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Peacekeeper April 7th, 2010 03:45 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
could try Riverlands (http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Riverlands), 9 more land provinces, less water and a little easier on the eyes.

Willburn April 7th, 2010 05:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
Why not the arena. Its ok for me.

Willburn April 7th, 2010 05:36 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
Or when I look the riverlands its also nice to look at. So its also ok for me :)

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 06:37 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 07:11 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 739436)
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

Ok. If there is no objections to riverlands, we'll go with that.
Two things to note: Map is supposedly wrap around; Starts will be inherently less equal. Still I'll try to take a look at the map file to adjust vp provinces and starts.

First Post updated

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 08:06 PM

Re: Countdown - 12/12 Submit Pretenders

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 739440)

Originally Posted by Verjigorm (Post 739436)
I'll cast my vote for Riverlands. Quite a bit nicer to look at and I like the isolation afforded by the bridge network as opposed to what I envision happening by having 12 rival nations paired up and then funnelled, full-force into a small central area...

Ok. If there is no objections to riverlands, we'll go with that.
Two things to note: Map is supposedly wrap around; Starts will be inherently less equal. Still I'll try to take a look at the map file to adjust vp provinces and starts.

First Post updated

Well, the wrap-aroundness prevents people from having the advantage of receiving a lovely corner which I always prefer to being exposed on all sides. This way, everyone gets wide exposure. Differentials, of course, based on the positions of the bridges.

Verjigorm April 7th, 2010 08:26 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
In testing Riverlands, I also find a phantom province (#214), which is positioned precisely on top of #215 and has no neighbors.

and a phantom province, #230 which is positioned on top of #229 having only one neighbor, #232.

In the interests of speed, I will quickly catalog all provinces with fewer than 2 neighbors and then look at them later....

#neighbour 15 25
#neighbour 18 21
#neighbour 23 30
#neighbour 25 28
#neighbour 28 36
#neighbour 43 58
#neighbour 56 57
#neighbour 57 72
#neighbour 65 81
#neighbour 68 72
#76 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 79 97
#neighbour 85 90
#neighbour 87 101
#neighbour 88 94
#neighbour 89 91
#neighbour 94 105
#neighbour 109 119
#neighbour 117 133
#neighbour 138 150
#neighbour 142 144
#neighbour 144 150
#neighbour 150 152
#neighbour 151 163
#neighbour 163 178
#neighbour 173 188
#181 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 183 191
#neighbour 184 192
#neighbour 194 208
#neighbour 200 205
#neighbour 201 217
#neighbour 202 206
#neighbour 207 210
#neighbour 209 212
#neighbour 212 220
#neighbour 214 228
#223 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 230 232
#neighbour 232 237
#237 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 238 246
#neighbour 239 242
#240 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 242 243
#243 has 0 neighbors
#neighbour 244 245
#neighbour 245 247
#neighbour 246 247

This map, on examining it in more detail, has some significant errors in at least the number of provinces having no neighbors and possibilities of provinces which sit on top of other provinces visually. On the surface, it looks nice, but it appears to need a little more playtesting... Perhaps a different map unless someone is planning to repair this one?

Calahan April 7th, 2010 09:02 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
@ Verjigorm - That's some great map trouble-shooting you've done. Riverlands creator, elmokki, always welcomes any feedback on his maps, and I'm sure he'd love to know about those errors you've found on the forum thread for this particular map.


legolasjrt April 7th, 2010 09:34 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
I re-send my pretenders

chrispedersen April 7th, 2010 10:35 PM

Re: Countdown - 6/13 Pretenders
Phantom provinces have occasional uses for AIs.
As I have to update for starting locations (hmm I know there is a script that does that...).. I don't mind fixing the map errors if people prefer the riverlands map.

And thanks for that awesome bit of work Ver. Obviously you will be a prepared opponent!

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