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-   -   Perpetuality - 62 Player MegaGame (Finished!) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=34497)

Velusion May 12th, 2007 12:34 AM

Re: Nations Picks
Download the Mega-age mod here:

You will need to extract these files/folders to your dominions3/mods folder. You will then be able to enable/disable the mod via the dom3 game menu > Preferences. You do not need to enable this mod to upload pretenders.

This info has also been posted to the first post in this thread.

Cainehill May 12th, 2007 12:41 AM

Re: Nations Picks

Say - been an insane week, wrecked my new car and things went downhill from there. If I can still get in, I can have a good pretender in sometime Sunday, or .... a pretender in Saturday?

Velusion May 12th, 2007 01:16 AM

Re: Nations Picks

Cainehill said:

Say - been an insane week, wrecked my new car and things went downhill from there. If I can still get in, I can have a good pretender in sometime Sunday, or .... a pretender in Saturday?

Currently we are full... but if someone drops or disappears before the game starts I can let you take over their spot.

Jazzepi May 12th, 2007 01:59 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

quantum_mechani said:

Teraswaerto said:

Shovah32 said:

Meglobob said:
Shame Gandalf, Jurri and Quantum are not playing.

Or perhaps they are...

You think its a pitty QM isnt playing? :p

He was snuffed in Manaburn. Isn't Abysia supposed to be weak?

Yes, yes, I know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

That's basicly the ultimate compliment, when people brag about winning a game against you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I (and I'm guessing Jurri too) avoided this game both because it's bound to be a total micromangement nightmare for people who really like to optimize, and because the unit limit is likely to mess it up.

I guess the key is to make as many units as quickly as possible.


Velusion May 12th, 2007 02:03 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Jazzepi said:

I guess the key is to make as many units as quickly as possible.


If you read back a few pages we have reason to believe the limit might not exist anymore or has been raised. Specifically we have game logs showing more than 136K troops existing in the world - much more than the 100K limit everyone says there is.

The only way we will know for sure is to try...

Velusion May 12th, 2007 02:13 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Status: 24/62 gods uploaded.

Jazzepi May 12th, 2007 02:25 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Velusion said:

Jazzepi said:

I guess the key is to make as many units as quickly as possible.


If you read back a few pages we have reason to believe the limit might not exist anymore or has been raised. Specifically we have game logs showing more than 136K troops existing in the world - much more than the 100K limit everyone says there is.

The only way we will know for sure is to try...

I was just teasing http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Besides, the race I'm playing can't possibly outstrip Emor.

I'm curious though, I wonder if it'd be a viable strategy for them to simply sit and summon as many skeletons until the game hits its limit with the addition of their freespawn. Then every turn they could try to summon as many longdead as possible to replace what others have lost.


Shmonk May 12th, 2007 02:29 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Just a question pertaining to the new nations in 3.08, are there are banners for them? Just curious, looking at the streamers and standards mod I don't see icons for them (Tir na n'Og and Eriu). Not that I am either nation but noticed them missing when I viewed the preview image in the mod.

And this game will certainly be interesting.

Velusion May 12th, 2007 02:36 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Shmonk said:
Just a question pertaining to the new nations in 3.08, are there are banners for them? Just curious, looking at the streamers and standards mod I don't see icons for them (Tir na n'Og and Eriu). Not that I am either nation but noticed them missing when I viewed the preview image in the mod.

And this game will certainly be interesting.

Nope - they will just have to make due with their original banners. Everyone should still be unique though.

BTW Zepath created those flags/standards for his own mod.... so a big "thank you" goes out to him (whoever he is)!

Xanatos May 12th, 2007 03:41 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

My first time posting here, and I was hoping to join the 60 player game if thats possible, i really enjoy the game and wanna play some multiplayer, could someone please email me at Xanatos@triad.rr.com and show me what i need to do to get involved in some MP games?

Xanatos Nemos, Master of Shadows

Velusion May 12th, 2007 03:44 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Xanatos said:

My first time posting here, and I was hoping to join the 60 player game if thats possible, i really enjoy the game and wanna play some multiplayer, could someone please email me at Xanatos@triad.rr.com and show me what i need to do to get involved in some MP games?

Xanatos Nemos, Master of Shadows

Currently we are full... but if someone drops or disappears before the game starts I'll put you on the list to take over their spot. You will be stuck with that nation however...

Velusion May 12th, 2007 11:38 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Status: 28/62 gods uploaded.

Tichy May 12th, 2007 07:00 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Hi -- dumb question -- where do I put the mod files to get them to load. I've tried what I thought were the obvious places (map folder, main folder, main folder in a folder titled 'mods' that I created). No dice. I'm on a mac 10.4.8.


