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spirokeat November 14th, 2006 07:17 PM

Re: Is it just me ?
Good, it's not just me being crazy then. It is a bug.

As I said it was an issue in Dom 2 that never got sorted either.

Poor Mictipoctli...bugged forever.

Beorne November 15th, 2006 05:09 AM

Re: Is it just me ?
I think, to help the devs, this thread should be as clean as possible and containing almost only bugs.

In addition I'd report here the very severe (and not found by me)
hunter of heroes bug

Olive November 15th, 2006 05:45 AM

Re: Is it just me ?

Endoperez said:

spirokeat said:
I may be misunderstanding you here Endo but I didn't think that Unholy was death. Mictipoctli in Dom 3 has standard holy magics (banish, bless etc) listed in his spell availability.

Hes undead and his bio says he has lost his priestly powers but gained unholy ones. Which as per Dom 2 and what I think you just said to me means he should have a different set of spell availability in his cast specific.

I got what you meant, now. I was wrong. There's just holy magic now, so the priest spells that help undead are national (otherwise all priests could cast them). For some reason I was thinking that undead priests were still unholy mages, just shown as holy instead of unholy. Mictlipoctli can Reanimate undead, just as he should, and can't preach, due to being undead, but he doesn't have any undead-buff spells - which, I think, is what was intended.

Sorry for the confusion.

Maybe the "lost his priestly powers but gained unholy ones" is the old Dominions 2 description which hasn't been updated.

But as lv3 priest, he should be able to reanimate longdead horsemen, which is not the case (Oops, I think I've already posted this, but I'm playing Mictlan in 3 pbem, so I hope it will be fixed soon http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif ).

Talking about description problems, Utgard description is missing, ant the units are exactly the same than in Dom 2 (except the the sprites). Maybe will the content come in a further patch ?

HappyUser November 15th, 2006 12:38 PM

Re: Bug Report
Dom 3 Retail 3.01 Windows

BUG: Province defence goes negative after several (defence boosting) random events.

After buying my way to defence 125, multiple defence boosting random events in the same province (on seperate turns) gives defence of 126 , 127 , -126 , -111 respectively.

thejeff November 15th, 2006 01:16 PM

Re: Bug Report
So what does a PD of -126 look like when attacked?

NTJedi November 15th, 2006 01:31 PM


Beorne said:
I think, to help the devs, this thread should be as clean as possible and containing almost only bugs.

Yes I completely agree and the devs even posted this thread is bugs only!!
Anyone with a question, concern or issue with a posted bug should PM the individual or open a new thread. This way the individual who posted the bug could edit his post and delete his comments. The developers don't have time to scan thru all the random chit chat.

Now for my bug to make the post have value in future patches:

Within Game Tools it's possible to generate maps and adjust settings to customize the map as desired.
Unfortunately the percentage for the sea doesn't always return accurate results. I've generated maps where I set the sea for only 4% yet over 50% of the map became sea... even when using 0% sea I've seen maps still generate sea. This is for provinces of 700 or more.
The other unusual effect is in most cases the sea is all deep sea with very little or none shallow sea.

Map Edit command #fort "<fort number>" does not always provide the fort specified. I've custom made 5 maps and they all have had problems not using the fort specified within the .map file. The forts which appear are different then what I specified in the .map file.

HappyUser November 15th, 2006 02:02 PM

Re: Bug Report
I'm not sure, this has happened to 4 seperate provinces in the heartland of my empire, hence they have not been attacked yet since bugging. I can however spend a buttload of gold and buy them back to +125 again.

No I do not get gold back increasing a negative PD. And gold is not an issue when you poke memory address 01055EE0 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif (which of course has no bearing on this bug)

And, several turns later all 3 of my TC immortal heroes were slaughtered by that evil Hero Munching Horror, which for me unfortunately is a game breaker, so it's back to Marvel Ultimate Alliance until that is fixed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
I guess that is the definition of Karma.

Agrajag November 15th, 2006 02:39 PM

Re: Bug Report
Do you get gold back if you increase PD from -100 to -90? (numbers are just as an example)
If so, then buying your way back to abs(PD) should be free.
Either way, this is obviously an overflow bug, should be easy for the devs to fix by adding one bit to the PD variable.

Anyway... What are you doing messing around with 15750 gold's worth of PD (in one province!)? It could have been much better used on units (especially mages)

reverend November 15th, 2006 02:43 PM

Re: Bug Report

Agrajag said:
Anyway... What are you doing messing around with 15750 gold's worth of PD (in one province!)? It could have been much better used on units (especially mages)

Trying to find out if it overflows, obviously. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Easy to fix, but should have been found much earlier. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

PhilD November 16th, 2006 03:45 AM

Re: Bug Report
Dominion spread doesn't seem to conform to what is announced in the manual

See the discussion in this thread for details, but independent testing made by various people strongly indicates that dominion spread does not follow the "rules" as described in the manual. Namely, the chance for successful temple checks don't seem to really increase with number of temples.

One possible hypothesis, which seems coherent with experimental results, would be that the chance of successful "check" from the home province (and maybe prophet or pretender) does increase with number of temples, but checks from temples don't.

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