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Illuminated One May 23rd, 2009 03:10 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Don't know if this is as a bug, but it can be exploited:

If you have Sea of Ice up, someone dispels it and you get it up the very next turn it's impossible to move from land to sea. You could lock someone in/out forever if both nations have similar gem income.

AreaOfEffect May 25th, 2009 05:43 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
So... the exploit is that someone with more gems then his opponent has an advantage?

Truth is that the person trying to get to the other side only needs to cast Dispel, which is 50 gems cheaper to cast. Also, the spell is easily bypassed by all teleport and remote spells.

Illuminated One May 25th, 2009 06:37 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Well, seems to be a CBM issue, Sea of Ice costs only 35 gems there.

DireAussie May 26th, 2009 04:02 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bug with returning:

As R'lyeh I had 3 golems equipped with rings of water breathing cast Returning. Next turn they all had disappeared. I didnt receive any drowning message either.

vfb May 26th, 2009 04:26 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
That's weird, I've done that (recently) and they've always shown up in the capitol just fine.

Toran May 26th, 2009 05:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Okay, strange bug that noone in my game seems to know about...:


everyone playing may notice that my research graph flatted quite a bit last turn, although I didn't change too much in my research point pool. I also didn't get all RPs spent into the field I had allocated to (I remember that I should have climbed up a level) - is that a known bug, and is there anything specific I can do to prevent it?

I have got the full number of RPs to be generated shown in the F5 screen, as it was last turn. I did not get a "Research has been completed in ..." message, and the RP generated (all going to a single field of research) would have been sufficient to climb a full level even if I had had the wrong amount of "research already done in the field" in mind. No lab has been blown, and the research graph *really* did take a hit this turn (one third of last turn?).
Anything known about that one, how to avoid it, how to check it..?

Edi May 26th, 2009 06:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Needs debug log, otherwise impossible to say, since accurate information on specifics is so scarce.

Toran May 26th, 2009 06:45 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Sure. Mainly I was asking if it was something already known. Game is on llamaserver - is it something I need to ask llamabeast for, or can it be accessed by the game admin as well?

Edi May 26th, 2009 08:47 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
You need llamabeast's help for that. I haven't seen that issue ever before, so it's a new one and if I had to hazard a guess, it's probably a one-off anomaly.

Toran May 26th, 2009 08:50 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I know that I finished researching another field of research before (lvl9), so if the host didn't understand me changing research sliders it would explain the behaviour (I *did* check, though, that my sliders were set correctly to a new field, by opening the turn file freshly to another directory).

Well, I PMed llamabeast. Dunno what's causing that, at least it worked this turn correctly (if I'm going to lose now, it's just due to 600RP missing :p).

Calahan May 26th, 2009 11:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Could someone with more knowledge of the debug log please take a look at this turn file from an SP game and explain to me how my God managed to give himself an affliction by hitting himself!?!

Battle is at Bolan Pass (113) directly above the capital.

I see the Indy's routing, my God killing a unit, but losing 1HP and picking up a limp in the same action. All this while under the influence of twist fate as well, which was still intact even after losing the 1 HP which gained the affliction, and so failed in its only purpose of negating the first attack.

You will need CBM 1.5 and the Alexander Map to load the game.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and thanks in advance to anyone who comes up with an answer.

Burnsaber May 26th, 2009 12:56 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Repel damage?

zlefin May 26th, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
i haven't read the file, but my guess would be that the god took one damage from a repel attack, as repel attacks do max 1 damage. It's possible that the 1 damage from repel ignores twist fate; i believe someone else found during a fight that the 1 damage one takes from avoiding a trampler (rather than getting hit for the full bunch of ap trample damage) also ignores twist fate.

Calahan May 26th, 2009 01:11 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Thanks for the feedback. Thought it might be repel damage, but dismissed it because I assumed twist fate would take care of that type of damage. But obviously not.

That was one hell of a repel though! :)

Zeldor May 30th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Mapmove 2 Basalt King with Flying Boots is still mapmove 2. Any explanation?

vfb May 30th, 2009 05:56 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's not just Basalt Kings, all flight 3 units have map move decreased by 1 underwater. Bring him onto land and he'll get map move 3.

