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Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Has anyone noticed that Boron has about a million jaguar warriors and that they are really nasty with a fire 9 bless?
He just wiped the floor with a recon force of White Centaurs that were scouting Tien Chi (before Mictlan so rudely interrupted and attacked the Tien Chi capital and happened to discover them). The good guys never had a chance. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Oh, and there's a new turn ...
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Boron has more than just a f9 bless...
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Ah, so he does. I didn't notice. Thanks for pointing that out.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Yeah Boron is powerful. I think Pasha should attack him instead of me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
If you are asking for help, Jeffr, there is no one to give it to you. Aku and I are locked in a deadly war against Ryleh/Arcos. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Ah... let me remind the good folks of Abysia that they have an ongoing NAP with Arco. We are still brothers in peace.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Iä! Iä! Jurri ftagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Jurri R'lyeh wgah'nagl ftagn!
And a new turn is in, too. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
He said: "I, the Most Humble Intendant R'lyeh, surrender all my wordly possessions to the Beloved Pasha. So be it, in my name and in my blood."
What Jurri wrote is a R'lyeh call to their Cthulhu "god", except that he has switched Cthulhu for Jurri here. The core sentence is: "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", meaning "In his house at R'lyeh the dead Cthulhu awaits, dreaming". Lä! and assorted words are impossible to translate, if memory serves, though it could be something more than speaking in tongues. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Do you know that from H.P. Lovecraft?
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
I'll make Alneyan my prophet once the current one dies!
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
I've taken my turn, but I don't think it went through because the server went down. I tried a few times but can't connect.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Yup. Looks like the server is down.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
i talked to chris just before server went down
he said it was thundering so he was shutting computer off and said bye |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Hmmmmm... now what might you have been talked to him about? Plotting against poor Arco and R'lyeh?
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Jurri, thanks, but no thanks. I would rather be a prophet for someone else and bring you down: odds of survival for all involved parties would be higher.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
That's so cruel, Alneyan! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Anyone will do but me, you, you skank, you! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/rant.gif I should Gift of Reason an iron pig just so I could name it Alneyan, out of spite. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Oh, Pasha, I seem to recall the passage being from the story 'Call of Jurri,' a real classic from H.P. Lovecraft. Chris offed my god recently, so it's pretty fitting, don't you agree http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
You know, for some reason I have never read HP Lovecraft.
Anyway... is the server still down? I can't connect. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
I haven't read Lovecraft either; I simply know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who might have read Lovecraft.
Dear Jurri: While we perfectly understand your angst, your hatred, your ire and your one-mile-long mean streak, we must stick to our word: sorry, no can do. Furthermore, we should like to point out that the subject of which you talk in such depreciatory terms (myself, in other words) cannot receive the unflattery epithet "shank". We hope you will have a better grasp of our position after this standard procedure of enlightenment and clarification. Now, where do you sign up to join the Celestial Bureaucracy? |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
I can't connect either, so I'm assume the server is still down.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Pasha, Alneyan, you really should! HPL kicks ***. His works are in fact floating around the internet, as they are probably in the public domain. (Arkham House claims copyright, but lacks the necessary evidence of it being renewed properly.) F. ex. Wikipedia holds most of the works, and googling yields the rest; since the issue is in dispute I probably shouldn't post the direct links.
I like the earlier works more, especially the Temple. The later Cthulhu-mythology stuff is more relevant to the reference, though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Quote:
I don't even want you anymore, after that rejection! Or do I, and try to hide my hurt feelings by denial? I'll name my Thing that Should not Be after you, though. (Alneyan, the Thing that Should not Be. How poetic!) ...Just jesting, mon ami, naturally. Speaking of such Things, I notice they lose their life draining attacks if they get a weapon or a shield, and they have a head. Is this supposed to be so? I mean, aren't the tentacles the cause for the life-drain attacks, rather than the hands? And at least the graphic doesn't show a head. |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
I remember reading Lovecraft in college. Something about rats in the walls. That guy was disturbed...erm, even more disturbed than us.
