![]() |
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
I think the diplomacy in this game would make great reading in an AAR, if anyone can actually work out what the heck is going on....
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Oceania is just sad because all our popcorn is wet and soggy. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif
Re: Marverni prospers
Here I come Sauro! All my apes are gathering, all my long bows are ready. My demons are hungry and the gold is gleaming from my sacred gorillas! Our goal is to head strait for your capital and to rip down your castle and pillage the provinces to nothingness! Pull back all your forces, marshal all your hosts! If you want to talk terms do it through PM, but do it quick. |
Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Tis true the words of the Swamp King. Lanka you are the victim of having at least 2 screwy neighbors.
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon17.gif[/img] Gather round the fire and Yargulf One-Eye will tell ye the tale: A particularly inept Van squad led by Stagbold the Flatulent was caught tramping around the Sauro swamps (apparently stealth and glamour were not enough to conceal Stagbold's problem). This initiated a chain of events that led to a web of entangelement so complicated Vanheim almost declared war on itself: Sauro went ballistic on Van, rightfully so, and threatened to turn all of Vanheim into lizard stew. Ths led to Sauro reaching out to Lanka to fight Van, Lanka agreeing to screw Van, Van begging Sauro to forgive Stagbold, Sauro retracting its offer to Lanka, Van declaring war on Lanka for entertaining Sauro's misguided offer, and Lanka threatening to burn Sauro to the ground. And if you can figure that out then you know where we stand. |
Re: Marverni prospers
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
*note to self: Never negotiate with Don* |
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Tir Na N'og resents the total ignoring of their part in the war against Sauromatia. True, we are very weak in the overall scheme of things, but we have killed hundreds of Sauromatians, and repelled several attacks on our capitol by them. Our God Larry is undefeated against them. And we will soon strike back against their oppression of our former provinces.
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Feel the upcoming hurt!
http://arsnotoria.net/dominions3/bring-the-pain.jpg |
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
What PM did I mention? I had more to gain by remaining silent, but would rather defend someone who was accused of being deceitful and whose post referenced me confirming their words! |
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Wasn't Lanka supposed to be banned? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
You are trying to goad me to attack you instead of Sauro, but your vile tongue won't dissuade me! Corwin told me strait up that you detailed our private PM conversation to him (before he went on to beg me to not attack him). After I agreed he played the "oops my bad!" and then you declared war on me. I call Shenanigans!!! But you are dead to me Don! Speak to the hairy ape hand Be-otch! Just take your lands and be gone! |
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Note to self: Never negotiate with Velusion. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Vanheim calls for trial by war. |
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
Side Story:
So here I am starting out in early with like 48 enemy capitals within pissing distance. I start exploring. I fine Van first and then Helheim. Now I'm thinking F$&%(#( G#$@ D#%^!!! I know I have to attack someone early because it's just way too crowded. Then I find Abysia. Now... see... I know I should attack Abysia. They suck. I mean EA Abysia just blows. Even if they have a double bless - its probably not as bad as Van or Helheim. So I'm thinking "Kill Tyrant" (whom I like, but someone has to kill him.). Then I see that its *coobe* that plays Helheim. The coobe that stales. The coobe that once, months ago, broke a NAP with me in another game causing me to get eliminated (though I defeated him). The calls for vengence rose in me. I couldn't help myself. I had figured out his bless wasn't so bad... I thought... if I attack quickly enough with longbows I stood about a 50/50 shot of eliminating him. Even though Abysia was probably a better bet I attacked Helheim. Luck was with me and I had my vengeance. The desire for blood was quenched. Everything is a little better in the world Life was good. Even if I go down now... I'll still feel good about this game. So to those that think the metagame doesn't matter... take my irrational behavior to heart. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
and all this just because some stealthy troops got caught. this is rich stuff!
Re: Yargul One-Eye\'s Tale of War
Re: Figment - Early Game (Sign Up Now!)
