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Zen September 26th, 2004 05:46 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
Enjoy it and give me some feedback when you've had a chance to try it.

Additional Changes (that I forgot!)

Weapon: Bile - +1 AoE

Naga - -1 Enc (Total 3, now)
Golden Naga - -1 Enc (Total 3, now)

Zen September 26th, 2004 07:55 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
Please note the current Version 1.5. I went back and forth on a few changes and ended up just giving in to the (wait and see).

Reasons for this: The Mod tools limit your actual choices. Whereas things you would like to put in that might be thematically and strengthening, just don't work right now (I.E. Fountain of Blood cannot get Blood Slave income because #gemprod doesn't work with Blood Slaves).

You only need the latest Version of the Mod Enabled (and would be best to have only that one enabled).

Edit: The Attatchment has been removed from the first post, the Attatchment 3 Posts up, is 1.5.

Edi September 27th, 2004 03:45 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
1 Attachment(s)
All right, new readme is ready and attached to this post. All new changes have been documented. I've added some extra info as well so that those who might wish to know it will not have to look at other documentation (namely the Unit_ID and Weapons_&_Armor spreadsheets by yours truly) to find what they need.

Zen, a few comments and questions:

First and most important comment: I had a hunch when editing the readme and checked the mod file. You have forgotten to mod the secondshape monsters for the three dragons, dracolich, ***** queen, serpent king and smoking mirror.

These monsters (several of which are human forms) are very weak and simply crowbait if the pretenders assume those forms. The monsters you need to apply most or some of the same changes as you put on the actual pretenders are:
402 Crone - ***** Queen alternate form
267 Frost Father - Blue Dragon alternate form
226 Great Sage - Red Dragon alternate form
268 Master Druid - Green Dragon alternate form
645 Bog Mummy - Dracolich alternate form
858 Jaguar - Smoking mirror alternate form
654 Serpent King - Serpent form

Second, did you try to send me a PM yesterday? If you did, I didn't get it. I had the blinking envelope when I logged in, but there were no Messages in my inbox. Either resend, post here, or toss me an email (preferable, as the PM system seems less than reliable).

Third, have you considered commenting your mod? If anybody wants to take a look at the specific changed as implemented in the actual mod file, adding e.g. --[name] after the #selectmonster <nbr> or #selectweapon <nbr> commands will make the file a lot more readable (even to yourself, maybe?) I know from mapmaking that everything on a given line after -- will be ignored as commentary.


Boron September 28th, 2004 08:39 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

Edi said:
All right, new readme is ready and attached to this post. All new changes have been documented. I've added some extra info as well so that those who might wish to know it will not have to look at other documentation (namely the Unit_ID and Weapons_&_Armor spreadsheets by yours truly) to find what they need.

Where can i download your Weapons&Armor spreadsheets ?
And is there a document with all modding commands shown ?
Thnx for the info http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Balmoth September 28th, 2004 12:33 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

(I.E. Fountain of Blood cannot get Blood Slave income because #gemprod doesn't work with Blood Slaves).

I have no any experience with making mods, so I might be way off, but Belphegor- King of Hell (I Think) has Blood Slave Income. So the game at least has some kind of commander setting for this.

Pocus September 28th, 2004 12:39 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
real good mod Zen, congratulations, I think its a step forward in godmaking for dominions http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif .

I have a major problem though on the Blood Thorn that you modded to Blood 4 Nature 1 IIRC. If the purpose is to reduce its attractivness as a melee weapon, then you should lessen the damage, and not rise the cost. Because as it stands, you are making the life very difficult for blood nations just wanting the item for a second blood level boost. (In essence you forgot that the blood thorn has 2 usages)

Boron September 28th, 2004 12:53 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)

Balmoth said:

(I.E. Fountain of Blood cannot get Blood Slave income because #gemprod doesn't work with Blood Slaves).

I have no any experience with making mods, so I might be way off, but Belphegor- King of Hell (I Think) has Blood Slave Income. So the game at least has some kind of commander setting for this.

Hm i tested it now and it seems no gemproduce command works http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Perhaps the command is wrong that it is not #gemprod but something else like #gemproduce ?

Soapyfrog September 28th, 2004 02:33 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
Leave the blood thorn as it is, just remove life-drain from it. Simple. Now it will be used for its proper purpose, and not as a melee weapon...

Zen September 28th, 2004 03:07 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
I didn't ignore it, but I haven't been able to find a happy medium. Blood is one of the few paths of magic with 3 Path Boosters (Brazen Vessel, Armor of Souls, and the Blood Thorn).

The Weapon and Armor portion of the Item Mod is not complete (it is still very much in beta) in order for me to find a happy balance between the Life Drain weapons and their secondary functions).

I might consider doing just that, lowering the damage significantly, this in and of itself might be just what it needs (I was thinking -3) and removing the Nature component to the cost.

So Pocus, thanks for Pretender portion of the series and I am going still looking at the Items portion and it's not near done.

I just gave a half-list of what I was currently working with in the mod to Alenyea if you wanted to try it out and it's not currently released. (Mostly if you have people over there in France who don't like non-site gem income)

As you have been able to see from the Pretender Mod, I go back and forth on a few things trying to figure out a proper balance while taking into consideration the intent and usage of the items.

Zen September 28th, 2004 03:10 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Series (Mod)
Yes, I know there is alot in the game that is there that you cannot mod because they have not been 'unlocked' or made to mod. Belphegor produces Bloodslave and Turn by Turn summons Militia.

the #gemprod works for every other type of gem except for Blood Slaves, unless there is a different syntax for Blood Slaves than the standard

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