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Dodd December 15th, 2006 09:18 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Kwok, congadulations with version 1.0. The A.I is garrisoning warp points and its colonies much better than before.

Is it possibe to tweak the AI so that its fleets stay more upto date? In one game Im playing the AI maintaind a large fleet at a warp point, however it did not keep its ships uptodate. I was basicaly using advanced temporal weaponry whilst they employed at best early depleted uranium cannons (often there might be only a single missile or cannon on a AI frigate or destroyer).

As for treaties, I have noticed in both version 1.00 games that Im playing that they are easy to maintain. Once Ive got a treaty going with the AI they seem reluctant to ever break it. Is this deliberate?

All in all the AI is becoming more chalenging. Thanks for the work your putting in.

Captain Kwok December 15th, 2006 10:14 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
The AI's behaviour primarily depends on what you do to them. If you're nice and don't make them angrier (like colonizing their space or destroying their ships) it's unlikely most of the neutral or peaceful races will attack. The aggressive AIs are easier to antagonize and will break treaties.

For the v1.01 patch I've told the AI to retrofit more ships at once - that should help with out of date ships.

Q December 16th, 2006 03:58 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Which are the races that should show an aggressive behaviour?

shinigami December 16th, 2006 08:25 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Massive Ship Mount
Number Of Abilities := 4


shinigami December 16th, 2006 11:46 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
1 Attachment(s)
Reading another thread about making individual ships more distinctive I got an idea about one way to achieve it, combat speeds. Making smaller ships faster in combat and larger ships slower encourages more mixed fleet set-ups and causes the smaller ships to retain their value into the later game.

Attached is a zip with two modded files, VehicleSizes and CompEnhancements (added a little increased range to ship mounts to offset the slowdown of the larger ships.)

I've had a blast playtesting with these changes and thought I'd share. However, since all I have done is a minor modification of the Balance Mod I don't think it would be right to release this as a separate mod (not my work and all) so I thought I would just put the two files out there for folks to look at and play around with. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Q December 16th, 2006 01:06 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
One more suggestion: in version 1.0 it makes no difference in ship speed if you go from the highest level of ion engines to the first level of contra-terrene engines.
That seems a little odd to me. I understand that you wanted to make the speed increase more gradually but still there should be a clear effect IMO if you use the more advanced type of engines.

Captain Kwok December 16th, 2006 05:44 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
The Contra-Terrene Engine is an improvement over the level 3 Ion Engine, which is the branch point for the CT series. Although a level 5 Ion Engine is equivalent in movepoint production to a level 2 CT Engine, it's also a dead end tech and really intended as a economical engine for non-combat ships.

Yoda December 16th, 2006 08:13 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
I'm just plugging a Balance Mod game setup on pbw.

SEV Galactic Domination

Starting resources: 10000
Starting planets: 3
Home planet value: Average
Score display: allied
Technology level: Low
Racial points: 2000
Quadrant type: Cluster
Quadrant size: Very Large (200 sectors)
Event frequency: Low
Event severity: Low
Technology cost: High
Victory conditions: Last Man / Alliance standing
Maximum units: 20000
Maximum ships: 20000
Computer players: None
Other game settings:

No Star destroyers / black hole creators
No Warp point creation / destruction
No Ancient Race allowed

I'm open to other suggestions regarding rules / game setup

I'd like to have turns coming in once a day for a little while, then as the game expands slow things down, once we have really large empires I'm receptive to extending the turn time past 48hrs.

I'm planning to wait for the next patch and whatever changes in the balance mod go along with it.

And Kwok, Awesome work! I’m really impressed with how much time you've put into this thing!

se5a December 16th, 2006 09:03 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
wait till next version of se5 comes out yoda

Yoda December 16th, 2006 09:24 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Do you mean the next patch? Because that is the current plan.

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