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Zeldor December 4th, 2007 04:51 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
I have played WoG in SP to check it [not the last version though] and just started MP game on it [turn4].

Twan made it and suggests to play on cumulative VP of 3. From what I know about mechanics of VP they are given at the first summer month of a year. And you do not need to keep them in a row, for 3 VP you need to have that province for 3 first months of any years.

There are I think 8 provinces connecting to the center island + water provinces around it [8 too, I think], co 16 including 4 gateways.

I don't know how many cumulative VP we would need for team-play. Oh, do not set any additional VPs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Gateway is just a name. There is simply long arrow connecting gateway to the center island. So a player doesn't have to go through plains but can go through caves instead.

P.S. I am not so heavily for WoG, I am just really a huge supporter of making the map as balanced as possible [I wish Twan set every indie province on the map to make it equal http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif]. I know that not wrap-around provinces are not fair.

I haven't check the map Dr. P suggested, I have nothing against non-water maps, but it is just me.

DrPraetorious December 4th, 2007 04:58 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
There are two different VP systems.

In one system, you have to control X VP provinces, and then you win.

In the other system, each VP province you control gives you one VP/year. I forget when in the year the VP accrue. This is the system that I (not to mention the designers) recommend if you want to control game length.

It's also a nice system because it becomes more difficult (albeit not impossible) to win in a single turn by ambushing a bunch of VP provinces at once.

FrozenFalcon December 4th, 2007 05:09 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
Ok, Victory Points are settled then. I think 2 will be enough (map readme recommends 2-4). Think about the length: 6 teams charging to the center (one player needs the points, not a team), taking few years to travel there, at maximum. Then, the province will be always controlled by someone (if teammates organize, they will try to get the second point to the player from the team who got the first one) and after six years of center fight, if the game has not ended, each team should have a victory point. Next team to get one wins. Traveling included, this would be 8 years maximum, or 76 turns. So with 24h quickhost, it would take 76 turns max. And this is the absolute maximum IMO. I think that would not be too much.

Edit: is there a connection from land provinces around the island to it? Zeldor's post would tell that, but there seems to be no land connection. But there apparently can be, and if so, there should be connection from land, otherwise water nations gain an advantage.

Gregstrom December 4th, 2007 05:14 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
I might want to change nation choice for synergy with my teammate - will that cause any problems?

FrozenFalcon December 4th, 2007 05:42 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
Since you are not playing water nation that's ok.

And everyone else have this opportunity too. But for the water nations, it would be good that they remained.

When you have absolutely sure about your nation, start making pretenders already (mine is ready). Then we just need Llamabeast to set the game up.

Checked the center province connections: The Victory Province has a land connection from both sides. 10 provinces from you can access the province, as for total.

Zeldor December 4th, 2007 05:46 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

I have just checked to be sure:

- 2 land connections from plains [one north, one south]
- 4 gateways
- 4 water provinces around it

The central island has:
- Sphinx 6E6A6D, with stone idol and gems
- Celestial General, with Hell Sword, Spirit Helmet, Jade Armor, Chi Shoes, Pendant of Luck, Amulet of Resilience
- Lord of War with Sword of Swiftness, Shield of Gleaming Gold, Horned Helmet, Boots of the Messenger, Amulet of Missile Protection, Ring of Regeneration
- few Crushers

[of course it could change in newer map versions].

And with team game I think 3-5 VP are better, counted for a whole team, not one player [so set a double limit for a player and end game manually if one team has enough VP].

P.S. If one player from a team dies and he had like 2 VP cumulated, does that team lose that VP or keep them?

Zeldor December 4th, 2007 05:47 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
Oh, standard settings or a big higher [125 or 150] for gold? Just asking because I want to make pretender http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

llamabeast December 4th, 2007 07:22 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
Hmm, FrozenFalcon's 2VP calculation is pretty cool. 76 turns is not too long at all. I can see that even 3VP would probably be fine (as it's unlikely that all 6 teams will keep on swapping control of the VP province).

It will be a crazy and bizarre game, with almost all attention focussed in one area. But while it will be a strange game I guess the VP thing will make it interesting and quite intense. Good work on converging on a decision.

Dominions will not handle the fact that teams will share VPs, so that'll have to be done manually, i.e. say you are going for 3 VPs, player 1 has 1 VP, player 2 has 2 VP and they are on the same team, you will just have to declare the game over. The game engine itself won't do that for you.

I can set up the game to accept pretenders whenever (don't need any details at all) - just give me a game name. FrozenFalcon - I heartily approve of your taking dictator status, excellent work. Good to get things organised.

Zeldor December 4th, 2007 07:28 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread

You forgot to mention that we use latest Worthy Heroes.


I think 3 would be better, more strategic options.

FrozenFalcon December 4th, 2007 07:32 PM

Re: MA team game for new players, new thread
Let's have standard gold.

We can settle it as 3 VP:s per team, points for dropped players count too.

I have the newest version of WoG, and I have the same connections to the center. The documentation says that the center is 9 territories away from a starting point, so my guess about 2 years for center is definitely above maximum.

As for battle for VP:s, it takes now 13 years max so someone will definitely have 3 VP:s. And this time will probably be much smaller.

So, it is possible that the game goes on for a long time, but it can end in less than 4 years.

I think we have all settled then, now just Pretenders and server.

And nation from Gregstorm. And all need to download the map and Worthy Heroes mod.

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