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RicoRico July 25th, 2007 12:09 PM

3/6 turns in, waiting for R'Lyeh, Pythium and Abysia.

Shall we try to enable hosting on Friday afternoon (+1 GMT) again?
If I get the turns in tonight, I could host tonight or Thursday morning, but I'll not be home the rest of the Thursday.

Ewierl July 25th, 2007 12:57 PM

Re: hosting

RicoRico said:
3/6 turns in, waiting for R'Lyeh, Pythium and Abysia.

Shall we try to enable hosting on Friday afternoon (+1 GMT) again?
If I get the turns in tonight, I could host tonight or Thursday morning, but I'll not be home the rest of the Thursday.

I'm pretty sure I didn't include a turn in that email I sent you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif But that's because I always like to double-check things, I could have mine in tonight.

RicoRico July 25th, 2007 01:05 PM

Re: hosting
Ahh, you're right!
I interpreted an 'attachment paperclip' the wrong way somewhere ;-)
2/6 turns in, waiting for R'Lyeh, Pythium, Abysia, and Man.

RicoRico July 27th, 2007 06:16 PM

Re: hosting
Turn hosted . . . .!

RicoRico July 27th, 2007 07:29 PM

An ill warning
A source of tremendous power has been claimed. A shift of power, beyond neglecting! It was foreseen...

Soon, the armies of Abysia, already the largest and richest nation of the world, will be unstoppable, his magic will dominate the world, multitudes of virgins will be sacrificed for every wish they make, allowing more demons to enter this world. The river of fire and blood will swell to a lake, ready to burst the dam and flood all nations.
Unless, perhaps, we drop our current affairs and unite against them. Abysia lands are rich indeed, so whoever gets there first my find himself at an advantage.

Machaka is preparing for war, but is bound by an oath of peace for but a few months more. But soon enough, we shall strike, ready for the battles of legend my warriors were longing for.
I already hear the thunder of hundreds of armoured boots and the clapping of demonoid wings nearing my strongholds. We shall see.

Micah July 28th, 2007 06:18 AM

The War is Over
Micah, Lord of Fever, Lord of Flames, Lord of Terror, Enemy of Man, The Warrior Against the Sun has cast the spell to end all wars, so that he may take his rightful place as the one true god of this world. The very struggles against him will give him yet more power with which to strike down his enemies, as they feed power into the nexus that he is the center of.

You cannot hope to stand before the might of Abysia. We control the power of the stars as well as the power of blood. The legions of the Inferno and Cocytos are bound to serve our will. The people of Abysia are the Chosen of Micah, and we shall not falter now that his time is at hand.

Bow down before your lord, and know his mercy, bend knee to Abysia and your people shall be spared. Refuse, and all that shall be left are ashes.

Sir_Dr_D July 28th, 2007 12:28 PM

Arcane Nexus
To all nations. Do not be concerned. Pythium is able to deal with that Arcane Nexus. It had been Pythiums initial goal from the start to research straight to Arcane Nexus. To meet that goal we collected astral gems while refraining from using them. Our capital produces 5 astral gems a turn alone. Our initial conquest was Bandar Log which is also an Astral nation, and we have been very lucky in finding astral sites. In the end I decided against casting it because after looking i felt it was too powerfull of a spell, too game imbalacing, and I wouldn't have had any fun winning because of it.

But the result is Pythium still has the ability to cast that spell, and probably has more astral gems then Abysia put into that spell. We are confident we can replace Abysia's Nexus with our own. But we want to make certain that we have enough gems. We would like to ask each nation to submit some of their astral pearls to us. If you each give a hundred that should be enough.

What I will do with the Arcane Nexus is:
- pay each of you back double the contrubution you made (this is regardless if we happen to be currently fighting or not.)
- make sure that any global that Abysia casts will get dispelled.
- replenish the gems that I used to cast the spell to begin with.
- Any gems after that will only be used for spells against Abysia.
- Once Abysia is defeated I will send the mage who cast the spell on a 'vacsaion' to one of your lands. This will automatically end the spell.

Again I would like each of you to send at least 100 pearls. If you don't have the pearls send gems that can be alchemized and we can privatly work out ways for compensation.

I hope what I presented above is acceptable. Deatils and any trust issues can be discussed privatly.

Micah July 28th, 2007 05:51 PM

Re: Arcane Nexus
OOC: I figured I had the game won before I cast it, so I wasn't trying to unbalance anything. If I do end up losing it will be because I decided to cast it (it's powerful, but Pythium's claim that he didn't cast it because it was overpowered rings false, as it is not powerful enough to compensate for having every other nation gang up on you without a decided lead going into it...I guarantee Pythium's casting it would have gone badly for him). I thought it'd be more fun than slowly grinding through one nation at a time.

So, I took the pearls I had lying around and decided to spice things up a bit.

That being said, expecting Pythium to fall on his sword after having the nexus up for 20+ turns and pulling in 100+ gems per turn seems a bit...optimistic to me. There's plenty of opportunity and temptation to pocket a few pearls each turn. Plus I'd imagine that he could argue that the army of 50 abominations that suddenly popped up in his capital was intended as a "spell against Abysia."

He who holds the Nexus controls the game, don't make the mistake of trading one overlord for another. A dispel instead of an overwrite would be in the best interest of everyone except for Pythium. And I include myself in that, for I would much prefer to have a fighting chance even if my global goes down.

Note that Pythium was content to not cast the spell before I did, as he knew he would draw the wrath of the other nations, but now that everyone is concentrated on me (and rightly so) he is more than happy to have it under his control, since he can have it without drawing the fury that comes with it.

Take your chances with a dispel if it pleases you, but know that overwriting the nexus will do nothing to save you, you will merely have a different master at the end of the day.

RicoRico July 30th, 2007 09:06 AM

turn status
3/6 turns in.. Waiting for R'Lyeh, Pythium, Man

Guess we're still contemplating the fate of the world?

I am a bit tied up at work currently, so I don't think I'l be able to host before Wednesday anyways..

RicoRico August 1st, 2007 05:49 AM

5/6 turns in, waiting for Pythium

I'll be hosting tonight

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