![]() |
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Strange. I notified Llamabeast. Sigh.
I have played 2 other games on llamaserver and never had a major glitch like this one. Let us hope he can get this fixed and we see no further delays. |
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Ok, it seems that R'lyeh reappeared when I sent my turn 3rd time. Funny.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
My nation, Caelum wasn't on the status page either, but after I resent my turn, it appeared back in the status page.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
I can't seem to get my nation (Ermor) to show up on the status page.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Still waiting on Marignon, Atlantis, and Ctis to resend the turn in again. Despite the weird status page stuff, Llamabeast said the game is fixed and will work on the next host.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Finally home and sent my turn in... a bit confused now. Forwarding sent emails should be good enough right?
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Everything looks fine on turn 17. Hopefully our problems are behind us.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Yup, everything seems fine on my end too.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Alls well with the Mictlan empire.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
The great nation of bandar log is interested in buying items:
We need 1 pair of Earth Boots and offer 12 Fire Gems for it And we need also either a robe of the sea or a Water bracelet, where we pai for the robe 20 fire gems and for the bracelet 10. If you are interested in trading, please contact us per PM |
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
vI am at home and I will be able to play today evening [gmt +1], then I can play normally.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Hulud the Soulstealer's tentacles and entrails (we aren't sure which is which) is now the latest exhibit of the Great Panjang's trophy hall.
That the vile assassin's target was a Panjang-Fearing member of our holy clergy shows to what despicable lengths the deviants have gone to disrupt the natural order of the waves. |
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
Another Epic Hero dead. RIP Soulstealer.
Re: Another One Bites the Dust!
That hero was extremely weak anyway. His death was pathetic and he couldn't be proud of his life.
Re: Ulm Dead
In the fall of year 2 Ulm becomes the 1st land race to perish. Having spoken to Ulm. I realize he put up a valiant fight, but was playing the weakest of the weak races.
The Black Duke of Ulm is potent, but he does not help with Ulm's most glaring weakness-tramplers. Look for him to dom summon a crusher in the final version. Thank you for playing Aapeli! if you can find the Epic Heroes Mod thread on the mod forum, it would be appreciated if you can post on what you liked or disliked about your hero, and caelum's hero(if you faced him). |
Re: Ulm Dead
The Seraphines of Caelum salute the soldiers of Ulm for their valiant albeit futile defense. Few armies can match the rage of "Fat Ankles" war elephants. In honor of our conquered foe, we have requisitioned the services of master craftsmen to commemorate the fall of Ulm:
"Engraved on the floor is a masterfully designed image of a dwarf and an elephant by Inod Duthernurdumat. The dwarf is making a plaintive gesture. The elephant is striking down the dwarf." http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Ulm Dead
Astrology 101 reveals:
War rages between Pythium and Agartha, with a slight edge to Pythium. Though Dr. P is dangerous when wounded. Mictlan looks as if he is wrapping up his war with Shinuyama. Who will be the next victim? MA Ctis Serpent King Pretender lost a head butting contest with a Grand Elephantarch. Elephants have hard heads. Atlantis is winning its water conquest. Powers Abysia, Bandar Log, Ermor, Marignon, and possibly Caelum look to be at peace. Caelum deserves some peace and quiet after his conquest of Ulm. Keep the world posted! |
Re: Ulm Dead
Thanks for the recommendation, but I don't think I have much of a shot, really.
Attacking Pythium turned out not to be a good move at-all, as my thugs are basically helpless against his hydras http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif. |
Re: Ulm Dead
I hate Hydras. Several good players, QM and Tuidy, say they are not worth the money. But I hate trying to kill those things personally.
I was so happy in the Big Game when I fought Sauromatia that he did not buy any. And in Alpaca Dr. P, when you also did not buy any. Though in the Big Game with Ctis, I can understand since they have 50 percent pr. And the elite warriors in numbers would likely bring down the hydras with their double attack. On a side note, though i have never played agartha mp, they feel slow out of the gate in sp. I think id wait for my racial summons before i started any wars. |
Re: Ulm Dead
Vs Hydras a strong cavalry charge or massed arhers/crossbows work very well. Been attacked in two other MPs with them and both were successful in defeating them.
Hydras are very good anti thugs/SC's thou. Late game with army of lead they could well be vitually unstoppable, assuming the army of lead stays when they move to a new form. |
Re: Ulm Dead
Yeah, I should've waited.
To say that they are not worth the money is a great oversimplification. They are not worth spending *all* of your money on. They are clearly worth their money against me. But pythium looked vulnerable, and I thought Marignon would snap him up if I didn't, so I attacked. And now, as is often the case, I get to enjoy the fruits of my agression. |
Re: Ulm Dead
It looks like Eriu launched a surprise attack on Man. Should be interesting.
Re: Ulm Dead
Too long has retribution been stalled, too long the balance undone. For generations the Tuatha have bourn the memory of the treachery perpetrated by the nation of Man, the atrocity of genocide performed by wave after wave of the prolific vermin. No more, says the new god, no more will my children wait for revenge. By decree of Baalz the lands of Man are now the sovereign territory of Eriu and all creatures of their court sentenced to death. The Tuatha come once again, we will not be driven from the world a second time.
Re: Ulm Dead
Re: Ulm Dead
Re: Ulm Dead
Beowulfs got his work cut out! |
Re: Ulm Dead
Mind Hunt targets stealthed commanders. Not sure if seeking arrow does.
btw, if anyone needs an extension because of Christmas, you need to ask for it on the thread(and it will be granted). |
Re: Ulm Dead
I'm looking to trade for about 20 fire gems if anybody has spares. |
Re: Ulm Dead
We had 3 players stale the past turn(Christmas Day). All 3 are on the short end of wars. So I did not, sua sponte, delay host.
