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thejeff January 14th, 2010 07:44 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Two different hidden resources. One is unusable until a castle is built.
The other is the accounting error that shows up when you've got more units queued than can be built.

vfb January 18th, 2010 04:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I'm surprised this one has not been mentioned before.

All you need to do is hit the 'B' key, and you can blood hunt underwater.

Frozen Lama January 18th, 2010 07:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Teh Hax!!! :p

Squirrelloid January 18th, 2010 07:28 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Do they drown?

vfb January 18th, 2010 07:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
No. In UW battle (if one happened in the prov you are hunting), the slaves stay as gems on the commander, not as slaves running around UW.

Frozen Lama January 18th, 2010 08:02 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
wow. that's quite a big bug.

thejeff February 5th, 2010 10:35 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Sea of Ice doesn't keep water breathers from retreating to an water province. Then they can't return to the land.

This has been both good and bad. Units who would be cut off on land can still survive, but units who could retreat on land can wind up underwater and out of the fight.

It may work the other way as well, retreating to land, but I haven't tested that.

nordlys February 22nd, 2010 05:17 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Cursed artifact or not, I don't think a pebble skin suit should have a power over undeath and celestial beings. Transforming a spectral mage into a living troll makes little sense thematically :)

cleveland February 23rd, 2010 08:10 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Edi, please check your PM regarding a cheat detection :bug:

Edi February 24th, 2010 10:08 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If you sent the files to the Illwinter address, Johan can check it.

Bananadine March 4th, 2010 12:20 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Okay where do we send busted turn files these days? I don't want to attach mine to this post because the game is still going! NOT THAT THE OTHER PLAYERS WOULD CHEAT but

Anyway I'm seeing getmany failures that are triggered by The Looming Hell (which I cast)--one per turn, generally. They don't bother me very much because they only appear when I try to view certain "battles", so it's easy to avoid one once I've located it. On the latest turn in this game, the battle that crashes supposedly takes place in a province that my scouting indicates to be empty.

This kinda reminds me of when, in this same game, my pretender god patrolled at some fortress and "found" a few hidden commanders, producing messages stating that they were found... but then no battles could be viewed (I think clicking the View Battle button did nothing). Probably unrelated though. But I guess that's my second bug report for this message. :)

Squirrelloid March 4th, 2010 06:10 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by nordlys (Post 732850)
Cursed artifact or not, I don't think a pebble skin suit should have a power over undeath and celestial beings. Transforming a spectral mage into a living troll makes little sense thematically :)

So powerful is the pebble skin suit, it can even resurrect the dead flesh of ancient gods from tartarus into the body of a living troll. Ridiculous does not even *begin* to describe it.

Edi March 6th, 2010 07:05 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 734080)
Okay where do we send busted turn files these days? I don't want to attach mine to this post because the game is still going! NOT THAT THE OTHER PLAYERS WOULD CHEAT but

Anyway I'm seeing getmany failures that are triggered by The Looming Hell (which I cast)--one per turn, generally. They don't bother me very much because they only appear when I try to view certain "battles", so it's easy to avoid one once I've located it. On the latest turn in this game, the battle that crashes supposedly takes place in a province that my scouting indicates to be empty.

This kinda reminds me of when, in this same game, my pretender god patrolled at some fortress and "found" a few hidden commanders, producing messages stating that they were found... but then no battles could be viewed (I think clicking the View Battle button did nothing). Probably unrelated though. But I guess that's my second bug report for this message. :)

The instructions on where to send files and how are in the shortlist thread, first post.

zzcat March 7th, 2010 04:09 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
2 Attachment(s)
If an unit with Medallion of Vengeance casts phoenix pyre, it occasionally spawns multiple copies in battlefield when killed. Some of them can't be damaged and will stay in battlefield until their enemy routes due to turn limit. IMO it's something like memory leak or corrupted pointers...

Attached turn file requires CBM1.6.

thejeff March 7th, 2010 09:48 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I've seen it recently without Medallion of Vengeance. Not sure what triggers it.

Edi March 8th, 2010 01:55 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Again, send the turn files to Illwinter. Johan is the only one who can do anything about that one.

ologm March 10th, 2010 03:34 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I had it occur two times that I won the game in the replay, but the message and map situation show me losing. Both times it happened when I broke a siege and moved some other units in at the same time.

1. Get sieged by enemy.
2. Tell units inside of castle to break the siege.
3. Move some extra units in from a nearby province to assist at the same time.

Maybe if more people see this happen, we can investigate.

Wrana March 11th, 2010 01:32 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by ologm (Post 735029)
I had it occur two times that I won the game in the replay, but the message and map situation show me losing. Both times it happened when I broke a siege and moved some other units in at the same time.
Maybe if more people see this happen, we can investigate.

