![]() |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Wishing for Abductor [Niefel hero] makes him come in his 2nd form [Great Eagle] and after GoR he is pathless. So it may concern other multi-form commanders.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Trying to strike agains Awe 1 (mor 23) |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
IMO it should be AN. It's quite ridiculous that a mind effect can be blocked by shield and armor...
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Same if you enslave a Jotun Skratti in wolf form, no magic when you GoR. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
What's going on with Blood Burst? If I script this, mages always cast Summon Imps, but previous in message on top screen is Blood Burst two times (without casting this).
It looks like that: Xyz casts Blood Burst Xyz casts Blood Burst Xyz casts Summon Imp All in one turn. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have reinstalled the newest patch and looks like it's OK now.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have an interesting...bug, I guess we can call it. any version above 3.08, crashes by freezing when I press the end turn button and the game loads. ctrl+alt+delete and bringing up the task manager reveals that Dom3 is chugging system memory at 100% and it's not responding. this only happens with versions 3.14 to 3.23b.
anyone know what this might be? |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I had a problem with video drivers - I had to downgrade to an older one to make it work....
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Mine works fine with the latest drivers though. It might help if people knew what your gfx-card & OS is, Centuryslayer :)
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
windows XP (Service pack 2) 1,33 Ghz Processor 768 MB RAM Connect 3D Radeon 9600 (gfx card) also, a bit unrelated, I can't seem to join my own multiplayer games :confused: |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
A tupilak sent to assassinate an underwater commander appears in the form of a bear, even though the unit's description indicates that it can probably turn into an amphibious creature such as a seal. This bear-form tupilak survives underwater, even though it is neither an amphibian nor a poor amphibian. And it receives the underwater stats penalties! How sad for an Atlantian assassin!
I guess it could be that not every tupilak can turn into a seal; the description supports that idea. But in my experience EVERY tupilak has appeared as a bear, even though they're supposed to be able to turn into other things... I can't complain that they all choose to become bears to fight when they're on land, but surely an underwater bear is a bug! |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The following descriptions still include the wrong "Davana" name which was switched to "Danava" in version 3.23:
Units Rakshasi The Rakshasi is a female demon of Lanka. She appears as an ugly, monstrous crone with black skin and protruding tusks. The Rakshasi is skilled in sorcery and is able to change shape into an alluring redheaded Manushya Rakshasi. In Manushya shape the Rakshasi can only be revealed by her insatiable hunger. Rakshasis sometimes mate with prominent Bandar kings and give birth to dark skinned Kala-Mukhas. Rakshasis are descendants of the Davanas and Daityas of ancient times and are vulnerable to fire.Manushya Rakshasi The Rakshasi is a female demon of Lanka. She appears as an ugly, monstrous crone with black skin and protruding tusks. The Rakshasi is skilled in sorcery and is able to change shape into an alluring redheaded Manushya Rakshasi. In Manushya shape the Rakshasi can only be revealed by her insatiable hunger. Rakshasis sometimes mate with prominent Bandar kings and give birth to dark skinned Kala-Mukhas. Rakshasis are descendants of the Davanas and Daityas of ancient times and are vulnerable to fire.Raksharaja The Raksharaja is a Rakshasa King and ruler of the Lankan ogres. He appears as a monstrous ogre with the legs and horns of a bull and a massive ape-like body. He is a formidable warrior and powerful sorcerer as well as a leader of the Lankan Demon Cult. He has a ravenous appetite and feasts upon men and monkeys. Raksharajas are descendants of the Davanas and Daityas of ancient times and are vulnerable to fire.Rakshasa A black-skinned demon-ogre of the wild forests. It feasts on the flesh of monkeys and men and is greatly feared. Rakshasas have ravenous appetites and are best kept well fed. Most Rakshasas are found in the demon kingdom of Lanka, but some are summoned by unscrupulous monkey sorcerers. Rakshasa warriors use heavy cudgels and scale armor. Rakshasas are descendants of the Davanas and Daityas of ancient times and are vulnerable to fire.Rakshasa Warrior A black-skinned demon-ogre of the wild forests. It feasts on the flesh of monkeys and men and is greatly feared. Rakshasas have ravenous appetites and are best kept well fed. Most Rakshasas are found in the demon kingdom of Lanka, but some are summoned by unscrupulous monkey sorcerers. Rakshasa warriors use heavy cudgels and scale armor. Rakshasas are descendants of the Davanas and Daityas of ancient times and are vulnerable to fire.Spells Summon Davanas Davanas are demon titans of ancient times. After the great wars with the Devatas of Kailasa, they were banished to the Nether Realms, where they made themselves kings. With this ritual they can be summoned to serve a new God on its path to ascendancy. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Unsure if this is a bug but casting Iron Walls after the walls are damaged does not "help" the fortification unless I'm missing the timing.