Zeldor May 31st, 2009 11:34 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
lol, that's kinda stupid... I need to get them out of water first to be able to fly them properly? Huh... and I can normally fly 3 provs and land in water.

lch June 3rd, 2009 01:21 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The following divine beings have the namespace 139: Arch Angel (465), Angel of the Host (543), Angel of the Heavenly Choir (1367), Seraph (1368), Ophan (2051), Malakh (2056), Hashmal (2057).

The Harbinger (464) doesn't have that namespace, which looks like an oversight to me.

chrispedersen June 3rd, 2009 07:25 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
fallen angel doesn't either. Seems thematic. Didn't the harbinger lose priest powers (going from memory).

lch June 4th, 2009 02:47 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 694284)
Didn't the harbinger lose priest powers (going from memory).

No, they are even, according to their description, "powerful priests" (powerful meaning H2) and they're essentially big brothers of the Malakhim and other angels, by their sprite graphic and attributes. They have the lowest unit ID number, so maybe when they were created KO didn't think of separate namespaces yet. For the Fallen Angel it's thematic, that's right.

Wrana June 10th, 2009 01:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Probably the Fallen Angel should have either the Pythium, Arcoscephales, or Ermor-type name according to how demons were often named in Christian demonology. Or retain Gath-type according to the same...

Gregstrom June 10th, 2009 04:30 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know if this has already come up, but in the Deep one Descriptions for EA Atlantis, the following sentence needs correcting:

"Deep Ones have huge maws and a glowing antennae in their faces."

One of the underlined letters ought to be removed.

lch June 20th, 2009 08:50 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by EricM (Post 557092)
Hide Shield (armor 105) has an armor type of 5 (body), when it should be 4 (shield).

This is still the case


Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 695353)
I don't know if this has already come up, but in the Deep one Descriptions for EA Atlantis, the following sentence needs correcting

This should go into the in-game typos thread.

vfb June 20th, 2009 09:04 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
When a unit attacks with a short weapon and is repelled, but the unit passes the repel morale check and completes the attack, it takes one point of damage when attacking the unit that repelled it.

But there's no check to see if the weapon used to repel is capable of actually damaging the attacker. Case in point: Golems are immune to Sleep Vines, but they take damage from them if a Manikin uses them to repel a Golem's attack:

Harpy Manikin repells Golem (Fist repelled with Sleep Vines)
morale negated repell
attacker damaged by repell
hitloc Harpy Manikin strikes Golem wl4 diff1 -> 4
damage 1 on Golem, spec0x200000 ba4

The thought of some floppy dead vegetable sleep vine damaging a Golem as the Golem punches an undead Manikin doesn't make sense, especially because if the Manikin successfully whacks the Golem over the head with the vine, it does no damage at all.

lch June 21st, 2009 02:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Magic sites ignore the "cave" locmask, sites which don't have the "cave" bit present in their locmask can still get placed in a cave province. Turn files available on request.

ioticus July 8th, 2009 02:12 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
After patching to version 3.23b I'm getting strange display problems such as:

Under changing resolutions many of the options are cut off and listed like this:


The "1" option corresponds to 1900x1200 that I use.

Under "Battle Graphics Detail" screen, Battle is listed as "Battl" (the "e" is missing) and "Too High" is listed as "Too H" (the "igh" is missing)

Also, when I select the unit orders of a unit to change its orders, the order menu often appears off center and sometimes on the very edge of the screen, hiding many of the menu options. I have the latest graphics drivers and tried resetting to default graphic settings and reinstalling without success.

These problems appear at all resolutions.

Edi July 8th, 2009 03:01 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Known bug that will be resolved in the next patch. Use the command line switches to force resolution to what you need, that's the only way to work around it at the moment.

Zeldor July 8th, 2009 04:20 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
There seems to be a bug in mirror image [glamour] and phoenix pyre [maybe other AoE stuff] - it looks like mirror image grants total protection from phoenix pyre, even when it covers all mirror images, it doesn't go down, while it should [testes with 0% FR unit].

vfb July 8th, 2009 05:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
How did that make it through the obscenity filter!? Balls!

