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Hadrian_II September 28th, 2007 04:07 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

duke_commando said:
aw nuts...kinnaras get air magic?
that is so not fair.

Sure, arrow fend is fun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Lazy_Perfectionist September 28th, 2007 05:49 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
You're right. One blade. 3 points of damage. 10 points of morale, still. Question is, where's my mage now? Not in my capital.

duke_commando September 28th, 2007 07:11 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
You're right. One blade. 3 points of damage. 10 points of morale, still. Question is, where's my mage now? Not in my capital.

"omg it broke my nail! FLEE!!!"

Cor2 September 29th, 2007 12:05 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
If a twice born enchanted commander dies while retreating, Twice born does not work IIRC.

Szumo September 29th, 2007 05:42 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Most important thing is Twiceborn works only in your dominion.

Janlm September 29th, 2007 07:14 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
the fight didn't go exactly as i had planned, but i can't complaint, it was a good turn for me...

On another note, Vanheim has staled 6 times now, two turns in a row this time. Are you still with us Vanheim??

PAR September 29th, 2007 07:19 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
hello Arcosephale here

due to good relations with all my other neigbors i am afraid my only route for expanson is north

so to war with ctis it is then friend

Hadrian_II September 29th, 2007 09:45 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
If vanheim stales a 3rd time in a row, i will have to set him to ai.

Burnsaber September 29th, 2007 11:05 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Can anyone send me Worthy Heroes 1.7? (not 1.7 a/b). I "cleaned" my mod file a bit and now I'm unable to do my turns, since this game apparently uses the old version.

Hadrian_II September 29th, 2007 11:32 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
On page six of this thread, i have it attached to a post of mine.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 29th, 2007 01:04 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Well, of course. But thanks to previous work of my high priests and Lizard Kings, I still had 3 dominion, despite lands further in having less.

It's just that cowardly snake running away. If he'd stuck to script, nothing would have touched him. Still had ten morale, as well. So, now my best Sauromancer is lost to the abyss. You'd think that if you had a second out... but no, I got the lizard with the courage of a filthy mammal.

It's the retreat that killed him. I did have a spare territory for him to move to, but apparently, the order of the battles left him nowhere to run to. That's what's so painful... Not only did he run, but in a way negating my twiceborn and my plans... Well, at least my chariots managed something.

Currently, duke_commando is winning the race for most entertaining comment. He's ranked first on the hidden 'humor' page of the score graph.

duke_commando September 29th, 2007 04:33 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
if only humor = lots of astral gems, cause I think i'll be needing a ton of them.
I get the feeling Agarthas gonna be turning the sun off real soon, considering that hes like completely beating the [censored] out of all of us in the research race...
and gems too, except for yomi

Valandil September 29th, 2007 06:45 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
and, uh, every other race as well...

Szumo September 29th, 2007 06:58 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
You mean me casting Utterdark? I think you overestimate my research progress http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Papastoss September 30th, 2007 04:47 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
My apologies for stalling. I was headed out for a trip and I thought I was bringing my laptop which has Dom3 on it so I could play my turns but at the last second I didn't bring it and I didn't have the time to get a sub.

Sorry about that.

duke_commando September 30th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
damn, what a showdown at Caelum's capital

Sauromatia salutes the brave warriors who fell in the battles of Rocknest Forest.

Hadrian_II September 30th, 2007 05:53 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
What a lame stunt to attack my army with a scout to stop it.

duke_commando September 30th, 2007 06:14 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
i just did that to see your army...you can't stop an army with scouts as far as I know, since movement in friendly territory occurs before attacks. Thats why I attacked both the provinces on our border, since I wasn't sure where you were going to go.

Actually i guess I didn't know the movement rules as well as I thought. I thought you had to be adjacent to an enemy province to attack it, since I've never been able to attack otherwise, but apparently if you've got a move 3 commander it becomes possible, even if your troops are move 2. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif
So, sorry about blocking your army...i agree that it's pretty cheap, but that wasn't my intention.

incidentally, does teleporting/gating/faerie trod/whatever
onto an enemy army stop it as well?

Hadrian_II September 30th, 2007 08:42 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I think movement has some random elements to it, but a battle even with a scout can be able to stop the other army.

duke_commando September 30th, 2007 09:10 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
yeah, I didn't know you could attack from 2 provinces away.

