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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

Colonel November 4th, 2004 09:42 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
No I just loaded the game I had from before this little update but then I went to build something. Must be a little bug as I just started a new low start game to see and it didnt appear or maybe I discovered it somehow (But the Dominion wern't in that game).

Captain Kwok November 4th, 2004 10:53 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Ok. It was likely because the game was created with a previous Version of the mod and some change in the update you applied (i.e. an added or deleted component) switched things up.

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 08:02 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Here is what I have going on the next beta patch. Should be ready by Monday.
<font color="blue">
(NOTE: Since it has new components, it will muck up any saved games by moving components on ships around. Beta players will most likely have to start a new game.)</font>



1. Changed Laser Mount, reduced range to 1.
2. Changed Fixed Engineering III, Will now use second ability
3. Changed Set Drone Propulsion Restriction to One Per Vehicle
4. Changed Set Drone Propulsion Vehicle Type to Drone.
5. Changed Phaser I now uses the same image as Phaser II - X.
6. Changed Reload Disruptor I - IV bmp image from 514 to 595
7. Changed Moved Tachyon Sensors I - III in components file to come before Medical Bay
8. Changed Moved Advanced Tachyon Sensors I - II in components file to come before Medical Bay.
9. Changed Added Drone Propulsion II - V
10 Changed Added Drone Propulsion to Tech Area
11. Changed Added one more Drone Propulsion Mounts
12. Added Added Heavy Drone
13. Added Ram Scoop Technology
14. Added Ram Scoop I - III back
15. Changed Ram Scoop I - III family number to 6 (Matches Bussard Collectors)
16. Added Replicator Technology
17. Added Replicator I - III (Reduces Maintenance costs 5,8,10) Stackable with Engineering I - III
18. Added Advanced Replicator Technology
19. Added Replicator Facility I - III (Produces 1000,1100,1200 of each resource)
20. Changed Increased Cargo tech level from 5 to 6
21. Added Cargo Facility IV - VI

Aiken November 5th, 2004 09:09 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
AT, you definetely should start thinking about stable STM release. Stable doesn't mean bug-free, it means that no new features will be added, only bugfixes.

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 11:19 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I was planning on releasing 1.8.9 once you guys had a chance tp play it for a few days. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I am finishing up the Ferengi images now and will start on the Gorn tonight. With any luck I will have the Gorn, Kazon, Sona, Vulcan, and Vaadwaur done by Monday. If not I will release what I have done a few days later, after you guys have a chance to play it.

Ragnarok-X November 5th, 2004 12:38 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Just a small question, how are the new shipsets going along ? Finished anything new (not yet posted) lately ?

Ed Kolis November 5th, 2004 12:56 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Is there only supposed to be one captain type available for each race? I thought, for instance, the Ferengi were able to get Mercenary DaiMons (combat bonuses), Freighter DaiMons (maintenance bonuses), and one other type... all I've been able to find is the Mercenary DaiMons, which kinda detracts from the whole concept of Captains in the first place, which is IIRC to add variety and roleplaying to ship design... were the other types of captains removed because they were unbalancing or you couldn't figure out how to restrict them to one type per ship??? Or have I just failed to research a high enough tech level in the various racial techs to get the other Captains?

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 03:48 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Ed Kolis said:
Is there only supposed to be one captain type available for each race? I thought, for instance, the Ferengi were able to get Mercenary DaiMons (combat bonuses), Freighter DaiMons (maintenance bonuses), and one other type... all I've been able to find is the Mercenary DaiMons, which kinda detracts from the whole concept of Captains in the first place, which is IIRC to add variety and roleplaying to ship design... were the other types of captains removed because they were unbalancing or you couldn't figure out how to restrict them to one type per ship??? Or have I just failed to research a high enough tech level in the various racial techs to get the other Captains?

A long while ago we had to remove all the extra captains. I don't recall the specific AI issue that prompted it, but it was nessassary IIRC.

As for new ships, I just finished the Ferengi and Gorn.

You can download them in just a bit from www.pbw.cc site. (For base games, AI will not work in STM or AST)

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 04:12 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I cannot release the mod until Suicide Junkie updates the Events pack and Component pack for the image mod.

These are <font color="red"> MUST </font> fixes before the update can be released.

