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Atrocities December 9th, 2004 07:17 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Here is the latest on the Version.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.4

1. Changed Shuttle I, Shuttle II, and Shuttle III in VehicleSize image from shuttle to shuttle2.bmp
2. Changed Planet Regenerative Shielding I - V min,org,rad costs (Went with Aikens Recommendations)
3. Changed Remote Power Station I - III min,org,rad costs (Went with Aikens Recommendations)
4. Added Fusion Beam Mount.
5. Fixed Satellite Mount now works as intended.
6. Changed Mini Storage Vehicle Type to Ship\Base
7. Changed Anti - Matter Pod I - V Vehicle Type to Ship\Base\Drone
8. Changed Drone Mount now works as intended.
9. Changed Ram Scoop I - III Vehicle Type to Ship\Base\Drone
10. Changed 8472 Flux Pod I - V Vehicle Type to Ship\Base\Drone
11. Changed Deuterium Tank I - III Vehicle Type to Ship
12. Changed Ferengi Deuterium Tank I - V Vehicle Type to Ship
13. Changed Klingon BOP mount now works as intended
14. Changed Klingon BOP mount Tonnage Percent from 50% to 75%
15. Changed Description of Klingon Cloaking mount.
16. Changed Reload Disruptor I - V BMP image from 595 to 021 because 595 mini was not showing up.
17. Changed Romulan Design Creation file slightly
18. Changed Romulan Research file slightly to make AI research Cloaking much sooner.
19. Changed Klingon Research file slightly to make AI research Cloaking much sooner.
20. Changed Added Tech Area Req 2, Replicator Technology, to Advanced Replicator Technology
21. Fixed Spelling error in Lucky Racial Trait.
22. Added New racial trait. Advanced Research (Generates Double the research points)
23. Changed Update Place Holder numbers.
24. Changed Fixed errors in Vaadwaur Research file
25. Changed Increased damage rate for Romulan Defense Cannon I - V (15,18,21,23,25)
26. Changed Increased damage rate for Defense Phaser I - V (15,18,21,23,25)
27. Changed Increased damage rate for Point - Defense Disrupter I - V (15,17,19,21,24)
28. Changed Decreased Weapon Modifier for Point - Defense Disrupter I - V (20%,30%,35%,40%,45%)
29. Changed Decreased Weapon Modifier for Defense Phaser I - V (20%,30%,35%,40%,45%)
30. Changed Decreased Weapon Modifier for Romulan Defense Cannon I - V (20%,30%,35%,40%,45%)
31. Fixed Spelling errors of the term "Impulse" throught component file.
32 Changed Supply Amount Used for Organic Drive II from 2 to 20.
33. Changed Description of Biokinetic Ray I - X to reflect accurate information
34. Fixed Spelling error of the term "Federation" in Federation STGN 2, 3, and 5, EMP file.
35. Changed Small Shuttle Impulse Engine, Small Impulse Engine, Small Improved Impulse Engine, Small Eficient Impulse Engine, and Small Quantum Impulse Engine now have a standard ship movement of 2.
36. Changed Breen Emblem and "main" color from off red to green.
37. Added PBW Advanced Research Trait. Gives 5x the research points to speed up the game. (Extra rules should apply to its use)
38. Changed Combat Sensors V Tech Area Req Level from 4 to 5
39. Changed All Race Sensor Array III Tec Level Req 3 from Sensor 1 to Sensor 5.
40. Changed All Race Sensor Array III Ability 1 Defense Plus from 16% to 14%.
41. Changed ECM V Ability 1 Defense Plush from 14% to 15%.
42 Changed Made some modifications to Research file - Thank you Aiken
43 Changed Increased Maximum Level for Warrior Technology from 4 to 6.
44. Added Cruiser Heavy, Juggernought, Baseship to vehicle size file for use with Warrior technology.

Atrocities December 9th, 2004 07:32 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Play By Web

Advanced Trait
PBW Advanced Research

I added the PBW Advanced Research Trait to the mod in order to speed up PBW games. That this trait is free, and I strongly suggest that it be stipulated in any PBW, EBEM, or PBIM games that this Advanced Trait be used by all or not at all. To use it when others do not is considered cheating therefore all game hosts must consider this as a mandtory rule.

Single Player

Advanced Trait
Mild Research Boost
Medium Research Boost
Heavy Research Boost

Now for Single Players you can set your Computer Player Bonus to low or medium and then give these trait to one or more of the AI's. By doing so you will be giving the AI a boost in research and an advantage over you. In this way you can make a more unique game for yourself by giving each race its own level for research boosting.

For example: Give the Heavy Research Boost trait to the Borg and they will research faster than you and say an AI with the Mild trait. These settings will provide for a more unique type of game play whereas the AI players will research at differant levels in stead of one size fits all.

