![]() |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
I changed my mind a few times at the beginning. I was going to go into the water and help you against R'lyeh but realized at that time I wouldn't stand a chance against him down there in his element. So you were the only choice left, and with the forge up it was tough to just leave you alone.
Though I'm definitely not getting much of your lands, it's R'lyeh who is taking most of it. |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Granted myself a 12 hour extension.
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Can I get an extension till late on Monday? I'm going to be gone all this weekend.
Jazzepi |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
I REALLY need this extension. Jazzepi |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Have you PM'ed Llamabeast in addition to posting here? He might be busy and/or distracted and not paying much attention to this thread.
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
I have PMed, and e-mailed.
Jazzepi |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
I've been away for the weekend, but got Jazzepi's e-mail and postponed the hosting - I didn't have time to say as much here though unfortunately (was using someone else's computer). Hope I didn't stress you too much Jazzepi.
Incidentally I always try to write on the front page of the llamaserver.net site if I'm away for a while. It's worth checking that if I appear to have gone awol. I can't really write it in every thread you see. |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Oh man, I have been at war with an AI for about 5 turns without realising. I thought it was going surprisingly well.
In case anyone else hadn't noticed, Mictlan has gone AI. I don't blame them, they're pretty much stuffed. |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Heh. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I had noticed about Mictlan, but the same thing happened to me once. After several turns of wondering what my oponent was up to with his strange tactics I finally found out what was going on... |
Re: Sloth - LA game with KO and JK - recruiting
Granted myself an 8 hour extension. Sorry, I seem to have got lost in a timewarp or something, I could have sworn the game only hosted this morning, but actually it seems it was yesterday.
Beware the Void!
The council of Man would like to warn the other nations of the world, 'Beware the Void!' After rolling over the Utgard lands and conquering his capital, R'lyeh is still growing, spreading out of the water and onto land, and I fear he can not be stopped. Our once peaceful agreement has come to an end, and I now see thousands of his troops gathering on my borders, spelling my doom when our NAP is no longer. I fear when he conquers my lands, and I'm sad to admit it will most likely happen, he will be unstoppable. With my last breath I will be fighting him, doing what I can to stem the darkness, but bad dreams are plagueing my soldiers, many are starting to go insane, and I fear the void will engulf me.
Please, other nations, put aside your petty differences and unite against this growing evil. Or it will rule us all. Naric, God of Man |
Re: Beware the Void!
Oooh! The nexus.
Intresting move by Pythium. |
Re: Beware the Void!
Yeah, it's been my objective for quite some time since it became apparent early on in the game that I wasn't going to be more than a second-rate power without it. Well, victory's pretty much not a possibility any more, but I figured if I wanted to be of any use at all in the upcoming struggle the Nexus was the best way to give myself a bit of power.
Re: Beware the Void!
At this point - having done everything in my power to aid his main rival - I'm rooting for R'lyeh to win it all. He deserves victory on the strength of his diplomacy alone.
Re: Beware the Void!
Well, thank you doctor.
I will most definitely do the best I can, we'll see were that leaves us. |
Re: Beware the Void!
The nation of Man has been dealt a major blow. Overnight 3 massive armies have entered our borders (2000+ total), followed by teleporting Starspawns spamming Living Water (ice elementals for the most part), appearing inside my borders in most all provinces without a castle. My defenders did not know what hit them. As prepared as they were for the upcoming war the teleporting Starspawns were a suprise. In one swoop I lost over 70% of my land. I knew I would be overwhelmed, but not so easily and not so quickly. With my few remaining provinces I do not think I can hold out much long. I now question my earlier pact with the nation of R'lyeh in taking on Utgard. My Senior council is still arguing with each other on whether we did the right thing. I will keep you all updated as my struggles continue.
Man |
Re: Beware the Void!
I'd like to ask for a 24h extension on this turn. I'm getting visitors over on saturday, and won't manage to play a proper turn before that.
Re: Beware the Void!
Man is no more
I fell to the disease that is rising from the oceans. Was fun while it lasted. Good luck all, I can't wait to hear how the battles go, if R'lyeh will be stopped or not.
Shmonk |
Re: Man is no more
The people of Man have been liberated from the confining strictures of modernity and outdated religious practices. Their inner eyes have been opened, and they know see the whispers of the void and hear the sound of silence.