*rolls eyes* Oh yea all those stealthed avati raiding bands that just attacked you? My bad about those. They were really just trying to deliver some cake. You can ignore all their pointy swords... Can we kiss and make up? |
Re: Marverni prospers
Yes, really. Frankly I don't understand your logic. You have attacked me yourself with no provocation and at the same time you seem to be more pissed at me than at any other nations who have decared its intention to attack you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif And I think you are mistaken about Vanheim - I believe his explanation about accidental attack with stealth army. He sent me a sincere apology at the same time that I got a reply from you. He had no way of knowing that I will try to convince you to abandon your non-existing "alliance" with him. Most importantly he could not know about timing - I was so pissed at him that I've jumped the gun and send letter to you, after waiting for only an hour or so for him to reply. I got his reply in another hour or so. He could not know that I would already try to contact you by that time, and that you will send reply to me. Please think about it. Now here is what I think really happened - you have attacked me last turn expecting to take my castle easily. Instead I've destroyed your army. (although it is clear it was a just a probing force - I can see your large armies of demons sitting in your castles.) Next turn after you have attacked me you suddenly found yourself a target of attack either by one or by two (if Baaalz is serious) other nations. Which should not come to you as a big surprise, since you are Lanka, you are strong and scary, you sit in the middle, and you have delivered the first killing blow in this game by taking over stalling Hehleim. And did I mention that you are Lanka? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif There is no need to span vast conspiracy theories. You have made a choice to attack me yourself, didn't you? You are strong and experienced player, so I am sure you have seen similar situations in the past - big scary nation in the center of the map need to step very carefully, or it will get ganged as soon as it is distracted. Vanheim certainly added a huge deal of confusion by accidently attacking my province on the same turn as you have attacked me, but it is just simply way too intricate and devious treachery to realistically pull it off in a context of Dominion diplomacy. And regarding the confusion - while you didn't start it, I think to be completely honest you have to admit that you have tried to take advantage of it. You didn't correct me when I desperately tried to buy you off when I thought you are acting in alliance with Vanheim, didn't you? Instead you indicated that you might be willing to agree to my plea for you to switch sides, despite the fact that you was not acting in coordination with Vanheim. Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with what you did. In fact, trying to take advantage of confusion in such situation is a smart thing to do. What I don't understand that why are you still pissed at Sauromatia? Not to mention pissed at Sauromatia more than at anybody else? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif Personally I don't think it’s a sportsmanship-like behavior - to throw the game one way or another, especially when it is done by the game's host and experienced player such as yourself. Personally I hate when game is intentionally being thrown into my favor and I always do all I can to refuse such "honors". I am not afraid of your demon monkeys, and I don't mind fighting war that you have started. What I don't understand is your intent to try to destroy the nation that you have attacked, while sending your gems to the nations that have attacked you. I think it's very strange reaction. Perhaps I could understand it if I would offended you in the game or something, but we haven't even spoke or fought until you attacked me last turn. <shrug> I can only hope that after calmly evaluating all facts you will reconsider your intentions and will realize that you have no reasons to being obsessed with destroying me while rolling over for others to take over your territory, and even helping them by sending all your gems. But if you still insist on doing after me with all you got for no reason whatsoever while intentionally throwing the game to one nation or another - it's your call, there is nothing I can do to stop you. |
Re: Marverni prospers
Re: Marverni prospers
Re: Marverni prospers
Where's that popcorn? This is better than TV, and the posts are coming fast enough I don't even have to entertain myself in between!
Re: Marverni prospers
Holy [censored]...I wish my games had this much crazy diplomacy and drama. O_O Newbie games are kinda quiet and boring, no one seems to be talking at all (yet).
