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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
My understanding is the USMC intends to replace it's F/A-18's with F-35C's ... eventually (gotta love budgets). Thus will B's will be their primary ground support aircraft and C's their primary air superiority/SEAD aircraft.
While everyone (competent) knows the F-35 is not even in the same league as an F-22 and not as good as an F-15 or F/A-18 when it comes down to "furballs" the USMC really isn't intended or equipped to face "First Line" opponents in other then short-term engagements, long enough for the US Army/US Air Force to arrive, so top tier air superiority aircraft are something it can do without. If they're doing "beachhead" duty for the US Army the USN and USAF will be heavily supporting them. While nothing currently in the USN/USMC inventory comes close to matching the bomb load of the A-6 these days bombs are a LOT more accurate then they were during Vietnam. |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well you'll "love this"...
http://www.navair.navy.mil/product/FA-18EF-Super-Hornet Nice picture but the USAF gives more specific data on their planes such as ordinance payload weights. But note on the lower left corner and this is fairly new, they offer a "slick sheet" on the type. Taken from the next ref., I was close in my 10yrs. or more projected service life but NAVAIR has something different to say about it... "...the aircraft is expected to be in service beyond 2035. Open architecture design principles enhance future development capabilities.", well close enough for "government work" and hand grenades I think!?! ;) http://www.navair.navy.mil/sites/g/f...eet_FA18EF.pdf Regards, Pat :capt: |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I stand corrected !
The F/A-18E has a significantly higher Max Takeoff Gross then I'd been led to believe (probably "old" A-D data). |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
The website Key.Aero is reporting that Indias first two Rafales were officially handed handed over on October 8th. The current start date for the Rafale in the India OB (unit 594) is 3/2018. This site is also reporting that the U.S.A.F. is modifying the A-10 to carry the GBU-39 SDB. The modification program is said to have begun during the summer.
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
It appears that on either Tuesday 1st/or 8th of this month that Defence Minister Rajnath Singh accepted the first RAFALE fighter in Merignac, France. From Para 5 of below ref. From Para 6 of the ref... " Yet, despite Singh’s symbolic “acceptance” of the first Rafale fighter in Merignac, the IAF is still years away from fielding Rafales with the full capability New Delhi has paid for." This refers to the RAFALE ISE (India Specific Enhancements.) From Para 7 of the ref... "On Friday, the IAF boss, Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Bhadauria, revealed that the first IAF Rafales, a batch of four aircraft, would only reach India next May. That means an eight-month delay from the contracted delivery date of September 2019 – or three years after the contract was signed." That should be of no surprise here from anyone who's followed my work here with INDIA over the years. About the first RAFALE's to be delivered from Para 8 of the ref... "Further, these Rafales, and tens more that will follow them, will not have the enhanced capabilities – termed “India Specific Enhancements” (ISEs) – the IAF has demanded and paid Euro 1.7 billion for. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report of February 2019 reveals that, until December 2021, the IAF will receive less potent Rafales, built to the lower capability specifications of the French Air Force." Again this should be of no surprise and I've brought this up many times that in this case, France is not going to sell to anyone military equipment that's at the current or developmental level of what their military is using. And I really hope I don't have to list ALL the reasons why this is so except to say for National Security reasons and everything associated with it. Of the RAFALE ISE from Para 9 of the ref... "According to the CAG report, the IAF will receive its first Rafale with ISEs installed only in December 2021 – 63 months after the contract signature. Then, over the subsequent eight months, i.e. till August 2022, Dassault (and its French avionics partner, Thales) will install and retrofit ISE capabilities on all 36 Rafale fighters contracted by the IAF." Back to the first batch of four to arrive in May 2020 from Para 10 & 11 of the ref. "The IAF chief has downplayed the eight-month delay in delivering the first Rafales by arguing that IAF pilots would get more time to train in France." "On Friday he stated: “The aircraft will come at the end of May next year in Indian skies. The advantage is that our pilots will be substantially trained by then. That group of pilots will be near ‘operational’ to take on any task after landing here.” I don't know how to can become "near operational" to fly as a sophisticated aircraft as the RAFALE. These Paras will be a key in my recommendations in the "Bottom-line" below. BOTTOM-LINE: 1) Concerning the pre ISE versions I'm taking into account the above Paras 10 & 11 for the IAF Chief to admit this is well...not smart. But as you can also see throughout this article there have been significant delays (Remember it only took India 30 years to develop the ARJUN MBT.) and by time the "ISE" versions get fully converted as of right now, that'll put the contract 71/72 months behind schedule upon receiving the last ISE version. A) IAF RAFALE START OCT. 2020. Finding Frances most advanced RAFALE in the OOB at a minimum there will be an EW and MAYBE (Because I believe India either ordered or developed Targeting Pods for each of these Fighters.) reduction in TI/GSR if they don't have TPods. Also I besides any possible delivery delays (And how many times have we seen that happen out here!?!), I think we want those Pilots to have the extra training time so they don't crash those brand new jets!?! 2) The IAF RAFALE ISE I see a START date of MAY 2022 I'm simply splitting the difference here on the dates given in Para 9 of the ref. to reflect my thinking as follows... A) If on track this will give the IAF 18 of the 36 RAFALE ISE conversion aircraft at that time. B) Even with a delay of a handful of months, they should still have enough to justify us having them in the OOB. C) These will at least be on par to the current French RAFALE's and possibly slightly better (Israel always had a knack for this with our jets we sold them.). Also it should be pointed and as posted in this thread, the reason INDIA dropped out of the partnership w/RUSSIA on the PAK/FA (India)/T-50 (Russia) was because of cost cutting India felt the jet had reduced capabilities that would prevent this jet from being a "true" 5TH gen Fighter. India fought hard to improve the jet and Russia refused to "take aboard" their recommendations. The T-50 if ever fielded, is as India predicted, not a 5th GEN Fighter. So India does have the capability to improve the ISE version and the French are very happy to be doing that work!! https://ajaishukla.blogspot.com/2019...ndia-gets.html I had this done yesterday morning before getting ready for work. I copied the ref. but forgot to paste the already copied post I wrote when I realized I ran out of typing time!?! :shock: :doh: Anyway time to copy/repost and you all have a good night/morning etc.!! Regards, Pat :capt: |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
This is hot due to the perishability of the story from the source, in this case JANE's which is notorious for removing these stories after a month or so, unless you're a paying subscriber.
