neofit |
December 28th, 2006 03:15 PM |
Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
AAshbery76 said:
The A.I needs to remember what planets other races own so they can attack.I can only remember because I write the details in system notes,the A.I can't.
Of course it can. It DOES know where you are whether you want it or not, it has the whole game engine and planets database to find you. The same code that allows you to filter planets in the Alt-P window by your/enemy/allies. Now whether the AI can make good use of this information is another issue.
Captain Kwok said:
The AIs will start out with lower percentages in trade, so if you make an effort to keep them happy with your empire, you'll be able to earn more trade income.
I've been meaning to ask this for some time: how do I go about keeping the AI happy? I've been trying to send them general messages just to keep in touch, trying to stay away from their system, but sooner than later they go from amiable to displeased as I grow stronger, they usually drop down two notches as I pass them in the Comparisons window. I can't even imagine how to make an alliance, and if I manage to sucker some into one in the very early game, they should start hating me by turn 100 anyway.