It happened to me long ago and I'm almost sure that siege wasn't a factor. Something about replay being recalculated...

thejeff March 11th, 2010 01:37 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It happens.
It used to happen with version differences and/or OS differences between server and client, but it's been seen more recently even in one machine SP games.

cthulhu March 13th, 2010 12:49 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
There is a bug where when you press space from the main view when a unit is selected the orders menu will appear at the wrong X coordinate.

Also, I think there is some confusion about whether the maximum number of globals is supposed to be 5 or 6. The manual says only 5 are allowed, and sometimes the game seems to allow only 5, but other times it allows 6. I can provide saved games with 6 globals if desired.

Both of those issues were also present in Dominions 2.

1st issue I last saw in 3.23b, and cannot reproduce at will but have a saved game with it, and I've seen it numerous times. 2nd issue I last saw in 3.24, and I can reproduce at will on any version from 2.0 to 3.24.

danbo March 13th, 2010 12:43 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 730055)
Sea of Ice doesn't keep water breathers from retreating to an water province. Then they can't return to the land.

It may work the other way as well, retreating to land, but I haven't tested that.

It works both ways. While playing LA Atlantis I managed to corner century of skinshifters underwater when Sea of Ice was on. Player probably was aware of this exploit and simply ordered retreat - all the skinshifters made it to land safely.

So, Sea of Ice doesn't work if the units retreat out of or into the water.

thejeff March 13th, 2010 12:57 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Which allows the exploit of attacking a province with retreat orders in hopes of retreating through the barrier. Not just to escape, but to actually troops or mages from sea to land or vice versa, bypassing much of the effect of the Sea.

Olive March 18th, 2010 06:36 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Two little bugs I didn't see in the shortlist :

- Very minor one : Voice of Tiamat : unlike others site searching spells, if you cast this spell with several mages, they auto-target the same province, you have to target provinces manually.

- Related to the Chayots, a bug and a big exploit (or WAD maybe, would be justifying the cost of those guys) :
When shape shifting, the Chayot's magic skills changes, but when scripting then for battle, if in your script you pick shape shifting, the next spells he may cast will be of his ancient skill.
IE : your Chayot is in E4 mode, you start your script with Invulnerability, Summon Earthpower, Change Shape. At that point, the Chayot will be able to cast only Astral spells, but you can script him with only Earth spells.

The exploit : when giving them magic boosters, they got the effects for any magic school related to one of their shapes. IE if they're in E4 mode and you give them a Starshine Scullcap, they'll be E4S1. The same for spell bonuses : I casted Summon Earthpower for reinvig, then changed shape for the astral form, he kept the E bonus and was E1S4.
Maybe WAD to justify the prohibitive cost of these guys, but seems like a big exploit to me.

Just for fun, without empowerment :D :


Loren March 18th, 2010 09:33 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

A queen of elemental air can't cross water, yet I see nothing in her description that keeps her from doing so.

Edit: Definitely bug.

Rhuax (King of Elemental fire) can cross water, but Pyriphlogos can't!

AI Bug:

I had Thetis' Blessing up with +50 gems and a good caster. The AI put enough into it to overpower it--to cast Thetis' Blessing! I can certainly understand why he wanted it from the tactical situation but he could have used mine.

vfb March 18th, 2010 10:00 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's not a bug, it's a unit attribute. See the "Cannot go underwater" unit attribute on the wiki, eg Queen of Storms. Vampires and Air Queens have it, along with the King of Flames. I guess the Magma guy can go underwater because of underwater volcanoes or whatever.


Originally Posted by Loren (Post 736191)

A queen of elemental air can't cross water, yet I see nothing in her description that keeps her from doing so.

Edit: Definitely bug.

Rhuax (King of Elemental fire) can cross water, but Pyriphlogos can't!

AI Bug:

I had Thetis' Blessing up with +50 gems and a good caster. The AI put enough into it to overpower it--to cast Thetis' Blessing! I can certainly understand why he wanted it from the tactical situation but he could have used mine.

cthulhu March 19th, 2010 02:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Oh, and another oddity: monthly-cast of the spell for creating vampire lords has some quirks... it tends to work when my pretender uses it but fail (the spell works, but the order does not repeat next month regardless of how many blood slaves I have) when I issue the order to a vampire lord equipped with a skull staff. Could be related to whether or not the mage needs booster items to cast it?

PyroStock March 19th, 2010 03:39 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 736191)
AI Bug:

I had Thetis' Blessing up with +50 gems and a good caster. The AI put enough into it to overpower it--to cast Thetis' Blessing! I can certainly understand why he wanted it from the tactical situation but he could have used mine.