You don't have to be a clairvoyant to not to be "able to read between the lines" here. The F-35 program has suffered what I see as a major setback in that the decision to go to full rate production has been pushed back until DEC 2020 or JAN 2021. That being said IOC probably won't occur until mid-2021 and FOC to late-2021 or mid-2022 earliest. We can no longer ignore what's happening in the "RL/or RW" and need to reconsider all the START dates for these Jets. The following from JANE's... "Key Points The Pentagon is pushing back its F-35 full-rate production decision by more than a year owing to issues with Joint Simulation Environment progress The facility is required to perform high-end threats that cannot be replicated in an open-air range" It has to fully understood that "full rate production" is the "milestone/or key stone" event that leads to IOC/OPEVAL & FOC, the termology might differ a little by country or service but, if it's in the Air, on Land or on the Surface or Under the Ocean, this is the pathway. To be sure there are other issues DID posts on them continuously every contract event is a continuation of fixing problems and updating systems. These mean delays-period. https://www.janes.com/article/92039/...n-by-13-months https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com...m-edit-037947/ So far I can find JANE's is the first to report on this from the Defense Industry side the article is from this past Friday. All we're doing in Syria and Europe is "OPEVALING" these Jets much as I'll be showing the same thing for the SU-57 later this week. I know I've been "very vocal" about the F-35 pretty much from the start. Also I know that everyone who's been involved with these games in a more direct fashion has the players and the games interests in mind So this is where I stand... This is no better then having tanks in OOB's that aren't there yet. But to be clear, this next is representative of who I work for here doing this work. From Post #885 referring to Posts #879 & #884 concerning Indian MBT submissions for this last Patch in the MBT Thread. "RC4 Corporal Join Date: Oct 2017 Location: Portugal Posts: 54 Thanks: 9 Thanked 28 Times in 25 Posts Re: MBT's Thank you, there is a lot of work to be done in the ORBAT issues. I dont have much time to help, if I would it would take some 3 months to give information. Its disapointing to play a Pakistan-India scenario and lost to India with weapons they dont have. Thanks" And for the others that have asked me to look into equipment across the world over the years or just play the game. This why I haven't walked away from the game or else it's likely when the "crap hit the fan" awhile back including this year and as it sometimes still does, I would've been long gone. You have to have a purpose for ANYTHING you do in life, if not. you're wasting your time!! I just wanted to be "crystal clear" on this controversial topic for everyone to understand, where I'm coming from. I'm going to spend sometime with the Daughters family before they leave early in the morning. And I have to replace my 70K tires with only 37K on them in the morning. John since you couldn't get me my JANE's yearly subscription, how about paying for my new tires!?! It'd be at least $1500.00 cheaper!!! And they did give me a real good price!! ;) :D "You Mugs" have a Good whatever it is wherever you are! Regards, Pat :capt: |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Well I can finally say I feel "vindicated" after all the years of discussing my "perceived" fate of the A-10. This latest "DID" (And The Aviationist as well.) article(s) concerning this new upgrade contract (October25/19 entry.) will now keep them in active service through the early 2030's. This particular contract will not be completed until the end of 2024.
It's nice after reading all this stuff/digesting it and come to a logical solution, that works out in the end. ;) https://www.defenseindustrydaily.com...program-03187/ https://theaviationist.com/2019/09/1...end-conflicts/ I was "moseying around" before I head off to the rack, and came across this... https://www.airforce-technology.com/...tack-aircraft/ There is work to be done concerning plane #8 shouldn't be bad. Regards, Pat :capt: |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I see it now-THANKS! On my list. Initially thought we had this already.
Regards, Pat :capt: |
Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
It looks like they are replacing the F-5's if they haven't already and there appears to be other nations kicking the tires as well.
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