If anyone needs a delay, they just need to ask. As i stated at the sign up, delays will be freely granted over the holidays. But you need to ask for the delay. Otherwise the game will move inexorably forward. |
Re: Ulm Dead
sorry about the stale, christmass stuff as xietor mentioned above. Merry christmass by the way http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Ulm Dead
Man is looking like he is staling again. He will be set to AI if he stales a 2nd time. One thing I dislike is players abandoning the game when they are losing a war. While there is no expectation that a player fight a hopeless war to the bitter end, have the courtesy to set your race to ai if you have no desire to continue playing.
It is time consuming for the host of a game to set a player to ai. And if you have a password(which you do not need in a llamaserver game), then only llamabeast can set your race to ai. Given the number of game he hosts, that is an unfair burden to place on him. |
Re: Ulm Dead
Kindly do not presuppose I am passing because I'm under attack.
I had thought there was a break over Christmas, I have not had ready access to the internet and the game, but I don't have much time to sort stuff out now. |
Re: Ulm Dead
For what it's worth there also appears to be a bug with my PD.
The longbowmen have been replaced by slingers, and the tower guard I think I should get have been replaced by generic heavy infantry. I've quickly shoved something in for the time limit so I don't stale out again. |
Re: Ulm Dead
Sorry for the miscommunication(:
In the future I guess i will make sure games do not host on Xmas day even if no one asks for a delay. Extensions over the holidays will be liberally granted, but I did not just automatically pause the game. Some people likely have more time to do turns over the holidays, rather than less. In any event, I did not want to pause the game if everyone wanted to keep playing. So if you want the game paused, please post on the thread. Holiday extensions will be liberally granted. |
Re: Ulm Dead
Man's pd is not affected by Epic Heroes Mod, or the Kitchen Sink Mod. And I doubt seriously that WH Mod affects it.
I have not played Man since the 3.10 patch. But I do not think Man's pd gets longbows until level 20? I do think you get Tower Guards before 20 though. |
Re: Ulm Dead
I think longbowmen are even at level 30, tower guards are not fast too. Small Man PD is considerably weak ,but the higher one is really strong. |
Re: Ulm Dead
PD always changes at level 20, not any other level. So if Man gets longbowmen, as seems likely, they come in at level 20.
I am pretty sure that Man's PD under 20 is just slingers and heavy infantry. I don't think it's that great. One of us could just check our manual though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif (Mine is up a whole flight of stairs!) In any case Xietor is right that the mods would make no difference to PD, and anything else affected it is also very unlikely. |
Re: Ulm Dead
I picked up some of the Tuatha invading Man and longbows would have made no difference. I think all nations PD is useless vs Baalz's thug raiders. Rest easy knowing this, everyone! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Ulm Dead
I just did a test. Man's pd under 20 sucks. Militia, slingers, spearmen. But at 20 they get a bard, and 1 tower guard and a longbowman. So if you have a 30 pd, you have a bard, 11 tower guards, and 11 longbows. Not too bad. Under 20 though, do not rely on the pd. |
Re: Ulm Dead
If I were Man i would do a test and see if seeking arrow hits stealthed commanders.
If so-problem solved(unless they all have amulets missile protection-unlikely). Though depending on the hps of the raiding commanders, it may take more than 1 seeking arrow to dispatch. And if it takes more than 1, may not be worth the cost to kill one. Mind hunt oth, at 2 s gems a cast, is quite a bargain! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm Dead
15 hps + high MR could be a problem.
Re: Ulm Dead
Actually, I think I'll refrain from sharing my ideas at this time. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif After all, I am trying to "be truly the mp champion of Dom III". http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Ulm Dead
Re: Ulm Dead
Some way to go to win this game as well, though you are certainly looking pretty good at this juncture. Looking too good too soon though causes its own issues. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Ulm Dead
Re: Ulm Dead
Dear Man,
I did a few tests. I regret to inform you that seeking arrow does not target stealthed units, and moreover they do not hurt units with glamour. In the back of my mind i recall that seeking arrow was useless against vanheim. Now I remember why:glamour. But since arrows now remove glamour, perhaps this immunity to seeking arrow is an oversight that can be corrected in the next patch? KO are you out there? |
Re: Ulm Dead
At any rate, I think seeking arrow just causes a regular arrow attack? If so, the reasonable armor + shield + decent HP would imply that it would take several castings to result in a kill. Unless I'm mistaken about the mechanics, seeking arrow is more a mage killer....
Re: Ulm Dead
Sorry to be a pain, particularly as I'm probably going to be dead very shortly, but can I request a 2-day delay until the end of the 31st Jan for this turn? I'm really squeezed at the moment due to some RL complications.
* * * Personally I don't much rate seeking arrow - it sucks unless you've got some unarmoured, low HP mages to shoot at. I guess you can spend a lot of gems on a reasonably tough target, and even then that tough target has to be pretty much the only hero present in the province. |
Re: Ulm Dead
I think we can take a small break. So I am going to set the timer back to Jan. 2. Have a Happy New Year everyone. |
Re: Ulm Dead
i am not a big fan of seeking arrow. Just mentioned it because sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. But seeking arrow does not even affect glamor units, so it is not an option against Eriu. |
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