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Jurri January 8th, 2005 06:29 AM

Re: starting?
Oh yeah, TheBirthDayParty expressed interest to play Abysia, so things are looking good indeed. Hopefully the new players can acclimate them to the situation over the weekend and we'll get rolling next week. What hosting schedule do you prefer, by the way? The turns do take some time at this point, so we can go to e.g. 48h if desired.

Alneyan January 8th, 2005 01:15 PM

Re: starting?
No need for extra time. Checking the health of the walls and the size of our supplies does not take that long. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Kidding aside, I am fine with going to 48 hours, though I do not exactly need it myself.

rex_havok January 10th, 2005 01:09 PM

Re: starting?

Jurri said:
Oh yeah, TheBirthDayParty expressed interest to play Abysia, so things are looking good indeed. Hopefully the new players can acclimate them to the situation over the weekend and we'll get rolling next week. What hosting schedule do you prefer, by the way? The turns do take some time at this point, so we can go to e.g. 48h if desired.

are the new players almost ready (giving passwords etc.)
and for turns i am good for a faster turns at the moment but now w/ (hopefully) a non-stalling crowd we will be able to do a turn before the timer runs out. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif
ps funny turning Ulm into AI w/ no warning. he suddenly jumped up and bite me.

Jurri January 11th, 2005 08:06 AM

Re: starting?
Well, the passwords and such are sent, but both seem to have some technical issues to conquer.

Soapyfrog January 11th, 2005 12:32 PM

Re: starting?
As usual http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Ygorl January 11th, 2005 01:35 PM

Re: starting?
Also, it'd be good to make sure that everyone new knows the house rules (7 soul contracts, no more than 15 of any gem-producing item).

Jurri January 11th, 2005 01:40 PM

Re: starting?
Oh well, such seems to be this game's karma. Wonder what it did to deserve this. Probably KO'd a cow or something.

What remaining players we have seem reliable and patient enough, though, so I'm positive we'll get back to business sometime this year.

Hey, Alneyan, would you consider taking over Abysia if TheBirthDayParty can't get his connection to work? I could even hasten Arcos' demise to that end, if necessary! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

rex_havok January 12th, 2005 01:06 PM

Re: starting?

Ygorl said:
Also, it'd be good to make sure that everyone new knows the house rules (7 soul contracts, no more than 15 of any gem-producing item).

what is the rule on finding clams/fetishes after you have your limit (from conquest or as gifts(not that anyone would give ermor a gift http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif)). i would guess finding clams etc on the battle field would be fine but gift would not?

Jurri January 12th, 2005 01:32 PM

Re: starting?
As far as I'm concerned, as long as you've only got 15 clams equipped at any one time it's cool. If you want to fill your lab with junk you can't use, be my guest.

So sell 'em to the highest bidder, I say... Or better yet, give them to Man as reparations before he kicks your ***! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Turin January 12th, 2005 05:47 PM

Re: starting?
I think you should be able to use loot, those few pearls wonīt make a difference, unless two clowns start trading clams via battle loot.
Gifts would be silly and totally violate the spirit of the rule.

Knudsen January 12th, 2005 06:06 PM

Re: starting?

Jurri said:
As far as I'm concerned, as long as you've only got 15 clams equipped at any one time it's cool. If you want to fill your lab with junk you can't use, be my guest.

So sell 'em to the highest bidder, I say... Or better yet, give them to Man as reparations before he kicks your ***! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

No need to offer me clams in reparation, I'll settle for Ermors unconditional surrender.

Jurri January 12th, 2005 08:02 PM

Re: starting?
Ewierl has evidently conquered his technical issues (at least someone has made Caelum's turn.) Abysia remains; it seems TheBirthdayParty's problems are of a terminal kind, so it's yet again time for find the sub!

Hey Knudsen, you could die quickly and then continue the vendetta with Abysia. I'm sure rex would like that!

@Turin: Yeah, it won't make a difference, really, but it's just too much of a hassle for me at least to try and keep count of loot. Much simpler to just get rid of anything over the designated amount.

rex_havok January 12th, 2005 08:16 PM

Re: starting?
Hey Knudsen, you could die quickly and then continue the vendetta with Abysia. I'm sure rex would like that!

at this point i would take anything. war/peace anything to get this game going again and even if knudsen or anyone wanted to play two at once(possible?) it would be better.
i am very worried this game is goin to [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bomb.gif[/img]

Ygorl January 13th, 2005 02:26 AM

Re: starting?
All turns appear to have been taken... Now we (i.e. Jurri) just need to set it faster...

Jurri January 13th, 2005 09:11 AM

Re: starting?
Abysia's turn is just a blank. (limbo screwed around with its orders, remember)

I think I'll just set it to AI and be done with it. So we are on 48hQH as of now.