Atrocities December 9th, 2004 09:37 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
1 Attachment(s)
Beta Patch - BETA PATCH -

Onyx December 11th, 2004 05:17 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
First, thanks again Atrocities (and all who contributed) for your excellent work.
Regarding This is a note about the AI ship design. The AI is designing better ships now but I have still found a problem. The Borg AI designed an A8 Fusion Cube with 13 Multiplex tracking devices and no shields.
I've only just started playing so I dont know if there are other problems yet.
I'm playing against hard AI with medium bonus and all research already completed. Prefer to get into the good stuff straight away http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Keep up the good work

msnevil December 11th, 2004 05:58 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

How much do you need to keep your site up, and would you accept others helping you ($$$) keep it up?

XenoTheMorph December 11th, 2004 08:45 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Hmm, I've been doing some testing and listed all the possible typos/bugs I've found (v1.9.0.4) -

1. Nacelles show up in base design. Maybe amend them to be ship only not ship/base, since they are no use for bases.

2. Amend the starting Shuttle Phaser to be Fighter only not Troop/Fighter.

3. There are TWO sets of Pirate Sheild Depleters I-V!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif (maybe tech-grid them since there are useful differences in cause & effect?)

a) 1st in file - These are based on 'Pirate Race' 1 and increasing 'Shield Damaging Weapons'.
(Quick description) Set range of 5, Damage increase from 20 to 40. +5% to hit, fire every 2 turns.
*NOTE: General Group := Borg Weapons !!

b) 2nd in file - These are based on 'Pirate Race' 1 to 5 only.
(Quick description) Set damage of 25, Range increase from 3 to 7. +10% to hit, fire every turn. (except for the damage MUCH better! Though even generic shield depleters can do more damage!) These are also the base for the Pirate Small Shield Depleters.
*NOTE: General Group := Pirate Race (NOT Pirate Weapons as almost all other pirate weapons) (This is also incorrect for pirate small shield depleters) !!

4. Pirate Tractor Beam I has the following typo (though it seems to show up properly http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) -
Number of Tech Req := 2
Tech Area Req 1 := Tractor\Repulser Weapons
Tech Level Req 1 := 2
Tech Area Req 1 := Pirate Race !
Tech Level Req 1 := 1 !
Tech Area Req 2 := Pirate Race
Tech Level Req 2 := 1

5. 'Pirate Race' trait should really mention not to choose a '*Foo* World Native' trait unless they are using the 'Pirate Colony' trait. (They get the colony component and then only need a larger hull to use it even without a colony ship)

6. Pirate Research I-III are under the 'Applied Research' facility type not the 'Pirate Race' type as all the other pirate facilities are. (even the Pirate Space Dock)

7. Should the Pirate Research I-III facilities not be an upgrade for the normal research ones since even the first pirate facility is better than the Last normal one. Without this the AI will never 'upgrade' its normal homeworld facilities.

8. As for 7. but for the Pirate Space Dock I+ (for these 'Only latest' does only show the pirate Version but no option for upgrading is shown! Maybe due to being the same facility family but not being adjacent in the file?)

Well there we go hopefully some help for polishing the mod http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Aiken December 11th, 2004 02:57 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

3. There are TWO sets of Pirate Sheild Depleters I-V!! (maybe tech-grid them since there are useful differences in cause & effect?)

There are also 2 sets of Cardassian Metagenic Plague Bomb I-V. Attempt to remove them will cause incompatibility with Version though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

And now random notes by Mr. Word Spellchecker. Enjoy.

Dominion's "Phased Pholaron Beam" should be "Phased Polaron Beam" (all levels)
"Missle Weapon Marker" should be "Missile Weapon Marker". Also description "Missle Weapons are an effective weapon." should be "Missile Weapons are an effective weapon."
Borg's "Telokinetic Torpedo" should be "Telekinetic Torpedo" (all levels)
Dominion's "Phased Poloron Torpedo" should be "Phased Polaron Torpedo" [???] (all levels)
"Tri-Colbalt Torpedos" should be "Tri-Colbalt Torpedoes" (all levels)
Shield Disrupter I-V description: "Tunneling neutrino beam ...blah..." should be "Tunnelling"
Description for Engine Mine I-III: "Large warhead which will explode on contact with a ship diabling its engines." should be "disabling"
Borg Monster's "Planet Assimulator" should be "Planet Assimilator"
Borg Organic Armor (all levels) description: "Armor that obsorbs weapons impact" should be "adsorbs"
Borg Monster's "Assimulation Drones" should be "Assimilation Drones", also description should say "Assimilates boarding parties" instead of "Assimulates boarding parties".
Borg Monster's Repulser Beam description: "Pushes targert away from source" should be "target"
Borg Monster's Enhanced Cutter Beam description: "Will penatrate both shields and armor" should be "penetrate"
Borg Taunt ability description: "ADD this weapon LAST to your designs to hear tuant." should be "taunt"

Starfleet Command, Imperial Command, Romulan Command Center, Tholian Command Complex (all levels) description: "Centeral command for a system." should be "Central"
Utopia Planitia Shipyard description: "Speicalized ship construction yard." should be "Specialized"
Divine Treasury Shrine (all levels) description: "Religious icon that helps prevent bad events from occuring" should be "occurring"