Enemy moves on castle and brings it down from 200 to 75 (125 fortification beat down). I then cast iron walls but the castle is stormed next turn. -ssj |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Its either WAD or already errata'd.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've run into that problem too. It didn't make much sense to me, but it didn't quite feel like a bug. Presumably the solution is to cast the spell before the siege begins?
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If it could be cast during a siege you could hypothetically get sieges of infinite length, though the scenario wouldn't be common.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Anyway, anything you could do during a siege (if it could be cast effectively during a siege) could also be done via a casting just before the siege, right? It might be okay for a player with a billion gems to be difficult to defeat. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Here's a rather semi-amusing bug.
Had 2 fights in 1 province. In first fight, I'm the attacker and obviously the victor. In 2nd fight, I'm the defender. But in this fight, one of my mages Starts on the enemy side of the board. In the defender's first turn, he cast a spell. On the attacker's first turn, he rather quickly died. Furthermore, after he died, even though he won, I didn't get his gear which kinda sucks. I checked to see if he got taken over by the enemy but nope, he got blasted by them instead so he was still viewed as the enemy. However pre-fight and post-fight the comptuer treated him as my enemy by positioning him with the enemy troops and distributing his gear like an enemy mage. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Was he counted in the summary report as yours or the enemys?
And can you learn anything looking at the debug log of the fight? I've never really looked at the positioning section, but I know it's there. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
In the summary he was mine. So I'm not sure what when on with me not getting his gear and him on the enemy side of the map.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've seen this bug as well, 2-3 times.
But nothing recent. Are you on the current version? |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
In a recent MP game I cast Mother Oak and it never started working. There were 4 globals before and after I cast it. I got the message "So and so successfully cast Mother Oak" and the caster didn't die. I lost all the gems, but it never showed up on the global list or took effect.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Possible siege behavior bug:
If you are under siege, you can sneak out stealth units. This is not a bug. You cannot click the orders of the unit to change from "Sneak" to "Move (don't sneak)" to attack an adjacent province. But if you Control-click, orders change from "Sneak" to "Move" and you can attack any province in range out of a besieged castle. Should you be able to do this? |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Well, it makes sense that if you can sneak out of the castle and into the other province, you could then attack it.
It's a little inconsistent that you can do it one way and not another. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
hell, I tried searching for my bug, and this thread comes up, but I don't get forwarded to the exact discussion to see if it is actually the bug I want to post.
So, I post anyway. Sorry if this is a repost. When in windowed mode, the shift-key doesn't work (ie, can't make uppercase characters, etc). Even when returned back to fullscreen, the problem persists. Have to shut down Dominions, and relaunch to be able to use shift key again. other keys (alt, cntrl, etc) may also be affected. I didn't test that much. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I had this problem when I had to play for a brief time in Windows (XP I think). I fixed it by turning on the "Handicapped" (or whatever -- can't remember exactly what it's called) option that lets you press the Shift key, release it, then press the key you want to capitalize.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have never seen this but I have seen a related bug in Windows that might possibly be responsible.
This bug was all over the place in Windows 98. I have never caught it happening in XP so I don't know if it was fixed or not. Under 98 at least the system would lose actions involving the special keys (ctrl, alt & shift) that happened during a video mode change, including into/out-of a DirectX game even if the screen size remained the same. (Whether it lost others or not I don't know, it was only these that were apparent as they have meaning while held down rather than when pressed.) The result would be that the system would believe the key was in a different state than it was and do all sorts of evil to what you typed until you figured it out. Note that the left and right keys are separate as far as this bug is concerned. Thus if you get the right shift stuck down you can bang the left shift until the sun goes old and it won't help. Hit the right shift once and the problem is fixed. It happened to me enough that my immediate response to wonky keys is to press all 6 special keys. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Weird bug:
Admiral Torgrin attacks my province. I kill the armada, but one of my non-PD commanders who happened to be there runs away. In the turn the battle was in my messages, I go to look for the commander and the commander has totally disappeared (not in any surrounding provinces). I use 'n' to try to find them with next commander - no luck. I use F1 to look through my commanders to find them (no luck). They are simply not there. The turn following that the commander has reappeared in a valid province that they could have retreated to. So, where did they go for one turn? And wha...huh? |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Was the commander stealthy? I've had that happen with Skaven a lot. I get defeated, all my troops and commanders dissapear, then reappear the next turn in valid retreat provs.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Strange Rlyeh 'bug'?...