Re: Marverni prospers
I am ok with you fighting me - this is the war you have started yourself after all. But you are not in danger of me invading your territory anytime soon - as you can see I don't have many troops nearby, your timing of attacking me was very good. I will do my best to defend my territory though. I also humbly ask that all parties involved (including myself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) take a deep breath and please calm down a bit. You can call me naive, but I think this whole thing was blown way out of proportions into conspiracy theories territory. There is simply no realistic way all that could have been planned the way it happened - the timing of PMs is all wrong. If you like I can forward you all PMs I send and recieved from Vanheim regarding your and his attacks on my territory this turn. (with permision from Vanheim of course) and you can see their content and timing yourself. I am sure it will settle any doubts that you may still have - I am telling the truth. What really happened here is an accident mulitplied by freaky coincidence. (you and Vanheim attacking my territory at the same time) I think all parties overreacted, each party in its own way (myself included). Fortunately it all can get sorted out very quickly, before even the next turn. So I urge all of us continue this game in calm and rational way. This game was a blast so far (and thank you for organizing it Velusion). There are no reasons to derail it. |
Re: Marverni prospers
I'll actually probably throw my gems to someone else when I start to go under instead of Vanheim. I have this sneaky suspicion some of them would end up in your hands if I did.... |
Re: Marverni prospers
I can agree to 5 turns truce with you if you like. (you can call it 5 turns warning NAP, and cosider myself giving you the warning). I don't care what you do with your gems. But frankly I am a bit dissapointed that you are still using it as a blackmail - even after I spend so much time and efforts explaining to you what has happened and even offered to forward you all PMs that I send and recieved this turn so you could see their content and their timing yourself (with Vanheim's permission of course). If you are still hellbent on sending your gems to someone, send your gems them to whomever you want. Just don't send them to me, because I will not accept them, and it will be pain in the *** for me to re-send them to all nations equaly. |
Re: Marverni prospers
Whatever... you say one thing (we can work it out) and then another (I won't accept peace!). A truce gains me nothing because you'll surely march on me immediately when it's over. No it looks like I'm going to have to throw everything I can at you immediately. |
Re: Marverni prospers
By "we can work it out" (although I never used these specific words) I meant "we can work out what has really happened this turn", and you know it very well. Once it become clear that Vanheim's attack on me was an accident I never indicated that I want any type of truce with you, and you know it. I said that much in my PM to you, remember? You have attacked me, you made your choice, now you are trying to backpedal simply because you have realized that you neighbors are going to take advantage of the situation (surprise!) So now you are threatening to destroy me utterly while helping nations who declare war on you to take over your territory and then you demand that I accept long lasting NAP with you while you deal with others. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif Sorry but it is not going to work with me. Here is a bottom line - there are three possible scenarios for you: 1. If you agree with what have happened this turn (and you don't have to take my words - you have your own scouts to prove it) than you must understand that it is contrary to my nation's interest to agree to NAP with you in such situation. But at the same time you have no reason whatsoever to be pissed at my nation because I never betrayed or lied to you in any way, and because it was you who attacked me just last turn, not the other way around. 2. If you are still not convinced in this version of events but would be interested in seeing more proof, I am willing to forward you all PMs I've sent and received this turn (with Vanheim's permission). These PMs, together with its timing, will show you beyond any doubt that I am telling the truth. 3. But if you still don't believe me despite everything that was said and your own scouts reports, than it doesn't make any sense for you to offer me NAP in the first place - because it would make me devious backstabbing bastard of such magnitude that Machiavelli himself would be a pale shadow near me. While it is kindof flattering, I am afraid I do not measure up even if I would try very hard. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif Anyway, do whatever you want, I am getting tired of all this drama. |
Re: Marverni prospers
"Van and Sauro sitten in a tree K-I-S-S-I....." Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm still brining the hairy demonic ape pain! |
Re: Marverni prospers
Pangaea quietly slips back into the dark forests from whens they came. The frost giants and the men from the south can fight over her land all they want. Pangaea is no longer interested in contending over such meager property.
Good game everyone. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
No more Pangea?
Does this mean you're going AI so soon? And here I was dreading the mop-up process, stealthy armies popping up left, right, and center and my Jarls frantically dashing about trying to put kill them all off.
Anyway, good game Dedas http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: No more Pangea?
Dem demons craaaaaazy. Dat why we gotta get rid uh dem all! Butt dun wanna half no combunayshun uh hairy, demonic, ape, or pain....perhaps ar declurashun uh wor wuz haystee.
Hehehe, perhaps my new sig: "Butt dun wanna half no combunayshun uh hairy, demonic, ape, or pain" |
The nation of Sauromatia is about to be assaulted by the huge horde of insane demonic monkeys. 400 of them will smash into our border castle next turn. They are clearly possesed by evil spirits, for all attempts of communication with them have failed. They seem to be very pissed at our nation because they have attacked us last turn. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif Clearly the warped demonic logic is beyond comprehension by mortals and gods alike. Since they seem to be hellbent on destroying Sauromatia, in their bloodlust they have left most of their lands undefended. So if any neighbor of this corrupted nation would like to take advantage of their madness and get some of Lanka's territory, now is a perfect time to do it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Meanwhile the Sauromqtia Empire is mobilizing for a difficult war. Demons will not find themselves welcomed in our swamps. Our God will protect His land and His beloved children against forces that have escaped the Infernal Zoo. Death to Demon Monkeys! |
Re: Rlyeh
This month was most joyous for Oceania!
