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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

Aezeal February 5th, 2009 09:11 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
--- pop type 40

#selectmonster 348
#copyspr 2400
#copystats 2400
#name "Savage Ork Shooter"
#descr "In space there live barbarian tribes of savage orks. They are just as warlike as their more civilized bethren and will defend their lands to the last. This ork is armed with a blaster and prefers ranged combat."

#selectmonster 367
#copyspr 2402
#copystats 2402
#name "Savage Ork Chopper"
#descr "In space there live barbarian tribes of savage orks. They are just as warlike as their more civilized bethren and will defend their lands to the last. This ork is armed with an axe and prefers getting bloody and berserk in melee."

#selectmonster 347
#copyspr 2405
#copystats 2405
#name "Savage Ork Warchief"
#descr "A Savage Ork Warchief leads one of the roaming clans of savage orcs. He is well equipped and can shoot as well as fight like a berserker in melee."

#selectmonster 346
#copyspr 2407
#copystats 2407
#name "Savage Ork Necromancer"
#descr "Ancestor worship has always been a part of orcish culture with it's own holy men, the Necromancers. Amongst the wild savage orcs this is still the prime religion and the necromancers lead the clans with the chiefs. They are always holy men versed in death magic but can have other magicskill too."

hmm couldnt'find another pop type with 3 troops and 2 leaders.. those are all militia/l inf/ h inf + com and priest. there are several options with different unit numbers but all include the same priest.. and that is taken. So now one of the amazon poptypes is no more :D

Aezeal February 5th, 2009 02:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
2 Attachment(s)
hmm I've made a sprite.. no better said I've adjusted a sprite to fit the orcish flamer. The source is pretty clear but I think it's a huge improvement myself.

I'm not much for drawing persons but I think adding weapons and effects is working out nicely.

anyway here they are.

Aezeal February 5th, 2009 05:54 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
The mod is getting large.. some numbers (I've put them in de dm file too) for those working on something. (are the pirians still under construction?, or those nanobots?)

unit numbers used (aprox)

Neoclidia 2200 - 2253
Insect 2500 - 2537
Ulm 2583 - 2659
Indies 2700 - 2749 AND 2400 - 2408
Jomon 2750 - 2777
Orc 2800 - 2850
Commonwealth 2950 - 3000
Dragons 3001 - 3029
Shiar 3050 - 3080

Magic sites 765 AND 800 - 827 AND 901 -902 AND 989 - 998

weapons 650 -667 AND 700 - 765 AND 775 - 783 AND 800 - 806 AND 810-818

Armor 215 - 222 AND 270 - 274 AND 340 - 354

rdonj February 5th, 2009 06:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Wow, I'm going to have a lot of work ahead redoing the indies to fit in all these new groups ;)

Aezeal February 5th, 2009 06:55 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
well they don't have to be in.. or just one province. and most aren't for space anyway :D

All are also in new sites so they might just pop up at random :D

Darkwind February 5th, 2009 08:24 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
It looks like this mod is shaping up to be a tribute to Dom3. We have what--417 (by my count, ie a calculator's count) units? Not to mention the likely many unique spells for each nation, plus the beginnings of a line of generic ship summons in Construction. Not to mention the maps. Clearly Aezeal's man-hours of work (not to mention rdonj's 1337 (leet for you uninformed, or elite for the plebes) mapping skills) have made this mod great. :)

As to Piria/Qinus(name in progress), I haven't been working much on them. I feel inspiration now. :D My muse is number-crunching!

Aezeal February 6th, 2009 09:43 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I''ve started on Machaka. Working with an existing nation is nice since you have a basis.. but then I also want to keep the feel of the nation and that is harder.

I'm thinking (now probably overlaps with my previous post but I'm just re thinking it) a civilization which is keeping very much to it's traditions. Still darkskinned and I'm showing that in the militia at least (don't think I'll get more chances) Same ranks, same priests, same spider influence, same magic (+ some earth as usual) Some what Jomon like in that they will have fire and poison based attacks since they are not the die-hard earth/resource based so need other stuff to keep up with ulm.

I'm keeping some sort of militia (the same sprite as the ulmish one, just darkgreen armor and dark brown skin), I'm keeping the hoplites (only now as powerarmor hoplites with firelances (for melee and range)) Might just give them some space-marines (like ulm, same sprite with different color, vanilla game uses same sprites with different colors and weapons too so why shouldn't I?) for the regular warriors would set the idea that human nations have space marines and that is something I'm not against. I'm thinking green ish armor for the ground and brown for space. (why did I ever use a 2nd color for the ulmish marines in space???)
I'm keeping the sorcs and I'm keeping the various priests of the lord, I'm keeping the bane spider as assassin of some sort (equipment will need to be improved though.) Will probably keep that stealthy initiate too.

Spiders probably some of those I've got as indies now (would be strange to have those walking around everywhere except with the spider worshippers.) They are weak for units in dom 3 K but they are needed for flavor and webbing can be usefull I think, as can poison.

There will be a spider walker (the "tank"), maybe a spider-centaur/drider thingie but it's use isn't clear to me yet in this armored world, would fit better with dom 3 vanilla. Spider spaceship as fighter and probably as larger ship too.

My biggest problem is with the sacreds and the spider riders. I can't really see spider riders as usefull in this age.. even with the indie spiders I had (which had same armor but better weapons than the vanilla ones) and I can't really justify why they'd ride spiders instead of just those spider walkers even if I'd make these spiders somewhat more powerfull.. they'll never equal decent armor so will only be a weak spot for the riders in the end.. unless you'd give the some sort of barding but that would kinda end up like the spider walker...

I'll probably end up with at least 2 types of spider walkers. (I'm thinking a poisoner (something real nasty)) and a direct damage one. still want something spidery as a sacred though, blessable would be nice but not too strong.. and I'm still stuck there can't fit anything in atm.. idea's?

Darkwind February 6th, 2009 10:01 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
I'd suggest just making the spider walkers (or an 'elite' walker) sacred. If you really want living spiders, though, I'd suggest making them genetically engineered (the spiders, though the humans might be too). Spiders that are stronger, faster smarter--a cool multihero could be a spider that's gained sentience and managed to convince its way into serving you rather than being killed and dissected painfully, not necessarily in that order.

Oh, and if you're only lamenting about how to make their armor thematically, I'd suggest some sort of cybernetic implant in the spiders' heads that creates a force field, from the power of their MIND.

Aezeal February 7th, 2009 09:57 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
Hmm well I don't think machaka is that much into dissecting their spiders.. but genetically enhanced or better bred spiders would be good... also for summons.

I'm thinking a spider GOD at least. I'm making their queens (like the indie) sentient at least and willingly in a pact with machaka.

A recruitable Machakan sword spider and a poison spider and their queen will be in, with 10-12 prot at least.

Aezeal February 7th, 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.76 - lets go MP
hmmm still working on Machaka but decided to copy the dm file in a word editor and look at the spell check (can't do it automatically) I've looked through about 400 pages and corrected those errors in the description it pointed out to me. Hopefully that part of the mod can get Llamabeasts sign of approval now.

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