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-   -   MP: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game Over. Vets defeat Noobs. (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42603)

Stretch May 24th, 2009 03:52 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Feel free to bring that Wyrm back over, or whatever other armies you have waiting around that need some exercise, atul. I'd rather none of the remaining vets go the rituals/death-by-a-thousand-cuts route as my goose is obviously cooked. I'd rather bring the armies of the apocalypse together for some awesome last stand battles, almost definitely ending with your armies going at it over the bones of my capital, while my scouts watch and take notes.

Septimius Severus May 24th, 2009 06:56 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by atul (Post 692599)
So what's the deal? Turn hosted and it seems at least some of the players are happy to reclaim their lands / spam send lesser horrors. This game going on or what?

People are getting in their last licks as I mentioned.

Illuminated One May 25th, 2009 01:52 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Well, I invite Atlantis to defend 140, Hinnom to take 167 and Niefel to defend Lanka.

It's a shame only now that the game is ended I have enough blood slaves for all my needs. :D

Lingchih May 25th, 2009 05:50 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
The Team Vet forum is now open for public viewing, but is locked to prevent any new posts.


Caution: unlike this forum, there are some naughty words in there.

TheDemon May 25th, 2009 05:55 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Perhaps start a new forum section on the vets site for commentary? I also want to post some IRC logs because the forums don't really reflect our planning process that well, but I don't want to crap up this thread with 3 posts of chatlogs no one wants to read.

Septimius Severus May 25th, 2009 06:25 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.

Originally Posted by Lingchih (Post 692762)
The Team Vet forum is now open for public viewing, but is locked to prevent any new posts.


Caution: unlike this forum, there are some naughty words in there.

Naughty words? You vets are truly evil.

Nice job on the maps. Hope you didn't give away all your tricks to the public and those who would use it to defeat your ilk in the next game.

TheDemon May 25th, 2009 08:23 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Ironically as the game grew into the heavilly tactical stage past turn 20 or so, we started posting maps less and less. I think their main purpose was to help everyone familiarize themselves with fronts they couldn't see. Also as we got used to IRC meetings every two days we shared a lot of intel there.

Anyway, here's a taste of vets IRC:

(11:49:08 AM) Ironhawk: i still cant believe i got the plague
(11:49:11 AM) Ironhawk: in my cap, no less!!!

(7:39:11 PM) Lingchih: he had almost won too. the mage had run up to attack him

(8:06:26 PM) Lingchih: did you read how my Jarl got killed, Hawk?
(8:06:47 PM) Ironhawk: yeah you got killed by a sleep touch, eh? thats hard luck too
(8:06:58 PM) Lingchih: almost made me cry
A few days later...
(7:34:04 PM) qm: holy crap, now _I_ lost a sc to sleep touch

(10:35:29 PM) Lingchih: well, this conversation has degenerated to the point where we are talking about maggots in ears. Are we done?

(11:30:55 AM) TheDemon: I'm probably the worst army vs army player ever
This fact proved several times during this very game

Oh and sometimes we talk strategy too:

(5:27:43 PM) TheDemon: qm needs 400, we have about 600 total to give out
(5:28:29 PM) TheDemon: how much would you need in handouts for a fort started next turn?
(5:31:24 PM) Ironhawk: 600?
(5:31:54 PM) TheDemon: might be a bit out of our reach for this turn
(5:32:48 PM) Ironhawk: yeah i dont want it this turn, either. want to see if I luck out with the search
(5:36:17 PM) TheDemon: so for the fort plan this turn, atul sends qm 300, I send qm 100, I keep 250, we have 2 forts starting next turn
That's us on turn 7 or so talking gold-sharing for forts

(1:48:30 PM) atul: Dunno about this whole C'tis debacle
(1:48:49 PM) TheDemon: well, basically we underestimated him a little
(1:49:06 PM) atul: we did, that I admit
(1:49:50 PM) TheDemon: if we figure out how many jarls ling will have, and how many will potentially die, we just send him the equipment to deal with c'tis and I think we have it though
(1:50:06 PM) atul: Yeah well, that's one of my problems
(1:50:25 PM) TheDemon: I don't think the current "make a bunch of stuff" is good enough, we need specifics
(1:55:22 PM) TheDemon: but we need a count on the jarls
(1:55:29 PM) atul: indeed
(1:56:04 PM) atul: Ever heard of "beer distribution game"?
(1:56:10 PM) TheDemon: no
(1:56:27 PM) atul: That's a classic game in system operations research
(1:56:44 PM) atul: has this line of orders with delays and delays in supply
(1:56:54 PM) TheDemon: oh, I have, but they didn't call it that
(1:56:57 PM) atul: Basically it proves how much people make mistakes
(1:57:01 PM) TheDemon: I took a whole class on modelling supply chains
(1:57:07 PM) atul: And we're enacting it now
(1:57:27 PM) atul: My minor's in operations research, we played it as a part of some course
(1:58:04 PM) atul: Anyway, this "I need a bunch, NOW" thing was the stuff that led to a downfall. :p
After Ling lost a few Jarls to C'tis and was in a bit of a panic, and atul and I putting our degrees to use.

