![]() |
Re: Host delay?
Baalz, you are cruel to keep stringing me along like this. Kill Argatha already, would you?
Re: Host delay?
Well, he's kinda detouring to stop my raiding forces (again), and he has one (much weakened) raid force deep in his lands which he's running after with his god. ;p I guess that's why he's stringing you along like that!
Re: Host delay?
Heh, that last fight was too funny, I figured "fire large enemy monsters" would target the troglodytes or earth elementals, not your 130hp *very* in dominion oracle prophet! 100+ archers firing at one dude by himself for the couple turns it took for those tramplers to close. Oh the humanity! Don't worry though, there are some real forces headed your way already, it'll just take them a few turns to get there.
Re: Host delay?
Hahaha, a fight that would've done a lot more damage had it been against Sauro was rather easily lost against Abysia, just as expected. Mostly cuz my ability to fend off poison is a lot better than my ability to fend off fire, which is the only real weak point of Lanka. Never found any fire indies, so no can do.
Hope you like your new somewhat weakened (hey, I had to get those ghouls and my cash somewhere!) capital. ;p You still need to evict some folks, but anyway. |
Re: Host delay?
I am not liking that warrior sorcerous with the Horror shield hunting my pretender. Such a perfectly designed thug to really screw over Risen Oracle. High defense, lots of reinvigoration.
Anyone want to help me out and kill it with remote spells? I will provide location. |
Re: Host delay?
*sigh* Why is everybody always hatin' on me? You asked me to send somebody to kill her after all.
Everything I try to eat gets caught in my throat, while Ulm marches quickly towards victory.... |
Re: Host delay?
Well, next time make sure it's dead before you try and eat it. You really would'nt want me to roll over and play dead for you would you?
Re: Host delay?
Wow, that warrior Sorcerous was very impresive. 43 defense.
It was "almost" the perfect thug. Forgot magic resistance. |
Re: Host delay?
"My god can beat up your god!" |
Re: Host delay?
no, Risen oracle does not have smite, mind burn.
Re: Host delay?
Oh, I was thinking of the capital recruited oracles since they give H3, and Agartha's not really big on MR-negates spells =)
Re: Host delay?
Yeah, fortunately they just cost 160 gold and some cheap items so they're relatively expendable. (I'm assuming) Lanka dropped a couple with seeking arrows to, but have to say I'm getting a lot of bang for the buck out of them. I'm pretty impressed with Sauromatia. That one with the 43 defense had chainmail of displacement, but I've got some others with elemental armor which have a bit less defense, but 100% immunity to everything after they cast elemental resistance and resist poison. And hey, 35 defense is really good enough...;) Too bad on the MR though, even after I stick some amulets on them its still not going to be that great.
Re: Host delay?
I'm personally pretty impressed with Lanka. Considering how much of a punch it could pack even with the ****ty cards I was given, it's awesome. The only big downside it has is the lack of and vulnerability to fire (and lack of astral, too, but there are others with the same problem), which isn't hard to abuse - kind of obvious why I attacked Sauromatia when they went all "zomg war lol" instead of Abysia - that insanely huge ghoul chaffy army would've actually been useful against a large Sauromatian army. All he met was the remains of the army, which doesn't really count for much.
To put things into perspective... My gem income was 2-3 above my regular cap gem income even after a lot of site searching. About half of my provinces were wasteland/border mountain combos, which did me in monetarily, not to mention Baalz being an *** and expanding to certain locations just to screw me over. I had a couple of farmlands and a farmland with a border mountain which I could've blood hunted in, but I also needed the money for upkeep on my mages, which kind of made me think that using blood right then and there wouldn't have been the best course of action. And I still survived, even with two much larger sides fighting against me, a hefty number of turns! |
Re: Host delay?
Aww now. No need to call him an ***. he just used good strategy to box you in. I too was boxed in quickly by Yomi and Sauromatia. I had to fight Yomi from right around turn 4. which of course left us both weak and easy pickings for Sauromatia
Re: Host delay?
When I said that I meant that he purposefully cut me off at one point so I couldn't grow, not because there was no choice. It's different when you reach people naturally (Yomi was to my east, Abysia west, Sauromatia south, for instance, and there my growth ended) and get boxed in that way.
Yes, I call that assery. ;p I think he himself called it something similar in another thread... Like being a jerk. |
Re: Host delay?
I'm going out of town this weekend and will be giving a turn extension (Friday evening - Sunday). This may or may not be necessary, I'll be bringing my laptop and can take my turn if a net connection is available.
Re: Host delay?
FYI, probably unnecessary as I just submitted my current turn, but went ahead and delayed it as we had some confusion in the past over that. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Hosting postponed for Dolphin by 38 hours. The game will now host at 22:30 GMT on Sunday September 23rd. |
Re: Host delay?
Turns are taking more and more time, and I'd like the game to move to a 48hr schedule if that's ok with everybody?
Re: Host delay?
Seems reasonable to me as we're on turn 46 already. I'll update it.
"The hosting interval for Dolphin has now been changed to 48 hours, and the deadline for the next hosting has been automatically postponed by 24 hours." |
Re: Host delay?
thanks Baalz.
