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Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
alrighty then, two are done already, if someone could provide me with the sprites for foulspawn, preferably the big strong ones, then it would be a big help.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
lol that is easy there should be a file on this forum with sprites from all units til version 3.14 at least (probably updated already but I haven't got it)
I usually look for a creature with the search function in database and then look at the sprites. of course you can't do that since you don't have those files... I'll mail them |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.45 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
0.46 coming in a fwe min
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Endoperez: That Alpha Centauri mind worm idea is excellent. When you're done setting Kalevala up, would you consider working on such a nation?
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
OK next edition will have a major change at least (2 numbers)
I was wondering why range combat was SOOO strong while I had some nice shields with decent protection values.... right protection values.. and def 0 (= parry 0) ok so now the shields will actually HAVE a parry value and combat in space will be as it never was. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
right ermor sprites are coming along nicely,i got 3 more which i'll send you now aezeal, anyway whilst doing ermor i got an idea for pangea, i thought it weould be better to finish ermor first but this idea excites me so much that i am starting now and working on both.
sticking to pangeas 'nature pissed off' theme, lets say that (with all the new weaponry and stuff) earth got trashed, many civilisations by now have already left for the final frotier but nature is still left with this massive pain in the backside, the only survivers on earth now are a variety of mutant hybrids (not much has changed here for pangea :P), fungi and a number of intelegent insects. It was once said that World War 4 would be fought with sticks and stones, this is infact true for pangea who travel the universe on the spores of mother nature's bounty, bringing life back to the wastelands war left behind. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
yes I had been thinking about either an insect race (starship troopers) or a nature race (I was thinking the Ousters of Hyperion/Endymion books who try to build huge planet, even solar system size plantlive throughout the whole universe.)
That last thingie might be hard to represent but fungi and insects and some weirds whatevers might be good if you fit a decent bunch of ranged weapons into the picture. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
It might be better if you choose one of the 2 races to work on.
What I've found about the necromorphs in dead space is that they are some sort of alien (no idea how they look) that go inside a corpse and then they and the corpse morph into some sort of freaky looking zombie (all different sorts) if we know how the primary creature should look like we could easily create a send form (which would then be your pics) do they use weapons or is it all melee? Too me there isn't enough known to start creating a nation out of this atm. What unit should there be? how about commanders? do you just buy each of the creatures or do you summon them? basicly: tell me more :D |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
It may well be that I am missing something as I am not the best of players and I have never really played R'lyeh before, but in this mod I am having utterly no success with them versus independents. Jomon and Ulm are both relative cake walks for me, buy lots of ranged firepower, stand off and blast. With R'lyeh this does not work. Trying to play the hand to hand game gives even worse results. I've tried spending as many as ten turns building up prior to attacking an independent and still get my face handed to me. (I should mention that I always set independents to maximum strength.)
Is there a trick that I am missing or is R'lyeh simply weaker than the other two races? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm I turned the indies down a bit, I don't know if the indie setting still matters since I handplaced them all in the provinces
In my test games I didn't have too much trouble with the indies though.. especially the ones with few troops (the fish) are immobilized fast. I usually try a screen of chaff and then depending on what I'm facing either mutants or illithid (since most troops are higher size so less on a square I think I'll lower muntant price since they are relatively less effective) it sort of worked then. I didn't figure r'lyeh would be that weak.. teh same illithid that work pretty well in base game are now even cheaper and there are larger and less indie troops.. so I'd figure that would help them actually. I'll lower the mutant cost though. PS do you ahve the latest version? 1-2 versions ago I lowerd MR a bit on some indies which should help mindblasting PS there is a #end missing so the weapon of the jomon militia is strange, this is changed already for the next patch also there will be a new indie type then. as I said next version will also have shield with a parry value which will lower effectiveness for ranged combat.. sadly most indies don't have shields since they have no tech except the pirates and they need to be clearly weaker than ulm so have no shield either.... I need to think of something for that .. though indies being weak isn't that much of a problem |
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