![]() |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
Well I believe I'll be setting Bandar Log to AI this turn. I had a ton of fun playing my first MP game. GG Kojusoki, it was loads fun fighting you and I learned a good bit about how I should have been planning ahead more.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
BigDisAwesome - you pissed me of several times, killing my brand new angels, fully equiped http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif and when you anihilated my whole army while I was "libereting" Ulms lands;)
And your GOD... wrrr:) Once I was so upset that I wanted to switch to AI http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif It was a lot of fun having such an opponent - now its time on Caelum;) PS If it was your first MP game - Im impressed! PS2 Soon we are going to play an another game so it would be nice to have you as a "neihghbour":) |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
New patch has come - what is the situation on server? Is it already patched?
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
It is not patched. Once the turn hosts I will take down the server to patch it. Do not connect to this server with 3.08 until I let you know.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
I suggest that no one patch until we get the word from Velusion. And just in case make a copy of your dom3.exe prior to installing the patch.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Started
Which I haven't done http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Good thing I had already posted my turn before upgrading. |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Server has processed the turn and is back up with 3.08. Make sure you have the patch!
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
The Administration of Tien chi reports, that we killed a Queen of Air of Oceania. As we are not able to summon her this turn, we want to inform all other nations of this possibility. As supplement there are 2 Ice Devils of Pangea also avilable for summoning.
We have to inform everyone that Oceania is massing a great amount of SCs and Troops, and may soon become unstoppable, so we urge every other nation to take action before it is too late. We want also Pangea and Caelum to remember, that even if it feels safe to lick oceanias boots, that same boots, might soon kick them. btw. i dont really like SCs and i dont like to fight water nations, and now i have to fight a water nation with SCs http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
My my, what a grand feat of propaganda. You'd think Arco would know better and have more pressing matters on their hands, like war against Pythium than risk their necks for Tien Chi.
Yet they fall for it and throw away artifact-equipped tartarian and wished-for destroyer of worlds in haphazard attacks against me. Way to go, Arco! Keep'em coming, we need some exercise after all. You've really been mightily hoarding those artifacts and pearls, by the way. Shame they got wasted. Attempts to sow discord between my trusted allies and me are too laughable to dignify them with an answer. |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Behold Arcoscephalian champions, so futilely expended.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
And the other.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
we have a arch and a ice devil killed, so you might summon them.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Server seems to be down
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Yep.. .I'll be home in a few to see whats up.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Please, forgive me this SPAM, but the Minister of Flaming Industry and Minister of Foreign Trade asked me to announce the following message:
"The Flames over their heads" Ltd. is pleased to offer you an outstanding chance to get rid of your enemies. We have in our possesion weapon of mass destruction we are ready to share with those who understand its value. Those who are interested and can afford 50 gems (no matter kind, except astral) will be asked to transfer them to our bank account and to give us the number of the province that has to be cooked. Every 5th use is for free, so buy 4 get 1 free. One important thing: the offer is not valid on our lands;) |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Bah! And there was complaining about a small donation for the godfather for a good cause and now there is a wanna-be-godfather who sells nukes on the forum and nobody goes and crushes him in a 4-nation-alliance.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
exacly - this is just a trade offer. Satisfaction guaranted. You get what you buy etc
Cupido - there is also a difference between those who are a "regular mafia" and those who play with nukes - you know what I mean http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
I regret to inform all the Nations that Oceania has already broken our Non Aggression Pact and invided our lands. This is the second time in this game, Oceania invides the Marignon without the war declaration, but this time even when the NAp WAS active... We are terrible sorry about this as we thought Oceania finally become a honorable neighbour...But we were mistaken. Beware then. You will never know when they attack you also...
Hereby, we declare a holy war to the Oceania and we strongly suggest that all the Nations should start war campaign againts them. Also those, who are at war with Ryleh, the only real opponent for Oceania under water, should stop their hostilities and even start supporting Ryleh in their war in the depths. We can easly crush them on the surface, but in the depths Oceania is and will be undefeatable. Ryleh is the only chance to stop their supermacy. |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
A turn ago, one of my provinces was attacked with 20 damage spells, including multiple Flames from the sky.
Since: 1. Marignon on several occasions in the past remarked the province was a very tempting target 2. The attack coincided with Marignon's "nukes for sales" offer 3. Graphs recorded a significant decrease in Marignon's research on that turn 4. One more Marignon's hero entered the HoF with multiple kills 5. Marignon profited from gem recycling with his nexus being put on the same turn I believe there is strong circumstantial evidence to blame Marignon for the attack, hence my limited response. My response did not constitute 20 assasination spells as alleged by Marignon elsewhere, I suspect these should be attributed to public gratitude for casting nexus. |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
So, as you can see, there is NO EVIDENCE we did this (somebody is laughing at the moment...). Also, there were a lot of assasination attemts on my provinces. Also, we cast NEXUS 2 turns ago so we spent a lot of gems to cast it - we ceratinly didnt have enough to cast those things on Oceania. However now we have... Yes, one of our heros joined HoF - we have cast ONE Flames but on Caelum... Decreased research? Yes - we are making some usefull toys for our angels... Gem recyckling? Yes, but forging items counts as well.
Also, while signing a pact, we agreed ONLY not to invide our territories - so EVEN if we would cast anything - or sent assasins - if there is no evidence, the pact cannot be broken. Hoverer we DID NOT do this... and Oceania DID. But it was broken, so in my opinion Oceania was just waiting for a proper moment - we had NAP 5 so it is quite a moment for making a good defence - and they didnt whant us to be preapared... |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
Well... I can only say: "Congratulations" to all the nations that supported Caelum creating Nexus. I could understand Ocenia and Pangea (as they are allies od Caelum) but they have lost a lot of money as they own a lot of provinces...