And the Hunger Without Thought has fed again. |
Re: Man is no more
Is something happening to Jazzepi? My scouts see suspiciously little movement from Ermor these last few turns. He has been turning in his turn at the last moment for a long time now, so I'm not sure he's stalling, but what I see certainly looks suspicious.
Perhaps you can extend the timer a bit Llamabeast, till we know for sure he's fine? It's not like he's an unimportant bystander atm. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Edit: According to Llamabeast he has been sending his turns in, so perhaps I'm just imagining things. Jazzepi, are you having time management problems, and sending limited turns in (in which case I for one don't mind going to 72-hours schedule or just hold the game on pause a few days to give you time to settle things) or is everything fine? |
Re: Man is no more
Yeah, 72 hours would be fine now.
Anyway, I've postponed this turn by 24 hours just in case. If all three of us get our turns in I'll force hosting, but there's no rush. By the way, I'm going away for two weeks on Friday. Dr P is going to sub for me. |
Re: Man is no more
Heh. Welcome back Dr.
Re: Man is no more
Llama gave me the admin password, for while he's away, so if anyone is in need of extensions or the like, feel free to come calling.
I am immediately abusing my powers, and will postpone hosting by 24 hours, as I'm out of town this weekend. (My favorite ex is getting married. Can't miss that, now can I? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) |
Re: Man is no more
Ah, that makes my weekend easier (the extension, not your ex getting married.)
Re: Man is no more
Hi, how is the game going?
Re: Man is no more
I'm still having fun here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
R'lyeh (me) and Ermor (Jazzepi) are the biggest nations, holding about 90 provinces each. Pythium (Llamabeast, but now being subbed by Dr. P) is smaller, with only ~45 provinces, but he has had the nexus on for a couple of turns now, so he must have the biggest gem income of the three. What's remarkable is that all the smaller nations have been wiped out. (well, T'ien Chi has one province and one fort left) I have never before seen an endgame where there weren't at least one or two smaller nations surviving tucked away in some corner of the map, trying to influence events a bit, or just trying not to be noticed. But all of that is just fluff. In the end The Hunger Without Thought will have devoured all opposition, and the population of this world will live in eternall blissfull dreams. |
Re: Man is no more
It is now possible for Ermor or Pythium to chime in with a merry :
'Dream on!' http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif --- Nice to hear. 90 provinces seems quite bothersome to handle. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Ermors dark act of betrayal
In a stunning act of betrayal, the patethic and cowardly leadership of Ermor have revealed their despicable nature to the world. In blatant disregard of established billateral agreements with the pinacle of insight that is the nation of R'lyeh hordes of Ermorian undead crossed the demarcation line of the agreed-upon borders to submerge our nation in a flood of war and death.
They will come to regret this mistake. R'lyeh has little forgiveness to give traitors. The mindless undead masses will be ripped away from the control of Ermors weak-willed leadership, and help rebuild any damage they might cause to the infrastructure of our nation. Their thinking servants will be enslaved or destroyed, and their leadership will sit trembling in their dank and empty thronerooms upon their chairs of bones, seeing their once-mighty empire crumble around them. But their upstart pretender will not be put out of his misery so easily. We will not destroy him. We will not enslave him. No, we will pull down his supporters, destroy his lackeys, and convert his followers, until he feels himself fading away from reality, and he enters the dream as a powerless sceptre. Ermor has now reached his doom. The Hunger Without Thought has spoken. |
Re: Man is no more
R'lyeh is a bit harder than other nations I played though, with all their freespawn cropping up everywhere, needing two kinds of leadership and food, and especially having to check all my mages every turn, to see who stopped doing what they were supposed to be doing due to insanity. That last bit is quite annoying. Still, once more it's an intresting nation to explore. That makes up for quite a bit of micromanagement headaches. And at least I haven't built any fever fetishes this game. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Man is no more
Re: Man is no more
Unfortunately, I had to send in an abbreviated turn last turn, and don't have much to fight him off, except the crates of gems. Here goes nothing, though.
Re: Man is no more
Why, oh why did those frigging crazy starspawn decide to use gems in the battle at Pythiums capital? That's over 20 gems (might be 30, I'm afraid to count http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )used up against PD. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Including two, that's right, two! castings of will of the fates (we wouldn't want the enslaved PD guys to go without it, now would we...), while I didn't have it scripted at all... Whispers from the void they tell me... grmbl. |
Re: Man is no more
Maybe second casting of WotF is a bug. Why should a mage cast it when everyone is already lucky?