Knudsen January 13th, 2005 09:43 AM

Re: starting?

Jurri said:
Abysia's turn is just a blank. (limbo screwed around with its orders, remember)

I think I'll just set it to AI and be done with it. So we are on 48hQH as of now.

Rather than setting Abysia to AI, which would handicap the game badly, I'm willing to take Abysia, if I can keep fighting my glorious Last stand with man, at the same time, as I think Rex proposed.


Jurri January 13th, 2005 09:53 AM

Re: starting?
Too late!

I don't think it will handicap anything. Abysia is really a minor power with little influence. And three extremely aggressive neighbors...

Knudsen January 13th, 2005 12:10 PM

Re: starting?

Jurri said:
Too late!

No worry. Man will just have to outLast you all

Alneyan January 13th, 2005 02:24 PM

Re: starting?
It has been too long without a technical problem (at least a few hours), so here I go. I have again lost access to TCP/IP, so I cannot connect to the sever. However, given the state of Arcoscephale, you should not wait for me, and instead ask C'tis to take them down. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Jurri January 13th, 2005 02:45 PM

Re: starting?
Hell's bells, I just might!

Turin January 13th, 2005 08:53 PM

Re: starting?
heh this game has been dormant for so long, I hardly care about it anymore.

Jurri January 13th, 2005 09:53 PM

Re: starting?
Well, you should. 'Cause you're gonna get yours for breaking our NAP by dispelling my global!

Turin January 14th, 2005 02:28 PM

Re: starting?
umm I thought youīd be content with 3 of the 5 global slots. Well I guess Iīll have to carry my legions of bloodslaves to the altar to make the world cold if you invade me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Ygorl January 14th, 2005 02:56 PM

Re: starting?
Naw, somebody else (ahem) will just make the world hot. Spend yer virgins elsewhere.

Turin January 17th, 2005 03:50 PM

Re: starting?
and so the world went cold. Blame the lizards http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif .

Jurri January 17th, 2005 04:42 PM

Re: starting?
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Sorry, guys, I couldn't help it.

rex_havok January 18th, 2005 12:54 AM

odd unit
i have just recieved the oddest unit it appeared in my back province(not summuned or anything just appeared like the usual ermor leaders). it is a longdead leader with 2death and 2 blood but retained all the other longdead traits including mindless, 50 moral and 5 hitpts.
BTW i like it cold thanks, now if someone wants to chip in we can add burden of time to the end-of-the-world set.
?so if we have cold and then we add the hot global do they cancel or?

Ygorl January 18th, 2005 03:30 AM

Re: odd unit
Probably the temperatures cancel, and the unrest effects don't. Nobody's at ease when the sun is the size of a pumpkin and there are all these sweating swearing steaming giants stomping about.

Jurri January 18th, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: odd unit

rex_havok said:
i have just recieved the oddest unit it appeared in my back province(not summuned or anything just appeared like the usual ermor leaders). it is a longdead leader with 2death and 2 blood but retained all the other longdead traits including mindless, 50 moral and 5 hitpts.

That sounds like the infamous 'immortal bug.' That is, in some instances it has been reported that immortal leaders that die for good have reincarnated as something else under some other player. That particular one sounds like a reborn vampire count.

Knudsen January 19th, 2005 06:18 PM

Good bye cruel world
Dispite a spirited Last ditch defense, and another 600 undead laid permantly to rest, the empire of Man will soon be no more.

All assets have been transferred to off shore accounts on the Cayman Islands. Where current management has also set up HQ, while waiting for the return of God.

Since most of the population of Man has now joined the undead armies, I'll be cheering for Rex.

Turin January 19th, 2005 06:35 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
well cītis seems to be very intent on handing victory over to ermor. my poor giants.

Alneyan January 19th, 2005 06:37 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
And in the meantime, Arcoscephale was still alive. I will confess the siege C'tis has just initiated does not bode well, but Arcoscephale cannot fail. Of course not! I have just been defeated in another game while playing Arcoscephale, 'twas all.

Message in the bottle: besieged Arcoscephale would welcome some assistance. To find us, go to the beach dotted with corpses of Ilithid.

Ygorl January 19th, 2005 06:50 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
Ermor who?

rex_havok January 19th, 2005 07:33 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world

Knudsen said:
Dispite a spirited Last ditch defense, and another 600 undead laid permantly to rest, the empire of Man will soon be no more.

All assets have been transferred to off shore accounts on the Cayman Islands. Where current management has also set up HQ, while waiting for the return of God.