Drone Mount description: "Reduces the Size of Components for Dones." should be "Drones"
Dominion Warhead Mount description: "A warhead yeild mount for use with smaller Dominion Ships." should be "yield"
Torpedo Mount description (Feds and Romulan): "Mount that increases the damage of photon torpedos." should be "Mount that increases the damage of photon torpedoes."
Klingon BOP Mount description "Miniture weapons mount for the Scout, Frigate Class, and Destroyer class..." should be "Miniature"
Plasma Torpedo Mount description: "Mount that increases the Damage of Plasma Torpedos." should be "Torpedoes"

"Berzerkers" should be "Berserkers". In description too.
Collective description: "...Though trade and political abities suffer." should be "abilities"

Planet Sabotage I-III description: "Carefully planted sizemic bombs that damage the conditions of a planet." should be "seismic"
Here in Target Message 1: "A saboteur has detonated a sizemic bomb damaging the conditions of planet [%PlanetName]." should be "seismic" too.
Political Assassination project Target MEssage 1: "An Offical on [%PlanetName] has been assassinated and this has caused civil unrest." should be "Official".

8472 Technology trait description: "Gains access to the Spieces 8472 Technology Tree." should be "Species"
Miniaturization Experts trait description: "Race has perfected miniturization technology so ..." should be "miniaturisation"
Pack Rats trait description: "Race has bad habit of keeping everthing they find..." should be "everything"

Taunt Tech description: "Gives Access to Tuant Weapons if your race has one." should be "Taunt"

Fed's Heavy Escort description: "Very manauverable and has a special mount." should be "maneuverable"
Fed's Destroyer description: "Fast ship hull design, elivated cost" should be "elevated" (???)
Fed's Light Cruiser description: "...slight advantage in manauverablity" should be "maneuverability"
Borg Monster's "Tacticle Cube" should be "Tactical Cube" (both Name and Short Name)
Borg Monster's Massive Cube description: "One of the larges Borg Ship in known exsistance." should be "largest" and "existence".

Atrocities December 11th, 2004 04:55 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Oh my! That is an impressive list from you both. Thank you. I have my afternoon work cut out for me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

As for the duplicate entries, I sware to you that they should not be in there. However, that they are just shows you how complex modding can become. What I will do is modify the second listing so that they are simply another weapon for that race to use.

Thank you.

Atrocities December 11th, 2004 05:52 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

5. 'Pirate Race' trait should really mention not to choose a '*Foo* World Native' trait unless they are using the 'Pirate Colony' trait. (They get the colony component and then only need a larger hull to use it even without a colony ship)


6. Pirate Research I-III are under the 'Applied Research' facility type not the 'Pirate Race' type as all the other pirate facilities are. (even the Pirate Space Dock)

- Changed in


8. As for 7. but for the Pirate Space Dock I+ (for these 'Only latest' does only show the pirate Version but no option for upgrading is shown! Maybe due to being the same facility family but not being adjacent in the file?)

I am afraid that I do not follow you on these. Could you please explain it in more detail?

Atrocities December 11th, 2004 07:03 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Thank you all for the latest bug reports.

Here is what I have done with them.


Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.5

1. Changed Addressed all Design Creation File to help prevent over use of Multiplex Tracking
2. Changed Warp Nacelle I - V & Organice Nacelle I - V vehicle type from Ship\Base to Ship
3 Changed Shuttle Phaser Vehicle Type from Ftr\Troop to Fighter
4. Changed Replaced sencond list for Pirate Race Shield Depleters I - V with ECM Cannon I - V. (Destroyes Master Computers)
5. Added ECM Weapons to end of Tech Area file
6. Fixed Error in Pirate Tractor Beam I
7. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Facility Group from Research to Pirate Race.
8. Changed Pirate Intelligence Center I - III Facility Group from Intelligence to Pirate Race.
9. Fixed Spelling error in Utopia Planitia Shipyard description
10. Fixed Spelling error in Starfleet Command, Imperial Command, Romulan Command Center, Tholian Command Complex (all levels) description.
11. Fixed Spelling error in Divine Treasury Shrine I - III Description.
12. Fixed Spelling errors in Component file. Thank you Aiken
13. Fixed Spelling errors in Facilities file. Thank you Aiken
14. Fixed Spelling errors in CompEnhancement file. Thank you Aiken
15. Fixed Spelling errors in Cultures file. Thank you Aiken
16. Fixed Spelling errors in Intel Projects file. Thank you Aiken
17. Fixed Spelling errors in Racial Traits file. Thank you Aiken
18. Fixed Spelling errors in Tech Area file. Thank you Aiken
19. Fixed Spelling errors in Vehicle Size file. Thank you Aiken
20. Changed Replaced sencond list for Cardassian Metagenic Plague Bomb I - V with Cardassian Neutron Bomb I - V
21. Changed Used vehicle type override to set Cardassian Metagenic Plague Bomb I - V to Ship\Drone only.



22. Changed Addressed a design issue with Base Space Yards in all race Design Creation files.
23. Changed Replaced second entry for Small Borg Shield Depleter I - III with Small Borg Shield Disruptor I - III
24. Changed Corrected Replicator I - III descrition. Thank you Renegade 13
25. Changed Fixed spelling errors in Neutral Race 14 (Takarans) Thank you Renegade 13

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