I just had the same problem in another game. Expected soulless stayed inside the castle and MY starspawn threw Solar Brilliance with penetration items on the enemy PD, group of crossbows and my own army that successfully got blinded even under Antimagic. That's sad... |
Re: Man is no more
Re: Man is no more
Do I never learn? Twice before I have been in a situation where I could storm a heavily defended enemy capital when I wasn't sure I could defeat the defending army. Twice I let myself be tempted into trying it, because I felt time was working (heavily) against me. And twice I was trounced. Today was the third time. And a number of miscalculations, oversights, and a bit of bad luck meant that I managed to kill the grand total of 4 enemy units while trying... Back to the drawing board I guess. |
Re: Man is no more
A large army deciding to spend a ****load of gems to take out a bit of PD, that's just funny.
My communion master deciding to cast bone grinding (4 times!) instead of the scripted undead mastery, that's quite something else. Then, to add insult to injury, once his script ran out, he decided to use his leftover gems (he had gems left because he cast the cheaper bone grinding instead of undead mastery) on undead mastery... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif I have to say I don't know what to do if undead mastery doesn't get cast here... |
Re: Man is no more
I didn't want to post this yesterday, in the first moments of disapointment, but I still feel the same today.
At this moment I see very little point in continuing to spend several hours playing my turn, only to have spellcasting AI issues turn battles that should be easy victories with little losses into massacres. (And apparently Jazzepi is getting frustrated by fog warrior issues too. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif ) As far as I'm concerned I'd be happy to call it a day here. If you guys prefer to keep on playing though, I'll get my head down and plough through it. (Llama will be getting back after this weekend, right? He should of course get a chance to give his oppinion too before final decisions get made) |
Re: Man is no more
I feel like I've learned a lot from this game. I've actually never made it to the end game in a massive one like this. I'm happy to just stop here, instead of trying to flail endlessly against Ry'leh's hordes only to have the entire battle decided by poor AI magic choices.
Jazzepi |
Re: Man is no more
Okey. I postponed hosting by 48h for now, to give Llama (and Dr.P) the chance to chime in.
It's been a great game for me too up to now, and I would definitely have loved to see how our war would end up with proper followed scripts. It looked like it would be an epic struggle. While I did reach endgames of this size a few times, this was the first time I made extensive use of big communions, and it certainly was an educating experience for me too. |
Re: Man is no more
I'm just a sub - I'm pleased that I managed to hold my capital, but I'm obviously not a contender for victory at this point, and will be happy to have the game called if that's what you guys want to do.
Re: Man is no more
Let's declare Amhazair the winner then. I think, in the long run, he probably would maul me. While I managed two victories in the last three turns, one of them being decisive with a pair of air queens kicking some ***, my research is far worse off, and I don't have access to ridiculous amounts of astral mages.
In retrospect, the army of teleporting golem thugs really sucked for the sheer mass of gems I put into them. They have difficulty beating large amounts of PD that has such high morale, and against R'yleh they're absolutely terrible since they get mind dueled at the drop of a hat. Is there any way to make golems regen? Jazzepi |
Re: Man is no more
Declare me the winner? I have to say I did not see that one comming. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
I did indeed have good hopes of winning in the end, but everything still needed to be proven. Giving golems actual regeneration is (I think) impossible, but I think they might regain hp's by using life-drain weapons. Test it and let me know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Man is no more
You could use mod script to create a spell which cast regrowth on golems - then they would regenerate.
There could also be some item (Asfetik's Armor? I have no idea) that actually gives Regrowth and not Regeneration, which would do the trick. But life-stealing definitely works, so you can put bone armor on them, for example. |
Re: Man is no more
Llama, I have not yet 'declared this game finished' as per my moderator duties, and instead postponed hosting a bit in case you still wanted to check out how the situation was upon your return. If you've seen all you want to see just let me know and I'll handle the administration.
Edit: Or you can do the administration yourself ofcourse, since you are obviously the all-powerful master of the Llamaserver, and all that lives thereupon. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Man is no more
Ah, looks like you finished it, thanks Amhazair.
Well, congratulations on your victory! Well played. Also thanks and very well played to Dr. P - I was pretty impressed to find there was anything left of Pythium at all when I got back. I was definitely off-form with this game, but just got very lucky with the diplomacy. Also congrats to Jazzepi for making 2nd place. I never really met you all game, but I guess you must have had a lot of epic battles to end up with that much land. Good game everyone, hope you all had fun. |
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