-Yc |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Sorry guys!
Lightning fried my power supply to my cable modem, I need to get another one. I'm renting, so it isn't a big deal, I will just go down to the Charter office tomorrow. That was a serious storm, I'm glad I shut off my computer. I forgot about my modem, though. Server will be up tomorrow around 7-8pm! |
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Ok. Sorry to hear about the frying.
Re: Ideal Love and Pure Virtue
Pasha, I believe Jurri's calling me a skank, and assorted taunts, qualify as being libel, calumny, slander, defamation... and the like? I thought so.
I will sue Jurri in this case, and will sue him again and again until there's not much left of him to sue. I will sue him out of existence altogether! Of course, you will be working pro bona fide, won't you? Of course you will, what a stupid question. Just pick an appropriate location for all those trials... I believe the prosecution gets to show where we will go. And work on adding charges to that tentacled weirdo: I believe first degree manslaughters (literally the slaughters of mankind), felony, high treason, and spitting on a public location would make for other fine charges... Get working! The power of Law trumps the power of Cthulhu, that much is certain. That, and I won't have to do anything to fight you with the Law, while more... mundane means would require some work from me (like figuring out where I put that "A Primer to Repartee", or which end of a sword is used for business, or... You get the picture). So get cracking, Pasha! |
Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
Dear Alneyan:
The Majesty of the Law is without peers, but the Law is a jealous mistress. The proper venue for your case would be in the United States because of the location of this bulletin board. Therefore, you must deal with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects Jurri's right to free speech. Given that your posts on the bulletin board exceed 2666 in number, I figure that there is a high chance that any court would rule that you are a “public figure,” and therefore, people can get away with saying things about you more easily because you have placed yourself in the spotlight of public scrutiny and your life is now a matter of common public inquiry and perhaps even newsworthy. In addition, Jurri will probably assert the defense of "truth", because only false statements can be defamatory. Is it possible that Jurri will produce witnesses of your "shankness" whose veracity will be difficult to refute? In terms of your other claims for manslaughter, felony, et al., you do not have standing to bring such claims to the Court, because they are criminal matters and must be prosecuted by the State. Nonetheless, I will review the law concerning any associated private remedies that you might hold at your disposal (e.g., assault, battery, false imprisonment, etc.) In terms of my fee, I will need a retainer of 7000 euro before I can begin work, and I shall charge 150 euro per hour for my time. I have certainly taken many cases pro bono, but unfortunately your case is not of the type of cases I routinely take without sufficient remuneration. Thank you, Alneyan, for considering my office for your legal needs. Once I receive the retainer, I will have my assistant schedule another interview. Sincerely, Pasha |
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
On second thoughts, I think I will pursue more mundane means, seeing just how expensive your fees are. We do not give our dear President that much money, so why should you get a prince's ransom? Tsk, tsk.
Nonetheless, we thank you for your answer, and promise not to harm you bodily... not too much, at any rate. Public figures have been known to be annoyed by the masses, time and again, and have resolved to using devices including, but not limited to: mobile phones, golf clubs, and two-handed swords. On another note of interest, we will try to make his slander a case of violating national security: not only is Jurri's libel is defamatory, but his words are a direct threat to the establishment, for calling someone a skank is an invitation to be dated, stalked, or otherwise assaulted. Seeing how I am part of the local entity made by those boards, any threat to my safety is most naturally a matter of concern for the greater body of government. As stated above however, we will handle this case on our own, relying on our own associates. If we are thwarted in court, other means shall be used as deemed appropriate... or we will simply sue Jurri time and again, under every single jurisdiction in the whole world and beyond, until being involved in seventeen trials (all happening at the same moment, of course) brings his peaceful demise. Attached to this document is a sample of our Blackmail directory, under the Pasha heading: one such attachment will come with every single letter we forward to your office, though we may forward such data to other parties at our own discretion. |
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
Oh! I do believe that the ecclesiastical court takes precedence in matters involving supernatural beings. And since I'm a creature of the R'lyeh Pantheon, it's only natural that the trial be held in the main Temple located in the Sunken City. So, prepare your scuba-gear and be welcome! Of course, since it's wartime you may have to wait a couple eons before I have the time to process you, er, your claims (being, naturally, the Judge Supreme in my own court), but once I ascend I'm sure omnipresence will allow for a swift execution. Execution of the trial, of course, I mean.
