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DrPraetorious July 7th, 2008 11:21 AM

Re: New Server!!!!
I made the same mistake as Hadrian http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

I can connect now.

Lingchih July 9th, 2008 12:19 AM

Re: New Server!!!!
Well, it seems that Agartha has beaten back the Ermorian forces sent into her homelands. But we did gain a most precious victory. We broke a pinkie finger off of the Sacred Statue Helena. It is believed that Helena can never attain her full power without this finger. It is even now being spirited back to Ermor.

Lingchih July 9th, 2008 03:33 AM

Re: New Server!!!!
Turn is up, btw. Guess this will have to do, since we have no status page or email notification.

lebarjack July 9th, 2008 10:06 AM

Re: New Server!!!!
Thanks to gandalf for the hosting.
A mail notification would be great, for sure.

cupido2 July 9th, 2008 02:36 PM

Agartha\'s back! World in terror
Agartha the Glorious proudly announces the annihilation of the Ermorian army that had the honor to see Helena in her full splendor. While the Ermorian troops stood flabbergasted by her glory a toe nail of the right foot's little toe (not a whole finger like Ermorian propaganda claims. Helena is now limp.) broke off. This sacrilege was brutally avenged by the Agarthian Really Invincible Army of Real Invinciblity. Ermor is beaten. Eriu and the underground resistance will be next.

Gandalf Parker July 9th, 2008 05:35 PM

Re: Agartha\'s back! World in terror
OK Im dropping in here but dont come to expect it please. I dont read all the threads for all the games on my servers.
YES notifications, backups, just about anything is available. Please dont post emails here. PM them to me.

YES: Email notification when the game processes a turn

YES: email attachment of your turn file

YES: SMS (text message) to your cell phone when the turn processes

YES: Webpage updated when the turn processes.

YES: browser download of turn files

POSSIBLE: browser upload of turn files

POSSIBLE: Instant Message when the turn processes

POSSIBLE: FAX when a turn processes.

POSSIBLE: Having your computer play a wav file to literally TELL you when the turn has processed.

POSSIBLE: Having your computer receive the turn file, copy it to the dominions directory, play a wav to notify you that the turn is available, then start dominions going directly into that game.

Any other possibility I dindt think of? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Lingchih July 9th, 2008 11:57 PM

Re: Agartha\'s back! World in terror
I've sent Gandalf a PM requesting email notification, and also the url of the status page. Any of you who wish to be notified by email should PM him your email addresses.

Xietor July 10th, 2008 12:50 AM

Re: Agartha\'s back! World in terror
just post the link to the status page on the thread. no need for Gsandalf to have to send it out 15 times.

lebarjack July 10th, 2008 02:30 AM

Re: Agartha\'s back! World in terror
It seems that I had a stale turn :/
I was sur I uploaded it though...
I will have hard time to understand what happened to my king of earth.

I have found out where he was and I am happy he was not killed http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Lingchih July 10th, 2008 02:33 AM

Re: Agartha\'s back! World in terror
Did you upload to the correct server lebarjack? You know we have changed servers? The new one is listed a bit farther up in the post.

Top of thread page 34 is the new hosting info.

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