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-   -   MP: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game Over. Vets defeat Noobs. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42603)

atul May 23rd, 2009 01:40 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Good game, it was fun, and well fought noobs. Just some coordination and aggression more and tables would've been turned, I've seen that noobs have learned some dirty tricks. Which is always good.

One thing is that everyone but Sept missed and that was raiding me. I've been topping the gem, gold and research charts for a better half of the game and that's something you do not want. Just for the next time. ;)

TheDemon May 23rd, 2009 01:49 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
I have a question for TC actually, why was that lightning immune flying air shielded hounds+mages army you had never deployed offensively against me? You could really have caused problems for me if you had managed to get it into contact with my EK group.

Stretch May 23rd, 2009 02:16 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
I protested this concession along with some others on the newb team, but apparently not enough to stop it. This was a disappointing game, as I wasn't close enough to any of the vets (without plowing through an unresponsive 'teammate' which in hindsight I should have done early on) to get attacked until I finally paved a way to Caelum. Soon after that war started (which was shaping up to be pretty interesting), the game ends...

Except for us, my dear Caelum. Except for us. My vans thirst for the blood of eagle kings. Let's do this. LETS. DO. THIS.

I learned things, which was good. Definitely have stuff to apply to future MP games, like expanding faster, raiding more, being more aggressive, expanding my array of dirty tricks early on, etc. If this is done again it would reaaaally be helpful to fill the noob team people who are dom3 noobs but who are comfortable with the arcane arts of forum technology and communicating with people. 6 or so from our team were using the forum but if we had all 10 checking it a couple times per turn it would have helped a lot.

P3D May 23rd, 2009 02:32 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by TheDemon (Post 692417)
I have a question for TC actually, why was that lightning immune flying air shielded hounds+mages army you had never deployed offensively against me? You could really have caused problems for me if you had managed to get it into contact with my EK group.

Tried to, but even flying they arrived after your mammoth walked into the next province.
Otherwise I'd have had a few EKs of my own.

Lavaere May 23rd, 2009 02:37 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
One thing I learnt for this. Apart from some of the obvious battle blunders. Is to spread my research out a little more. Kinda concentrated to much on blood research while not getting a working blood income.

LOL, and I had to be aggresive with Lanka. As I was quickly surrounded on all sides.
I just wish I was able to get up to those annoying vet castles. Hold them long enough to send armies past them deeper into vet territory.

atul May 23rd, 2009 02:52 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by P3D (Post 692425)
Tried to, but even flying they arrived after your mammoth walked into the next province.
Otherwise I'd have had a few EKs of my own.

Movement doesn't work like that. You need to anticipate your opponent's moves or be the attacking party.

As to the time of concession, I think we also thought that it was a bit early, though the end result is probably set already.

And yea, noob team doesn't need to be any bigger, just more coordinated. Especially if you already got into each other's way.

TheDemon May 23rd, 2009 03:51 AM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by P3D (Post 692425)
Tried to, but even flying they arrived after your mammoth walked into the next province.
Otherwise I'd have had a few EKs of my own.

Well, I meant offensively, or in support of Vanheim's offensive. Seemed once I got my army out, I didn't really see it again. Which was an interesting situation anyway since I wasn't really sure what was going on as qm had done the last two turns for me. Took a bit of thinking as to how I was going to get everyone out alive.

Stretch, I've given orders for this turn, LETS DO THIS indeed.

Oh and one great trick you could have used to get on the offensive is using sailing to skip over the friendly coast and straight to the undefended Caelum farmland. I played that front pretty cautiously when it was opened because I was worried about sailing raiders, when it became obvious you weren't using sailing I was able to move my forces out of response range of my heartland with some confidence.

Maybe later on you sailed your current raiders in, but by that time it was a bit late.

I do agree that the concession seemed a little early, but we probably had inevability around when Ironhawk unleased his bag of tricks on C'tis and Atlantis started his Argatha offensive and I beat off your first army. I would greatly like to play out the next few turns.

On communication, if/when the vet forums are opened you guys will probably see that we posted a lot of information there but made very few decisions there. Fortunately for our team we were all frequent IRC-goers and there was this magical timezone when atul had just got up, qm was home from work, and lingchih was about to go to bed (IH and I have an anytime schedule, I suspect we are both students) where we got most of our planning, coordination and decision making done. I'll see if I can't dig through the chatlogs and find some choice quotes.

Septimius Severus May 23rd, 2009 05:59 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 692380)
Awww... Mysterio never even broke out of hades. What a shame.

Good game though Sept and noobs. We had lots of fun.

Well, maybe if we play a turn or two more, Mysterio will be able to break out and see all the lands his Jarls conquered for him.

Now how bout telling us who or what Mysterio is?

Septimius Severus May 23rd, 2009 06:13 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by TheDemon (Post 692432)
I do agree that the concession seemed a little early, but we probably had inevability around when Ironhawk unleased his bag of tricks on C'tis and Atlantis started his Argatha offensive and I beat off your first army. I would greatly like to play out the next few turns.

The concensus among those noobs still active was that we should continue for a few more turns but most including myself believed it would be an uphill battle at best. Frankly, when I returned during turn 10, I knew we were in deep ****. Vanheim was actually supposed to have the front with Hinnom but it seems Formoria expanded in the wrong direction.

To my way of thinking either we win as a team or we don't win at all. I will certainly be more strict regarding communication in the future.

Lingchih May 23rd, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by Septimius Severus (Post 692520)

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 692380)
Awww... Mysterio never even broke out of hades. What a shame.

Good game though Sept and noobs. We had lots of fun.

Well, maybe if we play a turn or two more, Mysterio will be able to break out and see all the lands his Jarls conquered for him.

Now how bout telling us who or what Mysterio is?

I'll post of pic of the fabled Mysterio when he finally breaks free. I haven't even seen him yet.

I will also open up the vet board for viewing by anyone, once we finish up.

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