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 04:23 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
I cannot release the mod until Suicide Junkie updates the Events pack and Component pack for the image mod.

These are <font color="red"> MUST </font> fixes before the update can be released.

Ok beta testers, I need to hear form you as to which technologies you feel need to be, or should be capturable and at what level.

Also I need help setting up the files for Medium Tech start.

Any help will be greatly apprecaited. I would like to get these changes made by Monday so that the update can be played for a few days before its offical release.

Most likely I will recommend that players download the latest Version of the mod in FULL once its released, to avoid any complications.

To many changes have been made to just do an "update" of old files. So you potential players be prepared to download a 20 meg plus file.

Colonel November 5th, 2004 07:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Aiken November 5th, 2004 08:01 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Some semi-random thoughts about mid-start.

Those techs which are taken from stock game without any changes (space yards, applied research, etc) can use values for meduim start from stock techs.

Sabotage, Espionage - level 1.

All techs from Theoretical Science group (Chemistry, Physics, etc) start with level 1 at least.

Warships - biggest ship tonnage/2, find ship size closest to this number and use it for medium start. Generally level 4-5 of race ship construction looks good.

Carriers: start with Light Carrier =&gt; Adv Ship Construction 1.

Troops, Sats, WPs, Bases, Drones - same as stock ones.

Mines - start with medium mine.

Shuttles - start with level 1-2.

Ship Construction (which gives access to Structural Integrity Field) start with level 2-3.

You need to have access to basic sensors (hyperoptics, grav sensors) from start.

ECM\CS\SA - level 1.

Computers\Computer control - level 1.

Warp Technology - start with level 4-5. With Meduim sized ship it gives moderate speed.

Race_Name Energy Weapons - start with level 7-8 =&gt; Beam Weapons - max and Adv Physics lvl 1.

Torpedo Weapons - level 6.

Racial Torps - greatly varies, some decent ones.

Complain about Mines tech. Now this tech includes 10 lvls. With starting cost of 50000 it's unreal to research special damage type mines in early or medium stages of the game. By the time you have sufficient research capabilies, mines become useless because of massive use of minesweepers. So there is no point to research Mines tech further than lvl 5 (to get minesweeper 5).
It'd be better to move special mines back to Explosive Warheads tech, but add 3 or 6 more levels to research to this tech.

Aiken November 5th, 2004 08:14 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
stm 1.8.8

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.


The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

I don't have such problem. 5 AIs, I'm playing with, are ok (8472, Borg, Breen, Orion, Tholian).
I have to check others, though.

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 10:06 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Colonel said:
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Did you download the full beta Version of the mod? Version 1.8.5 then apply the update?

Atrocities November 5th, 2004 10:10 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.

There are no entries in the Borg AI Research file for Energy Weapons / Enhanced Energy Weapons. They are all named after their race. How did you make this determination?

Colonel November 5th, 2004 10:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Colonel said:
The AI doesnt know how to use engines\warp drives\warpna cells. All the Ai in a new game have ships with one or two impulse engines but no warp drive or warp necells. They are stuck at their homeworld with no movement. It did something similiar to this before this 1.8.8 patch but not as bad. They do it even on the most advanced tech start

Did you download the full beta Version of the mod? Version 1.8.5 then apply the update?

Yes, i think i had what you sent out orginally then the 1.8.6 patch then the 1.8.8 then I started another game. the Ferengi, Cardassians, Romulans, and Klingons made designs with engines but not enough to get movement.

Aiken November 6th, 2004 06:41 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Errors in Borg_AI_Research file: it uses Energy Weapons/Enhanced Energy Weapons instead of Borg Energy Weapons/Borg Enhanced Energy Weapons.

There are no entries in the Borg AI Research file for Energy Weapons / Enhanced Energy Weapons. They are all named after their race. How did you make this determination?

Latest patch (stmbeta188.zip) contains 2 files for Borg AI - Research and DesignCreation. And there are entries for Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs. They're the legacy of unified AI_Research file, I guess.

edit: errors are popping up during turn computation about Borg_AI_Research.txt and unknown values of Energy Weapons and Enhanced Energy Weapons techs.