Valandil September 30th, 2007 11:57 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Wow. I have a ringside seat for a monstrous clash between various monsters who could probably level atlantis on their own. If they avoided the petrifies, that is.

Caelum was a pretty neat battle, indeed.

Cor2 October 1st, 2007 02:23 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

duke_commando said:
incidentally, does teleporting/gating/faerie trod/whatever
onto an enemy army stop it as well?

Nope, spells come in a diffrent turn phase, before army movement.

Cor2 October 1st, 2007 02:27 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Valandil said:
Wow. I have a ringside seat for a monstrous clash between various monsters who could probably level atlantis on their own. If they avoided the petrifies, that is.

Caelum was a pretty neat battle, indeed.

Very intertaining indeed. The Eagle kings enjoyed it greatly, and they got a little action in as well.

I hope this serves as a warning to anyone thinking of trying to take Caelums capitol. Its not as easy as it seems. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif

Long live Rocknest Forest! Long live Caelum!

Szumo October 1st, 2007 02:37 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
All Agartha misses the twin golems. Who could have expected they would get so tired from casting spells they'd die to Yomi's army instead of demolishing it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Cor2 October 1st, 2007 03:17 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I must say, casting spells was the last thing i expected them to do...

Burnsaber October 1st, 2007 05:47 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Szumo said:
All Agartha misses the twin golems. Who could have expected they would get so tired from casting spells they'd die to Yomi's army instead of demolishing it http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Well, the three rules for building subercomabanants:

fatique, fatique and fatique.

Thanks for the free artifacts! I'll put them to good use http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif.

Valandil October 1st, 2007 10:24 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Erm... Shouldn't that be "fatigue"

duke_commando October 2nd, 2007 03:44 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
1 Attachment(s)
If there ever was a pyrrhic victory...
by the end it was down to archers holding the line against Kailasa, having run out of arrows.

I kinda screwed up with the distances, my cataphracts moved up too fast so only one mage fired shadowblast like he was supposed to. Also the archers and the ethereal xbow man were too far back to shoot that arrowfend casting kinnara http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif

I did manage to capture a monkey archer though...unfortunately he is blind. :-p
that right there sums up the effect of the battle for me.

Cor2 October 2nd, 2007 05:27 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Captured a blind archer. that is irony for you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Hadrian_II October 2nd, 2007 05:45 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Just feel lucky that i forgot to change the script on my Yaksha i prophetized, so the divine bless came on turn 7, if my troops would have been blessed on turn one as i intended, i would have defeated your army easily. (It just sucks to loose a game by such an stupid error)

duke_commando October 2nd, 2007 07:14 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Ah, that sure woulda changed things.
Those sacreds of yours are insane.

Lazy_Perfectionist October 4th, 2007 12:20 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Need turn postponed till noon tomorrow, local time. Or rather, 16:00 GMT Friday.

Hadrian_II October 4th, 2007 03:33 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
ok, i have posphoned the hosting, if someone is not happy about it, i will change it back.

Valandil October 4th, 2007 10:12 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I should emphasise that Atlantis has less than one hundred men in its entire army. We will be very happpy if we are not the first to be eliminated. Also, I have just realized I researched a level of blood magic.

Lazy_Perfectionist October 4th, 2007 11:01 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Thank you, Hadrian. Couple of exhausting days- though I can finally rest now.

Ubercat October 4th, 2007 11:02 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Valandil said:
I should emphasise that Atlantis has less than one hundred men in its entire army. We will be very happpy if we are not the first to be eliminated. Also, I have just realized I researched a level of blood magic.

If you don't need that level I'd be happy to take it off your hands. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Ubercat October 5th, 2007 12:35 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Jumpin' jeebus, I'm getting sick of bladewind...


Szumo October 5th, 2007 01:48 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
The magic shop has opened! Need something forged? Call 1-800-AGARTHA with your order and you'll be amazed at our prices http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Janlm October 5th, 2007 05:05 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
what can you forge?

Valandil October 5th, 2007 06:40 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
At least, he can forge earth artifacts, has hmmers, and has the forge up. I would also bet on astral, and probably death.

Szumo October 9th, 2007 01:44 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
So when do we patch to 3.10? Velusion's server is going to be upgraded on Wednesday, would be nice of llamabeast did the same around that time too so we don't have to keep two dominions versions around http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Valandil October 11th, 2007 01:16 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
AARGH. I may need to stale randomly or find a sub or something, since my computer is being psychotic at the moment. For instance, I recieved not one, not two, but Seven Hundred and Thirty Three "A new patch is available" emals from the llamaserver. I'm not confident that my backup of dominions worked, so I might have to reinstall and patch up to 3.08.