If an illithid loses an arm it loses its life drain attack... I thought that involved its tentacles - you know, on its face. How is that a 2-H weapon? Even if it involves the hand, why does it require both of them? Weapon number 63. (Edi's DB lists it as not a 2H weapon, fwiw, so losing an arm should not cause it to be lost). |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The loss of a single arm always removes the default one handed weapon or shield iirc. Whichever is declared first in the unit properties. I haven't tested that though.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I have no idea if shields are always declared first or not. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Yeah I agree it seems like a bug. Perhaps the drain life attack that illithids use should be #bonus as well so they can keep it with armloss or custom weapons.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
That would make the Illithid Soldier unbelievably powerful if each one also got a life drain attack. It would also make the Illithid Lord an amazing thug, even though he's a decent one already.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Rather, the regular illithids maybe want their lifedrain to be a bonus attack so they don't lose it when they lose an arm. This might give them a punch as well... (oh noes?) |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't think that would automatically give them a punch. Not sure though.
It wouldn't be a major boon to rlyeh for drain life to be a bonus attack. It's a weapon used by quite a few different monsters and it might be pretty strong on some of them that would like to use two shields or a shield and sword and so on. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It might be a good idea to bring this up in the CBM thread, as the devs seem to be busy with other things at the moment. This is a change that wouldn't be too hard to implement with CBM.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Barrier is a tower shield, but it can be used by mounted troops.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
There is apparently a 20 message limit. The game happily lets you order sendings beyond 20, gives no warning that you are exceeding this limit, and all gold/items/gems so sent merely disappear into the ether.
(Display, if anyone is keeping track, does cap at 20, but it still lets you order the sending of things beyond that. Seeing as how there is no mention anywhere I can find of a 20 message limit, I certainly wasn't paying attention). Suggested fixes: -Remove Limit OR -Make it impossible to send messages beyond the 20 allowed OR -At least provide a warning that further messages will not be received. Obviously, there's no way to review messages sent in-game, so i can't actually provide direct demonstration. However, I can provide a .trn file at the start of turn N, the 2h file from turn N with a description of all sent items, gems, and gold, and the demonstrable absence of them. And the .trn files for the nominal recipients of all items sent from turn N+1 if necessary. Should be fairly trivial to reproduce though. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
someone wrote an app that lets you review what you did with your messages.
don't remember the name of it .. though its memory related. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I dont think amnesia will help in this case.
The game displays "xx message sent" for each message up to 20 then doesnt. And the extra messages dont show up in the log file the way 1-20 do. So as far as I can tell the game does not record the extra messages at all and they probably are not in the 2h file. Nor do I think any of the recommended fixes would work. The game does do a display, and might be considered "working the way it works" unless Johan says it isnt. If he agrees that it should be changed then Id recommend simply locking the messages at the cap and grey-out the message sending menu. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The system did not work. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Some weird event bugs:
The 'local lord has used slave labor to increase resources' event doesn't actually seem to do anything. Happened targeting a sloth 3 capital with no expansion (res == 44), and resources were still 44 afterwards. Sadly cannot provide turn file. Events which add a site can still trigger on a province that already has 4 sites. Specifically, capital with starting site + 3 event sites got a 4th place a site event. Obviously, with 4 sites no new site could be placed. I can provide the trn file with the event and the obvious lack of the new site on the province. (Yes, i've been hitting end turn on a luck 3 SP game to see what heroes look like for a particular nation, why do you ask?) |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I can check the local lord event for bugs, but if there is something, it will still require Johan to fix it. The turn file for the site addition should be sent to IW per the shortlist thread instructions.
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
My assumption has always been that the "slave labor" event was a temporary bonus. If you had extra troops in the queue, 44 more resources worth would have been built that turn.
Never tested it though. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's working as described in the event, believe it or not.
There's a "hidden" resource stash in every province that's related to the "partially spent" resources from the previous turn. This event adds to that hidden amount. For example, say a province only produces 5 resources per turn. On turn 30, you recruit a 10 resource recruit; it'll show up in the queue shaded. On turn 31, he'll still be in the queue, but no longer shaded; further, the province will STILL show 5 resources available. On turn 32, he'll be available . But lets say you get the resource event on turn 30. He'll still show up shaded in the queue, but will be available on turn 31. If this is going to be fixed, then I'd like to point out a potential exploit...Edi, please check your PM. |
Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I dont' think thats exactly right.
There hidden resources available for each province regardless of whether there are units in queue or not- its these hidden resources that get tapped when you build a castle, for example. I've never thought to look to see if that slave labor event was a permanent event, or a temporary one. I would be interested in finding out if this is a triggered event.. ie., is (unfinishable unit in queue) a trigger for event? I wonder what scale conditions are necessary for it..... |
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