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Admiral_Aorta March 8th, 2012 02:36 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
While there are problems with EA Agartha as it currently is, I don't think it's bad enough that is needs banning. Forge of the ancients should be taken as a declaration of war on the entire world, though I suppose there is a possibility of people not organising against it in an anonymous game.

Corinthian March 8th, 2012 03:11 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Admiral, to elaborate on Agarthas OP-ness, I played against EA Agartha in single player to test a build and I attacked their capitol with 10 E9N4 blessed rephalite warriors. The warriors lost. To 25 points of capitol PD. Thats 1500g worth of soldiers + the opportunity cost of the bless in design points that lost to 313g worth of PD that Agartha can slap down anywhere. Or just 200g for PD 20. If Agartha had actually bothered to patrol with some troops things would have been even worse.

As for Ulm, you of all people should know how dangerous Ulm can be even without the forge. I remember the game you and I were in ended in Ulms victory as early as turn 53!

bbz March 8th, 2012 03:12 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Well I think that there were some rumours about forge of Ulm being about to be removed. I'd be ok with Ulm if we make a rule that forge of Ulm is not to be used or something like that, that should make it a bit more balanced.(on top of other things that are not balanced about Ulm atm) But I'd rather have them banned.
The problem with Agartha is that it's like a Nut-shell. At early game there are not many nations that can go through their pd alone not to mention if its supported by an army. So while you can fight them at your own land if they conquer something of yours you canno't in any way take it back cost effectively.(which should hamper a lot Sacred rush nations or if your starting position requires you to go for an early war with EA agartha (say you cannot expand unless you fight a war with them) Also there are some rumours that the Darkness is going to be removed in the next CBM so that is enough reason for me to think that its unbalanced and I wouldn't mind having them banned as well)

Bullock March 8th, 2012 03:19 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
i wasn't expecting this kind of debate with those 2 nations.
I don't know them well, so i can't really pick a decision.

Therefore i ll start a poll with this 2 nations & ermor/ryleh LA and people involved in this game will choose to ban or not.

bbz March 8th, 2012 03:35 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)

Originally Posted by Admiral_Aorta (Post 797956)
While there are problems with EA Agartha as it currently is, I don't think it's bad enough that is needs banning. Forge of the ancients should be taken as a declaration of war on the entire world, though I suppose there is a possibility of people not organising against it in an anonymous game.

The things I don't like even in normal games is that when someone casts an "I win spell" everyone waits not to be the first one to attack. So whoever attacks first gets hit the worst from the "I win the game" owner and the rest of the vultures then feed on both of them.:D
Or if no one moves in on time then the "I win guy" just wins.

CyborgKillerMonster March 8th, 2012 05:09 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
So, a lot of discussion here. May be strenght of independens - 9?

I look at poll, and it seems to me like someone want play LA Ermor and does not want competition. :)

Admiral_Aorta March 8th, 2012 07:06 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'm aware that Ulm and Agartha are quite powerful at the moment but I see no reason to ban them. If enough people think they should be banned then do so.

Zywack March 8th, 2012 07:46 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I'll abstain on voting. I'm not too familiar with MA Ulm and EA Agartha so I can't judge their overpoweredness (or lack of it). LA Ermor and R'Leh are a huge annoyance to fight against, but they are beatable... So "abstain on voting" is my call :)

On the other hand, independents 9 feels a bit much from what I've seen so far: The problem is that if one player is unlucky with the provinces surrounding their capital (all big nasty stacks), they might end up falling a turn or two behind the others during early expansion.

bbz March 8th, 2012 07:57 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
I agree with Zywack best leave the independents on standard. Since that is the default settings. Stronger independants make the Production scale worth more than its default worth.

Hylobius March 8th, 2012 10:12 PM

Re: Blood Bowl - Single age (Recruiting)
Sounds interesting, I'd like in if there is one spot left.

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