Janlm October 11th, 2007 02:13 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
everybody received that many emails from llamaserver... it was an error on the server, nothing to worry about. And i'm pretty certain you will need 3.10 now

Burnsaber October 11th, 2007 06:28 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I'll be gone for the weekend (from 12th day to 15th). Any chance to delay the hosting while I'm gone?

Valandil October 11th, 2007 11:16 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I might be okay, then...

Szumo October 13th, 2007 10:01 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Agartha is willing to sell Dwarven Hammers to those nations unfortunate enough not to have them yet. We accept payment in earth, astral, death gems (perhaps even other). Send me a message if you're interested.

Valandil October 14th, 2007 02:01 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Who killed the forge?

Szumo October 15th, 2007 11:02 AM

Doom Chicken gossip
I don't know who dispelled the forge, dispel is anonymous. I have my suspicions though. Offer for the hammers is still on though, I've spares http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Anyway, let's gossip. I'm hungry for news from other parts of the world, but I'll share a few things myself too.

War with the Yomi is in the full swing. I've repelled his raiders and started counter offensive, my thugs flying over his provinces and striking vulnerable points, with one of the armies getting as far as his capital (which is not particularly deep into his territory from my direction, though). The siege is on, but as his pretender and 2 Dai Onis, full magic gear and nasty army killing spells scripted - which i found by casting Call of the Winds at them, fortunately wasting most of their gem supplies last turn - are just one province away. Meanwhile though, with 2 other castles besieged by scouts with death wish, Yomi's recruiting ability is very limited, for a short while at least. A few provinces away a successful raid by 2 bane lords managed to capture province with 6 enchantress and slaughter the witches, as I'm sure most of you will hear with pleasure.

Mine and Yomi struggle has let Caelum catch the second breath. Now, with his capital free and provinces around being succesively liberated from Yomi grasp, while he's still in a weak position, there is a slight hope of recovery. Of course, such a recovery would require a diplomatic effort with winner of Agartha-Yomi war, and basing on my previous experience of Caelum diplomatic skill and attitude, seems quite unlikely.

A little beyond my eastern border Abyssia is continuing it's successful campaign against C'tis. It seems C'tis tried to eat something it can't swallow, specially now that rumors of Arcoscephale joining the fray come. Will they negotiate?
Perhaps other Arco or Abyssia neighbours will smell the opportunity for a back stab? Or will C'tis be destroyed whole, and if it happens so, will Abyssia and Arco start to fight each other over the lizards corpse as Agartha and Yomi did over bird one?

As the last piece of news, situation underwater still seems to be peaceful. R'lyeh and Atlantis have split the seas between themselves (though Atlantis has some holdings on the land too, i don't know whether R'lyeh does too). We ourselves have wondered for a while when this unnatural peace would end, but it seems both nations are too afraid to dare try to conquer all the seas. Or perhaps the frogs and the squids plotting together in collusion against all the land dwellers? We would welcome reports from other that support or rebut this theory.

That concludes the info from the north, let's hope others are willing to gossip too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

EDIT: typos

duke_commando October 15th, 2007 02:33 PM

Re: Doom Chicken gossip
In the southweast Sauromatia is engaged in a neverending war against the Kailasa and its foul otherworldly creatures...naked men who fight with the strength of 100 amazons, protected by enchantment, and surrounded by an aura so bright that our soldiers shy from striking them. Also some of them have decided to wear armor, and not just any armor but platemail. We have won both major battles, though the second only because of a communication error between their prophet and god which left their troops unblessed. We must also admit that we also made a grave mistake regarding the fatigue cost of sabbath master, leading to only one of four mages casting shadow blast.
Since every one of their troops is worth about 100 of ours, we suffer huge casualties, with the result that we are unable to press the attack, which means they pull more summons out of their asses. Also since they are summons, hurting their income doesn't do much, if any, damage. The end result being this war lasting forever.

Hadrian_II October 15th, 2007 03:16 PM

Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Kailasian troops where able to resist vicious attacks from sauromantian savages now since 2 years. There where times when it looked really bleak but now it is looking a bit brighter.
Also we have to inform all the other nations, that now would be the ideal time to strike sauromantia as they have commited their main army in the very south.

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