I've seen the AI overpower it's own ArcaneNexus for a StellarFocus, despite it already controlling all 5 globals. If it owns all 5 globals and the Nexus it shouldn't keep casting random globals.

With a high death pretender/unit the AI will also cast Utterdark, which usually leads it and other AIs to a quick death since the AI is so dependent on gold. Except for a few certain nations the AI should never cast Utterdark or Burden of Time. If the AI doesn't benefit from Eyes of God then it shouldn't cast that either.

If the AI is ever reviewed some other points:

1. Bad scales for points is fine, but AI Heat Nations and Cold Blooded Nations should never take cold scales (take heat for points). Likewise, AI Cold Nations should never take heat scales.
2. AI should never send it's god into the arena.

Loren March 19th, 2010 02:44 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 736197)
It's not a bug, it's a unit attribute. See the "Cannot go underwater" unit attribute on the wiki, eg Queen of Storms. Vampires and Air Queens have it, along with the King of Flames. I guess the Magma guy can go underwater because of underwater volcanoes or whatever.


Originally Posted by Loren (Post 736191)

A queen of elemental air can't cross water, yet I see nothing in her description that keeps her from doing so.

Edit: Definitely bug.

Rhuax (King of Elemental fire) can cross water, but Pyriphlogos can't!

AI Bug:

I had Thetis' Blessing up with +50 gems and a good caster. The AI put enough into it to overpower it--to cast Thetis' Blessing! I can certainly understand why he wanted it from the tactical situation but he could have used mine.

Vampires say they can't, the others don't. Thus there is a bug, although perhaps only with the text.

Edi March 19th, 2010 03:44 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Not everything must be spelled out in detail. Would you expect a fire elemental to be able to survive underwater when fire and water are opposites?

If not, why would you expect a king of elemental fire to be able to go underwater anymore than a regular fire elemental? Just because it used to be so due to game mechanics?

cthulhu March 19th, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Personally I think that queens of elemental air ought to be able to at least go over water even if they aren't allowed to go under water. Something similar to the sailing special ability, but effecting only the commander? Or heck, maybe just sailing.

But I agree that it's not really a bug. Unit attributes that do not show up in the icons or the text descriptions are not automatically bugs, though they are undesirable.

Loren March 20th, 2010 03:38 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by cthulhu (Post 736300)
Personally I think that queens of elemental air ought to be able to at least go over water even if they aren't allowed to go under water. Something similar to the sailing special ability, but effecting only the commander? Or heck, maybe just sailing.

But I agree that it's not really a bug. Unit attributes that do not show up in the icons or the text descriptions are not automatically bugs, though they are undesirable.

Yeah, everything that couldn't cross the water was stuff that by appearance should be able to go over the water.

Wrana March 20th, 2010 03:59 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 736451)

Originally Posted by cthulhu (Post 736300)
Personally I think that queens of elemental air ought to be able to at least go over water even if they aren't allowed to go under water. Something similar to the sailing special ability, but effecting only the commander? Or heck, maybe just sailing.

But I agree that it's not really a bug. Unit attributes that do not show up in the icons or the text descriptions are not automatically bugs, though they are undesirable.

Yeah, everything that couldn't cross the water was stuff that by appearance should be able to go over the water.

I think the (in)ability was developed with vampires in mind...

Burnsaber March 20th, 2010 06:54 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think the best option would just not to think about UW access things too hard. Bane Lords, for example are unable to go into water without water breathing items althought they clearly don't breathe in the first place. Just go with it.

Baneslave March 21st, 2010 10:42 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 736475)
I think the best option would just not to think about UW access things too hard. Bane Lords, for example are unable to go into water without water breathing items althought they clearly don't breathe in the first place. Just go with it.

Same is true with many LA Ermor's (cold aura) commanders. Maybe they cannot go underwater because it freezes around them? :p

Burnsaber March 21st, 2010 11:20 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Baneslave (Post 736513)
Same is true with many LA Ermor's (cold aura) commanders. Maybe they cannot go underwater because it freezes around them? :p

Nice try, but Spectres have poor amphibian although they have chill aura, so that logic does not apply :P.

rdonj March 21st, 2010 11:25 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
But they're ethereal, so they can pass through the ice!

Burnsaber March 21st, 2010 11:34 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 736521)
But they're ethereal, so they can pass through the ice!

Okay, so ethreal undead should be able to go underwater? See Jomons/Shinyamas ghost generals for an example where that logic fails.

Squirrelloid March 21st, 2010 01:12 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
heck, all ethereal creatures should be amphibious. Like they care if they're moving through water or air (or solid rock...)? Its all the same to them, right? Undead is irrelevant in that context.