Since most of the population of Man has now joined the undead armies, I'll be cheering for Rex.

ermor's mindless fools. you can tell them to do something and instead they all try to rush forward and trip over each other taking 5turns to walk a few steps. but man will live undead again and we will welcome his army to ours. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
(to avoid losing items on the battlefield feel free to send them directly to ermor's lab.) thank-you Knudsen for the good fight and good luck.

rex_havok January 19th, 2005 07:45 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world

Ygorl said:
Ermor who?

sorry i have been very busy but if you put together a travel brocher (w/hex locations) i can visit. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Ygorl January 20th, 2005 02:13 AM

Re: Good bye cruel world
I advise the scenic route, actually... Take your time, linger in my neighbors' mountains and meadows... They're quite beautiful. No sense rushing all the way across the world, you'll miss everything betwixt there and here.

Jurri January 21st, 2005 04:00 AM

Re: Good bye cruel world
Hey, Alneyan, what's with the suicide!?

Alneyan January 21st, 2005 07:52 AM

Re: Good bye cruel world
That was supposed to be a rallying Jurri, but it hasn't been *very* successful as you can see. My troops in the fort were to retreat to the R'lyeh province, while my other forces were to take this province. I was then to use all these troops to launch a worthwhile counterstrike against you in the east.

The second step "taking back that R'lyeh province" backfired most wonderfully, so all hell broke loose after that. That was quite a gamble, and it quite failed. I was hoping for other nations striking you down in that area, but it doesn't seem like it will happen, so I tried to make my own luck and to deal you some damage. Didn't work. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Jurri January 21st, 2005 02:56 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
Heheh, I guessed as much. I chanced to see the battle against R'lyeh, and boy, the three luck shields sure didn't bring any to poor IZ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

A cunning plan, though. I would've liked to see it to the end.

Alneyan January 21st, 2005 03:51 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
Heh, these shields were only here to give him a bit of a defence boost, as I had nothing better under my hand (nothing I could forge anyway).

Of course, I am now broken, with the bulk of my forces and my Pretender gone. Don't even ask me how I am to take one of your watchtowers now. Personal ad: buy 100 slingers, if interested please contact Arcoscephale.

rex_havok January 22nd, 2005 02:16 PM

Re: Good bye cruel world
hey soupfrog your Last, it to bad the knudsen was unable to get abysia, but who knows. and Ygorl that looks like an invite to visit one of your neighbours my dance card is freeing up.

Jurri January 22nd, 2005 08:24 PM


rex_havok said:
hey soupfrog

Mmm... frogsoup...

Turin January 24th, 2005 02:27 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
hmmm lichsoup http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

oh and who plays caelum btw? Not bad having your vampire queen surviving with 1 hp in my dominion.

Jurri January 24th, 2005 02:36 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
Oh, well, I'd be ashamed if I hadn't such a massive lead in resources, that such losses are trivial. But, man, I've gotta start paying attention to that scripting!

Wonder what lichsoup tastes like... I bet its very bitter.

Turin January 24th, 2005 02:54 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
well I donīt expect to win, thatīs for sure considering you are far bigger and are bordered by passive ai mictlan. I just hope that you lose enough so that the dead will rule the world easily http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif .

Ygorl January 24th, 2005 03:34 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
"Passive AI Mictlan"?????
Why don't you pay us a visit and see for yourself? You and Rex can be travel buddies.

Jurri January 24th, 2005 04:28 PM

Re: Frogsoup!

Turin said:
are bordered by passive ai mictlan.

Whoa, that was so uncalled for!

And yeah, I doubt you can do much more than annoy, but it's fun, so thank you! And apologies for the unnecessary tardiness with which I'll finish you; it seems that it's becoming a regular feature in my play (Just ask Alneyan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif), 'cause I suck so much.

Turin January 24th, 2005 05:10 PM

Re: Frogsoup!

Ygorl said:
"Passive AI Mictlan"?????
Why don't you pay us a visit and see for yourself? You and Rex can be travel buddies.

oh Iīm sorry, the flag looked somewhat darkened out when I logged in and the fact that my lone scout doesnīt report any activity from you to overthrow the evil cītis empire lead me to a wrong conclusion.

Jurri January 24th, 2005 06:03 PM

Re: Frogsoup!

Turin said:
evil cītis empire

Hey! You're the one with the harmful global up!

Turin January 24th, 2005 06:33 PM

Re: Frogsoup!
yeah but it seems to be pretty ****ty. As far as I can tell your provinces with high dominion are still all hot and I seem to get the increased unrest as well.
I had expected a noteable hit on your income, but judging from the scoregraphs it seems I just wasted quite a few bloodslaves.

Whatīs the flavor text btw? I have never seen it cast in a game by someone else and I obviously donīt get the text message.

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