into each other.

YellowCactus July 27th, 2005 02:30 PM

Re: Weekend
I'm just miffed that your guys beat up my guys. It's all good.:) Get Ready, we're doing R'yleh next!

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