Loren March 21st, 2010 01:53 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 736475)
I think the best option would just not to think about UW access things too hard. Bane Lords, for example are unable to go into water without water breathing items althought they clearly don't breathe in the first place. Just go with it.

The thing is I had Thestis' Blessing up. Anything not specifically prohibited from the water should have been able to cross.

Vampires have a specific thematic reason they can't enter water but I don't see that that applies to the elemental royalty.

Baneslave March 22nd, 2010 09:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Well, ethereality without flight doesn't make any sense, as wouldn't those units just fall through the earth? :p

nordlys March 22nd, 2010 12:07 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Levitation =/= flight.

Flight in dominion terms means very fast movement (instant on battlefield). Non-flying ethereals just hover over the earth moving with a pedestrian speed.

ese-aSH March 29th, 2010 07:35 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Something I consider a bug :

I have a fort on a province, dominion 9 for me and luck 3 scale.
An ennemy take the province and besiege the fort.

On the next turn, I have lost my lab, without any message about it. I asked the guy that was besieging, he told me he had a negative event on that province that destroyed the lab.

I understand the game considered that the province was hosted by a nation (my ennemy), under hostile dominion (my dominion) with hostile luck 3, therefore deserved negative events. But if the event affects the nation whose dominion is ruling, it should not happen.

Edi March 29th, 2010 10:04 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by ese-aSH (Post 737727)
Something I consider a bug :

I have a fort on a province, dominion 9 for me and luck 3 scale.
An ennemy take the province and besiege the fort.

On the next turn, I have lost my lab, without any message about it. I asked the guy that was besieging, he told me he had a negative event on that province that destroyed the lab.

I understand the game considered that the province was hosted by a nation (my ennemy), under hostile dominion (my dominion) with hostile luck 3, therefore deserved negative events. But if the event affects the nation whose dominion is ruling, it should not happen.

You can chalk that up as another siege related behavior bug. There are three tons and then some of those, even after everything that has been fixed.

Events that happen in provinces under siege are displayed to the besieger, since he has control of the province (just not fullowner). If the event affects some aspect of the province, it doesn't matter who controls that particular aspect of the partially owned province. This means that your temple or lab may blow up due to an event, the besieger may get PD increases to the besieged province (since he controls the outside of it) etc.

The most annoying of the various siege bugs is that when a siege is in progress, all attacks by independent sources (barbarian hordes, vampire counts, necromancers, knights, ghost riders etc) go into limbo instead of hitting the besieger as they should and only emerge after someone has sole control of the province. This was not bugged in Dominions 2, so you could get help from such events if you were under siege.

Most of these have been reported and are in the shortlist.

There is no easy way to fix these events either, since the fullowner requirement for events must be set to a specific nation, it cannot be set to nation_all. If it could, then it would be trivial to fix these, but would also remove the possibility of temples and labs burning down during sieges (which is actually pretty realistic).

ese-aSH March 29th, 2010 10:23 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I understand. I was just reporting that behaviour since it happened 2 times in 10 turns to me on the same province ;) no big deal anyway (I wondered which spell was breaking my labs).

Graeme Dice April 1st, 2010 11:42 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Battlefield wide spells should probably consider the size of the current battlefield for their area of effect instead of the whatever constant value they currently use.

Squirrelloid April 2nd, 2010 04:51 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Graeme Dice (Post 738464)
Battlefield wide spells should probably consider the size of the current battlefield for their area of effect instead of the whatever constant value they currently use.

Yes, having battlefield wide spells effect 1/10th of the battlefield because your opponent brought 9000 troops is rather annoying.

Similarly, enough troops to massively deform the battlefield should not let them walk around the *sides* of castle walls to get behind them.

kennydicke April 2nd, 2010 01:27 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but, since the new patch, many units without ranged weapons have the 'Fire' orders. No big deal, but I assume it's a bug.

Also, one of my sprites shows up backwards in battle and stays that way until it attacks or gets attacked, even when it casts spells it doesn't flip to the proper orientation. I assume this is a problem with the sprite, not an actual game bug.

chrispedersen April 2nd, 2010 03:35 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
are you sure it wasn't charmed or enslaved? But funny thing.. I've also seen a backwards sprite.

kennydicke April 2nd, 2010 04:27 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

are you sure it wasn't charmed or enslaved?
Yeah, I'm sure. It's a totemic PD-leader for a mod. It always starts a fight backwards. On the world map, as a commander (or in a recruitment queue) it faces the proper direction. Weird.

Sombre April 2nd, 2010 11:33 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Units which are onebattlespell summoned in battle appear backwards if the nation they belong to has an odd nation ID.

Strange but true.

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