You're right though, looks Mirror Image has a chance to negate AoE damage, at least from Phoenix Pyre. I tested 10 Huskarls versus a Phoenix, and 2 of the Huskarls were hit in the explosion, but completely unaffected. FR doesn't protect against Phoenix Pyre by the way, because it's "explosion" damage or something supposedly. Maybe that's why it's not working properly with Mirror Image?


hitloc Huskarl strikes Phoenix wl4 diff-2 -> 4
hitunit 235 199 dmg3 spec2097153 ba4
damage 15 on Phoenix, spec0x200001 ba4
blastsqr: unr199 x17 y15 aoe50 dmg10 eff2 spc64 as10133 al9
  affectvic vic199 hv11
  affectvic vic235 hv11
hitunit 199 235 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 11 on Huskarl, spec0x40 ba-1
Mirror Image negated 11 pnts of dmg
  affectvic vic236 hv11
hitunit 199 236 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 5 on Huskarl, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic237 hv11
hitunit 199 237 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 3 on Huskarl, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic238 hv11
hitunit 199 238 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 24 on Huskarl, spec0x40 ba-1

Tested with a bunch of Lughs (unit 1805, 100%FR and glamor):


damage 14 on Phoenix, spec0x40000080(missile) ba2
blastsqr: unr199 x21 y15 aoe50 dmg10 eff2 spc64 as10133 al9
  affectvic vic199 hv33
  affectvic vic304 hv33
hitunit 199 304 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 13 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic317 hv33
hitunit 199 317 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 1 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
Mirror Image negated 1 pnts of dmg
  affectvic vic310 hv33
hitunit 199 310 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 7 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic325 hv33
hitunit 199 325 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 8 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic336 hv33
hitunit 199 336 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 5 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
Mirror Image negated 5 pnts of dmg
  affectvic vic313 hv33
hitunit 199 313 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 1 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
Mirror Image negated 1 pnts of dmg
  affectvic vic339 hv33
hitunit 199 339 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 18 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic267 hv33
hitunit 199 267 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 7 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
  affectvic vic285 hv33
hitunit 199 285 dmg10 spec64 ba-1
damage 16 on Long Handed, spec0x40 ba-1
Mirror Image negated 16 pnts of dmg

chrispedersen July 8th, 2009 10:10 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Huh. If it works on phoenix pyre it probably works on a bunch of things.

zzcat July 9th, 2009 10:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Please see the attachment for details. I think all site searching spells should generate "goto commander" message instead of "goto province" after 3.23b, but sometimes they still act as older versions...

Zeldor July 23rd, 2009 08:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Hmm... teleporting dominion bug may be still alive. Just got my dom appear 7 provs away from me [and my dominion or any preachers].

Edi July 24th, 2009 03:26 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 702832)
Hmm... teleporting dominion bug may be still alive. Just got my dom appear 7 provs away from me [and my dominion or any preachers].

That could be due to the skipping effect that should be a feature of dominion spread. The corrupted geotable bug was fixed some time ago. That's the one that caused the scale bug and also affected dominion spread because of phantom neighbors.

vfb July 24th, 2009 04:00 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think there's a "led astray" random event too. If you've got zero dominion in a province, and the people get "led astray", who gets the new black candle? Maybe it's random.

chrispedersen July 24th, 2009 04:04 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I would posit that having positive dominion is necessary to unlock the led astray event.

Zeldor July 24th, 2009 09:13 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

It's 3 nations away, many temples on the way etc. I doubt it could go so far. And if someone had to get a candle there, it wouldn't really be me [as my dom is not so strong].

chrispedersen July 24th, 2009 09:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Zeldor, the only real question is this.. were there any 0 dominion provinces along the path. If so, bug. If not, probably not.

The chance to be expressed in any particular province is pretty low; ie., the chance for dominion to move on is high.

rdonj July 25th, 2009 02:00 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Was it an enemy-controlled province? Perhaps the event where enemy faith takes hold in a province hit them.

vfb July 25th, 2009 07:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
I've got a weird bug in an MP game: when I hilite a recruitable commander, it shows that it has already cast a global enchantment. I didn't even recruit it yet, actually I can't because I'm missing a lab and temple in that province. Is Illwinter interested in the turn file? It's reproduceable after saving.

Edi July 25th, 2009 06:41 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Send it to them with a description. Sounds interesting indeed. Probably a unique identifier being recycled that hasn't cleared properly.

Zeldor July 26th, 2009 10:01 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

I have seen PD commander with global enchantment tag recently...