Velusion May 12th, 2007 07:15 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Extract the files and folders from the .zip file to the "mods" folder under the dominions3 folder. Make sure and leave the directory structure intact. At that point you should be able to go under prefernces > Mods and enable/disable it.

So your mods folder should have the .dm file and two folders after the extraction.

Tichy May 12th, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
That's the thing. My Dom3 folder doesn't have one.

On a mac it's an application icon that you can "open" as a folder by ctrl-clicking. Inside the Dom3 folder/app is a folder marked "contents". Inside that is "resources" where the maps folder lives, and two other folders: "MacOS", which only has the actual Dom3 app in it, and "Frameworks" which has SDL stuff.

I assume I should create a folder called mods, but I don't know where to put it. The few places I've tried don't make them available.


Foodstamp May 12th, 2007 09:16 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Tichy there are a lot of Mac players on these boards. Try cross posting this on the main forum and I bet you will get an accurate fix to the problem in no time.

Tichy May 12th, 2007 09:17 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Thanks, will do.

Velusion May 12th, 2007 09:26 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Tichy said:
That's the thing. My Dom3 folder doesn't have one.

On a mac it's an application icon that you can "open" as a folder by ctrl-clicking. Inside the Dom3 folder/app is a folder marked "contents". Inside that is "resources" where the maps folder lives, and two other folders: "MacOS", which only has the actual Dom3 app in it, and "Frameworks" which has SDL stuff.

I assume I should create a folder called mods, but I don't know where to put it. The few places I've tried don't make them available.


Ahh... can't hey you there... I'm sure someone in the modding forums can help though...

Velusion May 12th, 2007 09:34 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Update: 35/62 Gods uploaded

Evilhomer May 12th, 2007 09:38 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Any chance we get to see the .map file ahead of the game start? Might do some tweaking with my build depending on things relevant to the map.

Velusion May 12th, 2007 09:40 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Nope! The only person that got to look at that was DrP when he was setting things up. The rest of us get to discover it all as we go http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

DrPraetorious May 12th, 2007 09:54 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I did give in to temptation and look at my own start location, I'm afraid - I had to look at the undocumented ones (Lanka, Eriu, Tir) to make sure I had the nation #s right - but I can't remember where they were - and that the map file loaded correctly with the mod (it does.) Other than that I have no idea, and I uploaded my pretender before I generated the map, so it can't have influenced my decisions (I took more productivity than I'm going to need.)

Some general facts -
* Every land start has at least three land neighbors, not counting swamp or wasteland. Most have more.

* Every sea start has at least three sea neighbors.

* There are at least three provinces between every pair of start locations.

* Nations with an amphibious or maritime component (unless I missed one) were guaranteed coastal start positions (there were more than enough to go around.) The coastal starts still have plenty of land neighbors.

Coastal may mean next-to-a-single-province-lake, or right on the ocean. Script doesn't care and I didn't check.

Other than that, I handed out positions in the order in which they were seeded, which is close enough to random.

Evilhomer May 12th, 2007 10:10 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
number of land provinces vs water provinces ? are the water provinces connected ?

Velusion May 12th, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
842 land 158 water. All the large bodies of water are connected.

DrPraetorious May 13th, 2007 03:11 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Okay, I count four oceans (southeast, north-central, southwest, and small northwest, roughly.)

Southeast : 3
Southwest : 2
North-central : 2

So that ocean in the upper-left-hand-corner has no starts. Other than that, each body of water has at least 2, and yes, they are connected to eachother anyway.

Fortuantely I'm so drunk that i don't need to remember accidentally remembering exact province numbers deom what I just checked. Woo! FREEBIRD!

Arameyan May 13th, 2007 10:39 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

I cant upload my god even if I connect succesfully. I see the nation list. When I try to drag the list down to select my nation its buggy: I cant manage to drag for long, the sliding bar return to the top automatically! Its very frustrating...

Velusion May 13th, 2007 02:44 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Arameyan said:

I cant upload my god even if I connect succesfully. I see the nation list. When I try to drag the list down to select my nation its buggy: I cant manage to drag for long, the sliding bar return to the top automatically! Its very frustrating...

Worse comes to worse you can email it to me (though I perfer people upload themselves).

Try restarting the PC and trying it again. If that doesn't work email it to me.

Velusion May 13th, 2007 02:47 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Update: 38/62 Gods uploaded

Remember the due date is end of day Monday. If I don't have your gods by then I'm giving away your slots and/or making the nations AI.

Kydorias May 13th, 2007 03:14 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
For some reason the map attachment link isn't working for me.