I do expect you to file the libel in a swift manner, though! I'm sure it will provide great entertainment for a war-torn nation. |
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
You are going way too quickly, dear Jurri: your status as a supernatural being does not put you out of the range of civil courts. Pasha has already pointed out we are under the jurisdiction of the United States here: as the state is secular, civil courts are certainly able to judge individuals holding rank in various religions, R'lyeh included.
In addition, the actions of R'lyeh are currently being a concern for humankind and all nations: as such, I believe your case would fall before the international court, on grounds of war crimes, deliberate attempts to wipe out humankind, and genocides. Of course, your priestly status does not grant you legal immunity in international jurisdiction either: your own supernatural authorities will try you as they deem it fit. Enough talking: your trial is scheduled to start at 0800, local time, somewhere in Nebraska: I don't think they take too kindly to your otherwordly kind there. Of course, location of the trial may be altered if I find a more suitable location for the trial. |
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
Ah, while secular courts surely try priests and others religiously involved, there is no precedence of a god being tried anywhere, methinks. Also, you being a skank has since become a tenet of faith in the religion of the peaceloving and gentle squid-people: Thus it is only via an appeal to the ecclesiastical (<-love the word! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/skull.gif) court that the creed can be changed.
Nothing stops your puny human court from holding its charade with me in absentia, but I'm pretty confident there are no international agreements between R'lyeh and Nebraska that would grant their rulings any merit hereabouts. It should also be mentioned that the only war crimes here are Abysia's unwarranted attack without warning upon the grand nation of R'lyeh, despite oaths and treaties proclaiming otherwise. Never, ever, trust the malicious Aku, if you value your citizens, it seems. And of course Ulm's pouncing on a war-weakened nation is utterly without honor and condemnable by all! R'lyeh's dominion is in fact the most benevolent in the entire multiverse, promoting orderly growth and wonders for all our human cattl... friends. |
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
Re: Alneyan v. Jurri, Docket No. __________
Jurri: have you filled the "Becoming a God/Goddess/Pretender thingy" forms in triplicate? Of course you didn't! Do you have the relevant papers, including unrefutable proof of seven miracles performed by yourself? I don't think you have that either.
Consequently, you will be denied the status of God/Goddess/Pretender thingy from the time being, until you can regularise your situation. Until then, we will work on suing you back to Betelgeuse. Oh, and you should also wipe out the position *before* claiming to be a God/Goddess/Pretender thingy: until further notice, Pretenders are a dime the dozen, so you are nothing to write home about, really... especially as home is so far away. |
Game back up!
Hehe, I am almost sorry to disturb the legal goings-on in this thread, but I am back online and the server is back up. We are waiting on Jeffr only for this turn (he apparently finished his turn, but it didn't register).
Re: Game back up!
i cant connect...did your ip change?
Re: Game back up!
Yeah. The new IP is:
Sorry! |
Re: Game back up!
And thanks again for the marvelous job you do with hosting this game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Game back up!
A new turn is up. And I also thank you (CUnkown, that is) for hosting the game.
Now to go look and see what happened. |
Re: Game back up!
Caine sure shut me up with that... Man, that must be one retarded piece of television!
I, also, appreciate your hard work CU. Won't soften the beating I'm about to administer, though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Game back up!
I don't know Cainehill at all but from reading his posts, I never figured him for an Ally McBeal fan http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Game back up!
I think Pan is now my most hated nation http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif.
Your combination of raids and strong attacks is really good Jeff. I wonder if i can find something to make the war more interesting for you or if it will be just another cakewalk for you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif |
Re: Game back up!