Atrocities November 6th, 2004 06:48 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Turn 54, Klingons are landing troops on my planets! I lost my entire fleet of 40 ships trying to take their home world. This is no joke! We were good friends so I moved a fleet of 44 ships to their home world. This up set them greatly so they declared war upon me. Great, my fleets in place so I figure I will just attack. This is when I run into the Fleet Leader issue. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif That MUST be fixed for SE V. We definately need a way to know what ship is the fleet leader. See heres what happened. I moved all my ships into position to start the trek to their HW and the Last GD MFing ship I click on turns out to be the GD MFing fleet ship. Guess what happened? Yup, my ships all went hinky on me. Then after this, the next turn I had no fricking clue what ship was the lead ship. So it was hit or miss again. Mean time the Klingons are launching shuttles and moving their ships into position. By the time I get thing organized, turn 15, I have lost 2/3 rds of my fleet to shuttles and attach ships. The planet finished the rest off in short order. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Several turns later the klingons come through my heavily defended warp point. I had 50 ships there, and when the Klingons came, all of my ships split for the four corners of the map and were hunted down and obliterated. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

Ok, so I go to the design window and check. Sure as hell both designs were set to "Don't get hurt." WTF!

A few turns later they land troops on one of my worlds. They take it. In the mean time I am running a crash course on construction to pump out enough ships to defend my home system from attack.

The klingons take another planet. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif

Atrocities November 6th, 2004 06:57 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The SOB's just mined my warp point! I lost six ships to them! GD IT! WTF! I am so screwed! Its only turn 65 and I am beaten! By the GD AI no less! THEY MINED MY WARP POINT and are dropping droops on my planets. My fleet of 24 ships lost to a fleet of 8!!!!!!!! My captains are retards!

Colonel November 6th, 2004 02:19 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:
The SOB's just mined my warp point! I lost six ships to them! GD IT! WTF! I am so screwed! Its only turn 65 and I am beaten! By the GD AI no less! THEY MINED MY WARP POINT and are dropping droops on my planets. My fleet of 24 ships lost to a fleet of 8!!!!!!!! My captains are retards!

Atrocities needs some happy beans and remember the Klingons are your friends. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif So put a similie on your face. Or not and be evil and obliterate the evil bastards the next game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Aiken November 6th, 2004 04:45 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Use the Force of IDDQD, AT http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Captain Kwok November 6th, 2004 08:22 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
If I was a Federation citizen under Atrocities' leadership - I'd be starting to question his abilities. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Atrocities November 7th, 2004 02:53 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Captain Kwok said:
If I was a Federation citizen under Atrocities' leadership - I'd be starting to question his abilities. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

They did, and those who did are no more. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

solops November 7th, 2004 02:58 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Atrocities said:

Captain Kwok said:
If I was a Federation citizen under Atrocities' leadership - I'd be starting to question his abilities. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

They did, and those who did are no more. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Forget about questioning Atrocities' leadership...its time to learn Klingon!

mottlee November 7th, 2004 01:39 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
HAve the Beta installed, Splash still states 175, no Warp Nacel, EBM Marker, Missle Weapon Marker, Planet Weapon Marker in build window, I D/L Comp Pac #23b&amp;c, Planet Pac 11, Facility Pac 15 is there one I missed????

(Edit), No General race Facilitys

Aiken November 7th, 2004 03:10 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
DL and install the full stm 1.8.4 beta first (big 20 meg file), then DL and install the latest stm patch (1.8.8). That should be sufficient.

edit: which race are you playing?

mottlee November 7th, 2004 03:18 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Did, 1.88 Server off line, get can not find...will try again

mottlee November 7th, 2004 06:43 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
OK, Got it now, still no Markers (what ever they are for?) messed up existing ship designs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif Oh well I was not into it to far, I am running DS-9 race

Aiken November 7th, 2004 06:57 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I noticed that markers are messed up in design window if "Show latest" is on. Also they're invisible then you switch to Weapons grop (instead of All).

mottlee November 8th, 2004 02:25 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
ok, i HAVE THE 1.8.8 INSTALLED, vULCANS ARE BUILDING SHIPS W/O WARP DRIVES= "0" movement also w/AI on Error in advance energy weapons?

Aiken November 8th, 2004 03:07 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

mottlee said:
...vULCANS ...w/AI on Error in advance energy weapons?