But certainly I cannot understand others... Good deal guys, you made a wise decision http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
R'lyeh is no more. Only a single large army wandering around is left. It is starving and troops are deserting.
A most terrible end for the tenticled ones. This was my first multiplayer game that I started and finished. I learned alot and thanks Velusion for hosting. |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
Kudos to R'lyeh for a great fight. The battle at your capital can only be described as epic. See you on another battlefield!
Re: Nexus, well Oceania's been paying the gem dividend. The prospect of a single player hoarding the entire Nexus income is as ghastly as Utterdark if not worse. |
Re: Broken NAP - beware of Oceania
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Manuk has missed two turns. I'll be looking for a replacement today I suppose.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Hey guys, I'm the new guy for Arcoscephale. Nice to meet you and apparently take a firm boot in my face on entrance!
Utterdark and ... What the hell. Velusion was right. This game IS strange. Might take a few, um, days to figure out what am I supposed to be doing. ;p |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
This game as what we call character.
The weirdness doesn't stop at Caelum casting Utterdark... trust me! |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
It'd also be nice to know about the diplomatic situation a bit more. It sure looks like I'm at war with Pangaea, but I can't be sure because no attacks took place this turn.
Confusing, indeed. |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I just got off saying that at least no one had AC up in this game, because it's been in 2 of the 3 games I've subbed in, and now it was 2/2. WRONG. NOW IT'S IN 3 OF FOUR HAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHasfjklasjfhfaslfkas I. SERIOUSLY. HATE. YOU. FOR. CASTING. THAT. SPELL. RIGHT. WHEN. I. START. SUBBING. OK, with that I've let some steam off. But I *HATE* THIS BS. None the less. EDIT: Actually, thanks to this I don't think I wanna sub anymore. So like, Velusion, sorry, but you need to find a new guy again. This AC BS just won't work for me for a THIRD time (second time though that it was casted RIGHT when I started subbing). It got old the first time I ran into it like this in Tempest. Now, as I've reached the third time of running into this turd of a spell in a subbing job it's so annoying that I just want to bash people's skulls in. Me being tired might have something to do with me being absolutely furious about this, but quite seriously, I don't want to continue subbing now that it's on. |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
*le sigh* I lost wayyyy too many decked out casters this turn because of the AC bug. I'm pretty close to throwing in the towel after that.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
AC bug = takes effect the first turn before anybody knows it's been cast?
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Yep. In this case it was high in the casting order so it affected pretty much everything cast.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
@Sensori, I take it you seriously don't want to sub for Arco?- Though BTW, something tells me that AC won't be up for long.
@Velusion, in case Arco is stuck w/o a stub how would you like to proceed?- leave it to stale or change it to AI or maybe you've had something else in mind? |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Sure, it might not be up for long, but considering the damage done already, no, I don't want to play Arco anymore. I'm sick and tired of subbing in games where AC screws up stuff and rarely even helps the player who actually casted it.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I can surely sympathizes with your sentiment, though I think if AC does so much damage to enemy players this in itself is quite a good thing for the casting player.
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Heh, it usually also causes a lot of animosity in even the casting player's allies. I've yet to see a single soloing AC caster actually WIN a game, too. It's also pretty funny in the way how it seems to more often than not end up helping the wrong side, rather than the side the caster expected it to help.
Of course, it's entirely possible that since Caelum is in an alliance, the others in it knew and by extension so did you, but you just figured to withhold that information so it'd cause as much damage as possible to Arco, too. ;p (EDIT: And I meant that as a not serious "accusation"! I always forget that people may actually take these things seriously, when that was not quite what I meant. But I still hate AC to pop up like that and don't want to sub as a result.) |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Very well.
In that case I would like for any possible Arco sub to know that we are *not* at war. In fact, Manuk and myself have agreed to a NAP some turns ago. |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Guys, I can sub for Arco. I can't promise I won't mess it up again, though. I managed to throw away the strong position I had in Midway with the giant nation I subbed for.
Jazzepi |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'll send you the pass Jazzepi http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
I'm trying to get a handle on the diplomatic situation. Can someone tell me who I am at war with? Apparently there's a 3 turn NAP with whomever Velusion is playing.
Honesty is appreciated, as I have no previous player to ask, and this game looks extremely complicated. I started picking at the turn a couple minutes ago. If you need to, feel free to message me on the forums if you don't wish to reveal sensitive political/war related information in public. Jazzepi |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Pythium = me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Just want to post a note celebrating the fact that this game has hit 100 turns with at least 6 very active players and STILL no obvious leader!
It is the strangest Dom3 game I've ever played in and I've learned a lot so far! Now back to the game... |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
ok... I'm really puzzled by the globals cast this turn. Anyone have any idea what happened? This a bug?
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
One of the globals didn't even come with a message. Perhaps that's the message for dispel? Because we're somehow down to 3 globals. Weren't there 5 up last turn?
Jazzepi |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Yes - but I cast a successful global and (apparently) so did Marignon - neither of them show though...
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
> One of the globals didn't even come with a message.
A few of them are missing flavor texts. Those were written by my brother once, and he hasn't quite finishing them. I guess I should do it some time http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif > It is the strangest Dom3 game I've ever played in and I've learned a lot so far! Interesting. Will there be some kind of report afterwards? |
Re: Radiance – Random Nations, Middle Era (Signup)
Jazzepi subbed for Arco, and then Arco promptly fell. Jazzepi |
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