(12:43:28 PM) TheDemon: ok. the way I see it is we have 1 turn before you'll need to have your armies in 51/73 to surface against abysia
(12:43:33 PM) TheDemon: as in one extra turn
(12:44:04 PM) TheDemon: I'm hitting 116 this turn, that means the soonest I can clear PD on 88 or something is in 2 turns
(12:44:31 PM) TheDemon: likely it'll be more like 3 as I think my next move is to siege the cap or chase down army remenants
(12:44:48 PM) atul: So if I go to 6 I'll be too late?
(12:45:00 PM) TheDemon: no, if you go to 6 you could make it on time
(12:45:38 PM) atul: 6 this turn, back to 20 - 51 - 88 or so?
(12:45:55 PM) TheDemon: next turn 6 & 116. turn after, 32 and cap. 3 turns from now, 51 and 88, 4 turns from now 88 and wherever
(12:46:03 PM) TheDemon: yeah basically
(12:46:48 PM) TheDemon: let's compare that to a "siege c'tis" plan
(12:54:19 PM) TheDemon: so under "siege c'tis". next turn: atul in 6 and ling in 37.
(12:54:19 PM) TheDemon: 2 turns: atul in 32, ling in 34.
(12:54:19 PM) TheDemon: 3 turns: atul in wherever, ling in 14.
(12:54:19 PM) TheDemon: 4 turns: atul in 11, ling in 272
(12:54:19 PM) TheDemon: 5 turns atul in 273, ling in 260
How we killed Abysia, planning stages.

(11:46:53 AM) Ironhawk: so, i tested out the vanjarl shockwave plan. it has potential
(11:47:03 AM) atul: good
(11:47:28 AM) Ironhawk: I have a strong feeling tho that I will need to use 3A mages (like Vanlade, or Handgodrotts), instead of Vanjarls
(11:47:40 AM) Ironhawk: and there will be a maximum limit on the number of troops I can fight
(11:47:52 AM) Ironhawk: since we cannot afford to forge all the reinvig items

(9:46:05 PM) atul: Did IH yet figure out a solution against Sauro?
(9:46:31 PM) Lingchih: hmm. dunno. ask him, I guesss
(9:46:42 PM) Ironhawk: about to do my tests
(9:46:57 PM) atul: Because I had one idea
(9:47:09 PM) atul: He's got 2 leaders
(9:47:14 PM) Ironhawk: unfortunately CTis didnt step into my trap and now im in a position where I may step into his
(9:47:19 PM) Ironhawk: yah
(9:47:24 PM) atul: TheDemon has seeking arrow
(9:47:33 PM) atul: he has hydras in his army
(9:48:06 PM) atul: basically if you kill both the commanders and attack that province with just a single commander, all the units should be up in one bunch
(9:48:12 PM) atul: and hydras do the killing
Ironhawk and atul brainstorming raiding strategies.

Lingchih May 25th, 2009 09:09 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Demon, you didn't include any of my drunken ramblings from IRC.

Thanks. :)

Well, actually, you kind of did so.

OK, you can now use the basket to post comments on the Vet board.

Lingchih May 25th, 2009 10:00 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Actually, theDemon has stepped in and set up a place for comments on the board. Please use that.

rdonj May 25th, 2009 10:13 PM

Re: Noobs vs. Vets II: Mysterio's Revenge, EA, CBM, Game running.
Nice to see the vet forum is open. I'll have to give it a look through. Just looking at the first few threads, you guys had a much higher level of organization than the noobs did this time. I expect that had something to do with the win as well. The noobs didn't even have maps this time, except to show where capitols were placed. One player was going to do them, but had memory issues with their computer and was never able to get one out. I think everyone else eventually forgot about it.... Being able to see what borders look like is definitely very useful for a team game like this I think, it makes the situation of other nations much more real and understandable for one thing.

So who do you guys nominate as graduates for this game? I'm going to assume one of them is C'tis, since he stymied you for a while :)

Oh, I will open the noob forum soon also. I was going to do it once the game was completely through. But with you opening yours up I'm thinking maybe I'll open it sooner. I will ask the noobs what they think about it.

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