We thought we might succumb to tedium, tearing down the walls of the last Fortress of Atlantis. And when our commanders in the Magical Satellite Control Room first viewed their overview of the world, it appeared that the large Rlyeh army on our border had perhaps made landfall, and would not be playing with us. So we were sad at first. But it turns out Rlyeh loves frolicking just as much as Oceania. Their army had not gone ashore, it had just decided to play with us, oh joy oh joy! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif They even managed to send one Knight to The Great Playground Beyond The Barrier. We eagerly anticipate much more frolicking and playing with the funny Rlyeh fish. Plankton |
Re: Rlyeh
Out of character: For some reason reading Vtb's AARs reminds me of some wierd but very interesting alien races from "Star Control 2". Does anybody else remember "happy campers" from that game? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Rlyeh
Were they the Phunk? Or maybe the Orz?
Re: Rlyeh
"Happy campers" who sometimes "dance" with "silly cows" from the "heavy space", et cetera. They made my ship's computer translators crash and burn. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif It took me a while to realize that by "dance" these cute little alliens meant "annihilate your sorry ***". Man, SC2 was such a great game... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Gonna be out of town
I'm gonna ask about this well in advance:
Next Saturday morning (the 12th) I leave town for 8 days (returning the Sunday of the following week). I'll have internet access, but won't have total control over my schedule. I'm asking if we can switch to a 36 hour host schedule during that time. I should be able to play once per day, but I may only have one chance each day. I'm just worried that if I try to play one morning but the turn hasn't hosted, if it hosts shortly after I checked I may not have a chance to play again until the following evening, in which case I may stale a turn. A 36 hour hosting schedule will prevent that. As much as possible I'll try to play often enough that the game will still host every 24 hours, but I may not be able to do it a few times and I'd really hate to stale at this point. |
Re: Gonna be out of town
I think we are probably getting to the point where just moving to a 36 or 48 hour schedule would probably be best.
Re: Gonna be out of town
That being said personally I have no problem with switching to 36h host for a week to accomodate Xavier when he will be out of time next week. |
Re: Gonna be out of town
I think we should move to 1 hour host... since I am dead. Damn you Sauromatia!
Re: Gonna be out of town
But it is more fun this way. Funny how none of my four carefully designed God-Killers have managed to take out your Cyclops. Since I didn't get "our god is dead" message I assume your Larry pretender is sitting with your mages with the castle? I guess now I will have to fight him again. IIRC in Dom2 once you defeat the defenders of the castled province (before the siege), the defeated force had to retreat to neighbor province or die. But now they can just retreat into besieged castle, right? |
Re: Gonna be out of town
No, Larry is dead. He jumped off a 1000 foot waterall trying to get away from the battle. Please siege my castle and kill me now.
BTW, Larry (what a weak name, it was a joke at the time) was one of the best SCs I have ever created. The guy was unstoppable. I will have to use him as a basis for future cyclops. |
Re: Gonna be out of town
Re: Gonna be out of town
yes, I saw him. He would have died. All would have died against Leisure Suit Larry the Cyclops. But... oh well. He suicided himself. Larry actually had no eye at all. It was a fake eye. He oriented himself totally by sounds.
Good luck Sauromatia. You face heavy odds. |
Oceania once again wishes to trade water for death gems. We will send 5W for every 4D gems.
Plankton |
Re: Gems
Congrats to Fomoria for obliterating T'ien Ch'. Setting myself to AI. Sorry about the stale turn last time! Good luck everyone...
Re: Gems
Pangaea seems to be faring better on AI
Re: Gems
Yep, I handed the nation over to a more competent ruler.
Re: Gems
Don't feel called out. I just thought it was weird. It's probably because no one now takes Pangaea as a threat and it's left alone while some other conflicts are resolved
Re: Gems
If anyone else is thinking of going AI, contact me instead. Bummed to have been ceremonially tossed out of this game so early and I love playing underdogs. (provided they aren't 2 provinces with 87 unrest each sort of nations!)
Re: Gems
No problem Psycho. I didn't take your comment personal or anything. I just thought it was funny. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
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