Vaadwaur too. So there are 3 races with incorrect AI_Research files: Borg, Vaadwaur and Vulcan.

About ships lacking warp cores - AT, it'd better to move Extra Movement Generation call (responsible for warp cores) from Misc Ability lines to Must Have Ability lines, ie
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 2
Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon
Must Have Ability 2 := Extra Movement Generation</pre><hr />
edit: small fix

mottlee November 8th, 2004 03:20 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
DANG Cap Lock!

Atrocities November 8th, 2004 10:43 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks guys, will check this out now.

Atrocities November 8th, 2004 10:44 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
As far as I can tell, there is no Advanced Energy Weapons tags in any races Research files.

I may have fixed this in 1.8.9 though. You both should have the latest "correct" link to this. Its an Rar file so if you do not have winR, let me know and I will zip it up for you.

Atrocities November 8th, 2004 10:48 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

aiken said:

mottlee said:
...vULCANS ...w/AI on Error in advance energy weapons?

Vaadwaur too. So there are 3 races with incorrect AI_Research files: Borg, Vaadwaur and Vulcan.

About ships lacking warp cores - AT, it'd better to move Extra Movement Generation call (responsible for warp cores) from Misc Ability lines to Must Have Ability lines, ie
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 2
Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon
Must Have Ability 2 := Extra Movement Generation</pre><hr />
edit: small fix

I will try this. Do you think it will work? In most cases all designs are doing as they are told. I will double check all races again.

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 12:02 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
I started up a quick game with the 10 major races, using the design ministers for each one to see how the AI is designing ships.

Some observations:

Illegal amounts of scattering armor is being added to all ships. I'd recommend giving each "class" of armor a specific AI tag. That way you can call for an exact type of armor rather than just by ability. i.e. light armor vs heavy armor etc.

The AI designs are messy. I'd try to get some sort of order in the design files (i.e. propulsion components together, weapons together etc) to clean them up.

There are major supply issues as tech increases. First of all, the warp core should not eat up supplies, as of now it eats 80 supplies for each move point! Ships at max tech use all their supply on the first turn. You're looking at about 400 points of supply per turn for nacelle movement, so the warp core should supply about 4000 at max tech, with two bussard ramscoops recovering about half of what nacelles use, i.e. 100 each per star.

The Klingons could use a better name file. I'm sure some RPGing Trekkie has a list of Klingon names on the web... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 12:07 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Another major thing is that the target rolls are far too low. Ships at point blank range are missing each other like crazy.

My recommendations... make lots of levels of combat sensors and ECM with small steps of 5/6% to a max of 50-60%. You may also want to chage "Combat To Hit Modifier Per Square Distance := 10" to 5.

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 02:23 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Slight clarification. Warp Core X should probably be 3000 or so supplies, while the most advanced reactor could be 4000 or so.

Fyron November 9th, 2004 02:25 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The Design Names Anthology has a Klingon names file with 265 names in it.


The AI designs are messy. I'd try to get some sort of order in the design files (i.e. propulsion components together, weapons together etc) to clean them up.

The AI makes messy ship designs. There is not too much that can be done about it...

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 02:27 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
The AI does make messy designs, but I'm fairly certain by adjusting the order in the design file you can help clear it up a bit.

Atrocities November 9th, 2004 07:35 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Captain Kwok said:
The AI does make messy designs, but I'm fairly certain by adjusting the order in the design file you can help clear it up a bit.

Example sought. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

The reason the AI is using two of that armor must be because it has more than one ability and the design creation file is calling for both on the designs.

I need to take a break from modding for a while so I will save these improvements until I feel up to modding again.

I thinky they should be in the Version I release so I will hold off releasing the offical next patch until they are incorperated.

I just want to put out a very sold mod so that we can finally get a few stable games going at PBW.