Olive July 26th, 2009 03:14 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)

I started a sp game to try Marverni ( CB 1.5 ). After early expansion with only packs of Eponi Knights, I summoned my first golems and tried to kit them. When forging with one of the last 4 mages (the E2 druid & the 3 golems) in the capitol city, the game crashes. Seems to be only with these 4, not related with hammers or something else (apparently). The message is : kv: bad item mt0

When noone of the alst 4 mages forges, turns processes well. I made a backup of the game, it's attached to this post...

Edi July 26th, 2009 05:34 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
You probably have the wrong patch version. You're supposed to have 3.23b. If you have 3.23, that bug happens pretty often. If you have 3.23b, then it's probably a mod issue. If not, then send the files to IW with a description of the problem.

vfb July 27th, 2009 04:41 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
The cloning-phoenix bug is not really squished yet. I've attached a saved SP game where my Phoenix gets trampled by some elephants, and gets cloned on rebirth from Phoenix Pyre (his first clone is at the top of the battleground screen):

damage 19 on Phoenix, spec0x200000 ba0
blastsqr: unr1348 x21 y16 aoe50 dmg10 eff2 spc64 as10133 al9

The independents kill him after he clones:

Immortal/Twiceborn Phoenix perished
immortal resurected
looseallitems: cnr 99(Teh Bird) unr 1348

But the clone does not die, it spawns a new unit even though the original Phoenix died, the fight goes on, and the indies ignore both the clone and the cloned clone:

gettarget player 25 targtype 5 unr 1129 eu -1 mode 0
Get an order for 1130 Heavy Infantry, ord 0
Closest enemy (for unr 1130)

So, the battle goes to turn 70 with everyone just standing around, and then the indies rout:

----- turn 71 (rand 628)(check 17051815)
Battle running along just as I have forseen
rightplayer teamhp 598 max 713
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (right): good40 broken1 autobreak130 turn71
autobreak 130 for Independents

My cloned Phoenix has permanent 115 fatigue, so it can't flee even though it wants too:

leftplayer teamhp 0 max 17
Army rout 100 for Marverni
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken8 autobreak140 turn71
autobreak 140 for Marverni
----- turn 78 (rand 401)(check 2516329)
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 713
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken22 autobreak130 turn78
autobreak 130 for Independents
broken unit 1124 removed from bg
broken unit 1136 removed from bg
_____The winner is 3_______
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 17
Army rout 100 for Marverni
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken22 autobreak140 turn78
autobreak 140 for Marverni

Turn 78? That's unusual. Anyway, wierdness all around.

Olive July 27th, 2009 05:37 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
@Edi : solved witth 3.23b. Thanks. :)

Kirill August 13th, 2009 09:48 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Could you help me with two strange problems:

1-st: game crashes with stdrr comment:
"Nеgot gick fel!
additem: bad cnr"

From some turn new units that where bought in previos turn dissapear like as i never boughted them at all - and this go onwithoud changes - so no new units at all


Loren August 13th, 2009 03:42 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Kirill (Post 705410)

Could you help me with two strange problems:

1-st: game crashes with stdrr comment:
"Nеgot gick fel!
additem: bad cnr"

That's it's critical error message. Translates as "Something went wrong!". Usually bad data in a mod.


From some turn new units that where bought in previos turn dissapear like as i never boughted them at all - and this go onwithoud changes - so no new units at all

Are you perhaps at the global unit limit? It's high but certainly reachable if LA R'yleh or LA Ermor is in the game and the map is large.

Kirill August 14th, 2009 02:27 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Thank you Loren!
You maded the problem some more clear to me.

And is there any method to find that problem with additem?
Could it be because of the mod uses item number that was been used by other or core game? I made a look about like that and no problem have seen - just one from core is used and moded doesn't.
Maybe else where?

And what is the number limit?
I Like a great max map and maximize player's.
Could it bu upgraded to unlimited?

Edi August 14th, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Limits are in the FAQ. Unlimited is not possible, so just don't include the freespawn nations (LA Ermor and R'lyeh).

Loren August 15th, 2009 12:25 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Kirill (Post 705613)
Thank you Loren!
You maded the problem some more clear to me.

And is there any method to find that problem with additem?
Could it be because of the mod uses item number that was been used by other or core game? I made a look about like that and no problem have seen - just one from core is used and moded doesn't.
Maybe else where?

And what is the number limit?
I Like a great max map and maximize player's.
Could it bu upgraded to unlimited?

You would not want unlimited. Allowing more units slows it down. I do think it should be a configuration item, though.

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