Morkilus May 13th, 2007 04:35 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm getting a 404 on the attachment, too.

Gandalf Parker May 13th, 2007 04:38 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
The attachments here seem broken again.
For an alternative you can get the map here.
Perpetuality Map on Dom3minions.com

Shovah32 May 13th, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
My pretender may be a few hours late but it will be in.

Arameyan May 13th, 2007 06:51 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Its weird, there was already a pretender god loaded for the LA Ctis... I overrided it. Maybe MA ctis and EA Ctis should check if they loaded well their pretender.

My pretender name is Lombric, just in case http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Velusion May 13th, 2007 10:03 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Gandalf Parker said:
The attachments here seem broken again.
For an alternative you can get the map here.
Perpetuality Map on Dom3minions.com

Thanks Gandalf!

Velusion May 13th, 2007 10:03 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

43/62 gods uploaded!

RamsHead May 14th, 2007 01:40 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
What can I say, I am a procrastinator.

Shovah32 May 14th, 2007 11:56 AM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I connected to the late age server and it simply tells me to pick a nation to play(but no nations show up as an option)...

Velusion May 14th, 2007 12:00 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Update: 53/62 uploaded!

These are the only ones left (Some of them told me they will be a little late). Deadline is about 16 hours!

LA Tien Chi - jutetre (%10)
LA Agartha - Shovah32
MA Mictlan - Uskglass (%20)
MA Vanheim - GrayZ (%5)
MA Oceania - Tyrant
EA Vanheim - Stricklyrockers
EA Helheim - BigDisAwesome
EA Niefelheim - Honeybadger
EA TienChi - Vathmoth

Velusion May 14th, 2007 12:05 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Shovah32 said:
I connected to the late age server and it simply tells me to pick a nation to play(but no nations show up as an option)...

Hmm... It is just a standard late game. Make sure you have disabled any mods. If that still doesn't work try restarting your PC and reconnecting. If it still doesn't work, see if you get the same response if you connect to the other age games...

Velusion May 14th, 2007 12:06 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Also, I've decided that once we start I'll let the first turn be 48 hours - just in case people have problems with the mod.

Shovah32 May 14th, 2007 01:00 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Thanks for the catch there velusion. I had the mega-game mod up which moves all nations to MA.

BigDisAwesome May 14th, 2007 01:21 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I have everything done except that hardest part. Picking a name!

Eh the hell with it. Whenever I have problems picking a name I fall back on a random video game reference. PREPARE TO FACE CHOP MASTER ONION!

Morkilus May 14th, 2007 01:37 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)


Dojo, casino, it's all in the mind.

BigDisAwesome May 14th, 2007 01:45 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I was quite disappointed there wasn't room to fit "Chop Master Onion, The Kicker, The Puncher" as his name.

Gandalf Parker May 14th, 2007 01:48 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
For DnD gamers I used to tell them to take their full name, write it out, break it into syllables and rearrange them. You get a pronouncable name that is not you but still kindof you. In fact mine came up with names that felt right to different classes and Ive used them for decades.

For this game you might also include the name of the pretender, the nation, any favorite tv characters. But the key is scrambling the pieces. So Gandalf, Pangaea, Lord of the Wild, might give me Gandaea, Pandalf, Gandwild, Gangaea, Lorndalf, Lorild, Longwild.

With the list of non-provided pretenders, and a countdown going on, maybe some of the wannabe subs might go ahead and create some pretenders for the game and provide them in order to slip in at the last minute.

Tichy May 14th, 2007 02:09 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

Doesn't that make limbs turn different colors and fall off?
Or is it the one that makes it hurt when you pee?
I can never remember.

Evilhomer May 14th, 2007 02:20 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
It sounds like some horrible affliction that your pretender doesn't want for sure http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Wikd Thots May 14th, 2007 02:53 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Hey, he is Lord of the Wild. He draws Maenads to him with no effort at all. Wild party girls of the forest. What can I say? Everything has its pros and cons. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

The first thing I thought of was that it sounded like a popular forest weed that hobbits smoked.

Velusion May 14th, 2007 03:38 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Sometime after midnight tonight (CST) I will post a list of those nations that still are unclaimed. Players who want in can claim those nations have 24 hours to do so - it will be on a first come first serve, you pick the nation basis. The seeding pop % will not change. Any nations that are unclaimed after 24 hours will be put on Might AI. .

You MUST wait for my post announcing what nations are left over though.

Players who were already awarded nations are not eligible to pick http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif...

jutetrea May 14th, 2007 03:41 PM

Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)

I'll be getting my pretender in, just agonizing over decisions as its an unfamiliar nation.

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