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 10:31 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Here is a quick test I did this morning for the Breen Frigate class design:

Name := Frigate Class
Design Type := Defense Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship
Default Strategy := Optimal Firing Range
Size Minimum Tonnage := 310
Size Maximum Tonnage := 330
Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Weapon
Minimum Speed := 2
Desired Speed := 2
Majority Weapon Family Pick 1 := 1
Majority Weapon Family Pick 2 := 25
Majority Weapon Family Pick 3 := 8
Majority Weapon Family Pick 4 := 2
Majority Weapon Family Pick 5 := 10
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 1 := 0
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 2 := 151
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 3 := 8
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 4 := 22
Secondary Weapon Family Pick 5 := 5
Shields Spaces Per One := 0
Armor Spaces Per One := 0
Majority Comp Spaces Per One := 200
Majority Comp Ability := Weapon
Secondary Comp Spaces Per One := 200
Secondary Comp Ability := Weapon
Num Misc Abilities := 12
Misc Ability 1 Name := AI Tag 02
Misc Ability 1 Spaces Per One := 50
Misc Ability 2 Name := Extra Movement Generation
Misc Ability 2 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 3 Name := Combat Movement
Misc Ability 3 Spaces Per One := 100
Misc Ability 4 Name := Solar Supply Generation
Misc Ability 4 Spaces Per One := 50
Misc Ability 5 Name := Emergency Resupply
Misc Ability 5 Spaces Per One := 800
Misc Ability 6 Name := Armor Regeneration
Misc Ability 6 Spaces Per One := 100
Misc Ability 7 Name := Shield Generation
Misc Ability 7 Spaces Per One := 400
Misc Ability 8 Name := AI Tag 01
Misc Ability 8 Spaces Per One := 50
Misc Ability 9 Name := Combat To Hit Defense Plus
Misc Ability 9 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 10 Name := Combat To Hit Offense Plus
Misc Ability 10 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 11 Name := Multiplex Tracking
Misc Ability 11 Spaces Per One := 10000
Misc Ability 12 Name := Point-Defense
Misc Ability 12 Spaces Per One := 200

And the results:

You might be able to set the desired/min speed to 0, and then call for the nacelles themselves as another ability and place them with the warp core.

Anyway, the AI is adding extra scattering armor because it gives a better defense bonus than ecm components - hence why it is in the above design. If you fix up the ecm components - this shouldn't be a problem.

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 10:36 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Also note that I called for the impulse engines using their Combat Movement ability rather than their AI tag.

Atrocities November 9th, 2004 11:26 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Thanks CK, this is very helpful.

mottlee November 9th, 2004 12:32 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
1.8.9....AI, Vulcan...Unknown Energy Weapon......Unknown Enhanced Energy Weapon...Turn 1

Atrocities November 9th, 2004 01:50 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Just copy over another research file from another race and rename it Vulcan_AI_Research

mottlee November 9th, 2004 02:42 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Fed Tec, No Build Pic for Replcator, can click on it and see it but not in build window

Captain Kwok November 9th, 2004 11:17 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update
Here are some more ideas for improving the mod's AI designs:

Create "component lineages" that are bound by a common AI tag # that Last throughout the entire game and cover both generic and racial technologies. Here are some generic examples of what I'm talking about:

AI Tag X: Basic Armor - Emissive Armor - Racial Armor
AI Tag Y: Hull Plating - Shields - Phased Shields

Some key considerations for each lineage is to give the first tech level in a low tech start and use the AI tag # to call for them in the design creation file, rather than the explicit ability. This allows for easy design turnovers between components of different abilities, like emissive armor vs. regenerative armor - which may be the case in going from a general armor to a racial one.

Atrocities November 9th, 2004 11:31 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

mottlee said:
Fed Tec, No Build Pic for Replcator, can click on it and see it but not in build window

Its in the image pack so it should be showing up. If it is not, then you have not followed the installation instruction layed out in an earlier post. Please review that post and follow those instructions. Thanks.

Comp_1671 is the replicator component.

Atrocities November 9th, 2004 11:32 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Final Update

Captain Kwok said:
Here are some more ideas for improving the mod's AI designs:

Create "component lineages" that are bound by a common AI tag # that Last throughout the entire game and cover both generic and racial technologies. Here are some generic examples of what I'm talking about:

AI Tag X: Basic Armor - Emissive Armor - Racial Armor
AI Tag Y: Hull Plating - Shields - Phased Shields

Some key considerations for each lineage is to give the first tech level in a low tech start and use the AI tag # to call for them in the design creation file, rather than the explicit ability. This allows for easy design turnovers between components of different abilities, like emissive armor vs. regenerative armor - which may be the case in going from a general armor to a racial one.

This is a really good idea. Thank you.

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