Speaking as probably the next in line for the Jeffr steamroller...
Go Boron!!! |
Re: Game back up!
I thought Boron's jaguar warriors were trashing Pan. What happened?
Re: Game back up!
They were trashing Ctis and Tien Chi, but Pan is a different matter! I think you just heard wrong, Pasha.
Has there been a big battle of Jaguars v Centaurs yet though? My spies didn't see. |
Re: Game back up!
New turn is up.
And, whoa, what propaganda is this, Boron? Who attacked who first http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif You are retaking the few lands I managed to raid with my small forces. You have just destroyed two of my raiding forces with your very impressive Jaguars. The days of just waltzing through PD are over, I think. I may have won one battle, but I see one 130+ Jaguar force next to me and another 60+ Jaguar/Eagle Warrior force marching my way. And I'm stuck at this damn 350 defense Dark Citadel besieging a bunch of damn slaves. I haven't looked at the new turn yet (I will after I type this, hopeuflly something good happened for the good guys http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif), but this talk of cakewalks is great diplomacy on your part http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Game back up!
You are playing great diplomacy too. Reminds me on Barbarossa. You, Pangenea, the evil precessor of the third reich, attacks the poor and innocent precessor of the soviet union, mictlan. Your offensives succeed with few casualities but even those casualities you exploit well with propaganda http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. World unite against the evil empire of Pangenea. They are worse than Mordor and the third reich together http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif. P.S.: The above part is only for entertainment. I hope you find it funny too. You are seriously doing a good job with your pangenea jeffr http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
World in Flames
The world erupts in a devastating war, consuming all nations and leaving none unscathed! Even those who dwell beneath the sea fear for their lives. The nature worshippers attack with great ardor, leaving their forest home to ravage the world, now opposed only by an equally bloodthirsty and savage race of slavers and demon worshippers.
On the other side of the world, the great and wonderful nation of Ulm (our heros) fight to protect their homeland from a disgusting alien race fallen from the stars, and has recently been betrayed by an equally disgusting race of "philosophers." This word is not in the Ulmish dictionary, and has been borrowed straight from the Arcosepalean. We are sure it means something like "evil-doer" or "big-headed one," but we're not sure. It is turning into a popular insult on playgrounds everywhere. Ulm, being the peaceful and noble race that they are, has offered several just and fair peace treaties to these two evil races, but they spit in the face of our generosity and choose war and destruction instead. Yet, Ulm is aided by a virtuous and true race of demons! Working together, the nations of Ulm and Abyssia will surely conquer their foes, and peace will return to the land. (how is that for propaganda?) (This game has been great so far guys! I think I would rank it up there among my favorite games played. It seems like everyone (of the 6 remaining factions) has a chance to win at this point--and it's turn 45! I can't remember another game that has been this close. I think the mods have really helped balance things out, even though they may have added some balance problems, they've eliminated many more balance problems than they've added. Where are the air queens? Where are the legions of ghost riders demolishing everything? They don't exist and probably won't, at least for a good long while. It gives everyone a chance, I think.) |
Re: Pasha
I just have to say:
DAMN YOU PASHA! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif You're going to kill my sweet innocent blood hunters. All they want to do is enslave virgins!!! I mean come on. Can you think of a more virtuous lifestyle than that? They don't deserve it. How dare you!! |
Ulm\'s Continued Insults to Arco\'s Sovereignty
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img]
Pasha-Du, the Luminescent Shedu of Arco, certainly regrets any distress caused to our good friend, CUnknown, the Lord of Ulm. However, the Council of Philosophers just recently passed a resolution commanding the continued pursuit of Arco's War of Defensive Aggression against the Dominion of Ulm. Until the Lord of Ulm offers suitable reparations to Arco for Ulm's past and continued unscrupulous insults to Arco's sovereignty, the Sacred Flying Horseys of Arco shall patrol the skies in the name of Virtue, Love and Freedom. If you insist, His Luminescence can provide you with a partial transcript of the Council's debate on said resolution. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon42.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img] |
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