Re: Host delay?
holy cow. turn 46 already.I dont think ive had more than 8 provinces this whole game.
First time I ever defended in a cave province. Sucked that those guys started out front. Watching the battle makes me think I should have just broke the siege instead of defending. But maybe not. That darkness may have saved me from your mass archers. |
Re: Host delay?
Oh yeah, that darkness made a huge difference - notice the 200 arrows flying everywhere except your dudes? They were a whole lot more effective when I met you in the field. Unfortunately for me I forgot about that whole cave thing. I think it would have gone drastically different if you'd broken the siege (feel free to try next turn and we can find out). Oh well, live and learn.
A message from Ulm
Ulm would like to note that Abysia has violated the terms of our non-aggression pact by attacking our lands a full month before the expiration of the treaty we had with them.
We do not wish to waste much time disparaging the oath-breakers, since we believe that their allies will turn a blind eye to their treachery, but let this serve as a warning to the pretender Luthara that she will have a special spot reserved for her in Tartarus if reparations are not made. We hope arrangements can be made. |
Re: A message from Ulm
I'm out of town this weekend, so if the hosting could be delayed by a day or two that'd be great, I'll try to get my turns in faster than that so it'll quickhost, but I don't want to be rushing through them or staling. Thanks.
Re: A message from Ulm
Yeah, I'm not able to connect to llamaserver.net right now, but assuming I can before the host I'll delay it until Monday (leaving QH on)
Re: A message from Ulm
Hosting postponed for Dolphin by 24 hours. The game will now host at 19:25 GMT on Monday October 8th.
Re: A message from Ulm
I know its a pain, but could you put me as ai.I cant get the heroes mod on my laptop so i can log in and go ai. I did alll I wanted to do by sticking my thumb in Baalz eye for a bit.
Re: A message from Ulm
Well, so much for not getting staled...at least the turn didn't go as badly as it could have, given that...
Re: A message from Ulm
Do the rampant stales plus my control of nearly half the provinces on the map indicate that we're done here, or do I have to kill a few more things first?
Re: A message from Ulm
I went AI this turn....
Re: A message from Ulm
Congratulations Micah.
Re: A message from Ulm
I have a sub I'd like to come in for me. I need the turn files to go to his e-mail now instead of mine.
Who should I contact for this? Jazzepi |
Re: A message from Ulm
Can I get a 2 day extension so that my sub can get a chance to get accustomed to EA Abysia?
Jazzepi |
Re: A message from Ulm
I think we're actually just going to crown Micah the winner as I don't hear any objections...
Re: A message from Ulm
That's fine by me. The sub might be a little disappointed, but what are you going to do.
Jazzepi |
Re: A message from Ulm
Re: A message from Ulm
We can do that if somebody wants to keep playing, I get the impression that everyone agrees Micah has essentially won. Did you want to keep going?
Re: A message from Ulm
I think DryaUnda would have fun playing Abysia verus Ulm http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Make Micah earn that victory! Jazzepi |
Re: A message from Ulm
I certainly feel like I will be roadkill when the Ulm train-o-tartarians decides to head under the waves.
I am happy to play a couple of turns so Micah can kill a few more things and our new sub can see what massed Abysian infantry can do in the face of a fully diversified adversary. |
Re: A message from Ulm
Seriously, I don't feel like putting a couple of hours every other evening into playing out turns so that Drya can have the experience of getting his/her *** kicked, the inevitability of which I'm guessing is the reason Jazzepi is abandoning the position in the first place. If we want Drya to get some experience and play out a few turns "for fun" why don't we just declare the game over and I'll give Ulm over to Drya to play out a few turns if Digress and Parcelt and Jazzepi still want to play...then Digress might have a reasonable shot at doing some damage, and Drya wil have a lot of toys to play with (and quite possibly break with no consequences)? |
Re: A message from Ulm
Re: A message from Ulm
Do Abysian's die messily ?
Or do the just leave an easily cleaned up pile of ashes surrounded by a big pile of, by this stage of the game, rather useless armaments. I am more than willing to concede the game to Micah (I thought the tenor of my previous post). I found Oceania rather frustrating to play - diversifying your magic is rather painful. Made the mistake of empowering a Capricorn and then moving him out the water .... thought he would lose some water magic like mermages do when making the transition. Had forged the guy a shiny ring to boost the newly empowered magic paths to find they had all been taken away ... duh. Needless to say that burnt a shadload of gems ... an absolute shadload. I will continue to get turns in .... just for as long as someone else wants to (within reason <- note the caveat). |
Re: A message from Ulm
Alright, I'm calling this game. Congrats Micah, absolutely devastating as always.
Re: A message from Ulm
Congratulations, Micah! For once I didn't bet on the wrong horse. ;p
Re: A message from Ulm
I agree, Micah should be declared the winner. Congratulations! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: A message from Ulm
Thanks for declaring the game finished on the LlamaServer Baalz. Very efficient.
Re: A message from Ulm
I can only agree with the rest, and the graphs don't leave much room for doubt.
Llamabeast, thanks for hosting this on your server. I also really liked the map this game played on. Would you consider starting up a new game (can be any type of game as far as I am concerned, just have a slight preference for EA), with the same map? |
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